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The category of historical thinking has a rather unique status. On the one hand, it is widely used; on the other, its exact meaning is very rarely defined. All uses of the term agree on at least two elements: it is treated as central to the study and teaching of history, and it is treated affirma-tively. This article attempts to review the history of the concept within the German tradition of historicism and humanism. It also tries to highlight the role of crisis in the evolution of historical thinking and reconsider its utility and possible future transformation.
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Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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The Author presents several methodological aspects referring to photographs as historical sources. In this article it is viewed as an iconographic source. The problem of photographs as iconographic sources is discussed in the context of historical semantics and theory of historical presence.
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Agata Barzycka
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The author states that a “biography” of a language presents de facto its capability to adapt to natural and/or man‑made changes in the environment of the community speaking the language in question.
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Zuzanna Topolińska

  1. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts–MANU, Research Center for Areal Linguistics „Božidar Vidoeski”, Skopje, North Macedonia
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The Author presents a review of the book: For and against the Revolution. Two "Militant" Ideologies by Janusz Goćkowski.
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Stanisław Grzybowski
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In her article the Author follows the gradual change in Feliks Koneczny's approach to history and its understanding. Feliks Koneczny, a Polish historian from the turn of I 9th/20th centuries, started as a professional historian, to include philosophical reflections in his works and end with a work devoted to moral issues.
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Jolanta Kolbuszewska
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Historical reenactors are not merely mad eccentrics; they are also earnest history aficionados eager for us to learn from the past – says Kamila Baraniecka-Olszewska from the PAS Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology in Warsaw.
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Kamila Baraniecka-Olszewska

  1. PAS Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology in Warsaw
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Fortyfication Objects of Prussian Ring Fortresses in Poznań and Wrocław (from XIX–XX Cent.) in Current Spatial Planning Documents – Functioning, Protection, Landscape Shaping, Fortifications are valuable elements of cultural heritage of many Polish cities. Unfortunately, in many cases they are not properly used and protected, although some of them have the status of historical monuments. Potentially, tools for strengthening protection of fortifications are provided by spatial planning system. The research was based on detailed analysis of the Study of the Conditions and Directions of the Spatial Management of a Communes and Local Spatial Management Plans, including the area of ring fortresses in Poznań and Wrocław. In the Study of the Conditions and Directions of the Spatial Management of a Commune of both cities one can find references to the location and use of ring fortifications. The area of fortification objects in Poznan is covered by 9 Local Spatial Management Plans, 5 further plans covering the fortifications are in preparation. The area of ring fortress in Wroclaw were covered by 9 Local Spatial Management Plans. The results of the analysis of the spatial planning documents show that the tools used to protect the fortifications offered by the spatial planning system are not fully exploited. The context and landscape values of the fortifications are ignored in most of the plans. Also one can find in spatial planning documents the lack of attempts to link fortress greenery to the greenery system, and, in the case of Wroclaw, the lack of describing fortification greenery as a valuable asset. In most cases, principals of the fortifications objects protection are not enough detailed.

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Agnieszka Wilkaniec
Łukasz Pardela
Magdalena Szczepańska
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Research project on The Lviv Multicultural Historical Environment in the 19'" and 2(Y• Centuries is realised since 2002 by a group of Polish and Ukrainian historians. Research concentrates on the rich historiographic achievements ofLviv Polish, Ukrainian, German and Jewish historians in the 191h and 20'h centuries. Various contributions discuss the institutional support for historians such as university chairs and seminars at the Lviv University, professional quarterly ,,Kwartalnik Historyczny" and Historical Society.
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Violetta Julkowska
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The Author disusses Ernst Bernheim’s idea of historical source as it was presented in his “Lehrbuch der historischen Methode und der Geschichtsphilosophie”.
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Aleksandra Kuligowska
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This interview with Paul Roth was conducted after a symposium dedicated to his latest book The Philosophical Structure of Historical Explanation, which took place at the European Network for Philosophy of Social Sciences conference on August 30, 2019. This interview is authorised. Translation from English and all footnotes – Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi.

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Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi
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The main goal of this paper is to present a fully developed concept of Paul A. Roth’s philosophy of history to the Polish reader. Of course, it is just an introduction, but with the interview it should be a good starting point for further analysis. These seem desirable given Roth’s very ambitious programme, which in addition is based on “old facts”; that is, an analytical philosophy of history and science. The rapprochement between the two “visions” is not only a philosophical consideration, but also responds to the often-raised voices of practitioners. This introduction refers primarily to Roth’s latest book, indicating a possible interpretation. This “reading” is conducted by indicating the historical context, recalling philosophical analyses and determining the validity of the proposed solutions in order to decide how much science there is in history and vice versa.

