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The aim of this study is to list errors in the use of prepositions in Italian, which are made by first‑year students at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw. We have analysed the written final examination papers of students who started learning Italian without prior knowledge of the language. The identified errors have been classified and for each group of errors we have indicated the potential cause of their occurrence. The conclusions of our research can raise language awareness as to the correct usage of the Italian prepositions.
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1. ALBANESE, O./ FIORILLI, C./ GNISCI, A. (2007): La correzione degli errori da parte degli insegnanti: tra concezioni dell’intelligenza e pratiche del discorso, Ricerche di Psicologia, 30(2), 29–57.
2. BALBONI P. E. (2012): Le sfide di Babele: Insegnare le lingue nelle società complesse. Torino, UTET.
3. BALBONI, P. E. (2013): Il ruolo delle emozioni di studente e insegnante nel processo di apprendimento e insegnamento linguistico, EL.LE, 2(1), 7–30.
4. BOZZONE COSTA R. (2002): “Rassegna degli errori lessicali in testi scritti da apprendenti elementari, intermedi ed avanzati di italiano L2 (ed implicazioni didattiche)”, Linguistica e Filologia, 14, 37–67.
5. DĄBROWSKA, A./ PASIEKA, M. (2015): “Błąd językowy – co to takiego? Rozważania o błędzie językowym w glottodydaktyce polonistycznej”, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 22, 21–47.
6. DOTA, M. (2013): “L’errore e il feedback correttivo: contributi teorici e studio di un caso”, Italiano LinguaDue, 5(1), 29–96.
7. ERDOĞAN, V. (2005): “Contribution of error analysis to foreign language teaching”, Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 1(2), 261–270.
8. HENDRICKSON, J. M. (1978): “Error correction in foreign language teaching: Recent theory, research, and practice”, Modern Language Journal, 387–398.
9. KALETA, R. 2018. Błędologia w glottodydaktyce białorutenistycznej, Katedra Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
10. KALISKA, M. (2018): Model uczenia języków obcych w szkole wyższej na przykładzie języka włoskiego: Założenia teoretyczne, metodologia nauczania i zintegrowany rozwój kompetencji, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Komunikacji Specjalistycznej i Interkulturowej, Uniwersytet Warszawski.
11. KRASHEN, S. D./ TERRELL, T. D. (1983): The natural approach: Language acquisition in the classroom, Oxford, Pergamon Press.
12. KWAPISZ‑OSADNIK, K. (2017): “Przyimki jako znaczniki różnych konceptualizacji: analiza zagadnienia na przykładzie języka włoskiego”, Acta Neophilologica, 1(XIX), 135–145.
13. LENNON, P. (1991): “Error: Some problems of definition, identification, and distinction”, Applied Linguistics, 12(2), 180–196.
14. MALINOWSKA, M. (2017): “La preposizione da e alcuni suoi corrispettivi polacchi – uno studio cognitivo”, Romanica Cracoviensia, 17(1), 33–43.
15. MALINOWSKA, M. (2020): “La preposizione su e alcuni suoi corrispettivi polacchi – uno studio cognitivo”, Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny, LXVII, 1, 40–52.
16. PAWLAK, M. (2014): Error Correction in the Foreign Language Classroom. Reconsidering the Issues, Berlin, Springer‑Verlag.
17. RICHARDS, J. C. (2015): Error analysis: Perspectives on second language acquisition, New York, Routledge.
18. SELINKER, L. (1972): “Interlanguage”, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 10(1–4), 209–232.

