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The world in 21st century is facing the problem of growing energy consumption while the supply of fossil fuels is being reduced. This resulted in the development of research into the use of renewable energy sources and development of new technologies for energy production. In Polish conditions the development of agricultural biogas plants finds its legitimacy in the document developed by the Ministry titled "Trends in agricultural biogas plants in Poland in 2010-2020”. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the weather conditions and the degree of nitrogen fertilisation on yield of reed canary grass (Phalaris Arundinacea L.) and to determine their susceptibility to anaerobic digestion, and usefulness of the production of biogas. Carried out experiments showed that increasing nitrogen fertilisation (from 40 to 120 kg N/ha) linearly increased canary grass green biomass yield from 32 to 46.3 t/ha. However, the highest biogas yield 126 m3/ha was obtained when 80 kg N/ha was applied.

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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Ledakowicz
Anna Kacprzak
Mariusz Matyka
Liliana Krzystek
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The article presents the results of monitoring the aftereffect of the use of excessive zonal doses of mineral fertilisers on soil contamination with heavy metals (HM). With traditional soybean cultivation technology, the level of soil contamination when applying excessive doses (N 60P 180K 90) of fertilisers is quite high and indicates violations of the ecological balance of the agroecosystem. By the nature of the accumulation of heavy metals in meadow-chestnut soil, depending on the application of the studied doses (P 60K 30, N 30P 60K 30, N 60P 180K 90) of fertiliser, the content of HM (Pb, Zn, Cd) increases. The greatest contamination of the soil with Cu was revealed, the content of which increases to 3.2 mg∙kg –1 of soil, which is higher than the threshold of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) – 3.0 mg∙kg–1. According to the level of contamination of the soil with copper, it belongs to the highly dangerous classes. In a comparative assessment of the level of soil contamination with HM, optimal norms of mineral fertilisers have been established, namely, against the background of effective resource-saving technology for growing soybeans. The application of fertilisers at a dose of P 60K 30 and N 30P 60K 30 does not significantly affect the level of soil contamination with HM, optimises the ecological state and nutrient regime of the soil, preserves and restores soil fertility indicators, and increases soybean productivity. This resource-saving technology provides a safe environment for soybean cultivation and a significant increase of 34.5–38.6% in crop productivity (0.53–0.76 Mg∙ha –1) and yield (2.57 Mg∙ha –1).
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Naziya Suleimenova
Ainura Togisbayeva
Gulnar Orynbasarova
Elnara Kuandykova
Svetlana Yerekeyeva

  1. Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, 8 Abay Ave, 050010, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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In 2021, pak choi production in Indonesia was 727.47 Mg, marking an increase of 8.2% compared to the 2020 production, which was 667.47 Mg. Therefore, there is a clear need for cultivation improvement, particularly through the implementation of organic fertilisers. This study aimed to investigate the impact of liquid organic fertiliser (LOF) derived from fish waste and duck manure on the growth and yield of the pak choi plant ( Brassica rapa. L. var. Nauli F1). A randomised block design factorial was used with two factors and three replications. The first factor considered was LOF from fish waste, comprising three levels (LOF 0 = control, LOF 1 = 25 cm 3∙dm –3 of water, and LOF2 = 50 cm 3∙dm –3 of water). The second factor focused on duck manure fertiliser (DMF) and involved four levels (DMF 0 = control, DMF 1 = 3.7 kg∙plot –1, DMF 2 = 5.55 kg∙plot –1, and DMF 3 = 7.4 kg∙plot –1). The results showed that the application of LOF from fish waste positively influenced the growth and yield of pak choi, with the most effective treatment observed in LOF1 (25 cm 3∙dm –3 of water). However, the application of DMF did not yield a significant difference in its effect on the growth and yield of the pak choi plant. The control treatment (DMF 0) reported comparable results and the combination of LOF from fish waste and DMF did not show a significant effect, with the most favourable findings observed in the LOF 2DMF 0 treatment (50 cm 3∙dm –3 and control).
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Authors and Affiliations

