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The article aims at demonstrating that authority is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. An overview of numerous definitions and theories of authority serves as a point of departure that leads to the reconstruction of the typologies of authority existing in social sciences and to qualifying the functions of authority. The place of the phenomenon in social life is revealed by the analysis of its key operation mechanisms and impact areas. Theoretical definitions and typologies form the background for concentrating on authority in local communities, since its social role (e.g. inspirational, regulatory and integrative) at this level is exceptionally important from the perspective of social order maintenance and local communities’ development.

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Bożena Tuziak
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In these remarks I make an attempt to understand and present the functioning of authorities in science. I do use in the first place the earlier claims which present this issue in a historical perspective. This allows to grasp the social process of emergence of the authorities as well the changing of their position in the way they are functioning. Especially the thoughts of Max Weber are being considered by my as useful in this matter. I do share his general thesis saying that even the greatest of scientific authorities – called by me in these remarks ”centennial” – couldn't occur and function without their social and cultural ”background”. This had led in large extent to the situation where these authorities fist played a significant role in the development of science and then went over to a more or less dignified ”retirement”. In this and other issues I present some of my own remarks and sugestions.

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Zbigniew Drozdowicz
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The book The Secondhand Time completes the artistic-documentary cycle of works The Voices of Utopia by S. Aleksievich, a Russian-speaking Belarusian author. Like her other books, it actualizes, in her own words, “the genre of human voices, confessions, testimonies and documents of a human soul”. Unlike Western documentary writers whose works oppose the artistic world by undressing and desacralizing it, S. Aleksievich, by following the traditions of the Russian literature, strives to preserve the sacred in her material, oftentimes introducing the artistic and esthetic elements. The article analyzes the tools that the author uses in her book, such as selecning facts and documents, alternating “voices”, editing them, including other sources in the text, moving from location to locatoin, explicit and implicit depiction of conscience, psychology of interlocutors, accentuating basic elements in monologues and remarks, allusions, reminiscences, etc. The conclusion evaluates artistic value of this work.
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Ludmiła Szewczenko
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In my review article of Solarska’s book Historia Zrewoltowana. Pisarstwo historyczne Michela Foucaulta jako diagnoza teraźniejszości i projekt przyszłości I’m trying to reconstruct and analyze possible way of speaking about Foucault’s historical writing proposed by author. This original manner shows that intellectual heritage of French philosopher endlessly presents an effective inspiration. Solarska conducts in three next chapters specific dialogue with Michel Foucault, being under his great charm. However this charm is not one-dimensional relation. It remains a multiple game, which result cannot be anticipate to the very end.
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Michał Kierzkowski
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The article deals with the problem of historical writing. Up to our time methodologists used to believe that authors of historical works were exclusively historians themselves. The contemporary philosophy and literary theory rejects the idea of such an importance of the author. Other factors like paradigm, discourse or culture are admitted also into creation of historical texts.
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Andrzej Radomski
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Successful slogans in Italian political discourse – This paper aims to describe the notion of ‘sloganisation’, with special regard to the fortune and circulation of certain slogans in Italian public discourse. An analysis of their forms, contexts of occurrence (political propaganda, advertising, football supporters) and means of diffusion (street talk, electoral manifestos, traditional and new media) shows an increasing desemantisation of this kind of message. Slogans are routinely used by political parties and are widely quoted, regardless of their ideological content, merely in order to create identification or to increase the polemical attitude of their leader.

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Cristiana De Santis
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Notes about a handbook of Italian grammar by a Croatian philologist Dragutin Antun Parčić – A handbook of Italian grammar, written in Croatian by Croatian philologist Parčić, confirms that in the past educated Croatian-speaking people were bilingual and at the same time it proves that lower classes aimed to study Italian as well. The paper analyses the functionality and appropriateness of topics presented in the Parčić manuscript because it is obvious that the author was keen to help his Croatian-speaking students in the acquisition of Italian.

