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The use of surface analysis to investigate brake elements shows how a pair in contact works and wears out during regular operation. The main purpose of this paper is to describe the asperities from initial state to a moment when further use of the drum and shoe is not possible. Between exchange of vital brake elements a truck with total mass exceeding 3.5 tons can cover as many as 300 000 kilometres. Use of brakes during the first 1000 kilometres after maintenance should be rather gentle with possibly intensive use of engine brake installed in the truck itself, because if this rule is not adhered to it may lead to a significant decrease of the braking force and on the surface of the pair in contact a layer will appear that is not possible to wear off and that will make it impossible to stop a truck using brakes. In that condition the shoe should be immediately replaced and the drum should be remachined (by turning) to a repair dimension. In the paper the condition and analysis of a surface after different course of exploitation was presented.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michał Wieczorowski
Robert Mrozek
Paweł Andrałojć


The antilock brake system (ABS) was developed, which coordinates actions of auxiliary and working braking systems of a trolleybus. A trolleybus type 321 "Belkommunmash", equipped with the proposed ABS was tested in road conditions. The results of tests confirmed compliance of the trolleybus with requirements of the rules UN EEC No 13. Decrease in slippage of the driving wheels, improved stability, roadability and traffic safety of the trolleybus was noted.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrei Safonau


The advance of technical state criteria for elements of mining hoists demands a basic strength-fatigue analysis where the real values of loads and the real time function of the load variability could be used. That problem concerns also the suspension gear of skip and balance ropes, where fatigue durability should be considered as time function related to the hoist facility type. Such objective can not be achieved without comprehensive study of the dynamics of processes both in the regular operation of the facility and in its emergency states. In this work the author presents some considerations, that are however, limited to the analysis of dynamic phenomena observed in the condition of the emergency braking of the hoist facility. The results were verified by load measurements taken for some elements of the analysed real object system.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stanisław Wolny
Słowa kluczowe brakes ABS diagnostics drum stand


The paper presents the results of simulation and research of antilock braking systems (ABS) carried out on the fast rotating drum stand with flywheels. The model of the vehicle-drum stand system was presented. The influence of car suspension and tyre parameters during braking with ABS on vehicle vibrations was analysed. Theoretical analyses of the simulations were verified during car tests on a prototype drum stand. The results of braking tests for passenger car on the homogeneous surface and on the surface with changed adhesion coefficient were presented. Qualitative criteria for diagnostic evaluation of ABS operation were proposed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Gajek
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This paper is focused on the theoretical study of heat conduction in the multi-brake system of the automated guided vehicle (AGV). The study aims to compare the amount of heat generated during braking from 10 m/s until a stop in a brake system based on organic and ceramic friction material. The theoretical study of heat conduction is solved in Matlab computational software using a derived Fourier partial differential equation for nonstationary heat conduction. The results of the simulation of the heat conduction are shown in the diagrams and indicate not only the temperature dependence in the period during braking from a speed of 10 m/s to a stop but also the amount of heat accumulated in the steel disc during braking. The simulation results show that braking in both brake systems generates approximately the same amount of heat. The difference occurs in the period of thermal activity, which was influenced by the length of the braking distance. This is caused by a coefficient of friction that significantly affects the final braking result. Finally, it can be stated that the brake system based on organic material must be equipped with a steel disc with a minimum thickness of 8 mm. This is because the brake system based on organic friction material has a set temperature limit of 160 degrees Celsius. The results presented in this study will help an engineer constructor to choose the right procedures and parameters of geometry for designing the mentioned braking system for the considered AGV.
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  1.  D. Varecha, R. Kohar, and F. Brumercik, “AGV brake system simulation”, LOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics 10(1), p. 9 (2019).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Daniel Varecha
Róbert Kohár
Michal Lukáč

  1. University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Design and Mechanical Elements, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia


