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Ethnic return migration is a widespread strategy for migrants from economically disadvantaged coun-tries. This article is about those ethnic return migrants who might successfully migrate thanks to their ancestors; their decision is based upon economic, pragmatic or rationalistic incentives aside from their diasporic feeling of belonging. Although this phenomenon has already been studied, scholars still mostly refer only to the benefits proposed by immigration policy as a key to understanding it. The impact of policy in the country of emigration on ethnic return migration is understudied. This article fills this gap. I found that when the Soviet Union introduced an attractive policy for Ukrainians/Russians in terms of study or work opportunities and the inhabitants in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic were quick to proclaim themselves as Ukrainians or Russians, the dissolution of the Soviet Union quickly changed this motiva-tion. Ukrainians with Czech ancestors started to aim at obtaining official status as Czech members of the diaspora because of the benefits proposed by the Czech government (mainly permanent residency). However, it is difficult to prove the required link to one’s Czech ancestors due to Soviet-era documents in which the column with the Czech nationality of people’s ancestors is often missing. These observa-tions lead to the conclusion that an attractive immigration policy aimed at the diaspora should not be treated as the only comprehensive explanation for ethnic return migration. Ethnic policy in the country of emigration also shapes this kind of migration and – in this concrete case – could even discourage ethnic return migrants.

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Luděk Jirka
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The paper outlines the methodological issues connected to national statistics, their cartographical representations, and the methods of conducting censuses. During the Paris Peace Conference representatives of new Central- and Eastern European states vehemently criticized the ethnic statistics developed by the empires, mostly Russian and Austro-Hungarian. The censuses, conducted in these new states in early 1920s, were criticized along similar lines by the minorities. Among the most vociferous critics were German geographers. Pointing out to the results of the plebiscites in Silesia, Carinthia and other regions they argued, that national identity did not have to correspond to the mother tongue, and census authorities should have taken it into account. Paradoxically, they considered this point valid only to the Central and Eastern Europe, not Western Europe. In the final part of the paper the position of geographers and statisticians in post-war debates are confronted with information on the behaviour of respondents during the censuses in Poland and Czechoslovakia.

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Maciej Górny
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The traditional model of the multinational city, which was based on the harmonious coexistence of separated ethnic residential districts and common multinational public areas, where the exchange of services and goods took place, gives way to the contemporary model, based on the principle of dispersion and segmentation. In the postmodern city virtual space has increasingly becoming a platform of exchange: numerous economic, social and cultural functions are performed through the ubiquitous electronic communications. Public space, symbolic for the European concept of the city, is losing many of its previous functions in favour of the Internet. The dispersion of immigrants in the structure of the multinational city is conducive to the emergence of an attractive, kaleidoscopic and multicultural urban organism, their separation in ghettos results in intensification of pathologies. Integration is assuming the form of a network, while separation that of walls.

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Artur Jasiński
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The aim of the presented paper is to show the history of the development of research on social minorities in the environment of Bialystok sociologists. This research center, located on the north-eastern borderland of Poland, was one of the first in Poland to develop research in the field of borderland sociology. With time, the research subject has been expanded, from the analysis of the assimilation of the Belarusian minority to the contemporary face of the idea of a multicultural society, discussing not only nationality, religiosity, but also non-heteronormities.