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Vesna Deželjin
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The article analyzes the letters of L. Dobychin from 1924-1936. It reveals the main characteristics of the images of the author and the addressee, explicit and implicit forms of the author’s self-expression, the author’s epistolary intentions. The article shows that for Dobychin letters are not only external, but also internal representant of a personality, the most important way of formation of the image of “I” in its subjective and objective significance. The uniqueness of the author’s epistolary personality is determined by absolute sincerity and uncompromising judgment, etiquette pedantry, the combination of ironic and sentimental intonations, acute experience of his relations with the world and people, idealization of writerly status, orientation to the ideal norm both in aesthetic and in behavioral sense. The image of the addressee of the letters is partly mythologized and determined by the type of relationship between the correspondents and the role chosen by the addressee. The variations of the author’s “ego” and the change of the addressees’ role functions provide an expansion of the semantic and aesthetic potential of the image of the addressee and the correspondence as a whole.
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Tat’yana Shekhovtsova

  1. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
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The author of the article proposes a relational analysis of literary culture. Relational research treats the newest model of literary production as a set of complex relations between the author and his or her image, the text, economics, marketing, criticism by the work’s audience, the media, the technological framework, and so forth. These relations provide the sphere of possibilities for literature and its agents. Increasingly intricate relations are drawing the fields of literature, the media, and economics nearer to each other; these fields are becoming more accessible in order to facilitate the exchange of various kinds of capital and to create conditions for the development of literary fame and author brands. The relational concept of literary culture provides a better tool for the analysis of the contemporary phenomenon of writer-celebrities, which is key to understanding the functioning of the entire field of literature.

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Dominik Antonik
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Clients’ satisfaction with financial advice provided by professional advisors depends on how this advice has fulfilled their expectations and goals. However, once a recommendation is made, a client is unable to predict and evaluate the real financial outcome of the advisor’s proposal. In such a case, she/he can base her/his assessment on the characteristics ascribed to the financial advisor: her/his epistemic authority (competence) and level of caring. Additionally, clients expect to receive a “tailor-made” solution that takes into account her/his individual needs and characteristics. In the present study, we asked participants to evaluate financial experts who had recommended risky vs safe investments. The recommendations were congruent or incongruent with the clients’ risk tolerance (high vs low). The kind of recommendation influenced the participants’ evaluations of the advisors (and as a result, the clients’ perceived satisfaction) only for low-risk tolerance clients. For these clients, investment recommendations that were not adjusted to their levels of risk tolerance led to lower evaluations of the advisors and consequently to lower evaluation of satisfaction with their visits. These lower evaluations regarded both dimensions: the interpersonal aspect (caring) and competence in the field of finance (epistemic authority). Such incongruence between risk tolerance and the riskiness of the recommendation did not affect high-risk tolerance clients’ advisor evaluations.

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Barnaba Danieluk
Rafał Muda
Mariusz Kicia
Katarzyna Stasiuk
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Hayden White did not directly examine the issue of the independence of history as a discipline of knowledge in his theoretical reflection. He did not ask about the subject of historical studies, the specificity of the methods used in it, the difference between history and other fields, or the economic and social conditions of historical discourse. In this article, I revise White’s writing and reconfigure the extant research using the concept of autonomy.
White — primarily in his works from the 1970s and 1980s — devoted much attention to exposing and describing cultural compulsions resulting in historical practices and violating their autonomy. These actions also brought unexpected results. At first, the use of structuralism in these practices, and then poststructuralist concepts of “the death of the author” and textualism, suggested claims that freed historiography from its links with an author’s biography and world-view, and with the social context in which a given work is produced. Using Foucault’s descrip-tion of the order of discourse, in turn, brought the image of a strict rigor of historical discipline, which, however, is not equal to the strong autonomy of history.
A stronger delimitation of the field of history appears in his — already in the twenty‑first century — offer to use Michael Oakeshott’s division into the practical past and the historical past. Whilst censuring academic historical writing as sterile and rejected by readers because it fails to answer contemporary existential, social and political questions, White, most likely unintentionally, described the independence of historians’ actions from the demands of the societies to which they belong. According to commentators, his remarks can be a productive inspiration for reflection upon the distinctiveness of the discipline of history.
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Jakub Muchowski

