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A buckling analysis of temperature-dependent embedded plates reinforced by single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) subjected to a magnetic field is investigated. The SWCNTs are distributed as uniform (UD) and three types of functionally graded nanotubes (FG), in which the material properties of the nano-composite plate are estimated based on the mixture rule. The surrounding temperature-dependent elastic medium is simulated as Pasternak foundation. Based on the orthotropic Mindlin plate theory, the governing equations are derived using Hamilton's principle. The buckling load of the structure is calculated based on an exact solution by the Navier method. The influences of elastic medium, magnetic field, temperature and distribution type, and volume fractions of SWCNT are shown on the buckling of the plate. Results indicate that CNT distribution close to the top and bottom are more efficient than that distributed near the mid-plane for increasing the stiffness of the plates.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Kolahchi
M. Esmailpour
M. Safari


Accurate demagnetization modelling is mandatory for a reliable design of rare-earth permanent magnet applications, such as e.g. synchronous machines. The magnetization of rare-earth permanent magnets requires high magnetizing fields. For technical reasons, it is not always possible to completely and homogeneously achieve the required field strength during a pulse magnetization, due to stray fields or eddy currents. Not sufficiently magnetized magnets lose remanence as well as coercivity and the demagnetization characteristic becomes strongly nonlinear. It is state of the art to treat demagnetization curves as linear. This paper presents an approach to model the nonlinear demagnetization in dependence on the magnetization field strength. Measurements of magnetization dependent demagnetization characteristics of rare-earth permanent magnets are compared to an analytical model description. The physical meaning of the model parameters and the influence on them by incomplete magnetization are discussed for different rare-earth permanent magnet materials. Basically, the analytic function is able to map the occurring magnetization dependent demagnetization behavior. However, if the magnetization is incomplete, the model parameters have a strong nonlinear behavior and can only be partially attributed to physical effects. As a benefit the model can represent nonlinear demagnetization using a few parameters only. The original analytical model is from literature but has been adapted for the incomplete magnetization. The discussed effect is not sufficiently accurate modelled in literature. The sparse data in literature has been supplemented with additional pulsed-field magnetometer measurements.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Gregor Bavendiek
Fabian Müller
Jamshid Sabirov
Kay Hameyer


The paper presents a construction of magnetic observatory "Arctowski" on King George Island. The parameters of magnetic instruments and mean values of D, H, Z and F(T) of magnetic field are presented. Examples of registration of changes of the magnetic field are noted.

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Antoni Szymański


In this article the magnetic memory model with nano-meter size made from iron cells was proposed. For a purpose of determining the model specifications, the magnetic probes group with different geometrical parameters were examined using numeric simulations for the two different time duration of transitions among quasistable magnetic distributions found in the system, derived from the energy minimums. The geometrical parameters range was found, for which the 16 quasi–stable energetic states exist for the each probe. Having considered these results the 4 bits magnetic cells systems can be designed whose state is changed by spin-polarized current. Time dependent current densities and the current electron spin polarization directions were determined for all cases of transitions among quasi–stable states, for discovered set of 4 bits cells with different geometrical parameters. The 16- states cells, with the least geometrical area, achieved the 300 times bigger writing density in comparison to actual semiconductor solutions with the largest writing densities. The transitions among quasi-stable states of cells were examined for the time durations 105 times shorter than that for up to date solutions.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Steblinski
T. Blachowicz


The paper presents magnetic fluid as an excellent material platform for producing more complex magnetic drug delivery systems. In addition, the paper discusses the nanoparticle morphological (electron microscopy) and structural (X-ray diffraction) characterizations. M ossbauer spectroscopy and photoacoustic spectroscopy are revisited as key tools in the characterization of the magnetic core and diamagnetic shell of the magnetic nanoparticle, respectively.

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P.C. Morais


The accurate prediction of iron losses has become a prominent problem in electromagnetic machine design. The basis of all iron loss models is found in the spatial field-locus of the magnetic flux density (B) and magnetic field (H). In this paper the behavior of the measured BH-field-loci is considered in FEM simulation. For this purpose, a vector hysteresis model is parameterized based on the global measurements, which then can be used to reproduce the measurement system and obtain more detailed insights on the device and its local field distribution. The IEM has designed a rotary loss tester for electrical steel, which can apply arbitrary BH-field-loci occurring during electrical machine operation. Despite its simplicity, the proposed pragmatic analytical model for vector hysteresis provides very promising results.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Fabian Müller
Gregor Bavendiek
Benedikt Schauerte
Kay Hameyer


