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A new exhibition dedicated to the Polish-Mongolian paleontological expeditions to the Gobi Desert decades ago has been unveiled at the PAS Museum of the Earth.
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Błażej Błażejowski

  1. Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences
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In her book Anna Ziębińska-Witek deals with a question of displaying and interpreting the experience of communism in various historical exhibitions in Central and Eastern Europe. The book enables the readers to get acquainted with analysis of historical discourses concerning contemporary history conducted neither in form of sophisticated monographies, nor in form of superficial press commentaries, but basing on such an unique media as historical exhibitions. Ziębińska-Witek stresses here the fact that museums are more often than not instruments of the politics of memory than a method of disseminating objective historical knowledge. Therefore she analyses and deconstructs various types of exhibitions: those stressing heroism, those underlining martyrdom, and, finally, those with a gadget-focused sentimental approach. Although it is hard to speak about one single interpretation of communism in historical exhibitions in Central and Eastern Europe, Ziębińska-Witek points out that in all Central and Eastern European countries the dominant role is played by large, stateowned museums.

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Rafał Stobiecki
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The article analyzes museum representations of communism in Poland from the perspective of exhibition strategies influencing the public understanding of the past. Over the past forty years, Western museums have increasingly moved away from the affirmative model of presenting the past, dominating since the nineteenth century, towards critical paradigms and even those pro-moting social activism. The analysis of Polish exhibitions devoted to recent history carried out from this perspective allows us to reveal the functions fulfilled by museum institutions in the Polish social and political reality.
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Anna Ziębińska-Witek

  1. Maria Curie‑Sklodowska University, Lublin
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The article is a critical analysis of an exhibition entitled The Primer that was opened at the State Museum at Majdanek in 2003. Tomasz Pietrasiewicz’s project is not a classic historical exhibition and the aim of the article is to prove its innovative character.
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Anna Ziębińska-Witek
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The presence of art in historic representative buildings is widespread and common. It is not surprising, therefore, that it is a frequent tool used in the transformation processes of these structures. A surprise, however, may be a situation where, instead of the art from the period of the creation of a given monument, the contemporary, multimedia or engaging the viewer cultural activities occur. Therefore, the key questions are the role of such forms of intervention in the historical representative interiors and the possibility of co-existing old and new. It is not without significance for objects under conservator’s protection that there are special requirements that the intervention must fulfill to be installed. The subject of considerations in this work are case studies of the application of contemporary multimedia art in the representative spaces of historical objects. The purpose of the article is to examine types of such artistic interventions resulting from the relationship between a work of art and exhibition space and their mutual influence.

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Joanna Szechlicka
Katarzyna Urbanowicz
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In this paper, I will look at the functioning of space through a specific example of the practice of socially modelling past realities in the 1940 Exposition of the Portuguese World. (Exposição do Mundo Português). The perspective of the Exposition will allow us to analyse the model of the"Portuguese world" and propose the creation of an interpretative key, in order to understand the “essence” of Portuguese spatial imagery. We will look at the exhibition in the perspective of Krzysztof Pomian's semiophore theory, trying to interpret its main assumptions and the cultural patterns that fund it, as well as what kind of model of space it co‑creates. In the light of the exhibition we will try to answer the question of how space constitutes the mental foundation of the model of the"Portuguese world". And how the spatial patterns of Portuguese culture are made present through the selected semiophores of the Portuguese World Exhibition.
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Karol Kasprowicz

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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The present Gdansk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences is the second oldest, unbrokenly operating, publicly available library in today’s Poland. Even on the European scale there are only a few libraries that are of similar age or older. There are many works on the history of the Gdansk Library and its growing collection of books through the centuries. Apart from a brief look at history, this particular article focuses, however, on one other aspect – loans of special collections for exhibitions organized outside the Library by external institutions – the so-called “loan service”. Such modern transformation of an old institution indicates the power of the library and its custodians not only to engage in cultural preservation, but also fostering culture. We should see the special collections loan service in the same light – as reaching out to the public instead of waiting for the public to reach the library. This fact alone indicates a growing shift in the understanding of the library as a service provider. For the purposes of this article, the Gdansk Library has subjectively selected five of the most important and interesting examples of external exhibitions that have used its “special collections loan service” between 2011 and 2020.