  1. Jagiellonian University, Kraków
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The article is a review of te book by Urszula Topolska. The disseration’s methodological approach comprises an examination of response, based on the aesthetics of response and utilising institutional analysis.
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Violetta Julkowska
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The report includes a detailed analysis of the more recent research findings on the effects of neonicotinoids and their new substitutes and tools to reduce or eliminate future use of pesticides for the control of crop pests. This analysis is a contribution to a wider debate within the Commission and European Parliament as well as Member States on the environmental risk of pesticides. The evidence of the drastic increase in toxic load and the continued insect decline including pollinators as a result of new-generation pesticides argues for a more substantial reduction in the Commission’s 2030 target to reduce pesticide use and risk. We support the Commission’s measures to encourage an agricultural system that regards integrated pest management (IPM) based on biological rather than chemical pest control as a main tool. Substantial economic and cultural barriers exist to IPM and will require coordinated action ranging from research, training, information and advice, extension services, common monitoring, and other services, to financial incentives or regulations. Current pesticide risk indicators should include a more detailed assessment of toxic load, persistence in the environment, and toxicity to non-target organisms especially pollinators and natural enemies of pests to reduce threats to the environment, health, and biodiversity.
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Jerzy Lipiec

  1. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN im. Bohdana Dobrzańskiegow Lublinie
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Sobór Watykański II, który był największym wydarzeniem we współczesnej historii chrześcijaństwa, zainicjował proces otwarcia i reformy Kościoła katolickiego na niespotykaną dotąd skalę. Przez trzy lata dyskutowano na temat najważniejszych tematów, zarówno natury czysto teologicznej i eklezjalnej, jak i pastoralnej i misyjnej. Jednym z tych soborowych tematów było także ożywienie braterskich relacji między katolikami i nie-katolikami. W artykułe dokonano analizy jednego z najważniejszych teologicznych tematów, który niestety pozostał w wyniku soborowej i postsoborowej dyskusji przeszkodą w rzeczywistym dialogu o przywróceniu jedności między katolikami a prawosławnymi. Jest nim prymat papieski, który prawosławni postrzegają jako wynik ludzkiej inwencji, pozbawionej solidnych biblijnych i patrystycznych podstaw. Ternin ten pojawił się po 1054 roku jako podstawowa cecha polityki religijnej związanej z prymatem Rzymu. Kościół prawosławny wierzy w możliwość przywrócenia jedności chrześcijan, jednak nie zgadza się na interkomunię bez uprzedniego osiągnięcia jedności w wierze. Stąd też oczekuje się od Kościoła katolickiego decyzji porzucenia roszczenia prymatu i papieskiej nieomylności bądź też ich przekształcenia zgodnie tradycją pierwszych wieków. Również oczekuje się redefinicji relacji między biskupem Rzymu a kolegium katolickich biskupów w sensie rzeczywistej i efektywnej synodlaności.

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Nicu Dumitrașcu
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The article presents conceptions and theories of expert knowledge, as well as discussions on the epistemological status of expert knowledge, cognitive competences falling within the scope of expertise and expert authority. They are treated as a kind of extra-institutional knowledge, referring only to a small extent to the scientific knowledge and academic circles. The positions of Alvin Goldman, Harry Collins and R. Evans, Z. Majdik and W. Keith, T. Burge and J. Shanteau on the validity of expert knowledge and methods of its justification are presented. The paper points to the problematic nature and certain limitations of the traditional perspective on the credibility of expert knowledge and expert authority. On the example of the phenomenon of the autism spectrum and traditional judgments about it—in particular, expert opinions issued about people covered by it, as well as common opinions and stereotypes— the discussion on the changes taking place in this field of knowledge and social practice is presented. Conceptions of expertise by experience in the subject of autism are discussed, including the so-called self-advocacy and self-advocacy scientists. These new cognitive attitudes and social functions of autism spectrum experts are also analyzed from the point of view of the epistemological credibility of this type of knowledge and competence.
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Maciej Wodziński
Marek Hetmański

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UMCS, Pl. M.Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, 20-031 Lublin
  2. Instytut Filozofii UMCS, Pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, 20-031 Lublin
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The concept of intergenerational justice is deeply rooted into the regulation of activities in the Area. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on many occasions stresses the need to protect the marine environment in the interest of both contemporary and future generations. One of the institutions with vast competences in this field is the International Seabed Authority. With a perspective on inevitable commercial exploration and exploitation of seabed resources there is a need to answer the question if the Seabed Authority is properly prepared both in the field of law and policy to act as a steward of a mankind? Which instruments has been developed to ensure sustainable use of seabed resources and which of them are at the disposal of the International Seabed Authority? Finally, are the standards of the protection of seabed environment sufficient to satisfy the needs of contemporary consumption without diminishing the ability of the mankind in the future to freely choose their path of development? We can assume that environmental standards which would protect the interest of future people would also secure the sustainability in contemporary use of common heritage at the Seas. International Seabed Authority and international law of the sea can play important role in this process by shaping the future of the mankind with actions undertaken today.
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Maciej Nyka

