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Multidisciplinary research was carried on in 1978/79 in the region of Admiralty Bay and Arctowski Station. This area is representative of the near-shore Antarctic ecosystem. It is characterized by a number of local traits such as climate, ice conditions, hydrology, hydrochemistry and hydrodynamics. Estimates were made of primary production and abundance of zooplankton in Admiralty Bay and of the biomass and quantity of food taken by avi-fauna and pinnipeds. Main routes and directions of transport of mineral and organic matter are shown; some of them have been estimated quantitatively. A continuous inflow of organic matter from Bransfield Strait is necessary for the summer functionning of Admiralty Bay.

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Stanisław Rakusa-Suszczewski
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In the summers of 1978 and 1979 meteorological observations and measurements were carried out in South Spitsbergen. These investigations gave a characteristic of the summer meteorological conditions in the forefield of the Gås Glacier. Some regularities were found to exist in the distribution of air temperature and other meteorological elements.

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Andrzej Kamiński
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Temporal differentiation of the air thermal conditions in SW part of Spitsbergen has been presented in this paper. Daily meteorological records of the Polish Polar Station of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Hornsund have been used for the period of 1978—1986. Distributions of basic thermal indices based on mean, maximum, minimum air temperatures and minimum temperature at a ground surface have been given. Annual patterns of the above elements of various occurrence probabilities have been also presented and thermal periods have been distinguished.

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Zbigniew Ustrnul
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The aim of this article is to defi ning problems occurring in the spatial management system, including those independent of subsequent legislative changes. The process of adopting decisions to be viable and socially equitable and execute the requirements of spatial order and sunstainable development requires fundamental changes. The study draws a conclusion – important in the context of subsequent research activities – that the varied application of development decisions in diff erent municipalities is also the result of not preparing a large part of the representatives of municipalities for specifi c spatial activities.

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Maciej J. Nowak
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Small construction objects are often built by standard task teams. The problem is, how to allocate these teams to individual works? To solve the problem of allocation three methods have been developed. The first method allows to designate optimal allocation of teams to the individual works in deterministic conditions of implementation. As a criterion of the optimal allocation can be applied: “the minimization of time” or “the minimization of costs” of works execution. The second method has been developed analogously for both criteria but for stochastic conditions and for the stochastic data. The third method allows to appoint a compromise allocation of teams. In this case, the criteria “the minimization of time” and “the minimization of costs” are considered simultaneously. The method can be applied in deterministic or stochastic conditions of works implementation. The solutions of the allocation problems which have been described allow to designate the optimal allocation of task teams and to determine the schedule and cost of works execution.

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T. Kasprowicz
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Thermal imagers often work in extreme conditions but are typically tested under laboratory conditions. This paper presents the concept, design rules, experimental verification, and example applications of a new system able to carry out measurements of performance parameters of thermal imagers working under precisely simulated real working conditions. High accuracy of simulation has been achieved by enabling regulation of two critical parameters that define working conditions of thermal imagers: imager ambient temperature and background temperature of target of interest. The use of the new test system in the evaluation process of surveillance thermal imagers can bring about a revolution in thermal imaging metrology by allowing thermal imagers to be evaluated under simulated, real working conditions.
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Krzysztof Chrzanowski
1 2

  1.   Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology, gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
  2. INFRAMET, Bugaj 29a, Koczargi Nowe, 05-082 Stare Babice, Poland
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The advance of technical state criteria for elements of mining hoists demands a basic strength-fatigue analysis where the real values of loads and the real time function of the load variability could be used. That problem concerns also the suspension gear of skip and balance ropes, where fatigue durability should be considered as time function related to the hoist facility type. Such objective can not be achieved without comprehensive study of the dynamics of processes both in the regular operation of the facility and in its emergency states. In this work the author presents some considerations, that are however, limited to the analysis of dynamic phenomena observed in the condition of the emergency braking of the hoist facility. The results were verified by load measurements taken for some elements of the analysed real object system.
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Stanisław Wolny
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Ground temperature measurement results in main ecotopes of the Kaffiöyra coastal plain (Oscar II Land, northwestern Spitsbergen): sea beach, tundra and morainic plateau, are presented and discussed in the paper. The spatial distribution of thermal conditions is discussed with particular regard to temperature of the active surface and vertical gradients of temperature dependent on daytime and weather conditions.

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Gabriel Wójcik
Kazimierz Marciniak
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This study gives an analysis of the variation of main meteorological parameters on the Station Arctowski in the time from December 1979 through March 1980 — the summer season of the IV Antarctic Expedition of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Characteristics of wind speed and direction, of air temperature, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, cloudiness, soil temperature at the station and surface water temperatures of the Admiralty Bay are based on the standard synoptic observations.

