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The article aims at an exegetical exploration of the theme of reconciliation in Eph 2:11-22. First it is argued that the passage has chiastic literary structure (ABCDD’C’B’A’). Reconciliation is in the structure a central (pivotal) theme around which go all other theo-logical motifs. The first element of pragmatic strategy of the author in Eph 2:11-22 is to show the condition of the addressee of the letter from the point of view of the Old Testament religion. As Gentiles they were deprived of God and His salvific promises. Thanks to the work of reconciliation accomplished by Christ’s death on the cross, both previously divided parts of the world (namely Gentiles and Jews) have become one. Christ’s work of reconcil-iation restores above all the relationship of each hostile group with God. The reconciliation between the two groups is a consequence of their prior reconciliation with God by Christ in the Holy Spirit (Trinitarian theology). Thanks to Christ’s work of reconciliation Gentiles are not strangers to God any more but together with the faithful Christians of Jewish origin form one “holy temple”, “Gods dwelling through the Spirit”, namely the Church.

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Ks. Janusz Kręcidło MS
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The anthropology of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI is strictly theological. Its basis is Christocentric theocentrism. The whole approach is embedded in ecclesiology. The question of who a man is and how to be a man must be directed to God. His answer, which is heard in the Church, is Jesus Christ. The Body of Christ is the space of the communion between God and man. Thus, Christ is God’s tool for the transformation of human existence – its liberation and fulfillment. Man is not an independent being. He comes from God. He exists because he is loved. Being created in God’s image determines the relational - dialogical - nature of his being. A scratch on God’s work is made by sin which undermines the truth about creation. Asking about who he is, man should turn his eyes to God’s perfect image, Jesus who is both God and man. The categories of sonship, childhood and pro-existence are characteristic here. All this is available by entering into the existence of the Son of God, which is done through baptism in the Church. There, man can realize his relational existence. The liturgy, however, provides us with the access to our eschatological destiny.
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Ks. Łukasz Grzywocz

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski
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W przedmowie do dokumentu Papieskiej Komisji Biblijnej Naród żydowski i jego Święte Pisma w Biblii chrześcijańskiej pierwszy cytat biblijny zwraca uwagę na różnicę między nauczaniem Jezusa, które ma za podstawę Jego osobisty autorytet, a analogiczną działalnością uczonych w P iśmie: „Uczył ich jak ten, który ma władzę, a nie jak uczeni w P iśmie” (Mk 1,22). Kard. Józef Ratzinger, autor przedmowy, stwierdza, że szczególnie Ewangelia Mateusza uwydatnia ten charakter Jego nauczania. Artykuł przedstawia analizę fragmentów tej Ewangelii, które wzmiankują Mojżesza (Mt 8,4; 17,3.4; 19,7.8; 22,24; 23,2). W tym studium szczególną uwagę zwraca się na ich interpretację w bezpośrednim kontekście w tej Ewangelii oraz na ich porównanie z paralelnymi tekstami w pozostałych Ewangeliach synoptycznych. Konkludując, można stwierdzić, że znaczenie słów Mojżesza nie jest pomniejszone, kiedy są one przytaczane w sporach między Jezusem a Jego żydowskimi przeciwnikami. W ten sposób autorytet Jego nauczania, który wyłania się z tych tekstów, zostaje potwierdzony.
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Ks. Artur Malina
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During the second half of the past century the Catholic Christology suffered an anthioquian twist in order to overcome what the German theologian K. Rahner called «orthodox monophysitism» in his article about Chalcedon on the occasion of its 1500 th anniversary. For this, he proposed the recovery of a «strict chalcedonism» that opposed to the neochalcedonian interpretations of the 451’s Concillium. Maximus the Confessor has a decisive role in both Balthasar and Ratzinger’s Christology. With this, Ratzinger pretends to answer what he believed is the true danger in today’s theology. Contrary to J.A. Jungmann, K. Adam, K. Rahner, and F.X. Arnold’s thesis that denounced a factical monphysitism amongst the faithful, Ratzinger upholds that the reapparition of a new Nestorianism (and arianism) in today’s Christology is the true danger that must be fought against. In the first place, the article presents, synthetically, the post chalcedonian discussion, concentrating on the apparition of the theological trend of neochalcedonism and on Maximus the Confessor’s Christological contribution. From there on it approaches the neochalcedonian and maximillian interpretations that J. Ratzinger formulates in his sixth thesis of «Behold the Pierced One» and that will be later developed in the Gethsemani chapter of «Jesus of Nazareth».

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Raul Orozco Ruano
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The question about theology is, indeed, the question about the cognitive role of faith, a mutual relationship between faith and mind, as well as cultural, social and existential consequences of accepting or eliminating faith in the cognitive (scientific) process. While developing in the space of thought, theology seeks rational arguments speaking in favour of God’s answers to existential questions. In his publications and teachings J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI gives much attention to these issues, as they are particularly topical and important for the contemporary civilisation. He teaches that faith releases the mind (makes it independent, non-ideologized), opens it to the truth, the learning of which constitutes the key objective of all scientific research. Recogni-tion of the priority of gifts, God’s grace, who makes Himself known through his Word and actions is an important pre-requisite for theological cognition. Ultimately, it has a christological sense: Son knows His Father and wants to reveal the Mystery of God. As scientia fidei, theology has got potential to give relational and holistic character to cognitive actions, thus made them acquire sense transcending their temporary use-fulness. Theology, faithful to the Church, contributes to the development of the world and men in the deepest meaning of the word – it leads to salvation, finding fulfilment in God Himself.

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Ks. Jerzy Szymik
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Methodology of Fundamental Theology. Demonstratio Christiana


The article addresses the issue of demonstratio christiana in fundamental theology in three parts. First, traditional grounds for revelation fulfilled in Jesus Christ are demonstrated (1), followed by the contemporary presentation of the Christological treatise (2). Finally, a possibility of presentation of Christological and ecclesiological facts in harmonized categories is suggested (3).

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Ks. Marian Rusecki
Ks. Jacenty Mastej
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Culture, Literature, Society. Interdisciplinary Character versus Methodology of the Contemporary Theological Research


Culture, literature and social life are the "living space" of the contemporary man. They can also be "theological loci" (loci theologici), i.e. loci, in which faith can be born, is, or/and disappears. Both Theology and Catholic Social Science, using different methods and in different aspects, investigate these processes and attempt that, through faith, everything which composes everyday life, becomes more understandable for contemporary man.

This paper is a reflection on the contemporary methodology of theological and social research in the context of the interdisciplinary nature of science. Thus, it attempts to answer the question how starting from different premises, Theology, through research of culture, specifically of contemporary art and literature, and Catholic Social Science, through research of the moral condition of social life and drawing inspiration from each other, can and should serve the faith of man in particular conditions and challenges of a fast-changing reality.

The first step of both sciences is an attempt of comprehension: who it is, to whom the Word is directed. These are a specific seismograph registering of all types of "rockbursts" of times and places. The second step is seeing culture, literature and social life in their prophetic function, which consist in "meeting out justice" to time and place, to consciences and people. The third one is searching for the meeting and merging places of the human word and the Word of God. In every step mentioned above there is a creative interaction between Theology and Catholic Social Science.

Postulated in this article the complementarity of Theology and Catholic Social Science gives hope, that contemporary man is able to elaborate uniform and organic conception of knowledge in order to reach inner unity (cf. Fides et ratio, 85).

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Ks. Jerzy Szymik
Ks. Arkadiusz Wuwer

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