Muhammad Idris
Imam H. Bangun
Nurma Ani
Dermawan Hutagaol
Fajar Siddik

  1. North Sumatera State Islamic University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Biology, Jl. Lap. Golf, 20353, Pancur Batu, Deli Serdang Regency, Indonesia
  2. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agrotechnology, Medan, Indonesia
  3. Al Azhar University Medan, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Medan, Indonesia
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Agricultural biogas plants are not only a place for processing waste resulting from animal husbandry, but also for generating electricity and heat as well as organic fertiliser. In a four-year experiment, pellets were used as organic fertiliser in the establishment of an experiment with fast-growing oxytrees. The study aimed to investigate the growth and stem thickness increment, overwintering in the first and subsequent years of cultivation under the conditions of north-eastern Poland.
The dried digestate and the pellets made from it were characterised by a high content of macroelements (N – 1,95%, P2O5 – 1,1%, K2O – 1,3%). The applied pellet from an agricultural biogas plant under oxytree seedlings due to its slow decomposition had a good effect on the growth of oxytrees in the second and third years. The average growth of oxytrees in the second year was 209.7 cm, and in the third year, 246.8 cm. The growth of oxytrees fertilised with pellets made from the digestate of an agricultural biogas plant was 13% higher than that of trees growing on the control strip.
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ABURAKER J., CEDERLUND H., ARTHURSON V., PELL M. 2013. Bacterial community structure and microbial activity in different soils amended with biogas residues and cattle slurry. Applied Soil Ecology. Vol. 72 p. 171–180. DOI 10.1016/j.apsoil.2013.07.002.

BAUZA-KASZEWSKA J., SZALA B., BREZA-BORUTA B., LIGOCKA A., KROPLEWSKA M. 2017. Wpływ nawożenia pofermentem z biogazowni na kształtowanie liczebności wybranych grup drobnoustrojów w gle-bie płowej [Influence of fertilization with biogas plant digestate on shaping the abundance of selected microbial groups in lessive soil]. Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie. T. 17. Z. 2(58) p. 15– 26.

BIAŁOWIEC A., WIŚNIEWSKI D., PULKA J., SIUDAK M., JAKUBOWSKI B., MYŚLAK B. 2015. Biosuszenie pofermentu z biogazowni rolniczych [Biosynthesis of digestate from agricultural biogas plants]. Środkowo-Pomorskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Ochrony Środowiska. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. Vol. 17 p. 1554–1568.

Gramwzielone 2015. Nowa biogazownia w woj. podlaskim [The new biogas plant in Podlaskie Voivodeship] [online]. [Access 28.02.2021]. Available at:

JADCZYSZYN T., WINIARSKI R. 2017. Wykorzystanie odpadów pofermen-tacyjnych z biogazowni rolniczych do nawożenia [Use of digestate from agricultural biogas plants for fertilization]. Studia i Raporty IUNG PIB. Z. 53(7) p. 105–118. DOI 10.26114/sir.iung.2017.53.08.

KNAUF M., FRÜHWALD A. 2015. Die Zukunft der deutschen Holzwerk-stoffindustrie [The future development of the German wood- based panel industry]. Holztechnologie. Nr. 56 p. 5–12.

KOWALCZYK-JUŚKO A., SZYMAŃSKA M. 2015. Poferment nawozem dla rolnictwa [Poferment fertilizer for agriculture]. Warszawa. Fundacja Programów Pomocy dla Rolnictwa FAPA. ISBN 978- 83-937363-6-2 pp. 60.

KOWR 2021. Rejestr wytwórców biogazu rolniczego [Angielski] [online]. Warszawa. Krajowy Ośrodek Wsparcia Rolnictwa. [Access 13.09.2021]. Available at:

LISOWSKI J., BORUSIEWICZ A. 2019. Comparison of yield and energy values of Pennsylvania mallow with giant miscanthus in three consecutive years of cultivation. Fragmenta Agronomica. Vol. 36(4) p. 1–7.

LISOWSKI J., PORWISIAK H. 2018. Cechy biometryczne drzewa oxytree oraz wykorzystanie szybkości wzrostu jako produkcja biomasy dla potrzeb energetyki [Biometric characteristics of oxytree tree and the use of growth rate as biomass production for energy purposes]. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Agrobiznesu w Łomży. Nr 69 p. 53–61.

LÓPEZ SERRANO F.R. 2015. Informe provisional de simulación de la productividad De una plantación hipotética de Paulownia elongata x fortunei cv in Vitro 112® [Interim productivity simulation report of a hypothetical plantation of Paulownia elongata x fortunei cv in Vitro 112®. Renewable Energy Research Institute. Department of Agroforestry Technology and Science and Genetics – Castilla La Mancha University pp. 6.