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Wanda Pętlicka
Zofia Tylewska-Ostrowska
Anna Walczak
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To help celebrate the Polish Academy of Sciences’ 70th anniversary, the historic Staszic Palace is hosting a commemorative exhibition showcasing some of the centerpieces of the Academy’s extensive collections.
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Joanna Arvaniti

  1. PAS Archives in Warsaw
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The aim of the article is to reflect on the phenomenon of great art exhibitions, gathering exhibits, mainly paintings, exceptional from the perspective of national cultural heritage, which collectively represent a defined generational message. The reflection included the best‑known exhibitions of recent decades, being an expression of the historical culture of a time of great changes in the life of Polish society at the turn of the 21st century. These are two exhibitions at the National Museum in Kraków, the first exhibition ever by Marek Rostworowski, “Polish self‑portrait” (1979); the second is an exhibition of Marek Szczerski’s work entitled #dziedzictwo/heritage (2017); a jubilee exhibition organised by the National Museum in Warsaw in collaboration with the Louvre‑Lens Museum, the National Museum in Poznan and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute on the centennial of regaining independence, entitled “Poland. The power of the image” (2019‑2021). This reflection also includes the monumental exhibition organised collectively by the Royal Castle in Warsaw and the Martin Gropius Bau in Berlin, with the participation of the curator Anda Rottenberg, entitled “Side by side. Germany‑Poland 1000 years of history in art.” (2012).
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Violetta Julkowska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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For the Gdansk Library, participation in the Nights of Museums is an effective way of execution of its didactic and science-promoting goals defined in its mission. The interesting main themes, presentation of the library’s rich collections, as well as the involvement of the organisers and the participating staff members all translated into the success of the nine editions of the event between 2011 and 2019. Their subsequent main themes were: A night with Johannes Hevelius from the treasury of the Gdansk Library, Fashion for books – fashion in books, Horror in the library, The world of the library on one night, Taking a book to further than the horizon, The Library as a Garden, Gedanum domus nostra – Our home – Gdansk, In mari vita tua – In the sea is your life, Genius – on the 500th death anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci. During the past Night of Museums, visitors to the Library were most impressed by the displays in the Reading Room of Historical Collections. Such presentations are sometimes the only opportunity to have a close contact with valuable manuscripts, old printed books, prints, and other special collections, and to hear competent staff members talking about them. Regular attractions of the Night of Museums included displays referring to the theme of the event in the exhibition room and a sale of library publications in the hall of the historical building at ul. Wałowa 15. The subsequent organisers of the project, also in cooperation with other cultural institutions from the Tri-City, each time enriched the programme with fascinating talks, thematic workshops, and even concerts. During the subsequent editions of the Night of Museums, the Gdansk Library hosted an average of 670 visitors, which testifies to the value of this tool of promotion of the library.
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Joanna Śliwa

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Nowej Książki
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The Kórnik Library is one of the oldest and most valuable establishments in Poland. By creating a library during the Partitions of Poland and collecting valuable old books and manuscripts, Tytus Działyński intended to save and foster Polish culture and traditions for posterity. Heir to Tytus – Jan Działyński – secured and expanded the Library. Having no heir himself, Jan Działyński left the Działyński inheritance to his nephew, Władysław Zamoyski, who continued his grandfather's and uncle's work. Just before his death, Władysław Zamoyski donated the entire inherited property to the Polish nation. In 1924, he established a Foundation meant to supervise the Library, a museum and the Institute of Dendrology. The Zakłady Kórnickie Foundation operated until 1953 when it was taken over by the Polish Academy of Sciences and has remained within its structure until today. The library continues assembling, developing and sharing its collections. The latest technologies have enabled us to provide the library and museum collections to the largest possible number of readers. The collections have been successively digitized and made available on the Digital Platform of the Kórnik Library created as part of the EU project POPC.02.03.01-IP.01-00-002/15 “Digital access to the resources of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the Library”.

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Edyta Bątkiewicz-Szymanowska
Magdalena Biniaś-Szkopek
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We talk with Prof. Andrzej Jajszczyk about his encounter with the historic ethnic group of Slovincians, his friendship with film director Andrzej Wajda, and his fascination with Japanese culture.
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Andrzej Jajszczyk

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