  1. University of Gdańsk (Poland), Economic Law and Environmental Protection Chair, Faculty of Law and Administration
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The subject of this article is an analysis of the earliest of Karl Marx’s articles, Comments on the Latest Prussian Censorship Instruction. The essence of his views presented in that article was to protest against the restriction of the right to free expression of opinions by journalists. Marx pointed out that the new Prussian Censorship Instruction only seemed to liberalize censorship, but in fact in many aspects tightened the rules, for example, reinforced those that pertained to religious criticism. He thought that the Prussian Censorship Instruction was not an enactment of law, because by limiting freedom, lawmakers acted against the essence of the press, law and state. Marx thought that a press law was needed to guarantee freedom of the press and that censorship should be abolished entirely.

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Marta Baranowska
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When discussing justice, John Rawls focuses on smooth functioning, impartiality and social acceptability of the system of political obligations. His theory of justice is forged as a system of liberal democracy combined with constitutionally established principles of welfare state. Although Rawls distinguishes between political and moral norms, he believes that in a welfare constitutional state a reliable method of negotiating between demands of all citizens is accessible by adoption of a social contract. A social contract presupposes a nearly unanimous view on the character of a good political system. This is a case of soft naturalization. The author distinguishes it from hard naturalization that is not applicable to normative political theories.
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Jacek Hołówka

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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Reflecting on the question of the contemporary condition of historical thinking, focusing on the case study of Poland, I consider the causes of the crisis of authority of the professional historian in the modern information society, in particular the lack of interaction between academic historiography and society. Against this backdrop, I propose a reflection on a possible modifica-tion of the understanding of the historian's profession for the sake of dialogue with the "ordin-ary" recipient of history.
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Anna Brzezińska

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki
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The first part of this article brings the author’s reply to the participants of the panel discussion of his book Culture as Verb (Anna Łebkowska, Jakub Momro, Tomasz Rakowski and Dorota Wolska). In the second part he outlines his premises and explains the analytical vocabulary that has enabled him to move from an active to a passive ‘verbal’ understanding of culture. He also draws a broad outline of prospective new research that would complement his project. Central to it is the exploration of what he believes is the dominant contemporary cultural experience, which is based on active participation. To characterize its most important features and forms we should make use of the following, newly defi ned analytical concepts – passivity, the present moment, immersion, and testimonial authority.

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Ryszard Nycz
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This articles explores the life and work of Elżbieta Glaize Walkerowa, a forgotten poet from the early19th century and owner of a girls’ boarding school in Lwów. Hitherto unknown archival sources, which have been used to reconstruct her biography, reveal that she was a close relative of François Glaize, Poland's most eminent tapestry-weaver, with connections to the House of Działyński (the Trojanów branch). The second part the article focuses on Elżbieta Glaize's 1801 debut poetry volume Pierwiastki mojej muzy [ Elements of My Muse]. The poems, written in the sentimental style which was in fashion at that time, represent the sensitivity and worldview of a young woman who, having been raised in a home steeped in literary culture, was keen to showcase her own literary ambition.
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Dorota Samborska-Kukuć

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej i Logopedii, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
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Child-authored poetry is one of the most remarkable and fascinating phenomena in the contemporary Chinese poetry world. However, for all its immense popularity among Chinese readers and attractivity for professional, adult poets, due to its unclear ontological status and lack of well-proven methodological tools that would be easily applicable to it, it has thus far remained beyond the scope of literary-critical and scholarly interests. The present paper offers a broad panoramic view of Chinese children’s poetry through six case studies of individual young authors and collective initiatives aimed at the artistic activization of certain groups of children, discussing the educational and social significance of children’s poetry writing, its complicated reception patterns, as well as its entanglement with various literary-political discourses. Subsequently, the study delves into the aesthetic, conceptual, and philosophical aspects of children’s works. The final part analyses the essential theoretical-philosophical questions that child-authored verse asks with regard to poetry at large, prompting us to rethink notions such as authorship or “poeticness” and the definition of poetry per se. The author proposes the metaphor of asymptotic freedom to illustrate how marginal phenomena of questionable status contribute to maintaining the distinctness and coherence of the field of poetry as a whole.
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Joanna Krenz

