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Słowa kluczowe migrations migration policy


Nearly 20 years after Poland joined the European Union, Poles continue to emigrate, yet the nature of this migration differs considerably from that observed after 1 May 2004.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Magdalena Lesińska
Dominika Pszczółkowska

  1. Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Poland
Słowa kluczowe krill migration


At the ice edge krill undergoes diurnal migrations with the period of 12 hours and amplitude of about 6 meters. The mean depth of krill occurrence is 41 m, shallower then for open waters. In our opinion these migration parameters are characteristic of juvenile adolescent krill dominating at the ice edge.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Godlewska
Zygmunt Klusek
Słowa kluczowe multiculturalism migration


Contemporary world brings along a continuing interpenetration of cultures strengthened by the migration revolution. The social space created by multiplicity of ethnic groups is very often a result of migration processes which totally formed such states as Canada or Australia. The sources of the European multiculturalism were, on the one hand, the officially accepted workforce, on the other hand – immigration being the effect of the colonial past of such states as France, Great Britain or Germany

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marek S. Szczepański
Anna Śliz


In the period 1950* 2020, international migration in Europe changed significantly. One of the most char-- acteristic features was the change in net migration from negative to positive. At the beginning of the twenty first century, Poland belonged to the minority of countrie s in this respect that is, it experienced strong emigration but only minor immigration. However, migration in Poland has also been changing. In the second decade of this century, the outflow of people has weakened, the inflow of migrants has increased an d the migration balance has become positive. I analyse these phenomena from the theoretical perspective of the migration transition that was experienced in the second half of the twentieth century by most countries in Western, Northern and Southern Europe. I attempt to answer the question of whether the latest migration phenomena prove that this transition is also occurring in Poland. In conclusion, I argue that the available toKeywords: migra date evidence provides an affirmative answer to this question.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marek Okólski

  1. Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Poland


This article reflects some trends and challenges in Germany in connection to immigration. The need of educational and scientific discussion and reflection of migration-specific themes are dictated by the contemporary reality requirements of almost all European countries. Change in society, associated primarily with the processes of immigration, affects the processes and systems of goal-countries, especially the education system.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marina Metz


In the post-communist era, the European migration space changed significantly. It has become charac-terised predominantly by temporary labour migration and new forms of circular, return and onward migration which are collectively theorised as ‘liquid’. The 2004/2007 eastward expansion of the EU resulted in the re-emergence of large-scale East-West intra-EU migration; however, Czechia continues to have one of the lowest levels of emigration among EU member-states in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). This article analyses Czech migration to New Zealand, which constitutes a considerable portion of overall Czech emigration. It is hypothesised that this flow can be understood as an example of ‘liquid’ migration beyond the EU to a distant settler society. Data from Immigration New Zealand and Stats NZ are examined to identify the trends, patterns and sociodemographic profile of Czech-to-New Zealand migration; other secondary sources provide a preliminary sketch of the motivations behind (and lived experiences of) Czech migrants in New Zealand. The study finds that this migration is increasing – mostly for temporary work, holidaying or visiting friends and relatives – and one of the largest, young-est and most recently arrived migrant groups from the CEE EU-10 countries. It is concluded that Czechia’s comparatively high standard of living may be an explanatory factor behind the relatively large flow of its people to New Zealand and that further qualitative investigation is needed to elucidate the motivations and diverse experiences of individual Czech migrants. The article ultimately contributes to comparative migration studies by exploring a potentially unique case of liquid migration to a tradi-tional settler society.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Oksana Opara


This article provides a detailed review of the ethnosurvey, a research methodology that has been widely applied to the study of migration for almost four decades. We focus on the application of ethnosurvey methods in Mexico and Poland, drawing on studies done in the former country since the early 1980s and, in the latter, since the early 1990s (including several post-2004 examples). The second case is particularly relevant for our analysis as it refers to a number of novel migration forms that have been identified in Central and Eastern Europe in the post-1989 transition period. Drawing on these studies, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of the ethnosurvey as a research tool for studying inter-national migration. Its advantages include its multilevel design, blend of qualitative and quantitative methods, reliance on retrospective life histories and multisited data collection strategy. These features yield a rich database that has enabled researchers to capture circular, irregular, short-term and se-quential movements. Its disadvantages primarily stem from its hybrid sampling strategy, which neces-sarily places limits on estimation and generalisability and on the technical challenges of parallel sampling in communities of both origin and destination. Here we argue that the ethnosurvey was never proposed and should not be taken as a universal methodology applicable in all circumstances. Rather it represents a specialised tool which, when correctly applied under the right conditions, can be ex-tremely useful in revealing the social and economic mechanisms that underlie human mobility, thus yielding a fuller understanding of international migration’s complex causes and diverse consequences in both sending and receiving societies.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł Kaczmarczyk