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Małgorzata Bieńkowska
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The eminent French historian Fernand Barudel pointed out in his works about the Med that one would need for understanding of activites of an individual a wide context created by the social space and environment in which the main hero tends to live in. For Braudel became Philippe 2nd only a pretence to analyse the whole civilisation of the Medin his times. This context can be employed on the man of letters, a loner, spending the most of his life in his astronomical observatory – Nicolaus Copernicus. Unquestionably, the social environment of Thorn exerted the biggest influence on the formation of the young Copernicus. The city was located on the lower Vistula, on the boarder of the state of Teutonic Knights and Poland, with strong relationships with Silesia, Cracow and Hansa and over Hansa with Northern Europe. This location created extraordinary circumstances for the formation of the one of the biggest intellects of his times. This cultural mosaic was the native environment of Nicolaus Copernicus, a German- speaking Pole, on the maternal side a descendant of immigrants from Westphalia, on the paternal side of Silesian Copernicus-family with Slavic roots, from his birth to his death the faithful subject of the Polish kings.
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Krzysztof Mikulski
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This article contributes to the growing debate on reintegration and the positioning of returnees in their home societies. Increasingly, studies focus on returnees’ agency in reintegration processes, their practices of mobility in return and their use of social capital and financial and social remittances acquired abroad. Much less analysed is how ethnicity influences such processes of return and experiences of reintegration. In this paper we examine how returnees belonging to different ethnic groups – Germans, Romanians and Roma – reintegrate in a Romanian multi-ethnic context with marked ethnic inequality and lasting segregation. Fieldwork was carried out in a town that has undergone massive changes in the past 30 years due to the combined effects of foreign direct investment and international migration. Economically, the town changed from a poor and decaying context, to one that was poor but developing and finally to one experiencing strong development. Using a modes-of-integration perspective and analysing returnees’ reintegration and mobilities, we show how return evolved as an ethnicised process in different contexts of reception.
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Remus Gabriel Anghel
Ovidiu Oltean
Alina Petronela Silian

  1. Department of Sociology, Faculty of Political Sciences, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, and Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Romania
  2. Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania
  3. Doctoral School of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Babeș-Bolyai University and National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania
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Humor has ancient roots and it has been the object of study of various disciplines from sociology, to literature, to linguistics. It has been highlighted how it can have an inclusive or exclusive value based on how it is used. Ethnic comedy has been employed by migrant subsequent generations to express a sense of belonging. Exploiting humour, behaviors and attitudes typical of first-generation emigrants who have been the object of denigration by mainstream society for a long time, have been turned by young generations into distinctive characteristics of the group and elements of belonging. This article aims to verify how language in ethnic comedy is used by young people of Italian descent in Australia and Canada as an expression of identity. Therefore, shows by Australian comedian Joe Avati and some episodes of the web series Nonna Maria Canada will be analyzed.
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Angela Princiotto

  1. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
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Confronted with a natural tendency of marginalization national/ethnic minorities and immigrant communities respond by adopting two diverse strategies of showing their presence in the public sphere of the host country. Depending on the level of their integration and the goals they want to achieve, they can either stress their links (affinity) with the majority culture or the differences that mark them out. However, some minority communities succeed in achieving a distinctive presence in the public sphere already at the stage of launching its own media.

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Krzysztof Wasilewski
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Some consider the multiculturality of Wrocław to be its obvious and socially legitimised “property”, whereas others view it as controversial and refutable construct. In the paper, we would like to investigate the multiculturality of the Lower Silesia’s capital taking into account its internal differentiation, which is mostly due to the adjudicating authorities – city authorities, its citizens and researchers — as well as observable dynamics. Hence, we propose to inspect the following: firstly, the real differentiation of the social structure of Wrocław’s inhabitants and its transformations related mostly to the influx of Ukrainians, who change the ethnic cityscape; secondly, the politics of municipal authorities regarding the promotion and strengthening of the city’s image as the multicultural, open and tolerant “meeting place”, as well as initiatives inscribed therein and other observable, contradictory events; thirdly, the evaluation of Wrocław’s multiculturality and its selected aspects performed by the city’s inhabitants and revealed in the research on this phenomenon in 2011 and in two editions of Social Diagnosis of Wrocław (2014 and 2017).

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Kamilla Dolińska
Julita Makaro
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The Kharkiv text of Ukrainian literature is examined for the first time from the point of view of a cross‑cultural analysis of the iconic work by H. Kvitka‑Osnovʹyanenko The Foundation of Kharkiv. The expediency for introducing this concept into academic circulation is argued for because of the traditional covering of Kharkiv and Sloboda Ukraine in literature, culture, and history. Substantiated are the conditions and specifics of the integral text about the city and the formation of identity under the influence of frontier psychology. Emphasized are the differences between the creation of national stereotypes and the birth of an independent worldview, and postcolonial experience.
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Barabash Yu., Vulytsia krokodyliv / Nevskyi prospekt. I poza nymy. Pysmennyk na etnokulturnomu pohranychchi, Kyyiv 2017.