The Kibble balance experiment is used to redefine the kilogram as a unit of mass based on the Planck constant. To demonstrate and understand the basic principle of the Kibble balance, the National Institute of Standards (NIS)-Egypt has constructed a prototype Kibble balance that can measure gram-level masses with 0.01% relative uncertainty. Through the construction of this prototype, the challenges can be studied and addressed to overcome the weaknesses of NIS’s prototype. This study presents the design and construction of the prototype Kibble balance. It also focuses on the design and performance of the magnetic system, which is a crucial element of the Kibble balance. Analytical modeling and finite element analysis were used to evaluate and improve the magnet system. Several other aspects were also discussed, including the yoke’s material and enhancing the magnetic profile within the air gap of the magnet system. Over a vertical distance of 30 mm inside the air gap, the magnetic flux density was found to be 0.3 T, and the uniformity was found to be 8 x 10 -5.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sayed Emira
E.R. Shaaban
M.M. Rashad
Shaker A. Gelany

  1. National Institute of Standards (NIS), Tersa St, El-Haram, PO Box 136, Code 12211, Giza, Egypt
  2. Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Assiut 71542, Egypt
  3. Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute (CMRDI), P.O. BOX. 87 Helwan, Egypt 11421


In this publication the effect of the operating temperature on the effective inductance of a controllable inductor is analysed. The main difference compared to a coil with a simple single core lies in the current-controlled inductance-value. This is achieved by a second core implemented perpendicular upon the load-toroid affecting the saturation within a limited shared volume. Corresponding to the presented analysis, the dependencies on the core temperatures are investigated by measurements.
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Guido Schierle
Michael Meissner
Klaus F. Hoffmann

  1. Helmut Schmidt University, Germany


The article presents the results of tests of the application of magnetic fuel activators, which improve the efficiency of metallurgical furnaces and positively affect the ecological aspects of their work. Energy indicators for metallurgical furnaces during operation before and after installation of magnetic fuel activators as well as the results of composition and concentration of emitted pollutants are included in the paper. The magnetic activation of liquid and gaseous fuels modifies their structure. As a result of the activation, the fuel mixture is selectively saturated with oxygen in the zone of free fuel flow. The combustion conditions were close to optimal, which is confirmed by the reduction of pollutants in the exhaust gases. Fuel saving in the combustion process is also a measurable economic effect. The tests included ovens of several types: pusher furnace, one and two chamber furnaces and a furnace with a rotary shaft. Several-month measurement cycles were carried out on each of them. The experiments consisted in the analysis of gas and heat consumption per month in individual furnaces before and after the use of magnetic fuel activators. The effectiveness of using activators was determined on the basis of the results of the tests carried out. As a result of a twelve-month test cycle on the pusher type furnace, a 36% reduction in gas consumption and a 22% reduction in heat consumption were achieved. After a seventeen-month measurement cycle on chamber furnaces, a 35% reduction in gas consumption and 6% in heat consumption were achieved. The tests on furnaces with a rotary shaft lasted fourteen months and showed a reduction in gas consumption by 8%. An improvement in the composition of fumes in the furnace atmosphere was achieved in all units with magnetic activators installed, as well as a reduction in the emission of harmful pollutants into the atmosphere from the installation.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Przemysław Szymanek
Anna Pajdak
Arkadiusz Szymanek


This paper describes the method of prospective magnetic research under natural conditions of strong interference by the external variable magnetic field. This method of synchronized measurements, when some given assumptions are satisfied, permits magnetic survey of the accuracy 1-2 nT to be carried out. It was used in detailed investigations of weak anomalous fields.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Koblański
Stanisław Małoszewski
Janusz Śliz


The results and method of measurements of D, H and T carried out at Hornsund in the summer of 1979 are presented. The relative and absolute values of these elements are given in reduction to the Polish magnetic station at Hornsund. An initial evaluation of changes in the magnetic field from 1957 to 1979 is carried out.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Koblański
Stanisław Małoszewski
Janusz Śliz


The paper presents the method and results of measurements carried out at four secular points: P, — Wilczekodden, P2 — Hyttevika, P3 — Gashamna and P4 — Treskelodden. No essential changes were found in the distribution of the anomalous field ΔT with respect to the results of observations made in 1979.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Koblański


This paper presents the results of magnetic mapping carried out in the area of the metamorphic series of Ariekammen and Skoddefjellet. On the basis of qualitative interpretation of measurements a number of anomalous zones were distinguished, whose position can be correlated with local changes in mineralitation and polymetallic ore content in the Fuglebergsletta area. The SE-NW orientation, skew to the almost meridional run of the layers of slates and marbles making up the metamorphic complex, dominates in the course of the anomalous zones.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Koblański


