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The paper is an attempt at reviewing the classical theory of externalities and club goods in the new context of flow economy and network relations, as well as the role of human capital connected with high quality surroundings (urban environment), which is a catalysing factor, and allows the formation of new resources and new competitive advantages for cities and busiensses.

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Tadeusz Markowski
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They are linked to many issues in the economic, political, and social sciences. Their role in the changing world cannot be overestimated. Their significance, though unlikely to wane, will nonetheless be changing. What are “public goods” and what is their future?

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Jerzy Kleer
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The article poses the question of how the Polish philosophy of the postwar period responded to the evil of the 20th century totalitarianism, as exemplified by atrocities committed in Kolyma and Auschwitz. The problem is analyzed by focusing on three concepts of evil developed by Polish philosophers after World War II: the realistic view (Mieczysław Krąpiec), the phenomenological‑dialogical interpretation (Józef Tischner) and the view proposed by Leszek Kołakowski. Then, the question of evil in general, and of evil at the present time, is connected to the question of the relationship between evil and conscience.
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Adorno T.W. (1986), Rozważania o metafizyce, w: tenże, Dialektyka negatywna, przeł. K. Krzemieniowa, Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, s. 507–573.

Bauman Z. (2013), Nowoczesność i Zagłada, przeł. T. Kunz, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie. Jan Paweł II (2005), Pamięć i tożsamość. Rozmowy na przełomie tysiącleci, Kraków: Znak.

Kłoczowski J.A. (1987), Sceptyk i mistyk, w: Obecność. Leszkowi Kołakowskiemu w 60. rocznicę urodzin, Londyn: Aneks, s. 52–67.

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Kołakowski L. (1990a), Iluzje demitologizacji, w: tenże, Cywilizacja na ławie oskarżonych, Warszawa: Res Publica, s. 215–236.

Kołakowski L. (1990b), Rozmowy z diabłem, w: tenże, Bajki różne. Opowieści biblijne. Rozmowy z diabłem, Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo „Iskry”.

Kołakowski L. (1994), Obecność mitu, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie.

Kołakowski L. (2002), Kapłan i błazen (Rozważania o teologicznym dziedzictwie współczesnego myślenia), w: tenże, Pochwała niekonsekwencji. Pisma rozproszone sprzed roku 1968, t. 2, Londyn: Puls.

Kołakowski L. (2014), Jezus ośmieszony. Esej apologetyczny i sceptyczny, przeł. D. Zańko, Kraków: Znak.

Kowalczyk S. (1995), Zło – problemem czy tajemnicą, w: tenże, Podstawy światopoglądu chrześcijańskiego, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Wrocławskiej Księgarni Archidiecezjalnej, s. 189–209.

Krasicki J. (2002a), Rozum i zło (zamiast wstępu), w: tenże, Przeciw nicości. Eseje. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, s. 9–13.

Krasicki J. (2002b), Świadek Dobra, w: tenże, Przeciw nicości. Eseje, Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, s. 129–144.

Krasicki J. (2002c), Zło epoki, w: tenże, Przeciw nicości. Eseje, Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, s. 85–89.

Krasicki J. (2011), O nagim życiu, w: tenże, Po „śmierci Boga”. Eseje eschatologiczne, Kraków: Homini, s. 167–176.

Krąpiec M.A. (1995), Dlaczego zło? Rozważania filozoficzne, Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL.

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Jan Krasicki

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Koszarowa 3/20, 51‑149 Wrocław
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Good practices in the creation of the Commune Revitalization Program – cooperation between the University of Adam Mickiewicz and the City of Kalisz, The entry of the Revitalization Act on November 18, 2015 enabled municipalities to efficiently plan and conduct the process of moving degraded areas out of the crisis. The Act introduced key regulations affecting the programming of revitalization in Poland. One of the most important instruments is the Municipal Revitalization Program. In order to be able to fully use the potential of this document, we should look for solutions that allow creating the most comprehensive solutions. One of the examples of such activities is cooperation between the university and the local government. Thanks to this combination of practical knowledge of officials with theoretical knowledge of academic experts, we can say that it is a project unique in the country. It is also unique due to the fact that spatial economy students who actively participated in the document creation process were included in the work. The aim of the work is to present the course of the cooperation process of the University of Adam Mickiewicz with the Office during the preparation of the Municipal Revitalization Program for the city of Kalisz and showing the role that the students included in the project played in this project