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Barbara Cygan
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Managing human consumption has a major impact on the functioning of societies, and – even more importantly – on the condition of our planet. What does the future hold?

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Jan Marcin Węsławski
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With reference to the situation experienced in several Polish collieries where the risk of occurrence of gas-geodynamic phenomena is increasing and decisions to start the mining activities need to take numerous constraints associated with previous mining into account, this paper addresses certain geo-mechanical aspects of longwall mining in the zones of excavation edge interactions giving rise to major changes in the conditions of the deposit and rock strata, as a consequence of previous mining operations in adjacent coalbeds. Starting from the analytical description of displacements and stresses in the proximity of longwall mining systems, the paper summarizes the results of model tests and investiga-tions of the influence that the excavation edge has on the behavior and structural continuity of a portion of the coal body in the coalbed beneath or above an old excavation. Based on selected nonlinear functions emulating the presence of edges in the rock strata, a comparative study is carried out by investigating two opposite directions of workface advance, from the gob area towards the coal body and from the coal body towards the gobs. The discussion of the results relies on the analysis of roof deformation and the concentration factor of the vertical stress component at the workface front.

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Dariusz Chlebowski
Zbigniew Burtan
Jerzy Cieślik
Andrzej Zorychta
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Safe mine operations and optimal economical decision making in the context of lignite resources require an adequate level of knowledge about the spatial distribution of critical attributes in terms of geometry and quality in the deposit. Therefore, ore body models are generated using different approaches in geostatistics, depending on the problem to be solved. In this article the analysis of geostatistical methods used for deposits modeling has been presented. Based on exploration data concerning caloric value Q, models of one exemplary lignite deposit has been made. Two models of deposit were prepared using two different methods: ordinary kriging (OK) and sequential Gaussian conditional simulation (SGSIM). Different models of the same deposit were analyzed and compared with source data using criterion of fidelity to statistical attributes like: mean value, variance, statistical distribution. Models, which have been created based on exploration data, were compared with in-situ data gained from survey activities in the exploitation process. As a result of comparison correlation factor and measures of deviations were computed: average relative error, absolute relative error. Models were compared with in situ data, considering statistical features and local variability as well. In conclusion, the study gives valuable information into the benefits of using certain geostatistical approaches for variable tasks and problems in the lignite deposits design process. For the assessment of average values of deposit parameters ordinary kriging provides appropriate effects. Geostatisical simulation (e.g. sequential Gaussian simulation - SGSIM) provides much more relevant information for tasks connected to probability (or risk) of defined threshold exceedences than ordinary kriging. Models made with simulation method are characterized by high fidelity of spatial distribution in comparison to source data.

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Wojciech Naworyta
Jörg Benndorf
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Two kaolin ores with the almost same fineness and purity of original kaolinite but possessing different kaolinite crystallinity (Hinckley Index) were selected to study the influence of crystallinity and calcination conditions on the pozzolanic activity of metakaolin after dehydroxylation. The different calcination conditions were conducted by altering the calcination temperature and holding time to obtain different metakaolin samples with different degrees of dehydroxylation. Then pozzolanic activities of metakaolin samples were tested by the modified Chapelle test, Frattini test and strength evaluations. Additionally, the apparent activation energies of two kaolin ores were calculated to study the thermal properties of kaolinite by isoconversional methods followed by iterative computations. The results showed that pozzolanic activities were dependent on the degree of dehydroxylation, except for the metakaolins calcined at 900℃ due to the fact that recrystallization and high pozzolanic activity was conducted by complete dehydroxylation (degree of dehydroxylation ≥ 90%). Moreover, the lower crystallinity of original kaolinite favored the removal of the structural hydroxyls, leading to a reduction of apparent activation energy and increase of pozzolanic activity, indicating that the higher calcination temperature or longer holding time was required during calcination to reach the same degree of dehydroxylation and finally highly ordered kaolinite converted into the less active metakaolinite, which was confirmed by the lower Ca(OH)2 consumption in the modified Chapelle test, higher [CaO] and [OH] in the Frattini test and weaker compressive strength.
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Yuanyuan Liu
Qian Huang
Liang Zhao
Shaomin Lei

  1. Yangtze Normal University, Chongqing Engineering Research Center for Structure Full-Life-Cycle Health Detection and Disaster Prevention, China
  2. Wuhan University of Technology, China
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Earth Pressure Balanced shields are currently the most utilized tunnelling machines throughout around the world. The possibility of using conditioning agents that change the mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of a soil, changing it into a plastic paste and thus permitting soil pressure applications at the tunnel face, is the key point to explain the increasing utilization of this technology. Despite its great importance, not much laboratory researches can be registered on soil conditioning, particularly for cohesionless soils. The conditioning criterion is usually defined on the basis of a trial-and-error procedure developed directly at the job sites. A test that is able to simulate the extraction of soil from the bulk chamber with the screw conveyor inclined upwards, as in real machines, can offer a quantitative indication of the conditioned soil behavior for EPB use. The characteristics of the device and the results obtained on many different types of soil are discussed in order to point out the great importance and quality of results that can be achieved using the proposed test device.