This article presents the main recent developments in migration trends to and from Belarus. It studies these trends via the migration systems theory lenses, according to which Belarus belongs to the Eurasian migra-tion system. The most significant migration flows are directed towards Russia, due to the existence of the Union State. However, over the last decade, Belarusian statistics have shown a gradual transformation in the direction of these migration flows. After the recession in Russia in 2015, the number of emigrants from Belarus to EU countries increased. The most significant changes have occurred in the migration dynamics between Belarus and Poland and Lithuania. The existence of the Pole’s Card makes it more difficult to measure the number of Belarusian immigrants in Poland, therefore, I provide a comparative analysis of Belarusian and Polish statistics in order to show a more realistic picture of the number and structure of Belarusian emigrants and the problem of underestimation in the sending country. Particular attention is paid to the consequences of the political situation in Belarus after 2020; this has become an additional push factor for emigrants and may also lead to a further reduction of Belarusian migratory links within the Eurasian migration system. Thus, the statistics for 2021 show a significant increase in the number of Bel-arusian emigrants to the EU, while emigration to Russia has remained at the same level.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yuliya Petrakova

  1. Freelance researcher, Belarus


The article offers a new perspective on contemporary and past migration processes in the post-Soviet area by testing the usefulness of the concept of a migration cycle for the Russian case. By adopting the longue durée approach, we attempt to assess the advancement of Russia’s migration cycle, arguing at the same time that it constitutes an interesting, yet not an obvious case with which to test the utility of the concept. We postulate that, in tracking Russia’s migration trajectories in pre-1991 times, it is im-portant to account for both the flows between Russia as the-then state entity (i.e. the Tsarist Empire, later the Soviet Union) and foreign countries and the flows between Russia as the core of the empire and its eastern and southern peripheries. Our analyses show that while – taking into account statistical consid-erations – Russia has undoubtedly already undergone the migration transition, it has not yet reached the stage of a mature immigration country. We also contend that migration transition for Russia occurred internally – within the-then state borders – and revealed itself with its transformation from a Soviet re-public into a federative state.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zuzanna Brunarska
Mikhail Denisenko

  1. Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Poland
  2. Vishnevsky Institute of Demography, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia


What is migration? Who are the people that migrate, and what drives them to do so?
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Józef M. Fiszer
1 2

  1. Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
  2. Lazarski University
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The article’s aim is to demonstrate how migration regimes tacitly operate at the level of everyday practices. We propose to see migrants’ leisure, recreational use of parks in particular, as a venue for the internalization and embodiment of migration regimes. We seek to explore if migrants negotiate and resist these regimes through their everyday practices. Our study is based on 70 interviews with Ukrainian and Vietnamese migrants in Poland, Moroccan migrants in the Netherlands, Turkish migrants in Germany, and Latino and Chinese migrants in the U.S. We present migrants’ perceptions of urban parks’ rules and their interactions with other park users. Particular attention is paid to migrants’ ability to negotiate the existing regulations and to adjust these environments to their needs. We discuss the mechanisms that limit migrants’ ability to negotiate the frameworks of migration regimes through their leisurely use of urban parks
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Horolets
Monika Stodolska
Karin Peters

  1. Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski
  2. Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  3. Cultural Geography Group, Wageningen University


The most common chemical’s spills in typical transportation accidents are those with petroleum products such as diesel fuel, the consequence of which is an extensive pollution of the soil. In order to plan properly fuel recovery from the soil, it is important to gain information about the soil depth which may be affected by pollutant and to predict the pollutant concentration in different soil layers. This study deals with the impact of basic atmospheric conditions, i.e. air temperature and humidity on the diesel fuel migration through the soil. The diesel fuel was spilled into columns (L = 30 cm; D = 4.6 cm) filled with sandy and clay soil samples, and its concentrations at various depths were measured after 11 days under various air temperature (20 and 40°C) and relative humidity (30–100%) conditions. The effects observed were explained by understanding physical processes, such as fuel evaporation, diffusion and adsorption on soil grains. The increase in temperature results in higher fuel evaporation loss and its faster vertical migration. The relative humidity effect is less pronounced but more complex, and it depends much on the soil type.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mladen Vuruna
Zlate Veličković
Sreten Perić
Jovica Bogdanov
Negovan Ivanković
Mihael Bučko