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Authors and Affiliations

Bożena Gandor

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa
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The accuracy of vehicle speed measured by a speedometer is analysed. The stress on the application of skew normal distribution is laid. The accuracy of measured vehicle speed depends on many error sources: construction of speedometer, measurement method, model inadequacy to real physical process, transferring information signal, external conditions, production process technology etc. The errors of speedometer are analysed in a complex relation to errors of the speed control gauges, whose functionality is based on the Doppler effect. Parameters of the normal distribution and skew normal distribution were applied in the errors analysis. It is shown that the application of maximum permissible errors to control the measuring results of vehicle speed gives paradoxical results when, in the case of skew normal distribution, the standard deviations of higher vehicle speeds are smaller than the standard deviations of lower speeds. In the case of normal distribution a higher speed has a greater standard deviation. For the speed measurements by Doppler speed gauges it is suggested to calculate the vehicle weighted average speed instead of the arithmetic average speed, what will correspond to most real dynamic changes of the vehicle speed parameters.

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Jonas Skeivalas
Eimuntas Paršeliūnas
Raimundas Putrimas
Dominykas Šlikas
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A novel algorithm is presented to deduce individual nodal forwarding behavior from standard end-to-end acknowledgments. The algorithm is based on a well-established mathematical method and is robust to network related errors and nodal behavior changes. The proposed solution was verified in a network simulation, during which it achieved sound results in a challenging multihop ad-hoc network environment.

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Karol Rydzewski
Jerzy Konorski
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This is an extended research of the paper (Islam et al., 2011) conducted to obtain a universal set of interaction parameters of the model NRTL over the temperature range 10 - 100 °C for hexane-butanol-water system; meaning for binary pairs hexane-butanol, butanol-water and hexane-water; and for ternary system hexane-butanol-water. Thorough investigations of data selections for all binary pairs (Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE), Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (LLE)), infinite dilution activity coefficient (γ∞), infinite dilution distribution coefficient (Dsw), excess enthalpy (HE), and for ternary system (LLE of hexane-butanol-water) were carried out. Finally quadratic temperature dependent interaction parameters were estimated regressing all the mentioned data and in each case calculated results were compared with literature values. The comparisons showed an overall percentage of error within 15% for the mentioned phase equilibrium calculations.

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Akand Islam
Vinayak Kabadi
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This paper deals with the experimental validation of the suitability of the method for measuring radial variations of components on the process tool. The tests were conducted using a computerized PSA6, which was compared to a Talyrond 73. The results of measurement of roundness deviations as well as roundness profiles were analyzed for a sample of 70 shafts. The roundness deviations were assessed by determining the experimental errors, while the profiles obtained with the tested device were compared to those registered by the reference device using three correlation coefficients.

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Krzysztof Stępień
Włodzimierz Makieła
Stanisław Adamczak
Adam Janusiewicz
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The aim of this study was to estimate the measurement uncertainty for a material produced by additive manufacturing. The material investigated was FullCure 720 photocured resin, which was applied to fabricate tensile specimens with a Connex 350 3D printer based on PolyJet technology. The tensile strength of the specimens established through static tensile testing was used to determine the measurement uncertainty. There is a need for extensive research into the performance of model materials obtained via 3D printing as they have not been studied sufficiently like metal alloys or plastics, the most common structural materials. In this analysis, the measurement uncertainty was estimated using a larger number of samples than usual, i.e., thirty instead of typical ten. The results can be very useful to engineers who design models and finished products using this material. The investigations also show how wide the scatter of results is.

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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Adamczak
Jerzy Bochnia
Bożena Kaczmarska
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In the paper, a feedforward linearization method for differential-pair operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) is discussed.

The proposed technique is developed using simple differential pair transconductors and linear reference resistor. The concept leads not only to very efficient linearization ofa transfer characteristic oft he OTA but also others the possibility of effffective phase compensation. Due to this, the circuit can be used in applications requiring precise phase response (e.g. filters). SPICE simulations show that for the circuit working with a ±1.25V power supply, total harmonic distortion (THD) at 0.8Vpp is less then 0.1% in comparison to 10.2% without linearization. Moreover, the input voltage range ofline ar operation is increased. Power consumption oft he overall circuit is 0.94mW. The 3rd order elliptic filter example has been designed and simulated. It turns out that the proposed compensation scheme significantly improves the performance of the filter at higher frequencies.

