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This paper discusses the results of gravimetric and magnetic investigations carried out on the Hans Glacier (Hansbreen) in the area of the Hornsund Fiord in Spitsbergen. These pilot investigations were performed in profiles running across to the extension of the glacier. Analysis of the magnetic measurements permits the supposition that in the base of the glacier there are amphibolites assigned to the Skålfjellet series, one of the oldest links of the metamorphic complex in Spitsbergen. Fig. 3 shows the behaviour of the amphibolites determined from the qualitative and quantitative properties of the anomalies ΔT. This paper also determined the thickness of the glacier in a cross-section 1.5 km distant from its front. From interpretation of the gravity anomaly, thickness varies between several and more than 100 m, taking the highest values in the central part of the glacier.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Koblański
Stanisław Małoszewski
Janusz Śliz

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