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Luca Borio
Daniele Peila
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Native sulphur deposits mined using the underground melting method are characterized by a complex structure, which is the result of the many geologic processes which led to their formation.
The resource utilization rate and the consumption of hot water per ton of sulphur are the main criteria of mining effectiveness. They depend on the porosity and permeability of the rocks forming the deposit, the content and mode of occurrence of sulphur (ore texture), and the distribution of rocks with these varying features. Good recognition of geological and hydrogeological deposit features, exploitation results, is important for formulating the rules of controlling the course of exploitation in order to achieve the best recovery of sulphur with the lowest possible water consumption and to reduce operating costs.
Sulphur deposits are characterized by great local and directional variations in their structure and hydrogeological parameters. This makes the melting process irregular. The flow of hot water and melted sulphur is facilitated in certain directions. As a result, the shape, and distribution and form of exploited parts of the deposit are highly variable. Full information about the deposit is necessary for the proper understanding and prediction of processes that occur in the deposit during sulphur melting, for forecasting its effects, and for controlling the exploitation process. This information is obtained through the lithological description of core samples from exploratory and exploitation boreholes, geophysical borehole logging, and surface seismic surveys.
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Edyta Sermet
Marek Nieć
Przemysław Bokwa

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
  2. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  3. KD SA w Sandomierzu, Sandomierz, Poland
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Evaluative conditioning (EC) is a change in the evaluation of a neutral stimulus due to its pairing with another affective stimulus. Our Experiment 1 (N = 40) was carried out based on Rydell et al. (2006). During the conditioning stage, participants were presented with pictures of faces (CS) and positive or negative information about their behavior (explicit US). The images were preceded by short verbal primes (implicit US) of opposite valence to behavioral information. In Experiments 2 (N = 122) and 3 (N = 100) we provoked the transfer of implicit and explicit attitudes between USs and CSs by using social objects that potentially carry discrepant implicit and explicit evaluations. The data shows an inconsistency between implicit and explicit attitudes towards The results also confirm that those explicitly assessed attitudes are affected only by explicit information. At the same time, implicit attitudes are influenced not only by automatic processes but also by many other processes and information available to one's conscious mind.
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Robert Balas
Adriana Rosocha

  1. Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
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A novel measurement method and a brief discussion of basic characteristics of measuring the phase shift angle between two sinusoidal signals of the same frequency are presented in this paper. It contains a mathematical model for using conditional averaging of a delayed signal interfered with noise to measure the phase shift angle. It also provides characteristics of conditional mean values and discusses the effect of random interferences on the accuracy of the phase shift measurement. The way to determine the variance of the conditional mean value, together with the assessment of standard and expanded uncertainty, are described. The uncertainty characteristic shows the complementary properties of the discussed angle measurement principle �� for small absolute values |��| (minimum for �� = 0) relative to the correlation principle, where the minimum measurement uncertainty is present for �� = ��/2. |
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Adam Kowalczyk
Anna Szlachta

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Metrology and Diagnostic Systems, W. Pola 2, 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland
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Predicting the aging process of residential buildings carried out using traditional technologies is necessary when planning refurbishment works in these buildings. The article presents a picture of the changes in the technical condition of a not refurbished building constructed in traditional technology, in the form of a function describing the aging process according to the PRRD (Prediction of Reliability according to Rayleigh Distribution) model developed by the author. The results of analyses of the relationships between the function of the intensity of damage and the function of unreliability, as well as the function of changes in the performance characteristics of a building which had not undergone refurbishment during the entire course of its use are presented. Three levels of damage intensity during subsequent years of using the building were determined: safe, critical and unacceptable intensity.