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Malwina Balcerak
Maciej Główczyński
Adam Wronkowski
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The socioeconomic status of cities and regions is nowadays determined by how they are positioned within the “space of flows.” On the continental scale, many types of such flows and linkages are developing most dynamically in Central-Eastern Europe – including in Poland.
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Tomasz Komornicki

  1. PAS Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Warsaw
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The famous English novelist, poet and essayist, Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874–1936) approached the problem of evil differently from many 20th century writers, for example Thomas Mann ( Doctor Faustus) or Bulgakov ( The Master and Margarita). For him, the devil is a real and threatening figure, a true and powerful adversary, not an abstract force. The demon is fostered by the European crisis of values, manifested by an increasingly widespread ethical relativism. In his novels and articles Chesterton calls for dissent from evil, referring to tradition, mainly Christian. He calls for heroism and defence of faith, convinced that victory over the devil and evil, or the triumph of good is possible. The fight against the devil becomes the duty of every Christian in our times.
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Jan Tomkowski
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Mineral fertilisers are one of the most important nutrients that plants need in large quantities, which help to greatly increase crop yields, and yeast is considered a bio-stimulator of plants. However incorrect implementation of both can make them more susceptible to pest infestations. The mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), is an economically important polyphagous pest that destroys okra plants in Egypt. This work focused on the evaluation of mealybug infestations and okra plant productivity responses to mineral fertilisers (nitrogen and phosphorus), yeast (without and with) and their interactions. This study was executed in a private okra field (‘Balady’ cultivar) in Luxor Governorate, Egypt, during 2021 and 2022 seasons. A split plot design was applied, where two levels (with and without yeast) were used in the main plots, where seven levels of nitrogen and phosphorus were applied in the split plots. The results indicated that the addition of 286 kg N∙ha –1, 143 kg P∙ha –1 and yeast to okra plants led to a maximum increase in the population densities of pest, and this caused a decrease in the vegetative stage of okra that would affect the final yield as compared to the other treatments throughout the two seasons. However, the application of 190 kg N∙ha –1, 107 kg P∙ha –1, and yeast to okra plants gave the highest values for vegetative growth characteristics and resulting yield during the two studied seasons. This work aids farmers in improving okra production by comprehending good farming practices and avoiding the spread of mealybugs.
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Moustafa M.S. Bakry
Yani Maharani
R.O.H. Allam

  1. Agricultural Research Center, Plant Protection Research Institute, Department of Scale Insects and Mealybugs Research, 7, Nady El-Sayied Street, 12619, Dokki – Giza, Egypt
  2. Universitas Padjadjaran, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Jln. Ir. Soekarno km. 21, Jatinangor, 45363, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia
  3. South Valley University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Department, Masaken Othman Rd, 83523, Qena, Egypt
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The importance of increasing the level of renewable energy sources is connected with the fact that its share in the total volume of energy consumption is still insufficient. This is why this article focuses on the development of the motivation system aimed at the more active transition to renewable sources consumption in the balanced combination alongside the traditional sources. The research question is whether digital public goods (DPG) may be a mean to support “Affordable and Clean Energy’’ use. The theoretical approach to our research problem is stakeholder’s theory, while the concept applied to the motivation mechanism implementation is the United Nations Organization’s concept of sustainable development goals (SDG). The research design is as follows: study of the actual data of energy structure of the world economy; identification of the current instruments of renewable energy distribution; analysis of the DPG as a perspective form of the sustainable energy behavior introduced [AO1] in the digitalized environment; definition of the energy industry stakeholders; development of the architecture of energy consumption by DPG application to reach SDG “Affordable and Clean Energy”. The main findings of the study are that DPG has been found to be a relevant means for the motivation and support of sustainable energy behavior through the architecture of energy consumption, based on research and development, customer relationship management, corporate social responsibility – sustainable development, technical implementation, and the diversity of traditional and alternative sources of energy.
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Iryna Nyenno
Vyacheslav Truba
Iryna Lomachynska
Olena Mazur

  1. Management and Innovations, Odessa I.I Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
  2. Civil and Law Disciplines, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
  3. Economics and Entrepreneurship, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
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The article is an attempt to present circumstances that nowadays determine negotiating, conclusion and performance of a multimodal transport contract in Poland. Author focuses in particular on parties’ approach, their business and legal conscience in this respect, as well as their decisions’ practical consequences. Doctrinal aspects of a multimodal transport contract are taken into account only as long as it is essential in examining the most common practices of the parties to the contract. Due to particular character of this publication, the method of author’s views presentation is as brief as possible.

