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Wyników: 2
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This paper addresses the nonlinear Cucker–Smale optimal control problem under the interplay of memory effect. The aforementioned effect is included by employing the Caputo fractional derivative in the equation representing the velocity of agents. Sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions to the considered problem are proved and the analysis of some particular problems is illustrated by two numerical examples.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ricardo Almeida
Rafał Kamocki
Agnieszka B. Malinowska
Tatiana Odzijewicz


This paper presents a study of the Fourier transform method for parameter identification of a linear dynamic system in the frequency domain using fractional differential equations. Fundamental definitions of fractional differential equations are briefly outlined. The Fourier transform method of identification and their algorithms are generalized so that they include fractional derivatives and integrals.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Janiczek
Janusz Janiczek

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