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The article discusses the case of non‑anthropocentric humanities, analyzed frequently by researchers of various specialties. The paper presents its specificity, main assumptions and postulates. However, the article does not aim to provide a comprehensive and exhaustive overview of all its nuances or aspects, but rather critically addresses its intellectual program. The paper is divided into four parts. Firstly, it presents the basic idea of non‑anthropocentric humanities, exposing the keen interest in it in contemporary scientific discourse. Secondly, it emphasizes the turn to materiality (orientation to things studies), which has taken place within the ‘new’ humanities, and which was caused by the feeling that the current (traditional) way of thinking about the world has come to an end. Thirdly, it shows the methodology of non‑anthropocentric humanities, which rejects the notion that man is the measure of all things. The article points out that this approach does not place man (as the creator of reality) any more in the center of philosophical reflection, as traditional humanities have done, but focuses on various types of objects (i.e. non‑human entities). In the last part – which constitutes the most comprehensive and, at the same time, the critical part of the article – an answer is offered to the question whether the project of non‑anthropocentric humanities can constitute a sensible alternative to the recognition of traditional humanities. The paper proposes a dialectical approach, which allows the post‑humanistic and humanistic perspectives to be treated complementarily, and not antagonistically.
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Bakke M. (2006), Nieantropocentryczna tożsamość, w: A. Gwóźdź, A. Nieracka-‑Ćwikiel (red.), Media, ciało, pamięć. O współczesnych tożsamościach kulturowych, Warszawa: Instytut im. Adama Mickiewicza, s. 45–57.

Bakke M. (2007), Między nami zwierzętami. O emocjonalnych związkach między ludźmi i innymi zwierzętami, „Teksty Drugie” 1–2, s. 222–234.

Bakke M. (2010), Bio‑transfiguracje. Sztuka i estetyka posthumanizmu, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.

Barad K. (2012), Posthumanistyczna performatywność. Ku zrozumieniu, jak materia zaczyna mieć znaczenie, przeł. J. Bednarek, w: A. Gajewska (red.), Teorie wywrotowe. Antologia przekładów, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, s. 323–362.

Błaszczyk M. (2020), W pułapce posthumanizmu, „Studia Philosophica Wratislavien-sia” 1, s. 149–153.

Braidotti R. (2009), Podmioty nomadyczne. Ucieleśnienie i różnica seksualna w feminizmie współczesnym, przeł. A. Derra, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne.

Braidotti R. (2014), Po człowieku, przeł. J. Bednarek, A. Kowalczyk, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

Domańska E. (2006), Historie niekonwencjonalne. Refleksja o przeszłości w nowej humanistyce, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie.

Domańska E. (2008), Humanistyka nieantropocentryczna a studia nad rzeczami, „Kultura Współczesna” 3, s. 9–21.

Domańska E., Olsen B. (2008), Wszyscy jesteśmy konstruktywistami, w: J. Kowalewski, W. Piasek, M. Śliwa (red.), Rzeczy i ludzie. Humanistyka wobec materialności, Olsztyn: Instytut Filozofii UWM, s. 83–100.

Gadamer H.G. (2000), Człowiek i język, przeł. K. Michalski, w: H.G. Gadamer, Rozum, słowo, dzieje. Szkice wybrane, przeł. M. Łukasiewicz, K. Michalski, Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.

Gadamer H.G. (2004), Prawda i metoda, przeł. B. Baran, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

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Gajewska G. (2013), O przedmiotach nacechowanych erotycznie z perspektywy studiów nad rzeczami, „Teksty Drugie” 1–2, s. 45–59.

Gajewska G. (2015), O władzy ludzi nad zwierzętami w kulturze zachodniej – perspektywa posthumanistyczna, „Studia Europaea Gnesnensia” 11, s. 213–234.

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Haraway D. (2003), Manifest cyborgów. Nauka, technologia i feminizm socjalistyczny lat osiemdziesiątych, przeł. S. Królak, E. Majewska, „Przegląd Filozoficzno-‑Literacki” 1, s. 49–87.

