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The paper deals with problems related to application of aluminum-silicon alloys for combustion engine cylinder liners

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Trytek
M. Tupaj
M. Mróz
A.W. Orłowicz
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In this paper distortion of surface topography measurement results by improper selection of the reference plane is taken into consideration. The following types of surfaces from cylindrical elements were analyzed: cylinder liners after plateau honing, cylinder liners with additionally burnished oil pockets and turned piston skirts. Surface topographies of these elements after a low wear process were also studied. In order to obtain areal surface topography parameters, the form was eliminated using cylinders and polynomials of the following degrees: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. Parameters of surfaces after form removal were compared. After analysis of results the reference elements for each kind of surface were recommended. A special procedure was proposed in order to select the degree of a polynomial. This method is based on surface topography changes with increase of polynomial degree. The effect of improper form elimination on measuring uncertainty was studied.

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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Pawlus
Przemysław Podulka
Paweł Dobrzański
Agnieszka Lenart
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For conventional diesel engines, two of the most widely used global correlations are due to Woschni and Hohenberg. Besides, the modern diesel engines used a new heat transfer coefficient correlation was proposed by Finol and Robinson. In Vietnam, improving engine power density is a trend of improving non-turbocharged base engines by using a supercharging system with exhaust gas energy recovery. Increasing engine power by the turbocharger is limited for two reasons: mechanical stress and thermal stress of the components surrounding the combustion chamber. In general, the heat transfer coefficient has a major effect on heat transfer rate, especially during the combustion process. So, the purpose of this study is to compare the cylinder distribution results from the simulation using the equations of Woschni and Hohenberg and compare to the experiment results when converting an old heavy-duty engine into a turbocharged engine. Results show that the cylinder distribution using Hohenberg’s correlation has a good agreement with the experiment results, especially in the case of a turbocharged engine.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kien Nguyen Trung
1 2

  1. Phenikaa University, Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering, Yen Nghia Ward, Ha-Dong District, Hanoi 12116, Vietnam
  2. Phenikaa Research and Technology Institute, A&A Green Phoenix Group JSC, 167 Hoang Ngan, Trung Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi 11313, Vietnam
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This study addresses the issues related to the quality of the connection between cast iron liners and inserts in a pressure die-cast automotive engine block, along with the macro and micro wear of the cylinder bearing surface. it was found that the commonly used HPDC high-pressure casting technology of Al-Si alloy engine blocks with cast iron liners, in which the cylinder liner is then recreated, does not ensure their metallic connection. The micro-gap created there becomes thicker as the engine is used, which worsens the conditions for heat dissipation from the sleeve to the block. Locally, on the surface of the cylinder bearing surface, reductions in honing effects and longitudinal cracks were observed. The presented literature mechanism of micro wear of the cylinder bearing surface, dependent on the morphology of graphite segregations, was confirmed. The mechanism of creating micro-breaks in the area of phosphoric eutectic and graphite precipitation occurrence was presented, initiated by the formation of microcracks in the eutectic and delaminations at the eutectic-matrix boundary.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Orłowicz
M. Radoń
M. Lenik
G. Wnuk

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland

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