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Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi
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This article reflects on key concepts of historical thinking proposed by doctoral students and young researchers. Established concepts such as the social role of history, professional historian and (imagined) space are still important to the new generation of historians. At the same time, some new concepts are emerging, such as political exhumations, mass graves, motion, embodied historical research, ahistorical memory politics, websites as historical sources, critical heritage studies and heritagisation, treason, preposterous history – an idea taken from Mieke Bal, and “Supreme Peace” – a notion drawn from the Chinese philosophy of history. To interpret these concepts, I build word clouds as a way of creating knowledge involving non‑human factors (algorithms) while enabling speculative interpretations of the relations between words. The idea of a secure past comes to the fore and I therefore examine whether historical security and being secure in history could be considered important elements of interdisciplinary security studies.
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Adamczyk, Marcin. „Teoretyczne wprowadzenie do badań nad bezpieczeństwem”. W Polska – Europa – świat wczoraj i dziś, red. Magdalena Debita, Marcin Adamczyk, 54–74. Poznań: Media‑Expo Wawrzyniec Wierzejewski, 2017.
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Pihlainen, Kalle, „The Distinction of History: On Valuing the Insularity of the Historical Past”. Rethinking History 20, nr 3 (2016): 414–432.
Pokruszyński, Witold. Filozoficzne aspekty bezpieczeństwa. Józefów: Wydawnictwo WSGE im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie, 2011.
White, Hayden. Przeszłość praktyczna. Kraków: Universitas, 2014.
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Ewa Domańska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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In the article the Author discusses the problem of works devoted to the January Uprising of 1863, prepared by Polish historians for the 50th anniversary of the event. She asks what was the character of the various publications printed on consecutive anniversaries of the uprising, and - more broadly - what were the social functions of these texts. Answering the question. Author claims that these publications had social role going far beyond the traditional, scientific function of a typical historic text
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Lidia Michalska-Bracha
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The following paper discusses the issue of the historical policy of Polish authorities in the area of social media. In the last few years, narratives about the past in the perspective of historical policy have been becoming an ever more important part of social lives, especially when they become a field of struggle between conflicted nations. The main hypothesis is whether historical policy narratives in Poland are built upon ahistorical thinking and its categories such myths and arche-types. The auxiliary questions concentrate on the context of those narratives as the authors propose three models for the historical policy roles – areas where historical policy adopted already existing narratives, those which are antagonised, and a “new” one that did not previously exist in social media. In the end, the authors conclude that ahistorical thinking is still dominant in Polish society and social media have become a new tool for political propaganda in the area of history.
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Dawid Gralik
Adrian Trzoss

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Historii
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The process of historical building conservation includes the repair of mortars eroded due to material and environmental factors. Identification of old mortar constituents is necessary to enable duplicating the material. Information on the binder and aggregate types and contents can be obtained from microscopic observation used in combination with instrumental methods. This paper presents the results of microstructure and mineral composition tests of mortars collected from the walls of thirteenth century buildings. A combination of techniques was used, which included X-ray diffraction, transmitted light optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with micro-area elemental composition analysis. The test results revealed porous lime and sand mortars with a binder-aggregate ratio often beyond the commonly adopted values. The mortars contained sand grains of up to 0.5 mm and larger pieces of limestone, flint, feldspar and brick. Transmitted light optical microscopy and scanning microscopy were found to be essential techniques for mortar characterization in existing buildings and structures.

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Zdzisława Owsiak

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Aleja Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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The aim of the article is to analyze literary images of women who had an impact on the history of Poland in the historical novel Gambit hetmański (2014), written by Robert Foryś. This type of fiction is a popular variety of the genre, its main theme is the conflict between political factions fighting for power. The leaders of the factions are women. The article focus on the answer to the question: whether Foryś creating scandalous portraits of women who reach for power is a threat or a chance for them to recall and preserve their presence in history.

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Matylda Zatorska
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One of the major subjects that construct the emotional right-wing script is the history of the postwar Polish independence Underground and the related present-day politics and historical policy. The analysis of the right-wing press enables the distinction of four temporal categories to which specific toposes can be assigned as well as the moulded emotional elements: 1) the period of struggle, 2) the period of imprisonment and possible death, 3) the period of the Third Republic [of Poland], and 4) the period from the victory of the Law and Justice party (PiS) in the parliamentary elections until the present.