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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Skibko
Waclaw Romaniuk
Andrzej Borusiewicz
Henryk Porwisiak
Janusz Lisowski

  1. Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wiejska 45 D, 15-351 Bialystok, Poland
  2. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Insitute, Falenty, Poland
  3. The Higher School of Agribusiness in Lomza, Poland
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The mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Pseudococcidae), is one of the main pests attacking maize plants in Egypt. Field trials were carried out in the maize field to assess the influence of irrigation periods and potassium fertiliser rates on the mealybug ( P. solenopsis) population estimates, vegetative growth, resulting yield, and its components for the maize cultivar (‘Single-Hybrid 168 Yellow’) in the Luxor Governorate, Egypt. Results revealed that unfertilised plants irrigated every seven days had higher pest population densities than other treatments over the two seasons. The fertilised treatments at 114 kg K 2O∙ha –1 that received water every 10 days had the smallest population of P. solenopsis in every season. Data during the two seasons (2021 and 2022) revealed that the maize to which potassium fertiliser was added by 114 kg K 2O∙ha –1 and irrigated every 10 days had vegetative growth (plant height, diameter, and number of green leaves per plant), yield and its components (average ear length, ear weight, number of grains per ear, weight of 1000 grains, and grain yield) significantly increased as compared to those of the plants that were irrigated every 7 days and without adding fertiliser. A higher dose of potassium fertiliser reduces the infestation of P. solenopsis but causes an increment of maize vegetative growth. This affects the final yield. This information aids farmers in comprehending the good agronomic techniques of maize plants to decrease the infestation of mealybugs and increase the yield.
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Authors and Affiliations

Moustafa M.S. Bakry
Dalal M. Aljedani

  1. Agricultural Research Center, Plant Protection Research Institute, Department of Scale Insects and Mealybugs Research, 12619 Giza, Egypt
  2. University of Jeddah, College of Science, Department of Biology, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
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West Java, known as one of the largest rice producers in Indonesia, boasts considerable agricultural potential waiting to be harnessed. Recognising the significance of sustainable agricultural practices, the adoption of biofertilisers emerges as a promising strategy. This environmentally friendly approach not only offers economic benefits but also contributes to the preservation of the local ecosystem. Furthermore, implementing biopesticides for pest management complements these efforts by addressing pest resistance, ultimately enhancing agricultural productivity in the region. This study intends to demonstrate advantages of the organic farming system over inorganic farming in rice yield, economy, and sustainable farming in West Java, Indonesia. A non-factorial randomised complete block design was used: T0

= inorganic farming, T1

= 100% dosage organic farming, T2

= 100% dosage semi-organic farming, T3

= 50% dosage organic farming, and T4

= 50% dosage semi-organic farming. In conclusion, this research underscores the substantial potential benefits of biotechnology-based techniques, particularly organic farming systems (OFS). While the implementation of the OFS may not significantly impact certain plant growth parameters, the study emphasises its positive sustainability and economic feasibility. Advocating for the adoption of organic farming practices in West Java and neighbouring regions is crucial for a more sustainable and productive agricultural future.
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Authors and Affiliations

Imam Hartono Bangun
Rudy Sembiring
Chakrapani Ruddraramker
Muhammad Rizky Syam

  1. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Faculty of Agriculture, Mukhtar Basri No. 3, Medan 20238, Indonesia
  2. PT United Alacrity, Cempaka Putih Timur No. 118 Cempaka Putih, Jakarta 10510, Indonesia
  3. UAL Biotech Pte. Ltd, 101 Cecil Street, 14-09 Tong Eng Building, Singapore 069533, Singapore
  4. PT Vilanusa Indah Agroservices, Villa Nusa Indah 3 KB 3/1, Gunung Putri, Bojong Kulur, Bogor Regency, West Java 16960, Indonesia
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The purpose of this study has been to determine the effect of fertilisation with urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) solution enriched with P, Mg or S on the content of macronutrients in the grain and straw of maize. The following fertilisers were tested in the field experiment: ammonium nitrate, urea, UAN – 32% N; RSM+S – 26% N + 3% S; RSM+P(Medium) – 26% N and 4.80% P; RSM+P(Starter) – 21% N and 7.86% P; UAN + Mg – 20% N + 4% Mg. In each year of the experiment, significant differentiation in the contents of P, K, Ca, Mg and S in maize grain and straw was observed, depending on the applied nitrogen fertilisation. However, considering the average values from each treatment achieved over the three years, it was demonstrated that the fertilisation significantly changed only the content of P and S in grain and K and Ca in straw of maize. The removal of nutrients was the highest in the second year of the research and amounted in kg∙ha –1: P – about 100, K – about 350, Ca – about 80, Mg – about 35 and S – about 31, which in turn were differentiated over the years of the experiment in the three years. The removal of P, K, Mg and S also significantly depended on fertilisation. Significant differences, however, most often concerned the control treatment relative to the fertilised ones. The contribution of grain to the accumulation of nutrients also varied significantly in the three years of the experiment. Significantly the lowest share of grain in terms of P and S accumulation was noted in maize grown without N fertilisation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jadwiga Wierzbowska
Stanisław Sienkiewicz
Arkadiusz Światły

