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Humor has ancient roots and it has been the object of study of various disciplines from sociology, to literature, to linguistics. It has been highlighted how it can have an inclusive or exclusive value based on how it is used. Ethnic comedy has been employed by migrant subsequent generations to express a sense of belonging. Exploiting humour, behaviors and attitudes typical of first-generation emigrants who have been the object of denigration by mainstream society for a long time, have been turned by young generations into distinctive characteristics of the group and elements of belonging. This article aims to verify how language in ethnic comedy is used by young people of Italian descent in Australia and Canada as an expression of identity. Therefore, shows by Australian comedian Joe Avati and some episodes of the web series Nonna Maria Canada will be analyzed.
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Angela Princiotto

  1. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
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The cultural heritage of the sizeable Polish diaspora in Brazil is being painstakingly preserved in a variety of dedicated museums. These grassroots initiatives celebrate the enduring connection between history, memory, and identity across continents and generations.
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Mikołaj Radomski

  1. Museum of Pomeranian Folk Culture in Swołowo
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In this article, the analysis has been subjected to discussing the autobiographical novel: The Prologue of Galina Kuznetsova- the representative of the Russian Emigration and the First Wave. This article presents the process of formation of the novel and identifies the impact of the personality and work of Ivan Bunin on its shape. Kuznetsovas novel was presented in a broader context of autobiographical novels of the Russian Emigration.

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Patryk Witczak
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Polish is spoken today in numerous countries around the world, a reflection of the vast Polish diaspora’s efforts to preserve their linguistic heritage and cultural identity across borders and generations.
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Piotr Romanowski
Anna Seretny

  1. Faculty of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw
  2. Faculty of Polish, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
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The Emigration Museum in Gdynia, open since 2015, is an essential stop on the cultural map of the Tri-City area. The distinctive building of the former Maritime Station is not just a gem of modernist architecture – it has become a powerful symbol of the sociocultural transformations that the city of Gdynia and Poland itself have undergone in recent decades.
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Justyna Sienkiewicz-Baraniak

  1. Specialist for Media Communication
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After the collapse of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan in April 1920, the Azerbaijani intellectual and political elites suffered repressions from the Bolshevik authorities. The most prominent figures had to leave the country fearing for their lives. Among them was the renowned journalist, publicist and head of the Musavat party - Mehemmed Emin Resulzade. Fearing the Bolshevik expansion westwards, Polish authorities strived to weaken and destroy the Soviet Union's integrity. Their goal was to create a "sanitary cordon" of independent states between Poland and Bolshevik Russia. Thanks to the direct financial support from the Polish government, the political emigration from Azerbaijan, Georgia, North Caucasus and other states published their magazines and newspapers. In the second half of the 20th century, there was a political rapprochement between Turkey and the Soviet Union. As a result, the political situation of anti-Soviet emigration worsened. Therefore, the main burden of Azerbaijani emigration, headed by Resulzade, moved over the Vistula. The Polish period was very important for the publishing activities of the whole Azerbaijani emigration, represented by Resulzade. He mainly contributed to anti-Soviet press, tied to the Promethean movement, but not only. The author will present here rarely known Resulzade articles on other topics. The article also presents his book in Polish Azerbaijan in its Fight for Independence.

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Shahla Kazimova
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This is a short overview of a Tatar journal Heberçı of 22 (+2 title) pages published in 1952 in Stockholm, the content, and the language features of which were unknown to the specialists up to now. It was called issue number 1. The publication was realized by a group of well-known Tatar writers, scientists and journalists who lived at that time in Sweden as immigrants. The copy of the journal which was at my disposal was received from Stockholm. The study of this bulletin may give new information about the duration of the keeping or not keeping of the immigrants’ mother tongue in a foreign language environment. Also, one can regard it as a source for research of the social status of the immigrants in Europe in the middle of the 20th century. This article will present the following: 1. an overview of the content of the bulletin, 2. an analysis of the language of the journal in comparison with the Modern literary Tatar language, 3. the translation into English of 2 texts from the bulletin and 4. 5 pages of facsimiles of the texts.
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Iala Ianbay