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Marek Błaszczyk

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Instytut Literaturoznawstwa, ul. Fosa Staromiejska 3, 87‑100 Toruń
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From 20th to 28th August 2022, the 26th ICOM General Conference took place in Prague. Its main theme was “The Power of Museums”. The conference was the product of a long discussion about defining the contemporary role of museums and their obligations to the past, present, and future. In the article titled: The Humans and their History in Museums. A few Reflections about the 26th ICOM General Conference in Prague the author discusses the course of proceedings and asks questions about the character and nature of the museum’s work in the field of history as an academic discipline. Some of the most important questions discussed in the paper include those on: museums’ aspirations in the field of sensual depiction of history; the relationship between the tangible and intangible heritage within museums’ method of work; the role of heritage interpretation as the basic tool of contact with the audience; and the urgent issue of neutrality and institutions’ engagement in the face of contemporary challenges. The source materials used in order to find answers to these questions are the legal acts about museums; the resolutions of the 1st Congress of Polish Museum Professionals (April 2015 in Łódź); and the definitions that constitute museums, both through legal acts on the state level and those passed by the International Council of Museums (ICOM).
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Michał Niezabitowski
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  1. Instytut Historii i Archiwistyki Uniwersytetu Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Muzeum Krakowa
  2. Stowarzyszenie Muzealników Polskich
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In a follow-up to Ryszard Nycz’s work Culture as Verb this article outlines a new way of bringing forward his great project. The challenge it has to face is the cognitive dilemma that lurks at the intersection of the humanities and the sciences, or, in other words, the dissonance between the traditional paradigm of accumulating and developing the store of cultural knowledge and cognitive procedures that underpin new, experimental and inductive knowledge with a potential to effect qualitative change. The article contends that Nycz’s study allows us to bypass that dilemma. The ‘Third Way’, as it is called here, would open up new forms of innovation, i.e. not just knowledge whose value is determined by its utility for the systems of late capitalism, but a mode of concrete practice of rediscovering the outer world for the humanities. In the process of capturing and transforming of that world, the metaphors of embodied labour and of knowledge production (conceptualized as the verb) function as extraordinarily important tools of the humanities reinvented as a practical, embodied theory.

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Tomasz Rakowski
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Kontakt ze sztuką jest jak trening wrażliwości, empatii, tolerancji i interpretacji.

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Magdalena Sołtys
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Artykuł jest próbą prezentacji poglądów filozoficznych na pochodzenie ludzkiej zdolności interpretacji i rozumienia znaczeń. Autor inspiruje się wynikamy współczesnych nauk biologicznych, kognitywistycznych i psychologicznych, w świetle których można przeciwstawiać się koncepcjom hermeneutycznym, jakie tkwią w nowożytnej tradycji antropocentrycznej. Chciałbym zarysować wyjaśnienie statusu bytowego tzw. kompetencji hermeneutycznych w formie znaturalizowanej, która nie unika płynnego stopniowania struktur czy umiejętności podmiotowych bez popadania w trywialny redukcjonizm. Będę twierdził, że choć pełne ukształtowanie procesów rozumienia pozostaje zarezerwowane dla konkretnych grup spośród gatunku ludzkiego, to można racjonalnie uzasadnić, że u odmiennych gatunków zwierząt i bezpośrednich przodków człowieka mamy już do czynienia z elementami hermeneutycznych kompetencji, które legły u podstawy pojęcia Dasein. Jeżeli zasadniczym problemem książki Konrada Lorenza Odwrotna strona zwierciadła była próba rekonstrukcji historii naturalnej ludzkiego poznania i polemika z tradycją Kanta co do istoty poznania, to niniejsza praca stanowi zalążek refleksji nad naturalną historią ludzkiego rozumienia oraz nad polemiką z antropocentryczną hermeneutyką filozoficzną. Głównym celem pracy jest przyjrzenie się hipotezie, jakoby podmiotowe egzystencjały rozumienia, nastrojenia czy bycia-w-świecie można było ujmować w formie naturalnych adaptacji organizmów ludzkich i pozaludzkich.
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Marcin Urbaniak
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Artykuł przedstawia zastosowanie koncepcji tzw. niestandardowej metafilozofii do badania zawartości „przestrzeni antropologii filozoficznych”. Pokazuje, jak wychodząc od stosunkowo prostej koncepcji, jaką jest interpretacja humanistyczna, można wygenerować dość obszerną klasę antropologii filozoficznych.
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Waldemar Czajkowski
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The Author discusses very popular interpretations of historical picture by Jan Matejko titled Eros in Despair. Jan Matejko’s Stanczyk on Queen Bona’s Party. This is one the most known historical picture in Poland associated with extremely reach symbolic meaning. Słoczyński argues that major part of existing interpretations are rather a result of sublimation of Polish history as well as anticipation of the symbolic character of later Matejko’s masterpieces than the opinion based on a correct analysis of the discussed picture.
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Henryk Słoczyński
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Prawa człowieka są uzasadnieniem funkcjonowania państwa i to one są zarazem określeniem granic jego działania. Jak konstytucja broni praw jednostki i jak w rzeczywistości funkcjonują relacje państwo – obywatel?
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Mirosław Wyrzykowski
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In Tractatus Logico‑Philosophicus Wittgenstein referred to a relatively small number of philosophers, and Fritz Mauthner was one of them, although his work is nowadays largely forgotten. In thesis 4.0031 Wittgenstein claimed that his critique of language was quite different from Mauthner’s project. What could it mean then for contemporary discussions on the Tractatus? In this paper it is argued that for Wittgenstein it amounted to rejection of both the resolute and the materialistic interpretation of the Tractatus. On the one hand, Mauthner thought that language could not be exhaustively analyzed by semantics and logic. On the other hand, he believed that one of the greatest illusions of philosophers who investigated language was the conviction that one of the most fundamental features of language is its referential function. These are the claims that the proponents of the radical interpretation read into the Tractatus. But thesis 4.0031 shows that they are wrong. Moreover, in his critique of the referential function of language Mauthner associated states of affairs directly with brain states of a given agent. As for the representatives of the materialistic interpretation of the Tractatus, they attribute to theses 5.54–5.5422 a similar view on the relation between man and the world. Hence, thesis 4.0031 falsifies their reading, as well.
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Marek Dobrzeniecki

