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The Emigration Museum in Gdynia, open since 2015, is an essential stop on the cultural map of the Tri-City area. The distinctive building of the former Maritime Station is not just a gem of modernist architecture – it has become a powerful symbol of the sociocultural transformations that the city of Gdynia and Poland itself have undergone in recent decades.
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Justyna Sienkiewicz-Baraniak

  1. Specialist for Media Communication
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The article is devoted to study of the structure of the artistic expanse in Marina Tsvetaeva’s autobiographical essay Mother and Music. This structure is rich and complex; containing the following elements: concrete-geographical, spatial-physical, archetypal, emotional-psychological, sacred‑spiritual as well as others. Each of them, to one degree or another, reflects the peculiarities of the writer’s worldview, her creative manner, as well as her subjective attitude to the objective phenomena of surrounding reality. In the holistic context of this essay, the author contrasts two grandiose Universes – the mother’s world with her music and the daughter’s world with her poetry. The relativity and variability of the relevant spatial, psychological and other parameters emphasize the absoluteness of those eternal values of existence, on which the masterly organized system of Tsvetaeva’s prose is based.
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Ирина Бетко

  1. Uniwersytet Warmińsko‑Mazurski w Olsztynie
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The article concerns the ethics of memory in the book Karta rodiny [ Map of the Homeland] by Peter Vayl. The first part of the article examines the issue of the ethics of remembering in relation to the phenomenon of trivialising the memory of the Solovki prison camp. It is represented here, among others, by the picture of contemporary religious and con-sumer tourism described by Vayl in the Solovetsky Islands. A monument dedicated to the victims of the Solovki prison camp will be treated as a separate form of downgrading. The reflection on the monument is an important element of the criticism of collective memory, made in Karta rodiny. In the second part of the article, the author refers to Vayl’s assessment of the attitude of the Soviet writers Maxim Gorky and Mikhail Prishvin, who visited Solovki prison camp and wrote testimonies of this event, ignoring the truth about the crimes which took place in the camp.
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Małgorzata Sylwestrzak

  1. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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This reading of Jerzy Stempowski’s essay ‘Rubis d’Orient’ (published in 1954 under the pseudonym Paweł Hostowiec) is based on the assumption that his work can be divided into two phases, the Appolonian and the Dionysian. While the essay ‘In the Dniester river valley’, with its idealized world of a timeless idyll, seems to be the most salient manifestation of the Appolonian phase, ‘Rubis d’Orient’ marks Stempowski’s turn towards temporality and historical time. The intrusion of tragedy and Dionysian motifs is accompanied by a change of style and structure, increasingly complex and metaphoric. This transition, the article argues, is nowhere clearer than in ‘Rubis d’Orient’, which, moreover, reads like an art manifesto. This, in turn, puts Stempowski's subsequent essays and his catastrophist views in a new perspective.
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Małgorzata Zemła

  1. Ludwig–Maximilians–Universität, München
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This article looks at a character of Jakub Frank, the 18th-century Jewish Messianic leader, in Andrzej Żuławski’s book of idiosyncratic essays Moliwda (published in 1994). Żuławski, a controversial fi lm-maker and writer, whose historic musings are usually focused on an individual who embodies the spirit of the age in this case turns his attention to Jakub Frank. Moliwda is typical of the early phase of Żuławski’s writing career characterized by a radically revisionist explorations of the Age of the Enlightenment in search for parallels with the modern age and his own life. Jakub Frank is presented as a trickster, religious charlatan, political fraudster and fateful ancestor of 20th-century tyrants, but at the same time as a rebel against the idea of God and history enshrined in the Judaic tradition. The article views Żuławski’s interpretation as an attempt to appropriate certain elements of the history of religion to create an authoritarian vision of modernity and its historical roots, based on mechanisms of self-aggrandizement, sexualization of power and subversion of all hierarchies.

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Piotr Misztela

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