W celu podwyższenia skuteczności procesu bioremediacji gruntów stosuje się różne techniki wspomagające. Do takich technik można zaliczyć zastosowanie słabego pola elektrycznego, które wywołuje szereg korzystnych zjawisk elektrokinetycznych w gruncie oraz wykorzystanie substancji powierzchniowoczynnych, które wpływają korzystnie na przebieg procesu biodegradacji substancji wykazujących słabą rozpuszczalność w wodzie. W badaniach określano wpływ pola elektrycznego i różnych typów surfaktantów (biosurfaktanty, niejonowe, anionowe) na migrację bakterii Ps eudomon as putida i Bacillus subtilis w gruncie. W trakcie badań kontrolowano również intensywność procesu biodegradacji zanieczyszczeń. Badania wykazały istotny wpływ pola elektrycznego i surfaktantów na intensywność i kierunek migracji bakterii w gruncie oraz na intensywność procesu biodegradacji.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Piechowiak
Andrzej Olszanowski


The induction of phytoremediation by addition of complex substrates, such as sewage sludge (e.g.

from the food industry), allows for better conditions of plant growth, however, it also increases the risk of chemical compounds leaching to the soil solution. Biogenic compounds occurring in sludge such as nitrogen, organic

carbon and phosphorus when migrating with soil solution down the soil profile can lead to underground water

contamination. The paper assesses the effect of sewage sludge inducted phytoextraction of Zn, Cd and Pb with

the use of Sinapis alba L. (White mustard), Medicago sativa L. (Alfalfa) and Trifolium resupinatum L. (Persian

clover) as well as the migration of biogenic compounds (nitrogen, organic carbon and phosporus) in soil solution. Research was conducted in controlled conditions of a phytotronic chamber in which the lysimetric experiment was carried out in order to monitor the changes of total nitrogen, ammonia, phosphates, organic carbon

and pH every 3 weeks during the 112 days of the entire experiment. Based on the obtained results it was found

that there is no risk of underground water contamination by investigated substances present in sewage sludge,

because there was no indication of increased ammonia and carbon migration to the deeper parts of the soil

profile.The only exception was the migration of nitrogen compounds other than ammonia (possibly nitrates and

nitrites). Due to sewage sludge application the highest concentrations of ammonium nitrogen (211 mgN-NH4


-1), total nitrogen (299 mg N l-1) and organic carbon (200 mg TOC l-1) were noted at a layer of 30 cm (from top

of the column/lysimeter) after 3 weeks of the conducted process. With time a decrease of ammonium nitrogen

as well as organic carbon concentration in all columns was noted. There was no indication of phosphates in the

soil solution during the entire experiment, which was due to the high cation exchange capacity of the soil matrix.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Fijałkowski
K. Rosikoń
A. Grobelak
M. Kacprzak


Considering the recent mass movement of people fleeing war and oppression, an analysis of changes in migration, in particular an analysis of the final destination refugees choose, seems to be of utmost importance. Many international organisations like UNHCR (the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) or EuroStat gather and provide information on the number of refugees and the routes they follow. What is also needed to study the state of affairs closely is a visual form presenting the rapidly changing situation. An analysis of the problem together with up-to-date statistical data presented in the visual form of a map is essential. This article describes methods of preparing such interactive maps displaying movement of refugees in European Union countries. Those maps would show changes taking place throughout recent years but also the dynamics of the development of the refugee crisis in Europe. The ArcGIS software was applied to make the map accessible on the Internet. Additionally, online sources and newspaper articles were used to present the movement of migrants. The interactive map makes it possible to watch spatial data with an opportunity to navigate within the map window. Because of that it is a clear and convenient tool to visualise such processes as refugee migration in Europe.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Beata Calka
Bruce Cahan


The prevalent conceptual approach used to assess multiple citizenship legislation is based on analysing a set of selected elements of the relevant legal framework. This paper argues that the evolution of legal rules on dual citizenship cannot be comprehensively analysed using methods created for comparative analyses and based on a narrow selection of legal rules that reflect either a restrictive or an open ap-proach to dual citizenship. The simplified approach that focuses on the analysis of selected fragments of explicit legislation generates results that may be misleading. Therefore, the terms of reference for comparative study of multiple citizenship should be elaborated and extended. A comprehensive compar-ative method also has to take into account the migration context as well as relevant aspects of the legal and political context. This article explores these issues through an analysis of Polish legal rules in the field of dual citizenship.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dorota Pudzianowska
Słowa kluczowe migration DNA neolithic cultures


Cooperation with specialists using state-of-the-art technologies has ushered archaeological research into a whole new era, making it much more attractive to the public.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Włodarczak

