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The article intends to analyze the importance of the encounter with the most dramatic voice of the second half of the twentieth century in Italy, the poet Amelia Rosselli, in the works of Antonella Anedda, in order to show how the acquaintance with Rosselli, started in the early eighties, has turned for Anedda into an intense, creative and human dialogue, aimed at questioning the classic postures of the lyric persona as well as the cliché that connects female poetry with a confessional dimension. The purpose of the article is to show how Anedda, constantly consulting the Rossellian work (with a particular predilection for Diario ottuso, first published in a journal in 1980), recognizes a “sororal magisterium”, starting from which to build a lyric witness, anchored to the choral and ethical dimension of writing.
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Alessandro Baldacci

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa
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The paper is concerned with the most fundamental compositional divide to be found in lyrical discourse, consisting in that the latter one is normally split into an empirical part, presenting the author’s concrete experience, and a focal part, where the author discovers some signifi cant truth or/and changes her attitude towards the world. It is claimed in the paper that, more generally, one of the specifi c linguistic properties of focal fragments is their higher and/or specially underscored informativity, and, in particular, one of the means recruited to emphasize it is inverted word order.

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Authors and Affiliations

Gennadij Zeldowicz
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The paper demonstrates that, along with its standard function of linking the relevant utterance to the context, information structure (whose main parameters are assumed to be the theme-rheme division, given-new division, and direct VS inverted word order contrasts) may also fulfil a more intricate role within lyrical texts. The function of information structure may be extended to mark the inner discourse hierarchization of a poem, i.e. its division into the backgrounded part, where some experience open to the lyrical hero is presented, and the foregrounded, ‘wisdom’ part, where the discovery of some important, mostly general truth is made. This is shown with reference to a famous poem by O. Mandelstam. The final conclusion is that in general the true functions of information structure stretch far beyond what is claimed in standard, ‘non-poetically-oriented’ literature on information structure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gennadii Zeldowicz

  1. Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The paper is concerned with one of the internal forces driving the progress of lyrical discourse. Its nature consists in that initially, some linguistic and/or cognitive deviation appears in the poem, and next the author undertakes a series of attempts at its adjustment or mitigation. More often than not these attempts are increasingly successful, but at some later point they, for various reasons, stop to be rewarding. This tends to happen either at the end of the text, where the most important truth is prototypically discovered, or immediately before the final fragment. In both cases, the completion of the relevant ‘adjustment’ theme plays a significant compositional role. Discussed at some length are the implications of our analysis for the theory of discourse relations. The bulk of the instances under examination are drawn from O. Mandelstam’s verse.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gennadij Zeldowicz

  1. Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski

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