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Beata Nowogońska
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The research provides a thermodynamic analysis of the theoretical model of a ventilation and air conditioning heat pump system with the ventilation air cold energy recovery depending on outside air parameters, the recovery efficiency and characteristics of a premise. A confectionery production workshop was taken as a prototype where technological conditions (temperature and humidity) must be maintained during the warm season. Calculations using the method of successive approximations to estimate air parameters at system’s nodal points were conducted. It allowed to determine theoretical refrigeration efficiency of the studied system and proved advantages of heat recuperation for smaller energy consumption. The model can be applied for design of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units which work as a heat pump. The studied system has the highest energy efficiency in the area of relatively low environment temperatures and relative humidity which is suitable for countries with temperate continental climates characterized by low relative humidity.
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Myhailo Kostiantynovych Bezrodny
Tymofii Oleksiyovych Misiura

  1. National Technical University of Ukraine, Igor Sikorsky, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Prosp. Peremohy 37, 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine
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This paper presents the impact of paving surface material on thermal comfort in a residential building. The aim of the study was to demonstrate differences in temperature, measured near a building’s walls, depending on their location (relative to the cardinal directions) and the type of paving surface material outside the building (in its immediate vicinity, considering the cardinal directions). The study found differences in temperature values recorded near walls located on the south-west side, which faced a garden and a grassy surface, compared to the temperature of the walls that faced a street with asphalt and concrete paving blocks. It should be noted that the study was carried out in the summer, when the interior of the building was not heated. The facade of the building had not been additionally insulated and retained its original historical form (facade render). The method used in the study consisted of temperature measurements taken near the building’s walls using a Steinberg System weather station’s sensors. The measurement results supported the hypothesis that wall temperature varies depending on a space’s placement relative to the cardinal directions and the surface paving material in the space adjoining the building. The results of the study are presented using line graphs. The study is of scientific value and the results may also be useful in site development planning practice. The thermal conditions are a major factor that affecting the comfort of various types of buildings, including housing.
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Justyna Kobylarczyk
Dominika Kuśnierz-Krupa
Marzena Nowak-Ocłoń

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Warszawska24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland
  2. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineeringand Energy Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland
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Soil-plant conditions in selected valleys typical for Bellsund Region are varying from hardly favourable (Skilvika), to favourable (Calypsostranda) and medium (Lyellstranda). Plant growth and development of a soil cover are favoured by grain size composition (loamy sands and light loams), quick warming-up of a soil, relative stability of a ground, location and shape of valleys, etc. Unfavourable soil-plant conditions result from too light or too heavy grain size composition, considerable dynamics of ground mechanical features and high compactness of a soil. Varying contents of carbonates and alkaline reaction (except for almost neutral reaction in organic horizons) were typical for the studied soils. Thickness of humus horizons as well as contents of organic C vary at the three studied sites. Significant is high concentration of easily available Ca and Mg, sometimes also of Na.

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Zbigniew Klimowicz
Stanisław Uziak
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An investigation of cyanobacterial microflora in the northern, deglaciated part of James Ross Island in the NW part of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica , was conducted during the Antarctic summer season 2005-2006. Five main types of habitats with dominant cyanobacterial assemblages were analyzed (soils, seepages, streams, wetted rocky walls and lakes), and main ecological variables were measured (pH, temperature, intensity of global radiation, conductivity and nutrients), as a background for further ecological and ecophysiological studies. The definable traditional cyanobacterial morphospecies were identified.

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Jiří Komárek
Josef Elster
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This paper describes the spatial differentiation of topoclimatic conditions in the vicinity of the Arctowski Station (King George Island, Antarctica) during the summer season of the 2006/2007. The measurement stations were located in the Point Thomas oasis as well as on the Ecology Glacier and Warszawa Icefield. The paper analyses meteorological elements such as air temperature, air humidity (eight sites) and wind direction and velocity (three sites). Significant topoclimatic diversities resulting from denivelation, exposure, ground properties and local air circulation were recorded in the study area.

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Marek Kejna
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The paper presents the results of assessment studies of the time course for technical wear in masonry buildings located in the area of mining-induced ground deformations. By using fuzzy inference system (FIS) and the “if-then” rule, corresponding language labels describing actual damage recorded in structure components were translated into scalar outputs describing the degree of damage to the building. Adopting this approach made it possible to separate damage resulting from additional effects coming from mining-induced ground deformations and the natural wear and tear of masonry structure. By using statistical analysis an exponential function for the condition of building damage and the function of natural wear and tear were developed. Both phenomena were subject to studies as a function of time regarding the technical age of building structure. The results obtained were used to develop a model for the course of technical wear of traditionally constructed buildings used within mining areas.

In the course of natural wear and tear buildings located in mining areas are additionally exposed to forced ground deformations. The increase of internal forces in structure components induced by those effects results in creating an additional stress factor and damage. The hairline cracks and cracks of building structure components take place when the intensity value of mining effects becomes higher than the component stress resistance and repeated effects result in the decrease of structure rigidity. The observations of building behaviour in mining areas show that the intensity of mining activity and the multiplicity of its effect play a substantial role in the course of technical wear of buildings. The studies show that the level of damage resulting from mining effects adds up to natural wear and tear of the building and impairs the global technical condition as compared to similar buildings used outside mining areas.

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Izabela Dorota Bryt-Nitarska

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