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Applying linguistic tropes to the deep structure which underlay the 19th century historical imagination Hayden White derived from the vault of philosophical richness contained in Giambattista Vico’s La Scienza Nuova. Now the treasure trove becomes a source of one more illuminating analogy. The following study demonstrates how metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche and irony can be identified with five major theories of truth: the correspondence, pragmatic, coherence, deflationary and the semantic one. Theories are evoked on the basis of texts by philosophers themselves (Bertrand Russell, Charles Sanders Peirce, Brand Blanshard et al.). Moreover, a numerical mismatch between them and the four tropes should be seen as everything but unwanted. The concept of irony has multiple interpretations, and so mapping it onto the semantic theory will expose the relation between truth accounts and the principle of their development. In the end, there emerges a pattern in the shape of a circle or a spiral—two models of infinity along which runs the human quest for meaning of truth.
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Giulia Cirillo

  1. Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Institute of English Studies, Faculty of Philology


The purpose of the study is to reconstruct the cognitive semantics of the verbal predicates “чудиться”, “почудиться”, taking into account their inner form, and also to suggest a linguo‑cognitive model for explaining polysemy. The object of the study is the different contextual meanings of the verbal predicates “чудиться”, “почудиться” in the contexts of fictional discourse, the subject is cognitive semantics as a repeated structure of cognitive processes reflecting the patterns of understanding and thinking. The article presents a typology of contexts for the functioning of verbal predicates, their different contextual meanings are defined, the semantic dependence of the contextual meaning of the verb word on the semantics of the broader context analyzed, the role of the inner form in the creation of polysemy determined, while a linguo‑cognitive model for explaining polysemy in terms of “gestalt”, “focus”, “background – figure”, “focusing – defocusing” is suggested.
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Елена Чернцова
Людмила Педченко

  1. Харьковский национальный университет имени В.Н. Каразина


The article is devoted to the study of the national worldview’s peculiarities on the material of names of airspace, celestial bodies and natural elements. The quantitative analysis of common and different meanings of the analyzed lexical units in Ukrainian, German, English and French relating to the person’s characteristics in society is carried out. The greatest number of connotative meanings that characterize the behavior, features of character, appearance and a certain state of a person, show the lexemes water and fire. The lower item takes the use of the lexeme moon, and the lexemes sky and sun are in the last positions. Among the common and different meanings the common meanings prevail quantitatively. In the different meanings with national peculiarity the most belong to French. The use of each of the analyzed names in figurative meanings reveals the meanings with a positive and negative connotation, the meanings with negative connotation prevail. The obtained results are indicative of the importance of the analyzed names for different peoples.
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Larysa Drobakha

  1. Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University


This paper examines the discursive means by which authors of scientific texts in the humanities and social sciences take a critical stance on the theses of their colleagues. Focusing on controversy rather than polemics, and using a corpus in French and English borrowed from Language Science, translation and didactics, the paper presents rhetorical figures and linguistic structures that maintain conversational propriety despite the emotionality of disagreement.

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Odile Schneider-Mizony


The presence of the Bible in the movies is a complex reality: besides direct interpretations of the stories from the Holy Scriptures, a number of films has been inspired by other cultural sources (passion-plays, arts, literature, music, other films). By reason of its subject and its non-religious origin, a biblical film is important for theologians: numerous audiovisual adaptations of the Gospel have raised the issues of the faithfulness of this particular kind of translation (transmediatization) of the Bible. A particular attention should be paid to Jesus-movies because of their impact on the audiences and very different ways of portraying of Jesus (from a relatively simple „historical" Jesus till elaborated Christ-figures).

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Ks. Marek Lis


The following article can serve as yet another report from the workshop of an Etymological Dictionary of Arabic ( EtymArab).1 Work on a ‘zero version’ of such a dictionary has seen (slow but) steady progress since several years now. Taking the root √SLQ as an example, this contribution gives an idea about the high potential of such a project, but also shows its clear actual limits. The enormous spectrum of semantic values covered by √SLQ—one may distinguish more than thirty meanings that, at first sight, do not seem related to each other—provides a fine illustration of the complex composition of the modern as well as the classical lexicon. The current state of affairs in Arabic etymology allows us, to a certain degree, to ‘sort out things’ and bring some order into this confusing complexity. In many cases, however, research also remains ‘hanging in the air’.
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Stephan Guth

  1. University of Oslo, Norway


This article contains an analysis of a short passage about Don Quixote from Michel Serres’ philosophical dialogue entitled La Légende des Anges. He claims that the generally accepted view of the relationship between Don Quixote and Sancho Pansa as a binary, hierarchical pairing is an illusion. In fact, Cervantes deconstructs the familiar opposi-tions of the carer and his subordinate in need of care, the rational thinker and the dreamer, the main character and his associate. As the two protagonists continually ex-change their roles, theirs is a story of creating and upholding new kind of bond. In describing the relationship between Don Quixote and Sancho Pansa, Serres alludes to the figure of the parasite (from his 1980 book Le Parasite), i.e. a third party or position, an (invisible) go-between or middle ground that makes the relationship possible but also messes things up. Serres acknowledges the dynamics of this configuration on the formal level and makes it the structural axis of his text, which is just a piece of dialogue between a nurse and an air traffic controller. Their interaction seems to be fully inscribed in the binary model, yet, he insists, there is more to it. This may well be the case with the pair of characters in Cervantes’ novel.
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Ewa Wojciechowska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki UJ
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At the core of Kazimierz Tetmajer’s lyricism is the perception of transcendental absence, which provokes a range of unsettling reactions like fear, horror, or scorn (irony), and, in turn, the need to regain some sort of balance. This article analyzes all elements of this paradigmatic situation, especially the poet’s owing up to those reactions, his attempts to come to terms with them, and, if possible, to work out a way of converting their negativity into something that he actually wanted. At all times, it seems, he looks hard for the adequate means to express his emotional states. Struggling to express the inexpressible, he performs acts of creation which, however, do not produce anything (i.e. ‘nothing’ or ‘lack’). This outcome sets in motion, largely beyond conscious control, an emotional reaction, the affect of emptiness and lack ( l’affect de vide et de manque). That emptiness constitutes a certain whole, or, more precisely, a negative figuration of lack. Attempts to make sense of it endow it with a new, spatial quality – it is a site where lack becomes nothing ( le néant), but at the same time is reconstituted as a space which can engulf the human subject. This precarious situation defines in a way the human condition. The poet, as Tetmajer’s poetry shows, is stuck in a loop. The creative act is elicited by a lack which he tries to control, fill in, and master, yet all the attempts to find an adequate expression or figuration are in vain. They merely recreate the original absence (lack).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Urszula Pilch

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków

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