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Mariusz Mazur
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Modifications of garrisons cityscape in interwar period were conducted in various locations and various forms: from urban scale (urban compositions designed and supplemented), through architectural (new buildings) to details (monuments and objects of small architecture). The activities were deliberately contrasted with the existing structure and harmoniously composed in relation to new investments.
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Dorota Gawryluk

  1. Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Institute of Architecture and Town Planning
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Marek Tamm and Zoltán Boldizsár Simon, in dialogue with Taynna M. Marino, discuss some of the main dilemmas and challenges of contemporary historical theory, from the scientific status and so-called crises within the discipline to discussions about new forms of temporality and historicity that can respond to the technoscientific, ecological and socio-political changes we are facing today. In this conversation, the authors emphasize the historians’ role in making history relevant for the future and the efforts to redefine historical knowledge to encompass diverse forms of life (more-than-human, better-than-human, nonhuman) and tackle disconnected pro-spects of the future. Finally, they call attention to the importance of a fruitful dialogue between historians and theorists of history and of collaborating with scholars from other sciences to develop new ways of making sense of the new historical condition.
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Taynna Mendonça Marino

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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I assumed so far that the notion of historical thinking was a worthy and handy “sponsor” of meta‑historical enquiry. Therefore, I left both thinking and, in particular, historical thinking without even a quasi‑definition. In this paper I make an attempt to operationalize the notion of historical thinking using historical semiotics (semiotics of culture), a domain of humanities developed by the founding fathers of the Tartu–Moscow Semiotic School, Yuri Lotman and Boris Uspenskij. The association of cognition and communication not only enriches the study of language but also culture and historiography. Bearing in mind the meta‑historical contexts I found interesting, I significantly reorganized the lecture contents found in Uspenskiy’s Ego Loquens. This interpretation took the form of annotated diagrams, which represent and interpret key categories of Uspenskiy’s philosophy resultant from the semiotic concept of language and culture. Underlying it, there is the act of communication as both the act of anthropogenesis and the genesis of the subject of cognition. We point out the qualities of historical thinking which already flow from the qualities of thinking tout court. Along the way we introduce the problem of the status of the so‑called objective and virtual reality, typical of the philosophical aspects of historical semiotics and crucial for potential meta‑historical analyses.
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Wojciech Wrzosek

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
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The article is devoted to more comprehensive use of medieval onymic resources in research on the history of the Polish language. These materials were used in research on the phonetic development of the Polish language in its earliest period. To date, they have rarely appeared in lexical studies. The body of the oldest appellatives, reconstructed on the basis of proper names, would be a kind of lexicon (supplement) enriching and verifying old Polish lexical material, certifi ed in historical Polish dictionaries (also in etymological dictionaries). In this way, the expectations formulated over 100 years ago by eminent Polish linguists may be fulfi lled. The complementary use of such a huge wealth of material opens up further research perspectives towards etymological, dialectological, lexical and morphological research.

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Urszula Wójcik
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This essay contains reflections on the problems of discourse that appear in analyzing written historical sources. The author refers to Krzysztof Gajewski’s book, Reprezentacje komunizmu. PRL z perspektywy badań literackich i kulturowych [The Representation of Communism: The PPR from the Perspective of Literary and Cultural Studies] (2018). The primary findings concern the necessity of taking into account the linguistic framework of the given era.

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Marcin Kula
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The present paper focuses on the changing interpretations of the English gerund. Since no method can accurately and uniformly account for the meanings of all instances of existing -ing forms, previous studies have offered approximate characterizations based on small samples. This study looks at the numbers of -ing derivations denoting institutionalized activities, on the assumption that these represent non-eventive readings. The derivations in question are arranged chronologically in terms of their time of coinage to compare changing productivity levels of this process relative to -ry derivations. This count shows that -ing suffi xations outnumber other nominalization processes and this trend has increased in the last two centuries.

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Aleksandra Ptok
Konrad Szcześniak
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Karl Marx (and also Friedrich Engels, by the way) was – contrary to his own opinion – an author of several utopias which played a role in the 20th century. The question (which is of both historical-philosophical and historical-empirical character) therefore arises how important this role was. The author focuses on the characteristics of Marxian utopias, and specifically – on their axiological content and current relevance. According to the author, Marx’s utopias can be a convenient starting point for searching for various projects (political, economic, technological etc.) necessary to cope with global challenges that mankind faces in our time. The author is also considering Marx’s motives for a critical approach to utopias and points to those of them which in his opinion should be accepted, while distinguishing them from others which should be rejected.

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Waldemar Czajkowski

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