  1. Jerusalem, Israel
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For small, low-to-middle-income countries such as North Macedonia, the prospect of young, educated peo-ple leaving their place of residence (i.e. emigrating) can have significant negative societal-level effects. Understanding the complexity of the brain-drain phenomenon and its antecedents is critical to developing multi-level (i.e. global, societal and individual) strategic solutions. A qualitative analysis of several focus-group interviews was used to understand young, educated residents’ reasons either for emigrating or for remaining in North Macedonia. Two overarching themes served to organise the participant-identified driv-ers for emigration and those opposed to it. Three sub-themes emerged describing the factors for emigra-tion: 1) a lack of professional opportunities, 2) institutional systems, and 3) cultural tightness. Likewise, three sub-themes emerged describing the factors for staying: 1) community, 2) culture and 3) social re-sponsibility. Insights serve to contextualise some of the experiences of young, educated people in small, low-to-middle-income, countries which impact on their emigration decisions.
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Kimberly A. Parker
Erin B. Hester
Sarah A. Geegan
Anita Ciunova-Shuleska
Nikolina Palamidovska-Sterjadovska
Bobi Ivanov

  1. University of Kentucky, US
  2. Saints Cyril and Methodius University Macedonia, North Macedonia
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The article presents an analysis of the thread of Yelena Katishonok’s novel Jack Who Built the House (2021), related to the theme of the Katyn massacre. In exploring the context and method of incorporating historical material into a literary text, we proceed from the basic concepts of the “New Historicism”. In the narrative about the fates of modern heroes, the writer weaves a thread related to the history of Poland, namel the arrests of Polish officers in 1939, the Katyn massacre, the formation of the Polish Anders’ Army on the territory of the USSR and the commemoration of the victims in Katyn after the war. The fate of the character associated with this thread, Stanislaw Warzynski, is in many ways the biography of a Polish artist who survived in Katyn, Józef Czapski. Katishonok depicts not only memories of historical events, but above all the efforts of several generations to commemorate the victims.
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Elżbieta Tyszkowska-Kasprzak

  1. Wrocław, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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The aim of the article is to analyze the motif of the road in the poetry of Gisella Lachman (1893‑1969), a poet belonging to the “first wave” of Russian emigration. It plays an important role in the constructed reality of her poems; the road appears in a literal and figurative sense – as a synonym for travel and an allegory of human life. It is used by the poet when she writes about interpersonal relationships, loneliness and longing for long unseen loved ones. Lachman creates her own “philosophy of the road”, to her being on the road is a metaphor of human existence, the formation of personality and the exploration of the world. Seen from that perspective Lachman’s poetry can be interpreted as a lyrical travelogue.
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Jolanta Brzykcy

  1. Toruń, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
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The Ways of the Diaspora in the narrative of Claudio Magris – One of the themes in the works of Claudio Magris is that of the frontiers between nations which have been divided by arbitrary political decisions. This is the case with Central Europe, which forms a sort of transnational melting pot and which has hosted the Hebrew Diaspora. The theme of the Diaspora plays a key role in many of Magris books, in particular Lontano da dove. In his recent novel, Non luogo a procedere, one of the topics is the slave trade, a sort of African Diaspora.

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Ulla Musarra-Schrøder
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Italian political emigration between the World Wars: the role of LIDU – The essay reconstructs the history of the Italian League for Human Rights (LIDU), an anti-fascist organization in exile that played a meaningful role, between the World Wars, in the field of the legal protection and assistance of Italian political emigration to France and in the consistent condemnation of the repressive, liberticide and bellicist nature of Fascism.

