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The aim of this paper is to determine the conceptual system of the Silesian mythological beliefs that is reflected in the names of demonic figures. These names are not only typical for the region of Silesia but they often refer to other parts of Poland (close or further to/from Silesia). The paper deals with the names of the figures and with their meanings. These meanings are the starting point to determine the features which are helpful for describing figures (and the set of their characteristic features) and for the presentation of the whole conceptual system. The fundamental elements of this system are the four basic categories – spatial locations, outward appearance, functional features (typical actions and roles) and harmfulness/harmlessness to a man. All the features of the demonic figures are presented here according to the levels being the manifestations and projections of these four basic categories.
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Алексеев, А.В. 2019. Ускользающий «топос»: К вопросу о содержании понятия и пределах его применимости. In М.В. Ильин (ed.), Метод: Московский ежегодник трудов из обществоведческих дисциплин, вып. 9: Методологические аспекты трансдисциплинарного трансфера знаний, 98-113. Москва: [б.и.].
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Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Institute of Linguistics, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
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The article is an attempt to formulate a philosophical interpretation of the figure of Ivan Karamazov’s “devil” or to explicate the theoretical and conceptual connotations associated with the demonic motif in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov. The reasoning follows the line: the author of the novel – the hero of the novel – the figure of the devil. The questions explored in the article are related to the duality of Ivan, a character depicted in the novel (this issue is discussed within a broader anthropological context), to the conceptual and – most importantly – ideological background for “Ivan Karamazov’s nightmare”, to the intellectual and ethical conflicts unfolding in him, and finally to the ambiguous relationship between Christianity and socialism (theological and political contexts).
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Belknap R.L., The Structure of The Borthers Karamazov, The Hague, Paris 1967.
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Dostojewski F., Bracia Karamazow, przeł. A. Pomorski, Kraków 2004.
Dostojewski F., Dziennik pisarza, przeł. M. Leśniewska, Warszawa 1982, t. 1, 3.
Dostojewski F., Idiota, przeł. J. Jędrzejewicz, Z. Podgórzec, London 1992.
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Dostojewski F., Zbrodnia i kara, przeł. Cz. Jastrzębiec‑Kozłowski, London 1992.
Gessen S.I., Tragediya dobra v «Bratʹyakh Karamazovykh» Dostoyevskogo, [w:] idem, Izbrannyye sochineniya, Moskva 1999.
Girard R., Dostoyevskiy: ot dvoystvennosti k edinstvu, per. s fr. G. Kudelich, Moskva 2013.
Golosovker Ya.E., Dostoyevskiy i Kant: Razmyshleniya chitatelya nad romanom «Bratʹya Karamazovy» i traktatom Kanta «Kritika chistoyu razuma», [v:] idem, Imaginativnyy absolyut, Moskva 2012.
Jackson R.L., Dialogues with Dostoevsky. The Overwhelming Questions, Stanford 1993.
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Pomerants G., Otkrytostʹ bezdne: Vstrechi s Dostoyevskim, Moskva – Sankt‑Peterburg 2015.
Scanlan J.S., Dostoevsky on the Existence of God, „Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej” 1999, t. 44.
Sutherland S.R., Atheism and the Rejection of God. Contemporary Philosophy and “The Brothers Karamazov”, Oxford 1977.
Vysheslavtsev B., Dostoyevskiy o lyubvi i bessmertii, [v:] Russkiy Eros, ili Filosofiya lyubvi v Rossii, sost. V.P. Shestakov, Moskva 1991.
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Leszek Augustyn

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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This article examines the problem of the significance of literature, not just folk literature, in Ryszard Berwiński's Studies in Folk Literature from the Historical and the Scholarly Perspective, published in Poznań in 1854. This subject was largely marginalized in discussions of this magisterial work because of what could seem as the author's inordinate preoccupation with demonology. This article looks again at his approach, which deserves a reappraisal. The discussion is divided into three parts. The first part examines the terms used by Berwiński to describe folk literature and texts that are connected with it in various ways, which for him and other 19th‑century researches constituted the essence of folklore. The second part focuses on those types of texts Berwiński regarded as crucial for the study of the sources of folk belief, while the third reviews his vision of the cultural and social role of literature in the 19th century. Together, these analyses reconstruct Berwiński's view on the functioning of literature in folklore studies and, more broadly, in the processes of the creation of a communal identity.
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Sabina Raczyńska

  1. doktorantka, Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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Ethnographic and ethnolinguistic atlases are one of the sources revealing the origins and transformations of traditional culture as a result of its spatial diversity. Atlas studies of folk culture have been conducted for many years in various European countries, often independently of each other. The main goal of the article is to present the state of atlas research in Poland and Russia devoted to folk demonology, in particular zmora and other mythological creatures with motifs in common. This topic has not been examined in detail within the context of comparative research possibilities; using the method of selected demonological motif mapping in both countries. Therefore, we constitute the first attempt to present the specifics and results of previous atlas research into the above-mentioned issue, as seen in the Polish Ethnographic Atlas and the Ethnolinguistic Atlas of the Polesie Region.

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Agnieszka Pieńczak
Полина Миронова

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