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Krzysztof Kochanowski
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The most interesting area of ethical considerations by Bertrand Russell belongs to the field of metaethics and concerns the meaning of basic ethical concepts and their epistemological status. In the classic dispute between cognitivism and noncognitivism, Russell has chosen the emotivist position which deprives moral opinions of any cognitive value by treating them as an expression of individual emotive attitudes. Thus, he advocates a kind of subjectivism in ethics, and at the same time he refutes all arguments ascribing to moral phenomena specific objective qualities independent of human attitudes and emotions. He also puts to doubt all sources of morality that have a religious character. His own normative statements concerning metaethical issues are so phrased, however, that a serious methodological doubt arises: Is it possible to practice normative ethics without using an objectivist hypothesis?
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Joanna Górnicka‑Kalinowska

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Kra-kowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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The article offers a presentation of one of the most influential currents in contemporary Marxism. The author claims that the vitality of Marxism comes from its ability to conceptualize ongoing transformations of capitalism, mainly the new forms of productions and appropriation of social wealth. The latter day Marxists propose a materialistic theory of common good. Its main concepts (primitive accumulation, enclosure of the common fields, productive labor and re-productive labor) are of Marxian origin, but they acquire a new sense in the new context. These reinterpretations are inspired by three basic philosophical and political sources: post-operaism, radical geography and bottom-to-top history. The article analyzes the connections between these concepts and the Marxism of common good.

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Łukasz Moll
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The bill of lading is one of the most important transport documents in maritime trade. Due to certain contract-like features it exhibits, it is sometimes incorrectly identified as a contract for the carriage of cargo by sea. The purpose of this article is to present the features of the bill of lading that exclude the possibility of equating this document with a contract for the carriage of goods by sea. A bill of lading is not a contract, but a unilateral declaration of the carrier’s will, in which the carrier confirms acceptance of the cargo on the ship and undertakes to deliver it to the legitimate recipient at the port of destination. A bill of lading is a transport document for cargo and a commodity security. For this reason, it cannot be said that a bill of lading is merely an evidence of the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods by sea.
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Marta Galewska

  1. Wydział Prawa i Administracji UG
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The article presents Polish historians and their work in the times of the Saxon kings of Poland. In particular the Author seeks an answer to the problem what was accepted and what the Polish authors of the first part of the 18th century condemned.
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Dariusz Dolański
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This new edition of the code has been prepared by the Commission for Research Integrity and approved by the General Assemby of the Polish Academy of Sciences in June 2020. Good research practices are presented in the context of data management; research environment; training, supervision and mentorship; research procedures; safeguards; collaborative working; publication; reviewing and evaluation; conflict of interest (CoI). It is now recommended that each scientist file an annual declaration of CoI while the possible need for its addressing will be determined by the leaders of academic/scientific institutions. Violations of research integrity are briefly presented as well as dealing with those violations as well as with allegations of misconduct.

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Komisja do Spraw Etyki w Nauce
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The art of architecture and the art of cooking are fields, where we can find numerous social and spatial relationships. This publication will enumerate the most important of these and discuss solutions, that promote moderation in using resources, space and aesthetic means, that are based on knowledge arising from context and the human scale, and that points to the necessity to slow down the pace of our lives, which are the major challenges in the face of contemporary civilisational changes.
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Anna Palej