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Antonio Bagli
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In recent reflections on the current situation of ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq and the threat of their extinction, a number of Iraqi intellectuals have stressed they cannot imagine their society without the plurality and diversity that have contributed to the creation of a common interethnic and interreligious Iraqi identity and historical memory. Among them are writers who raise this issue not only in essays, articles and interviews, but also in their fiction. The aim of the present article is to show the interweaving of literary discourse on Iraqi minorities and the wider debate among Iraqi intellectuals on the deteriorating condition of Iraqi Christians – which has led to their mass emigration – as reflected in a number of post-2003 Iraqi novels. The literary image of this exodus cannot be discussed without addressing the position of Christians among other Iraqi communities currently and in the past, as well as the question of their identity. This article refers to the following novels: Taššārī (Dispersion, 2012) by In‘ām Kaǧaǧī, I‘ǧām (Diacritics, 2004) and Yā Maryam (Ave Maria, 2012) by Sinān Antūn, Sīra dātiyya riwā’iyya (An Iraqi in Paris: An Autobiographical Novel, 2012) by Samū’īl Šam‘ūn, Frānkanštāyn fī Baġdād (Frankenstein in Baghdad, 2013) by Ahmad Sa‘dāwī, and Sabāyā dawlat al-hurāfa (Slaves of the Imaginary State, 2017) by ‘Abd ar-Ridā Sālih Muhammad. The article is divided into four parts, including an introduction in which the above-mentioned debate is presented. The second part depicts the plight of Iraqi Christians after 2003 through a brief outline of the lives of four literary characters. The third part focuses on the situation of Iraqi Christians before 2003 by relating the memories of five fictional protagonists. These two descriptive parts are followed by some final remarks. The theoretical framework of this article is based on the reflections of Birgit Neumann and Astrid Erll concerning the role of literature as a medium in the construction of cultural memory.

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Adrianna Maśko
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The article is dedicated to Ihor Kostetskyi, the organizer and general secretary (1957‑1979) of the Ukrainian Shakespeare Society. The article presents the history of the foundation of the Ukrainian Shakespeare Society. Special attention is paid to the organizational, publishing, and translation activities of Ihor Kostetskyi. The article analyzes archival materials proving Kostetskyi’s active participation in the Ukrainian Shakespeare Society. The article describes the main directions of the society’s activities and notes the need for further study into the history of the Ukrainian Shakespeare Society.
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Ludmiła Mnich

  1. Siedlce, Uniwersytet w Siedlcach
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This article attempts to examine and define the functions and character of the periodicals and other press publications of Polish Eastern Borderlands community functioning in the structures of the Polish war refugees and post-war political emigration in the West. The author presents the origins and the various phases of its history, including the phase of its inexorable decline. In a series of concise individual profiles the article covers all printed materials that can be classified as the press publications of the Polish Eastern Borderlands community.

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Paweł Gotowiecki
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In this article Maurycy Mochnacki’s martyrological and messianic declarations in the Preface to the Uprising of the Polish Nation in 1830–1831 are examined in the context of the martyrological discourse in the literature of the Great Emigration. Such an affirmation may appear puzzling given Mochnacki’s rejection of martyrological interpretations of Poland’s history or messianic readings of his political philosophy, let alone his reputation of being radically opposed to Adam Mickiewicz’s idea of the sacrifi cial victimhood of the Polish nation. In this study the ideological and rhetorical aspects of their statements are compared and analysed. There can be little doubt that in the Preface Mochnacki’s phrasing is steeped in patriotic pathos which seems to be at odds with the tone of his other writings. This article claims that it was a tactical move on his part: he chose the familiar martyrological loci merely as a means to enlist the readers’ support for his own pragmatic programme of restoring Poland’s independence. A general conclusion to be drawn from this apparent inconsistency is that already at that stage (The Uprising was published in Paris in 1834) the logosphere of the Great Emigration had become so dominated by the martyrological discourse that Mochnacki could not afford to ignore it.

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Makiko Kihara

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