  1. Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie, ul. Dewajtis 3, 01‑815 Warszawa
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There are three Latin texts of the Bible. The ancient vetus latina version used by the Christian writers before Jerome, the Vulgate of st. Jerome and the Neo-Vulgate. Our article deals with the formation and the characteristic features of each version and a special impact the Vulgate had on the Christian literature. We focus our presentation on three periods: the golden age of the patristic literature in the IV- V centuries; the transitional period in the VI-VII centuries and the middle ages, mainly XII-XIII centuries. We present the authors of the most important commen- taries, sermons and other works connected with the Bible and approach some problems connected with the interpretation and meaning of Scripture.

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Ks. Krzysztof Bardski
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Artykuł jest prezentacją programu nauczania przedmiotu „Podstawy projektowania architektonicznego – kompozycje” studentów pierwszego roku kierunku architektura Wydziału Budownictwa i Architektury Politechniki Lubelskiej. Przykładowe prace studenckie zamieszczone w tekście są ilustracją wyników procesu dydaktycznego
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Elżbieta Pytlarz
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What major reflection does Dostoevsky’s work impel, when it refrains from pondering great metaphysical ideas? It invites us to consider the mystery of the human being and the impossibility of providing an ultimate explanation of this enigma. It also shows us that delving into the human psyche and judging it is an ambivalent and risky act against which human self defends itself. In this consistent evasion of cognitive and interpretive closure, it finds a mighty ally in the artistic language of the Russian novelist. Dostoevsky’s psychological and philosophical idea of the individual finds its distinct reflection in the poetics of his works. This paper explores and explains this relation by way of an analysis of Dostoevsky’s lesser known story – The Eternal Husband.
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Michał Kruszelnicki

  1. Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa, Wydział Studiów Stosowanych, ul. Strzegomska 55, 53‑611 Wrocław
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This article reflects on key concepts of historical thinking proposed by doctoral students and young researchers. Established concepts such as the social role of history, professional historian and (imagined) space are still important to the new generation of historians. At the same time, some new concepts are emerging, such as political exhumations, mass graves, motion, embodied historical research, ahistorical memory politics, websites as historical sources, critical heritage studies and heritagisation, treason, preposterous history – an idea taken from Mieke Bal, and “Supreme Peace” – a notion drawn from the Chinese philosophy of history. To interpret these concepts, I build word clouds as a way of creating knowledge involving non‑human factors (algorithms) while enabling speculative interpretations of the relations between words. The idea of a secure past comes to the fore and I therefore examine whether historical security and being secure in history could be considered important elements of interdisciplinary security studies.
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Adamczyk, Marcin. „Teoretyczne wprowadzenie do badań nad bezpieczeństwem”. W Polska – Europa – świat wczoraj i dziś, red. Magdalena Debita, Marcin Adamczyk, 54–74. Poznań: Media‑Expo Wawrzyniec Wierzejewski, 2017.
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Bal, Mieke. Quoting Caravaggio: Contemporary Art, Preposterous History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Bal, Mieke. Wędrujące pojęcia w naukach humanistycznych: krótki przewodnik. Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury, 2012.
Pihlainen, Kalle, „The Distinction of History: On Valuing the Insularity of the Historical Past”. Rethinking History 20, nr 3 (2016): 414–432.
Pokruszyński, Witold. Filozoficzne aspekty bezpieczeństwa. Józefów: Wydawnictwo WSGE im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie, 2011.
White, Hayden. Przeszłość praktyczna. Kraków: Universitas, 2014.
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Ewa Domańska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The aim of the text is to consider Gianni Vattimo’s claim that hermeneutics needs to be more rational due to its criticised relativism and aestheticism. From this perspective, the author considers the projects proposed by Bartosz Brożek and Chrysostomos Mantzavinos, based on the assumption that the cognitive phenomena underlying the understanding of human behaviour and the resulting artefacts can be described using naturalistic methods. Finally, the question is considered whether these attempts, coming from outside the hermeneutic movement, offer hope for eliminating the flaws of hermeneutics mentioned by Vattimo, and what are the prospects for further research on this issue.
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Krzysztof Sołoducha

  1. Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Zakład Nauk Humanistycznych, ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warszawa
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Bogusław Wolniewicz’s book Things and facts, although it is essentially devoted to the interpretation of the Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, also has a substantive layer in which Wolniewicz raises very important problems in the fields of methodology, semiotics and metaphysics, such as: (a) the problem of clarity of philosophical texts and its relation to simplicity and brevity, as well as to thoroughness and suggestiveness; (b) the problem of semantic correlation types; (c) the problem of analysis, interpretation and definition; (d) the problems of modality, negative facts, absolute monism and coherentionism; (e) the problem of abstraction and moral-praxeological antinomy. The author of the paper reconstructs Wolniewicz’s views on these matters.

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Jacek Jadacki

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