Barabash Yu., Chuzhe – Inakshe – Svoie. Pivnichno‑skhidno etno‑ y lingvokulturne pohranychchia Ukrainy (Kharkiv. Donbas), «Slovo i Chas» 2020, № 6.

Bachórz J., Vopreki stereotipam, [v:] Amicus Poloniae: Pamyati Viktora Horeva, Moskva, 2013.

Borzenko O., Sentymentalna «provintsiia» (Nova ukrainska literatura na etapi yii stanovlennia), Kharkiv 2006.

Kvitka‑Osnovianenko H.F., Osnovanye Kharkova, [u:] H.F. Kvitka‑Osnovianenko, Zibrannia tvoriv u 7 tomakh, t. 6, Kyyiv 1981.

Levkievskaya E., Konfessionalnyiy obraz polyaka v russkoy narodnoy i pismennoy traditsii, [v:] Polyaki i russkie v glazah drug druga, Moskva 2000.

Lotman Yu., O ponyatii geograficheskogo prostranstva v russkih srednevekovyih tekstah, [v:] Yu. Lotman, Izbrannyie stati v treh tomah, t. 1, Tallinn 1992.

Lotman Yu., Semiosfera, Sankt‑Peterburg 2000.

Masliichuk V., Kharkiv yak patriarkhalʹne selo: kilʹka rozdumiv pro obraz mista, [u:]‑volodymyr‑masliychuk‑krakiv‑iak.

Toporov V., Obraz «soseda» v stanovlenii etnicheskogo samosoznaniya (russko‑litovskaya perspektiva), [v:] Slavyane i ikh sosedi. Etno‑psihologicheskiy stereotip v srednie veka (sbornik tezisov), Moskva, 1990.
Toporov V.N., Mif. Ritual. Simvol. Obraz: Issledovaniya v oblasti mifopoeticheskogo, Moskva 1995.

Tyupa V., Analitika hudozhestvennogo, Moskva 2001. Sherekh Yu., Chetvertyi Kharkiv, [u:] Yu. Sherekh, Druha cherha. Literaturna. Teatr. Ideolohii, München 1978.

Ushkalov L., Natsionalni svity slobidskoi literatury, «Aktualni problemy slovianskoi filolohii» 2009, vyp. XX.
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Artur Malynovskyi

  1. Odessa I.I. Mecznikov National University
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In reference to Anna Śliz’s book Wielokulturowość: stygmat współczesnego świata? Próba analizy socjologicznej [Multiculturalism: The Stigma of the Modern World? An Attempt at a Sociological Analysis], the subject of this article is multiculturalism as a phenomenon, a political project, and a real kind of existing society (multiculturalism is not the same as interculturalism or transculturalism). In the discourse on multiculturalism, many specific questions arise: the inevitability of the phenomenon and its genesis; the beginnings and bases of multiculturalism as a political project and its challenges; the reality of multicultural societies—from affirmation to contestation. Model discourse over multiculturalism is confronted with a range of remarks, commentaries, and questions about its fundamental significance, for example, about the potential for realizing the idea of multiculturalism in Europe, and whether Australia and Canada are now definitely multicultural societies.

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Zbigniew Kurcz
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This study examined the relationship between gender role conflict and attitude towards psychological help-seeking. This study involved 120 university students from a university. Gender Role Conflict Scale was used to measure gender role conflict and Attitude towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale-Short Form was used to measure attitude towards psychological help-seeking. The results found there is a significant negative relationship between gender role conflict and attitude towards seeking psychological help. The results suggest that it is essential for mental health professionals to recognise the impact of gender roles on the counselling process.

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Nirooj Loganathan
Fatt Mee Foo
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As the adoption of the Hungarian simplified naturalisation scheme raised much tension both in the neighbouring countries of Hungary and in the main host countries of EU citizens, this paper summarises the nature of such reactions and the most frequent fears that EU states expressed. The main aim of the study is to show what effects a country’s modification of its citizenship rules may have on the situations of other EU member-states and European Union citizens. The article also raises one practical aspect of the situation that evolved as a result of the answer by Slovakia to the Hungarian modifications – namely the ex lege withdrawal of Slovakian citizenship if a person acquires a new one from another country. It introduces in detail the free-movement aspects of ethnic Hungarians losing their Slovakian citizenship, while not leaving their homeland in Slovakia, arguing that people in such a situation may rightfully and immediately be eligible for permanent residence rights, which would provide them with a higher level of protection.