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S. Szczepański
S. Kozieł
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A concept of the vector space of imperceptible observation errors in linear Gauss-Markov models with uncorrelated observations, initially proposed in the earlier work of the author, is presented together with some improvements and new developments. The gross errors falling into that vector space pass absolutely undetected through all possible statistical tests set in the least squares estimation and unnoticeably distort the resulting values of one or more of the model parameters. The relationship is established between the concept of imperceptible gross errors and the concept, proposed by other authors, of the gross errors which can be detected but not identified due to specific properties of a network's structure. The theory is illustrated with a simple numerical example.
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Witold Prószyński
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The paper provides analysis of the influence of temperature on the error of weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems utilizing piezoelectric polymer load sensors. Results of tests of these sensors in a climatic chamber, as well as results of long-term tests at the WIM site, are presented. Different methods for correction of the influence of changes in temperature were assessed for their effectiveness and compared.

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Janusz Gajda
Piotr Burnos
Ryszard Sroka
Tadeusz Zeglen
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Gear transmission errors are influenced by temperature especially in the aerospace field. A model is proposed to investigate the influence of temperature on cylindrical gear transmission errors based on the thermal network (TETN). The gear temperature field distribution model is established based on the thermal network method, and gear thermal deformation can be calculated along the gear meshing line. Regarding the gear single-flank rolling process, the variation of gear transmission errors under temperature is determined. In numerical calculations in MATLAB, the variation of gear transmission errors at 100°C compared to 20°C is –4.20 μm, which decreases almost linearly while the thermal expansion coefficient of the gear material increases. The simulation of the gear transmission errors variation of temperatures using the finite element method (FEM) were carried out in Workbench software under Ansys and the average difference of the TETN model results between calculations and FEM for different temperatures was 0.24 μm. Experiments were carried out on the gear tester in temperatures ranging from 0°C to 100°C, the TETN model results in calculations were compared with the results of the tester, and the average difference was –1.15 μm. The results show that the proposed TETN can be used as an algorithm to determine the variation of gear transmission errors under the influence of temperature.
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Jie Tang
Heng Guo
Hui Wan

  1. Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing University of Technology, 100124 Beijing, China; Beijing Engineering Research Center of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments, 100124 Beijing, China
  2. Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing University of Technology, 100124 Beijing, China
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Heresy is usually defned as an error concerning the content of faith. In this article heresy is shown as a sin requiring conversion and penance and not just a withdrawal of one’s views. A sin of heresy is compared to adultery or idolatry, for which the same penance used to be assigned (e.g. Synod of Elvira in 306, can. 22). In this context the condemnation of Nestorius by the Council of Ephesus in 431 is characteristic because it is focused on the insult to Jesus Christ and not on erroneous conceptions. It is also the case with the formulas of condemnation of heretics where such invectives as contamination, sacrilegium or perfdia were often used, and those terms belong to the feld of morality rather than to intellectual disputes or differences.

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O. Henryk Pietras SJ
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This paper addresses the issue of obtaining maximum likelihood estimates of parameters for structural VAR models with a mixture of distributions. Hence the problem does not have a closed form solution, numerical optimization procedures need to be used. A Monte Carlo experiment is designed to compare the performance of four maximization algorithms and two estimation strategies. It is shown that the EM algorithm outperforms the general maximization algorithms such as BFGS, NEWTON and BHHH. Moreover, simplification of the problem introduced in the two steps quasi ML method does not worsen small sample properties of the estimators and therefore may be recommended in the empirical analysis.

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Katarzyna Maciejowska
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The aim of the study is to discuss the relationship of the crude oil price, speculative activity and fundamental factors. An empirical study was conducted with a VEC model. Two cointegrating vectors were identified. The first vector represents the speculative activity. We argue that the number of short non-commercial positions increases with the crude oil stock and price, decreases with the higher number of long non-commercial positions. A positive trend of crude oil prices may be a signal for traders outside the industry to invest in the oil market, especially as access to information could be limited for them. The second vector represents the crude oil price under the fundamental approach. The results support the hypothesis that the crude oil price is dependent on futures trading. The higher is a number of commercial long positions, the greater is the pressure on crude oil price to increase.