The paper presents the results of research from the analysis of primary magnetization curves for Fe based amorphous alloys. Structural defects in the form of pseudodislocation dipoles occur in amorphous alloys. Using the theory developed by H. Kronmuller called the approach to ferromagnetic saturation, it is possible to indirectly observe internal stresses occurring in the volume of amorphous alloys. The magnetic structure is sensitive to all kinds of inhomogeneities that become visible in the process of high-field magnetization. It has been shown that the cooling rate of the liquid alloy has a great influence on the migration of atoms during the solidification process. Longer time of alloy formation causes more atoms to occupy ordered positions, which results in a change in the distance between the magnetic atoms and a higher degree of structure relaxation. This is indicated by a significant difference in the value of the spin wave stiffness parameter Dspf. The structural differences of the alloys were also investigated using a magnetic balance. It has been shown that the cooling rate influences insignificant differences in the course of thermomagnetic curves and the Curie temperature.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

B. Jeż

  1. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Technology and Automati on, 19c Armii Krajowej Str., 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland


Some physical concepts important for a hysteresis model (effective field, anhysteretic magnetization) are discussed on the example of Jiles-Atherton model. The Jiles-Atherton model reveals some drawbacks, which make this model more difficult to be applied in electrical engineering. In particular, it does not describe accurately the magnetization curves after a reversal, moreover complex magnetization cycles are poorly represented. On the other hand, the phenomenological description proposed by Takács seems to be a valuable alternative to the Jiles-Atherton formalism. The concept of effective field may be easily incorporated in the description.

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Krzysztof Chwastek


In this paper a cross-shaped isolator consisting of cuboidal magnets and a cylindrical isolator are compared by resonance frequency to volume ratio and shape. Both isolators are capable of obtaining a low resonance frequency, i.e. 0.15 Hz and 0.01 Hz for the cross and cylinder, respectively. The volume of both isolators is comparable, only the shape is different, resulting in a tall structure with a small footprint for the cross and a flat with a large diameter cylindrical structure. A sensitivity analysis shows that due to the large amount of magnets, the cross-shaped isolator is less sensitive to manufacturing tolerances.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

D.T.E.H. Van Casteren
J.J.H. Paulides
E.A. Lomonova


We propose a novel magnetic field sensitive semiconductor device, viz., Horizontally-Split-Drain Magnetic-Field Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor (HSDMAGFET) which can be used to measure or detect steady or variable magnetic fields. Operating principle of the transistor is based on one of the galvanomagnetic phenomena and a Gradual Channel Detachment Effect (GCDE) and is very similar to that of Popovic and Baltes's SDMAGFET. The predicted absolute sensitivity of the new sensor can reach as high value as 1000 V/T. Furthermore, due to its original structure, the spatial resolution of the new MAGFET is very high which makes this device especially useful in reading magnetically encoded data or magnetic pattern recognition.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

W. Kordalski
M. Polowczyk
M. Panek


Magnetic circuits of electromagnetic energy converters, such as electrical machines, are nowadays highly utilized. This proposition is intrinsic for the magnetic as well as the electric circuit and depicts that significant enhancements of electrical machines are difficult to achieve in the absence of a detailed understanding of underlying effects. In order to improve the properties of electrical machines the accurate determination of the locally distributed iron losses based on idealized model assumptions solely is not sufficient. Other loss generating effects have to be considered and the possibility being able to distinguish between the causes of particular loss components is indispensable. Parasitic loss mechanisms additionally contributing to the total losses originating from field harmonics, non-linear material behaviour, rotational magnetizations, and detrimental effects caused by the manufacturing process or temperature, are not explicitly considered in the common iron-loss models, probably even not specifically contained in commonly used calibration factors. This paper presents a methodology being able to distinguish between different loss mechanisms and enables to individually consider particular loss mechanisms in the model of the electric machine. A sensitivity analysis of the model parameters can be performed to obtain information about which decisive loss origin for which working point has to be manipulated by the electromagnetic design or the control of the machine.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Simon Steentjes
Georg Von Pfingsten
Andreas Ruf
Marco Hombitzer
David Franck
Kay Hameyer Rwth


Rare-earth permanent magnets are coated in order to avoid corrosion. When considering the rated geometrical properties of a sample, the coating thickness has to be known precisely as it wrongly enlarges the magnetically active volume which in turn affects the accuracy of the measured magnetic properties. In this work, the sensitivity of hard magnetic material property measurements regarding the consideration of different coating thicknesses is evaluated. Moreover, the impact of eddy current effects on the magnetic properties is studied when measuring in an open circuit. Additionally, an outlook for a measurement-based determination of the electric conductivity of permanent magnet samples is given.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Alexander Kern
Nora Leuning
Kay Hameyer