Kopalnia rudy żelaza należąca do państwowego koncernu Luossavaara – Kiirunavaara AB-LKAB posiada kilkanaście górniczych wyciągów szybowych skipowych przeznaczonych do ciągnięcia rudy żelaza. Pomimo stosowania nowoczesnych systemów zabezpieczenia ruchu tych wyciągów w myśl szwedzkich przepisów na tzw. wolnych drogach przejazdu w wieży i rząpiu muszą być stosowane urządzenia do awaryjnego hamowania naczyń. W artykule omówiono główne wymagania, jakie zgodnie ze szwedzkimi przepisami odnośnie eksploatacji górniczych wyciągów szybowych muszą spełniać tego typu urządzenia oraz przedstawiono zaproponowane rozwiązanie konstrukcyjne urządzenia hamującego górniczego wyciągu szybowego zainstalowanego w szybie B-1 kopalni Kiruna. W przedmiotowym wyciągu postanowiono zastosować cierny układ hamujący w postaci ruchomych belek odbojowych opracowany w Katedrze Transportu Linowego w Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie. Działanie ruchomych belek odbojowych polega na tym, że belki te, usytuowane na początku wolnych dróg przejazdu, nie tylko wyhamowują rozpędzone naczynia wyciągowe ale też – dzięki wbudowanym urządzeniom wychwytującym naczynia – spełniają funkcję podchwytów. Zabezpieczają więc naczynia przed spadkiem do szybu po zakończonym procesie hamowania. Zaletą takiego rozwiązania jest to, że elementy konstrukcyjne: trzonu prowadniczego wieży, głowicy naczynia i belek odbojowych, w momencie uderzenia naczynia w ruchome belki odbojowe przenoszą wielokrotnie mniejsze wartości sił dynamicznych w porównaniu z siłami dynamicznymi powstającymi w chwili uderzenia naczynia w nieruchome belki odbojowe. W procesie projektowania ruchomych belek odbojowych ważnym etapem jest symulacja hamowania przeprowadzana przy wykorzystaniu programu komputerowego opracowanego w KTL AGH. Program ten umożliwia zamodelowanie lin nośnych i wyrównawczych jako elementów elastycznych o właściwościach sprężysto-tłumiących. Wyniki tych symulacji zwłaszcza w zakresie uzyskanych opóźnień hamowania naczyń, wartości dróg hamowania oraz sił w wartości lin nośnych są kluczowe dla potwierdzenia poprawności przyjętej koncepcji układu awaryjnego hamowania. Urządzenia hamujące w postaci ruchomych belek odbojowych zostały wykonane przez polską firmę Coal-Bud Sp. z o.o. i obecnie są zabudowywane w wieży i rząpiu szybu B-1 kopalni Kiruna w Szwecji.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Rokita


The aim of the study was to develop an assessment methodology for the temperature of the surface of the friction pair during the braking for mine hoists. During the braking process, the work of friction is transformed into heat at the level of friction surfaces, and in case high temperatures are reached, the friction coefficient is influenced negatively, thus the risk of braking failure exists. In the first part of the study we measured the temperature of the friction surfaces for a particular case of hoist in real braking conditions. In the second part of the study is presented a theoretical model for the calculation of the temperatures resulted in the braking process for the hoist equipped with shoe brakes. The theoretical model for calculation was simulated numerically for a particular case in real braking conditions. Based on the conclusions resulted after the study, a series of hypotheses and recommendations for adjusting the control of the process parameters have been given out, in order to avoid the excessive heating of the brakes of the hoists and, respectively, their improved safety, maintenance and availability.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Miorita Ungureanu
Nicolae Stelian Ungureanu
Marius Cosma
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To reduce the recoil and improve the stability of small arms, a muzzle brake compensator is attached to the muzzle of the barrel. This device uses the kinetic energy of the powder gas escaping from the bore after the bullet is fired. In this paper, the authors present the determination of the thermo-gas-dynamic model of the operation of a muzzle brake compensator and an example of calculating this type of muzzle device for the AK assault rifle using 7.62x39 mm ammunition. The results of the calculation allowed for obtaining the parameters of the powder gas flow in the process of flowing out of the muzzle device, as well as the change in the momentum of the powder gas's impact on the muzzle device. The model proposed in the article provides the basis for a quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of using the muzzle device in stabilizing infantry weapons when firing.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dung Van Nguyen
Viet Quy Bui
Dung Thai Nguyen
Quyen Si Uong
Hieu Tu Truong

