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In the paper, a numerical simulation of the co-combustion process of sewage sludge gasifi cation syngas in a hard coal-fi red boiler was done. Two different syngases (SS1 and SS2) were taken in consideration. Additional (reburning) fuel was injected into the combustion chamber, which was modeled as a plug fl ow reactor (PFR). The molar fl ow rates ratio of reburning fuel is assumed to be 5.0%, 7.5%, 10.0%, 12.5% and 15.0% of the whole exhaust. The simulations were conducted for constant pressure equal to 1atm for temperatures range from 600 to 1400 K. It was assumed that a fl ue gases which enters the reburning zone contains 300 ppm of NO and that during combustion only NO is formed without other NOx. Results show that that gas from sewage sludge gasifi cation gives reburning effi ciency of up to 90%. Calculation shows also an optimum value of temperature reburning for gas from sewage sludge gasifi cation which is equal to 1200 K. The type of the sewage sludge has no strong infl uence on the NO reduction.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sebastian Werle

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