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts, Chair of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
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Observing current trends in moral theology, especially in the field of bioethics, has long raised both the methodological and meritorious problem of obscuring or even removing the boundaries between good and evil. Divergence and contradiction have become a strange scientific standard in theological-moral discourse in the derivation of Hegel’s synthesis on fundamental moral questions. Depositum fidei morale, which is based on the Decalogue, Lex aeterna, and lex naturalis, seems to be giving way to post-Christian Wittgenstein language-games, in which the clear line between good and evil (including truth and falsehood), determined by the transcendent Authority of God, has been relativized. The reflection of the relationship between the norm and conscience, as well as the relationship between good and evil, in the light of the Thomistic philosophical-theological patrimony, seeks to point to the need of accepting an adequate logical re-examination of the ethical analysis of a human act. Without this, it is impossible to continue not only in Traditio, but also in finding a universal reference point for distinguishing between good and evil in the complicated world of contemporary bioethics, which responds to revolutionary biotechnologies in the field of biomedicine.
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René Balák

  1. Piešťany, Slovakia
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The article presents the phenomenon of increasing sharing in-formations for free on the Internet and the contemporary development of gift economy in the form of a movement most often called cybercommunism. The article points out two basic attitudes in treating information. According to the first one, information should be treated as a commodity to which property rights can be attributed and which is subject to market play. This involves such issues as copyright, fees, licenses and other ways of protecting the interests of market players. The second attitude is to treat valuable information as a common good, often with a moral imperative to share it (to varying degrees Open Source and Open Acces, the idea of copyleft, DIY, P2P network, YouTube, The Pirate Bay domain etc.). Since every concept or movement proclaiming a community of goods is called communism (in a broader sense of the word, in a narrower sense it is a specific political system, e.g. the Soviet Union), today we are dealing with digital communism on the Internet. Some researchers (Firer-Blaess, Fuchs) point to Wikipedia as an example. The Internet encyclopedia operates on the basis of principles that go beyond the capitalist way of production and represent an informational-communist way of production: in the subjective dimension, it is a cooperative work and in the objective dimension, a shared ownership of the means of production. The text also presents the division of ethics into an abstract and concrete one, applied to the behaviour of network users. If someone within the framework of an abstract ethics preaches the principle of “You will not pirate.” (copying and distributing illegally) is a corresponding principle of specific ethics that says “You will not pirate unless O1 or O2...or he.” In practice, concrete ethics push many Internet users to treat Internet resources as a common good, from which everyone can draw according to their own needs. Digital communism can be treated, on the one hand, as a partially implemented idea and, on the other, as a postulate. From an axiological point of view, this postulate would be connected with the Internet implementation of equality (access to resources for everyone) and freedom (access to all information).

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Beata Witkowska-Maksimczuk
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The article concerns the obligations to negotiate and conclude agreements in good faith (pactum de negotiando and pactum de contrahendo), which are used in international legal practice to more efficiently settle disputes or negotiate new agreements in various areas of international law. These obligations, however, are sometimes mixed together and misunderstood. They also give rise to various interpretation disputes related to their existence as obligations and their content. The aim of the study is to show that these are not simple obligations, but bundles of obligations. Such perception of them makes it possible to distinguish both pacta and penetrate into their rich content, as well as to unequivocally apply to their performance the principle of performing international obligations in good faith (Art. 2(2) of the UN Charter), especially in the form of pacta sunt servanda (Art. 26 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties).
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Cezary Mik

  1. Professor, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
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This article is an attempt to identify the essence of new positivism, described by Ludwik Ehrlich as a method of interpretation of international law. The evolution of his views on international law is examined with respect to the place of this method from the beginning of 1920s until his retirement in 1961. The article expounds on both the theoretical and methodological aspects of new positivism, according to which judicial decisions should be taken into account in addition to international treaties and customs for the determination of international law. The question of the obligatory force of international law is discussed as being related to the principle of good faith, which is at the core of Ehrlich’s views on international law. The article offers suggestions on how the method of new positivism might be used and what tasks it can fulfil today. It also makes an attempt to critically analyse Ehrlich’s method and to characterize it both in general and in the context of the theory of international law.