  1. University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Chair of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Oczapowskiego 8, 10-719, Olsztyn, Poland
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The objective of this study is to recover sludge from the Dar Gueddari sewage treatment plant and use it in the cultivation of corn in the open field on clay soil. To do this, four doses were tested against two types of controls: a control without addition of sludge and another with the addition of nitrogen-based fertilisers (200 kg N, 100 kg P and 100 kg K). The short-term effects indicated that the application of the sludge had a beneficial effect on the fertilising qualities of the soil and therefore on the crop yield. The monitoring of the agronomic parameters of the maize plant showed that the growths and the yields varied according to doses of the sludge. In grain yield, the difference between plot E4 and E0 was around 3.3 Mg∙ha –1. In addition, the plots treated with large sludge doses experienced improvements in total nitrogen and organic matter. During the second season, the results obtained showed decrease in nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). It emerged from the C:N ratio which was 8. This indicated a good mineralisation of the organic matter (OM) which was average of 2.48 ±0.04% and 2.5 ±0.01%, respectively in the E4 and E5 treatments. In addition, the amounts of N, P and Ca in dry matter (DM) increased with increasing the dose of sludge. During the 2017 season, the highest values were detected in plot E5 with averages of 1.6% in N and 0.53% in P.
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Hajar Griou
Smail Njimat
Fouad El Fettahi
Samira Ait Lhaj Lhcen
Mohammed Aboulouafa
Said Ibn Ahmed

  1. Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Materials, Electrochemistry and Environment, University campus, B.P. 242, 14000 Kenitra, Morocco
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Human activities in relation to aquatic ecosystems result in significant economic losses in the form of contamination of water sources, deteriorating its quality and therefore its availability in lakes, water bodies and even in soil. Hence the need for systematic revitalisation or reclamation of water ecosystems. Such actions, in order to be rational, require a detailed understanding of the causes, and then the use of appropriate technology. The need for the above-mentioned actions result from the weather changes that have been noticeable in recent years, as well as environmental pollutants increasing water eutrophication in reservoirs and stimulating the development of some species of cyanobacteria. These cyanobacteria can cause serious water poisoning, especially in water supply systems. Therefore, a rational, comprehensive technology for the removal of bottom sediments and their processing into organic and mineral fertiliser has been developed with properties similar to manure. It also creates opportunities to improve the structure of soils thanks to the supply of organic carbon, the loss of which was found, among others, in also in soils of Poland and EU. These new possibilities of revitalisation hitherto unknown make it possible to a large extent, compliance with environmental requirements when revitalising water reservoirs and soil.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kamila Mazur
Andrzej Eymontt
Krzysztof Wierzbicki

  1. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, Hrabska Av. 3, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
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Models describe our beliefs about how the world functions. In mathematical modelling, we translate those beliefs into the language of mathematics. Mathematical models can yield prognose on the base of applied fertiliser dose. In this work results of finding yield mathematical model according to fertiliser (nitrogen) dose for perennials (willowleaf sunflower Helianthus salicifolious, cup plant Silphium perfoliatum and Jerusalem artichoke Helianthus tuberosus) on marginal land are presented. Models were described as normalised square equations for dependence between yield and fertiliser doses. Experiments were conducted in lisymeters and vases for willowleaf sunflower and cup plant. For Jerusalem artichoke experiments were done in vases only. All experiments have been doing during two years (2018 and 2019) for different fertilisers doses (45, 90 and 135 kg N∙ha–1) in three repetitions. From simulations maximal yield could be achieved for following fertiliser doses – willowleaf sunflower 104 kg N∙ha–1, cup plant 85 kg N∙ha–1 and Jerusalem artichoke 126 kg N∙ha–1.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Hryniewicz
Maria Strzelczyk
Marek Helis
Anna Paszkiewicz-Jasińska
Aleksandra Steinhoff-Wrzesniewska
Kamil Roman

  1. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, Hrabska Av. 3, 09-090 Raszyn, Poland

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