  1. Faculty of Special Equipment, Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam


Aiming at the problems of the negative sequence governance and regenerative braking energy utilization of electrified railways, a layered compensation optimization strategy considering the power flow of energy storage systems was proposed based on the railway power conditioner. The paper introduces the topology of the energy storage type railway power conditioner, and analyzes its negative sequence compensation and regenerative braking energy utilization mechanism. Considering the influence of equipment capacity and power flow of the energy storage system on railway power conditioner compensation effect, the objective function and constraint conditions of the layered compensation optimization of the energy storage type railway power conditioner were constructed, and the sequential quadratic programming method was used to solve the problem. The feasibility of the proposed strategy is verified by a multi-condition simulation test. The results show that the proposed optimization compensation strategy can realize negative sequence compensation and regenerative braking energy utilization, improve the power factor of traction substations when the system equipment capacity is limited, and it also has good real-time performance.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ying Wang
Yanqiang He
Xiaoqiang Chen
Miaomiao Zhao
Jing Xie

  1. School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, 730070 China
  2. Xi’an Rail Transit Group Co., LTD Operation Branch Xi’an, 710000 China
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The paper presents the results of calculations and measurements of the first natural frequency of castings of solid and ventilated brake discs made of gray cast iron of the EN-GJL-200 class. The tests were carried out for three types of chemical composition, taking into account the permissible minimum and maximum content of alloying elements. Numerical simulations of natural vibrations were carried out on the basis of our own production material databases. To determine the elastic properties of cast iron, the ultrasonic method with the measurement of the propagation velocity of longitudinal and transverse waves was used. Measurements were made directly on casts of raw discs of various thicknesses. The values of Young's modulus and Poisson's number calculated from ultrasonic measurements were used to define the stiffness matrix in the equilibrium equation, which is solved by the solver of the MSC Nastran program. A high compatibility between the results of numerical simulations and the results of experimental FRF frequency analysis was obtained. The differences between the calculated and actual values were at the level of several hertz, while the estimated average error of numerical simulations was 0.76%. It was also found out that cast iron melts for brake discs must be subject to strict control in terms of chemical composition. Slight deviations of the eutectic saturation coefficient from the optimal value cause a significant change in the first natural frequency of the brake discs, regardless of their geometry.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Zyska
Mariusz Bieroński

  1. Department of Metallurgy and Metal Technology, Czestochowa University of Technology, Al. Armii Krajowej 19, 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland
  2. Brembo Poland Sp. z o.o., ul. Roździeńskiego 13, 41-308 Dąbrowa Górnicza


This study employed two primary approaches to determine the optimum structure: the lightweight and sustainable models. The lightweight model considered various factors such as materials, geometry, and dimensions of the brake disc rotor and brake pads. On the other hand, the sustainable model considers the manufacturing process and aims to reduce the carbon footprint. To calculate the optimal lightweight structure, finite element analysis was conducted using two different materials to compare the resulting stresses and determine the most appropriate material. Subsequently, four different models were utilized in finite element analysis to evaluate the displacement and stress and establish the optimum structure. Regarding sustainability, two distinct processes were employed to assess the environmental impact and energy consumption to adopt an eco-friendly approach. This paper investigates the transition from the initial brake disc rotor to a lightweight model, employing finite element analysis, topology optimization, and sustainability considerations. The work is achieved by comparing the cost between conventional and 3D printing processes.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Hicham Fihri FASSI
Fatima Zohra EL HILALI

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