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Andrii Hachkevych
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In his A Theory of Justice John Rawls presents a critique of utilitarianism. He focuses on utilitarianism in the version offered by John Stuart Mill, but Rawls’s analysis of Mill’s views is schematic and limited to Mill’s ethical theory. Rawls does not recognize the importance of perfectionistic themes in Mill’s theory, nor does he note the consequences of that issue for the problem of gender equality. Rawls discuses those themes in his Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy. If one is primarily guided by Rawls’s A Theory of Justice, however, the person will be unable to appreciate similarities between Rawls’s and Mill’s positions. When focusing on the Lectures it is possible to recognize these affinities that are only dimly insinuated in A Theory of Justice. In the later volume they are strong enough to support the claim that a more pronounced affinity may bind these two authors that are not obvious at the first glance. I proceed therefore (1) to expose some shortcomings in the presentation of Mill’s utilitarianism by Rawls; (2) go on to analyse Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy in order to present a more penetrating reading of Mill’s utilitarianism by including its perfectionistic content; and (3) finally on the basis of those claims I point to some practical consequences of Mill’s and Rawls’s views on gender equality.
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Elżbieta Filipow

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑927 Warszawa
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The article deals with one of the most pressing topics in bioethics, namely the attitude to abortion. The author focuses on the interpretation of this practice as a kind of conflict between a woman and the fetus that she gestates (this conflict concerns women’s rights and duties to the fetus, its interests, and the moral status of the fetus in general). Considering several variants of arguments which protect women’s right to abortion (primarily utilitarian arguments based on analogy), the author tries to identify the structure of argumentation. Finally, she presents her own argument against the practice of terminating pregnancy.

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Kateryna Rassudina
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This article is an attempt to look at how individual freedom is realized in the world of consumption. Consumer freedom understood as a social relationship – and not for example as a gift received from God and the ability to make independent choices between good and evil according to one’s free will – is not a given once and for all. In the case of consumer freedom, some people have this type of freedom, while others are deprived of it, which often results in moral evil. Freedom in a world where ‘a menu replaces the Decalogue’ is first and foremost a freedom to consume, a freedom of those who have the appropriate material means to make use of them. Therefore, it is not a gift given once and for all, but it requires from us – free consumers – constant activity in acquiring funds that allow us to meet the needs of ownership. It only pretends to be accompanied by freedom of choice but in fact is not. Freedom in the world of consumption is implemented mainly in the sphere of everyday life practice and it does not constitute the implementation of any lofty philosophical ideas. It is an impoverished form without proper theoretical foundation. The problem is whether in the world of consumption there is any freedom at all. Unfortunately, most often we only have an illusion of freedom, because choosing to participate in it (more or less consciously), we agree to its prevailing rights. One of the most important rights in the domain of consumption implying is freedom of consumption, or ironically speaking, the free-dom to choose between Coca Cola and Pepsi. But even in its narrow application consumer freedom does not seem to realize any moral good. It is true that various attempts are being made to codify the ethical activity of consumers, traders, producers, etc., but this has nothing to do with the real moral dimension of actions, concerning instead instrumental and performative aspects of those actions by sustaining unreflective choice automatisms.

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Lesław Hostyński
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On the occasion of receiving the highest distinction of the honorary professor from the Jagiellonian University at Kraków, the author looks back at his academic career and ponders how sociological wisdom has left an impact on his life. He singles out the sixteen principles and rules formulated by the eminent sociologists, both classical of the XIX century and modern of the XX century, which he believes have influenced his professional social roles of the researcher, writer and educator, as well as his private everyday life. The famous quotations drawn from the sociological literature (e.g. the Thomas theorem, C.W. Mills’ sociological imagination, C.H. Cooley’s looking-glass self, E. Goffman’s the theatre of everyday life, R. Merton’s metaphor of scholars as pigmies on the shoulders of giants etc.) are accompanied by extensive interpretations by the author, relating them to his personal life-experiences.
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Piotr Sztompka

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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The Christian vision of love, so deeply personalistic and clearly emphasizing that the love of God and the love of neighbour cannot be opposed, has to take the social na-ture of man into account. If love is the centre of the Christian life and also points to the specificity of its vocation and mission, then it is impossible to imagine that this funda-mental life perspective does not find the right expression in relation to social life. This love should be expressed in a number of social attitudes, especially in those which are considered fundamental principles of social life. The ability to enact the principles of love is important in everyday social life. It involves multiple specific attitudes. This paper discusses – in the light of the encyclical Deus Caritas Est and Caritas in veritate by Pope Benedict XVI - the issue of love in three aspects: love in micro-relations, love and justice in macro-relations and love as a common good in macro-relations.

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Ks. Marek Kluz

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