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The article analyzes the letters of L. Dobychin from 1924-1936. It reveals the main characteristics of the images of the author and the addressee, explicit and implicit forms of the author’s self-expression, the author’s epistolary intentions. The article shows that for Dobychin letters are not only external, but also internal representant of a personality, the most important way of formation of the image of “I” in its subjective and objective significance. The uniqueness of the author’s epistolary personality is determined by absolute sincerity and uncompromising judgment, etiquette pedantry, the combination of ironic and sentimental intonations, acute experience of his relations with the world and people, idealization of writerly status, orientation to the ideal norm both in aesthetic and in behavioral sense. The image of the addressee of the letters is partly mythologized and determined by the type of relationship between the correspondents and the role chosen by the addressee. The variations of the author’s “ego” and the change of the addressees’ role functions provide an expansion of the semantic and aesthetic potential of the image of the addressee and the correspondence as a whole.
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Tat’yana Shekhovtsova

  1. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
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What we intend to do in this short essay is to consider part of the epistolary of Rebora as a literary object, an object that follows the condition of poetry hand in hand (at least in certain moments) and that often goes beyond it precisely at the level of daring formal and semantic. In evaluating the epistolary under the literary aspect, in its creativity so similar to writing in verse, our pourpose is to demonstrate how at the basis of Rebora’s expressiveness (or expressionism) there is a powerful endogenous drive, and that his disorder is psychological rather than cultural, or “stylistic”.
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Stefano Rosatti

  1. Università d'Islanda, Reykjavík
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The aim of the following paper is to compare the female protagonists of Honoré de Balzac’s novel that dates back to 1842. The comparison is drawn in the context of two philosophical notions which are in opposition: volonté, understood as intent and desire to achieve goals or realize passions, and liberum arbitrium representing the free will to make conscious personal decisions. Mrs de l’Estorade, alias Renée de Maucombe, is the most conspicuous example of a character, who seems to be driven by social determinism. However, this assumption is paradoxically far from truth because the actions she takes reflect the principles of liberum arbitrium. The epistolary form of the novel complements the analysis of the aforementioned concepts. It allows the women to give vent to their feelings and explain the reasons behind their choices.

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Andrzej Rabsztyn
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Lesya Ukrainka was well acquainted with Polish culture, spoke Polish, using Polonism in the spontaneous live speech of her epistolary. The writer forms Polonisms as barbarisms, using Latin graphics, actualizes Ukrainianized Polonisms in the Cyrillic graphics of the Ukrainian alphabet; she uses calques and half-calques. She distributes all types of borrowings: phraseological, semantic, lexical, semantic, phonetic, morpheme. There are representatives of all parts of speech among the borrowings: most of them are abstract and specific nouns, adjectives of different lexical and grammatical categories, verbs and adverbs, pronoun forms are rarely used, functional words are infrequently used. Polonisms perform a number of functions, among which (1) nominative – naming Polish realities, (2) expressing coherence through Polish discursive words and expressions, (3) using etiquette formulas to actualize phatic communication, (4) modeling epithets, paraphrases, enantheosemia and other artistic means for the purpose of ornamentalization of the text, (5) use of specific Polish and calqued phraseologies, precedent units, etc. for verbalization of emotions and expression, (6) representation of individual word formation for the purpose of attraction of the text. The writer reflected the natural process of functioning of Polonisms in the Ukrainian language.
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Тетяна Космеда
Olena Kowalewska

  1. Вінниця, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
  2. Poznań, Uniwersytet imienia Adama Mickiewicza

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