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Hybrid Power Sources/Systems (HPS) are generally treated as local prosumer supplies. The paper presents a new approach to the strategy of electricity contracting from HPS, considering hybrid systems as a new type of quasi-centrally dispatched power units operating in Polish market conditions. The possibilities of contracting electricity from HPS, consisting of three electricity generation technologies: biogas plant, wind power plant and solar power plant, are presented. The opportunity to obtain additional income from the electricity trading on the balancing market was used. Proposals for a new mathematical description of HPS topology were also presented, including a feasibility function, which can be used for technical and economic analyses. The obtained results can be used as a direction of development in the field of optimization of hybrid source operation in cooperation with the power grid. Based on the conducted analyses, it can be observed that electricity sales contracts concluded for each hour of the day may bring additional profit for the investor. However, the strong dependence of the proposed strategy on the situation on the balancing market or other local electricity markets similar in their operations should be emphasized.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Marchel
J. Paska
K. Pawlak
K. Zagrajek

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