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Robert Socha
Piotr Wdowiński
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The error reduction technique, based on inverse transformation, for a shunt active resistance measurement using an ammeter and voltmeter is considered. When computing a corrected reading only multiplicative operations on two measurement results are used, namely squaring and division. The proposed method allows to increase re-sistance measurement accuracy by about two orders of magnitude what has been validated by both theoretical and experimental outcomes.

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Sergey Muravyov
Galina Zlygosteva
Valeriy Borikov
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Reliable estimation of longitudinal force and sideslip angle is essential for vehicle stability and active safety control. This paper presents a novel longitudinal force and sideslip angle estimation method for four-wheel independent-drive electric vehicles in which the cascaded multi-Kalman filters are applied. Also, a modified tire model is proposed to improve the accuracy and reliability of sideslip angle estimation. In the design of longitudinal force observer, considering that the longitudinal force is the unknown input of the electric driving wheel model, an expanded electric driving wheel model is presented and the longitudinal force is obtained by a strong tracking filter. Based on the longitudinal force observer, taking into consideration uncertain interferences of the vehicle dynamic model, a sideslip angle estimation method is designed using the robust Kalman filter and a novel modified tire model is proposed to correct the original tire model using the estimation results of longitudinal tire forces. Simulations and experiments were carried out, and effectiveness of the proposed estimation method was verified.

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Long Chen
Te Chen
Xing Xu
Yingfeng Cai
Haobin Jiang
Xiaoqiang Sun
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According to metrological guidelines and specific legal requirements, every smart electronic electricity meter has to be constantly verified after pre-defined regular time intervals. The problem is that in most cases these pre-defined time intervals are based on some previous experience or empirical knowledge and rarely on scientifically sound data. Since the verification itself is a costly procedure it would be advantageous to put more effort into defining the required verification periods. Therefore, a fixed verification interval, recommended by various internal documents, standardised evaluation procedures and national legislation, could be technically and scientifically more justified and consequently more appropriate and trustworthy for the end user. This paper describes an experiment to determine the effect of alternating temperature and humidity and constant high current on a smart electronic electricity meter’s measurement accuracy. Based on an analysis of these effects it is proposed that the current fixed verification interval could be revised, taking into account also different climatic influence. The findings of this work could influence a new standardized procedure in respect of a meter’s verification interval.

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Blaž Radej
Janko Drnovšek
Gaber Begeš
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The paper deals with the accuracy of measurements of strains (elongation and necking) and stresses (tensile strength) in static room-temperature tensile strength tests. We present methods for calculating measurement errors and uncertainties, and discuss the determination of the limiting errors of the quantities measured for circular and rectangular specimens, which is illustrated with examples.

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Stanisław Adamczak
Jerzy Bochnia
Czesław Kundera
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This paper presents a low-cost and smart measurement system to acquire and analyze mechanical motion parameters. The measurement system integrates several measuring nodes that include one or more triaxial accelerometers, a temperature sensor, a data acquisition unit and a wireless communication unit. Particular attention was dedicated to measurement system accuracy and compensation of measurement errors caused by power supply voltage variations, by temperature variations and by accelerometers’ misalignments. Mathematical relationships for error compensation were derived and software routines for measurement system configuration, data acquisition, data processing, and self-testing purposes were developed. The paper includes several simulation and experimental results obtained from an assembled prototype based on a crank-piston mechanism

