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English textbook authors generally take the “safe”, conventional approach’ to their topics. Meant to appeal to a heterogeneous, globalized market, textbooks avoid taboo and conflict, thus excluding broad areas of deeply universal human experiences. Using the example of “death” as an obvious “taboo” subject, this paper discusses the potential value of addressing controversial issues in language classrooms, as they encourage authentic communication and involvement.
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Halina Majer
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The article presents an analysis of debates surrounding the teaching of the classical languages in Poland during three pivotal moments in Polish history: after the failed November uprising against Russia of 1830, after Poland regained its independence in 1918, and after World War II and the advent of the Communist regime. In each of these historical moments concern for the place of Latin and Greek in the school system brought to the forefront the broader connections between teaching ancient culture and the classical languages and the values and culture of Western Europe.
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Barbara Brzuska

  1. Instytut Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The 60th anniversary of the African Studies program was celebrated at the University of Warsaw in the academic year 2022/23. This is equivalent to 60 years of experience in teaching African languages to Polish students. Since every anniversary encourages reflection, we take this opportunity to summarize the challenges we faced in this endeavour. Teaching foreign languages is not only about presenting new words and structures; it is even more about other cultures, people’s lives, and beliefs. Teaching and learning languages of such distant cultures as we encounter in Africa is quite a challenge to both the teachers and students found in the European context. In the article, we focus on two African languages; Hausa and Swahili, taught at the Chair of African Languages and Cultures, University of Warsaw. We aim to discuss chosen grammatical and cultural differences that pose problems during the teaching of these languages to Polish students.
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Izabela Will
Beata Wójtowicz

  1. University of Warsaw, Poland)
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The health emergency, caused by viruses SARS-CoV-2, has been a major challenge for the teaching of foreign languages and Italian. This essay investigates the main criticalities of distance learning by a representative sample of teachers, in the first phase of the health emergency.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paolo Nitti
Micaela Grosso

  1. Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
  2. Università degli Studi eCampus
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Use of technology in different didactic approaches and methods. Diachronic review. – The present paper aims to present how different methods and approaches of teaching and learning foreign languages make use of new technologies. Every method is innovative and somehow also revolutionary. It’s quite easy to define and recognize which technologies are applied in modern methods. But when it comes to traditional methods it is not so evident. However according to research findings an appropriate application of new technologies can influence the effectiveness of the learning process.

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Aleksandra Kostecka-Szewc
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The article presents methodological assumptions for textbooks aimed at Polish‑speaking students who study Ukrainian as part of a philological degree course. Particular attention has been paid to the inclusion of cultural context, the aim of which is not only to diversify strictly linguistic tasks, but above all to introduce the student to the world of a different culture.
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1. ANTONIW, O./ ROMANIUK, S./ SYNCZAK, O. (2014): Україна – Польща. Dialog kultur. Warszawa.
2. AHTOHIB, O. (2014): «Лінгвоукраїнознавчий словник власних назв у процесі навчання української мови як іноземної», Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia, 2, 15–21.
3. DAKOWSKA, M. (2007): Psycholingwistyczne podstawy dydaktyki języków obcych, Warszawa.
4. DAKOWSKA, M. (2014): O rozwoju dydaktyki języków obcych jako dyscypliny naukowej, Warszawa.
5. DELURA, S./ JEŻ, M./ KONONENKO, I./ MYTNIK, I./ ROMANIUK, S./ SAMADOWA, A./ SANIEWSKA, M./ WASIAK, E./ ZAMBRZYCKA, M. (2014): Z ukraińskim na ty, cz. 2, Warszawa.
6. DELURA, S./ DROBISZEWSKA, U./ KONONENKO, I./ MYTNIK, I./ ROMANIUK, S., SANIEWSKA, M./ WASIAK, E./ ZAMBRZYCKA, M. (2013): Z ukraińskim na ty, cz. 1, Warszawa.
7. GRUCZA, F. (1989): „Język a kultura, bilingwizm a bikulturyzm: lingwistyczne i glottodydaltyczne aspekty interlingwalnych i interkulturowych różnic oraz zbieżności”, w: GRUCZA, F. (red.): Bilingwizm, bikulturyzm – implikacje glottodydaktyczne, Warszawa, 9–49.
8. HUMBOLDT VON, W. (2001): Rozmaitość języków a rozwój umysłowy ludzkości. Tłum. Elżbieta Kowalska, Lublin.
9. JAKUBOWSKA-KRAWCZYK, K./ ROMANIUK, S./ SANIEWSKA, M. (2018): Українською про культуру, Warszawa.
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13. KOHOHEНKO, I./ MИTHІK, I./ POMAНЮK, C. (2019): «Розвиток мовних компетенцій студентів на кафедрі україністики Варшавського університету», в: MАЦЮК, Г./ MИТНІК, I. (ред.): Мова в суспільстві: семантика, синтактика, прагматика. Language in Society: Semantics, Syntax, Pragmatics, Lublin, 43–56.
14. KOЧAH, I. (2012): «Становлення і розвиток методики викладання української мови як іноземної». Теорія і практика викладання української мови як іноземної, 7, 17–24.
15. KONONENKO, I./ MYTNIK, I./ WASIAK, E. (2010): Słownik tematyczny polsko-ukraiński, Warszawa.
16. KOSTRO-OLECHOWSKA, K. (2014): „Różnice kulturowe w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego licealistów z polskimi korzeniami ze Wschodu, Języki obce w szkole, 1, 109–112.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Kononenko
Irena Mytnik
Svitlana Romaniuk

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa
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The acquisition of the definite article by LS/L2 Italian learners represents a very delicate issue, on the one hand, in relation to the mother tongue and other known languages and, on the other, to the range of uses of this part of the discussion (among others, cf. Chini 1995a; Pallotti 1998). The research is exploratory, and the results allow us to examine a sector of applied linguistics and language teaching that is still little investigated (Krámský 2016).
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Authors and Affiliations

Paolo Nitti

  1. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria

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