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Ágnes Töttős
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Despite the concerted efforts of the German administration in the occupied Łódź region, German-Polish mixed intimate relation-ships persisted. This article analyzes this issue in the context of the German civilian population, particularly ethnic Germans from Łódź, and Poles. During World War II, the occupying forces sought to prevent the formation and legalization of new intimate relationships between ethnic Germans and Poles. They introdu-ced more relaxed divorce laws to facilitate the dissolution of existing marriages. The Deutsche Volksliste (German Peoples’ List, DVL), established in the spring of 1940, played a pivotal role in this policy. Despite internal confusion and dilemmas, many Polish partners and children in ethnically mixed, legalized relationships were allowed limited German citizenship status as Volksdeutsche in the lowest categories. The process of inclusion and exclusion was deeply intertwined during the classification, driven by the necessity to avoid “ethnic confusion” and the potential displeasure of their German partners. The complexity of this ethnic categorization system and the policies governing ethnically mixed relationships became increasingly intri-cate with each passing year of the German occupation of Poland. However, these complexities did not disrupt the stability of the eth-nic hierarchy imposed by the occupiers in Łódź.
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Michał Turski
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The article is devoted to a study of the dynamics of linguistic and cultural assimilation of migrants from the Boyko region to the Donetsk region in Ukraine and the establishment of relevant factors that contributed to this process or delayed it. The research was carried out on the material of two centres of compact resettlement of the Boykos, who found themselves in different linguistic, cultural and social conditions. The author focuses on the role of the presence/absence of the dominant dialect of the recipient microsociety, the degree of linguistic and cultural affinity between the migrants and the host microsociety, the conflictogenicity of the situation, the language of education and the language of the city in the process of the assimilation of the migrants and their descendants.
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Deyneha M., Spohady staroho veterana pro svoyu «malu bat'kivshchynu», selo Zvanivka v Ukrayini, «Visnyk natsional'noho universytetu „L'vivs'ka politekhnika”» 2003, № 493.
Dzvony pam'yati (Spohady pro Liskovate), Artemivs'k 2003.
Frolyak L., Funktsionuvannya idiolektu z pivdenno-zakhidnoyu dialektnoyu osnovoyu v umovakh novostvorenoho hovoru, «Ukrayins'ka istorychna ta dialektna leksyka» 2003, vyp. 4.
Frolyak L., Ukrayins'ki skhidnostepovi hovirky Donechchyny, Drohobych 2013.
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Hrytsenko P.Yu., Doslidzhennya Chornobyl's'koyi zony na tli inshykh dialektnykh system, [v:] Hovirky Chornobyl's'koyi zony: Systemnyy opys, Kyyiv 1999.
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Hrytsenko P.Yu., Voronych H.V., Doroshenko L.I. ta in., Hovirky Chornobyl's'koyi zony: Systemnyy opys, Kyyiv 1999.
Hrytsenko P.Yu., Reduktyvna hovirka, [v:] Ukrayins'ka mova: entsyklopediya, Kyyiv 2004.
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Ryabets' L., Hovirky Chornobyl's'koyi zony v leksykohrafichnomu opratsyuvanni, «Visnyk Kyyivs'koho natsional'noho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Literaturoznavstvo. Movoznavstvo. Fol'klorystyka» 2021, № 1 (29).
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Lyubov Frolyak

  1. Люблін, Університет Марії Кюрі-Склодовської в Любліні
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The article examines the coverage of Cieszyn Silesia in the Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, a respected nation-wide daily based in Cracow, during the escalating crisis in Polish-Czechoslovak relations in August–October 1938. An analysis of over four hundred articles shows that while the primary focus was on the situation of ethnic Poles in the disputed region (Zaolzie, or Trans- Olza) and the problems facing Czechoslovakia on the international stage, the IKC also took care to provide its readers with information about the history and economic importance of the former Duchy of Cieszyn (Těšín, Teschen).
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Alicja Szumowiecka

  1. Szkoła Doktorska, Uniwersytet w Siedlcach

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