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J.M. Dias Pereira
Vítor Viegas
Octavian Postolache
Pedro Silva Girão
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The objective of the paper is to analyse traceability issues in real-life gas flow measurements in complex distribution systems. The initial aim is to provide complete and traceable measurement results and calibration certificates of gas-flow meters, which correspond to specific installation conditions. Extensive work has been done to enable a more credible decision on how to deal in particular situations with the measurement uncertainty which is always subject of a flow meter’s calibration as a quantitative parameter value obtained in laboratory, and with the qualitative statement about the error of an outdoor meter. The laboratory simulation of a complex, real-life distributed system has been designed to achieve the initial aim. As an extension of standardized procedures that refer to the laboratory conditions, the proposed methods introduce additional “installation-specific” error sources. These sources could be either corrected (if identified) or considered as an additional “installation-specific” uncertainty contribution otherwise. The analysis and the results of the experimental work will contribute to more precise and accurate measurement results, thus assuring proper measurements with a known/estimated uncertainty for a specific gas flow installation. Also, the analysis will improve the existing normative documents by here presented findings, as well as fair trade in one of the most important and growing energy consumption areas regarding the legal metrology aspects. These facts will enable comparing the entire quantity of gas at the input of a complex distributed system with the cumulative sum of all individual gas meters in a specific installation.

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Zijad Džemić
Brane Širok
Janko Drnovšek
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The predictive current controller of the DC/AC converter is presented in the article. The new expected converter current vector’s

locations can be evaluated due to the possibility of predicting the current vector’s change directions. An original method for the converter control was developed basing on the current vector changes analysis presented in this paper. This method enables to minimize the current vector error area and decrease the mean switching frequency. One of the advantages of the proposed control method is the possibility of the realization of the controller in the look-up table controller form. The results of laboratory tests proved the effectiveness of the proposed control method.

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A. Ruszczyk
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Generally, gross errors exist in observations, and they affect the accuracy of results. We review methods to detect the gross errors by Robust estimation method based on L1-estimation theory and their validity in adjustment of geodetic networks with different condition. In order to detect the gross errors, we transform the weight of accidental model into equivalent one using not standardized residual but residual of observation, and apply this method to adjustment computation of triangulation network, traverse network, satellite geodetic network and so on. In triangulation network, we use a method of transforming into equivalent weight by residual and detect gross error in parameter adjustment without and with condition. The result from proposed method is compared with the one from using standardized residual as equivalent weight. In traverse network, we decide the weight by Helmert variance component estimation, and then detect gross errors and compare by the same way with triangulation network In satellite geodetic network in which observations are correlated, we detect gross errors transforming into equivalent correlation matrix by residual and variance inflation factor and the result is also compared with the result from using standardized residual. The results of detection are shown that it is more convenient and effective to detect gross errors by residual in geodetic network adjustment of various forms than detection by standardized residual.
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Jung-Hyang Kim
Chol-Jin Kim
Ryong-Jin Li
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The DiSTFA method (Displacements and Strains using Transformation and Free Adjustment) was presented in Kamiński (2009). The method has been developed for the determination of displacements and strains of engineering objects in unstable reference systems, as well as for examining the stability of reference points. The DiSTFAG (Gross errors) method presented in the paper is the extension of the DiSTFA method making it robust to gross errors. Theoretical considerations have been supplemented with an example of a practical application on a simulated 3D surveying network.
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Waldemar Kamiński
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This document contains results of research on complex motion common magnetic circuit electromagnetic converter characteristic that allows making independent axial and rotary shaft motion. The converter in addition to linear-rotary mechanism consists of two drive rotors and one common magnetic circuit excitator. Such a solution allows to reduce volume of the machine and makes it easier to use. The paper cites design intent and possible structure of the device. Phenomenon of common magnetic circuit adverse effect on correct operation of device is discussed. The concept of using relative error as a way to evaluate the influence of that phenomenon in the torques is discussed. Waveforms of determined relative errors for all possible cases is presented. Furthermore the concept of average relative error is defined and its use as a quantitative method of assessing the degree of common circuit impact is indicated. Definition of relative error ripple factor is given, and its usage is shown. Winding inductance calculation based on free FEM application is shown and its influence on control strategy and power system.

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Grzegorz Kamiński
Paweł Góralski

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