  1. Institute of Electrical Machines (IEM), RWTH Aachen University, Schinkelstr. 4, D-52062 Aachen, Germany


The combination of permanent magnets and electrically excited windings creates an air gap magnetic field. The development of a hybrid magnetic circuit motor with an adjustable magnetic field is of great significance. This article introduces a hybrid magnetic circuit motor design that combines salient pole electromagnetic and permanent magnets. A tubular magnetic barrier has been designed to reduce inter-pole leakage and enhance the usage rate of permanent magnets in the hybrid magnetic circuit motor. The optimum eccentricity of the rotor has been accurately designed, resulting in an improved sinusoidal distribution of the air gap magnetic density waveform. An analysis of the static composite magnetic field under various excitation currents has been conducted, showcasing the capability of the hybrid magnetic circuit motor to stably adjust the air gap flux density level and output torque. A prototype has undergone comprehensive trial production and testing, conclusively confirming the machine’s superior output performance.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mingling Gao
Shilong Yan
Chenglong Yu
Wenjing Hu
Huihui Geng
Hongbin Yin
Mingjun Xu
Yufeng Zhang

  1. Shandong University of Technology 266 Xincun West Road, Zhangdian District, Zibo, Shandong Province, China
  2. Zibo Yongtai Motor Co., Ltd Zichuan District, Zibo, Shandong, China


Magnetic microstructure in the as suction cast Fe 69B 20Nb 2Hf 2Si 2Y 5 alloy was revealed by combined Lorentz-TEM and LM-STEM DPC analysis. The thin foil of the alloy was found to be composed primarily of the amorphous phase with few dendritic structures. Magnetic domains were found large in the µm range with an average domain wall width of 52 nm. The magnetic domain boundaries are easily mobile, what was confirmed by in situ applied magnetic field. The LM-STEM DPC complements the Lorentz-TEM analysis by providing details on the intensity and spatial distribution of the magnetization vector within the domains.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Czaja

  1. The Aleksander Krupkowski Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science Polish Academy of Sciences, 25 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland


Celem niniejszej pracy było poznanie współzależności pomiędzy wartością podatności magnetycznej gleb a zawartością metali ciężkich pochodzących z opadu pyłów miejsko-przemysłowych przy pomocy kilku komplementarnych metod statystycznych: analizy korelacji przy użyciu współczynników korelacji Pearsona i współczynników korelacji rang Spearman'a, regresji krokowej, testu niezależności ,,chi-kwadrat". Podstawą do obliczeń statystycznych było około 600 pomiarów zawartości As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni i Pb, w górnej (20 cm) warstwie gleby z obszaru Górnośląskiego Okręgu Przemysłowego (GOP). Dane dotyczące zawartości metali ciężkich uzupełniono pomiarami niskopolowej specyficznej podatności magnetycznej (x) dokonanymi w tych samych próbach. Stwierdzono istnienie wyraźnej korelacji pomiędzy poziomem zanieczyszczeń antropogenicznych a wielkością mierzonej podatności, chociaż zależności te w glebie są na ogól skomplikowane. Najczęściej występują średnie na poziomie r = 0,5-0,7 i wysokie, na poziomie r = 0,7-0,9 korelacje pomiędzy wielkością podatności a zawartościami badanych metali. Stwierdzono, że badania zależności pomiędzy podatnością magnetyczną, a zawartością metali ciężkich nie powinny być oparte wyłącznie o wyznaczanie wspólczynnika korelacji Persona. Zastosowanie kilku komplementarnych metod statystycznych pozwala ocenić istniejące współzależności w sposób bardziej prawidłowy. Porównanie wartości wspólczynnika korelacji liniowej Pearsona oraz wspólczynnika korelacji rang Spermana wskazuje, że w zakresie stosowanej dokładności związki korelacyjne są liniowe. Podobnych wniosków dostarczają wyniki regresji krokowej wstecznej. Otrzymany model liniowy regresji wielokrotnej wyjaśnia prawie 80% zmienności podatności magnetycznej. Powyższe analizy statystyczne potwierdzają wcześniejsze spostrzeżenia, że magnetometria bazująca na pomiarach podatności magnetycznej gleb stanowi bardzo interesującą alternatywę dla innych metod w zakresie monitoringu zanieczyszczeń antropogenicznych gleby, a w szczególności zanieczyszczeń metalami ciężkimi.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jarosław Zawadzki
Tadeusz Magiera
Zygmunt Strzyszcz


The paper presents methods of analytical and measurement-based determination of pressures acting on sheet metal in the process of electrodynamic forming by means of flat inductors generating pulse magnetic field. Pressures are determined for sheet metal of different thicknesses processed by means of circular and elliptical spiral inductors. The paper describes also examples of copper and aluminium sheet metal forming conducted by means of the analysed inductors and shaped forming dies.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Józef Bednarski
Gerard Głuch
Andrzej Kot

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