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
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Professor Mieczysław Chorąży, one of the most eminent Polish biomedical scientists, died on February 20, 2021 at the age of 95. He was bid farewell with military honors at the Powązki Military Cemetary in Warsaw. He was buried close to his comrades in arms from the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. Mieczysław Chorąży was born in Janówka, a small village in Podlasie, in 1925. His education was interrupted by the outbreak of World War II which took away his mother, who died of typhus. He then decided to become a doctor. He was a member of the Home Army and fought in the Warsaw Uprising as soldier (nickname “Grom”) of the Baszta Regiment. In 1951 he graduated from the Medical Academy in Warsaw and was ordered to work at the then State Cancer Institute in Gliwice where he remained professionally active until the very end of his life. Following scientific internships at McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research in Madison and Sloan- Kettering Institute for Cancer Research in New York in the early sixties he developed a method for isolating metaphase chromosomes from murine lymphocytic leukemia cells, used in DNA uptake experiments. In the 70s, he studied repeating and unique DNA sequences, DNA transcription mechanisms, activity of RNA polymerases and inhibition of cancer cell replication. Together with Kazimierz Dux, he authored in 1973 the “Introduction to the biology of cancer”, which at the time was the most important work in the field in Polish scientific literature. Mieczysław Chorąży was an outstanding authority in the field of environmental
mutagenesis and molecular epidemiology. The results of his research on DNA and chromosome damage in people from industry-polluted areas aroused wide interest worldwide. His Laboratory of Environmental Mutagenesis showed aberrations in metaphasal chromosomes caused by air pollution and correlated DNA adduct levels with concentration of polycyclic hydrocarbons in the air, including known carcinogens. Professor Chorąży research team revealed distinctive spectrum of mutations in the p53 suppressor gene among the inhabitants of Upper Silesia and characterized gene polymorphisms that determine individual sensitivity to carcinogens and functioning of DNA repair system. In his late years, Professor Mieczysław Chorąży was passionate about systems biology, research into chaos and early life on Earth. He was the supervisor of 18 doctoral theses, and five of his doctoral students later became professors. In the darker times of Poland’s national past, thanks to his wisdom and foresight, contacts were maintained with eminent researchers abroad allowing many Poles to pursue training in the USA, France, Germany and elsewhere. At the Professor’s initiative young scientists from the countries that emerged after the collapse of the USSR were able to continue their research in Gliwice thanks to scholarship awards granted by EACR and NCI-NIH. Mieczysław Chorąży was appointed professor in 1983. He was a doctor h.c. of medical universities in Katowice and Białystok. Since 1986 he was a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Professor was also the member of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Association for Cancer Research, European Association for Cancer Research, Polish Biochemical Society, Polish Cancer Society (president 1974–1978), member of the scientific councils of Oncology Center in Warsaw, the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy in Wrocław, the Institute of Human Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań and the Center for Polymer and Carbon Materials in Zabrze. In recognition of his scientific achievements and involvement in social and educational activities, insurgent struggle and shaping patriotic attitudes, Professor Mieczysław Chorąży received numerous distinctions and awards, including the Order of the White Eagle (2017), Polish supreme distinction. He was then eulogized as the “…nestor of oncology in Poland, outstanding scientist, founder of the Polish school of cancer biology, Warsaw insurgent, social activist, teacher and moral authority”. Professor received also the Lux ex Silesia award (2018) in recognition to his lasting contribution to the protection of Silesian cultural heritage. Professor Chorąży always opposed imprudent demolition of the reminders of industrial past of Upper Silesia, advocated sustainable development, and protecting green areas. Among various talents, Professor Chorąży was blessed with a gift of painting. Some of his watercolors and sketches embellish today the hall of the National Institute of Oncology in Gliwice. But Mieczysław Chorąży, the true man of virtue, will be perhaps best remembered for his kindness and concern for others, which brought him respect and love. He will be missed by very many people from all walks of life. Honor to His memory!
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Katarzyna Lisowska
Zdzisław Krawczyk

  1. Centrum Badań Translacyjnych i Biologii Molekularnej Nowotworów, Narodowy Instytut Onkologii im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, Oddział w Gliwicach
  2. Narodowy Instytut Onkologii im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, Oddział w Gliwicach
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The report encompasses the activity of the Committee on Ethics in Science in the year 2016.

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Andrzej Zoll

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