  1. PAS Institute of Archaeology and Ethnologyin Cracow


Climate change is fueling migration to cities. How do we organize this process in a way that is supportive of intercultural integration?
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marta Piechocka-Nowakowska

  1. Information Society Development Foundation in Warsaw


Should Poland be fearful for its demographic security?
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Szukalski
1 2 3

  1. University of Łódź
  2. Committee on Demographic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  3. Forecast Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Słowa kluczowe migration security crime


Migration has always been present, as one of the forces behind the evolutionary success of the human species. But why do contemporary migrations stir such strong emotions?
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Witold Klaus

  1. PAS Institute of Law Studies in Warsaw


This study analyses and compares the fertility behaviour and childbearing plans of Polish migrant fam-ilies in Ireland and those of their counterparts – families in Poland. The study has a comparative and explanatory character and applies both quantitative and qualitative methods. The analysis is based on the author’s own data collected from an online survey of Polish family units in Ireland in 2014 and compared with secondary data on families in Poland retrieved from the 2011 Gender and Generation Survey (GGS). My research reveals fertility postponement and fewer families with children among mi-grant families; nonetheless, migrant parents have more children than their counterparts in Poland. The results highlight the significance of socio-economic and institutional contexts. The study also reveals a dichotomisation of fertility strategies within the migrant population, with distinct differences in the number of children, transition age to parenthood, and further fertility intentions between migrants who became parents in Poland and those who did so after the move. The results also provide insights into the childbearing motivations and fertility patterns of recent Polish migrants and contribute to the dis-cussion of migrants’ fertility in general.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Łukasz Klimek


Ukraine remains today one of the main migrant sending countries in Europe, with thousands of Ukrainians working in Czechia, Italy, Poland and Russia. In this regard, Ukraine shares the previous experience of Central European countries such as the Baltic States, Poland and Slovakia, that in the 1990s and early 2000s registered first temporary, and later permanent, outflows. In more recent years, however, many Central and Eastern European countries started to register increasing numbers of immigrants and some of them have switched from net sending to net receiving migration regimes. The objective of this article is to discuss the possibility of a similar turnaround in Ukraine; to this end, we investigate the main quantitative data on mi-gration from and to Ukraine, and interpret this information in the light of selected theoretical approaches that have been used to explain migration in Central and Eastern Europe. The available data reveal high levels of labour emigration of both temporary and permanent character, the increasing propensity of mi-grants to settle down in the host countries, and the growing involvement of the youngest cohorts in the emi-gration. Despite this evidence we argue that the current situation by no means constitutes a premise for reversing the outflow from Ukraine. We conclude that the most recent improvements in general economic indicators will not lead to high levels of immigration without an active labour market policy towards foreigners.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Hanna Vakhitova
Agnieszka Fihel


The welfare aspects of intra-European migration remain an important and controversial topic of academic and political debates. These discussions touch upon the classical ‘welfare magnet’ or ‘welfare tourism’ hypothesis. Transcending the politicised concept of ‘benefit tourism’, our paper examines how welfare-state considerations in relation to migration decisions vary across the life course. Relying on micro-level qualitative research focusing on Spanish intra-EU movers, the paper probes deeper into how individuals perceive welfare systems, analysing the subtle and nuanced meanings of different aspects of the welfare for their migration decisions. We focus more specifically on welfare provisions in terms of health care, compulsory education, child support and other care responsibilities, unemployment and pensions and retirement. Our research indicates that, in studies on the migration–welfare nexus, it is necessary to move beyond the current narrow focus on the welfare magnet hypothesis and to examine how diverse welfare arrangements continuously and dynamically set the context for migration decisions at various stages of an individual’s life. The results of our research show how features of the Spanish welfare system, in comparison to those of potential destination countries, might act as both a trigger and/or a barrier to migration. As such, we get a ‘thicker description’ of the role which welfare might play in shaping individuals’ eventual migratory aspirations and decisions.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Katarzyna Andrejuk
Marie Godin
Dominique Jolivet
3 4
Sónia Pereira
Christof Van Mol
6 7

  1. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
  2. University of Oxford, the UK
  3. University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  4. University of Maastricht, The Netherlands
  5. IGOT, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  6. Tilburg University, The Netherlands
  7. Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute / UG / KNAW


This article explores the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) migrants from Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union in Scotland. Drawing on interviews with 50 migrants, the article focuses on the experiences and aspirations which they articulate as being part of ‘a normal life’, and analyses them within broader conceptual understandings of security and ‘normal-ity’. We first examine how normality is equated with an improved economic position in Scotland, and look at the ways in which this engenders feelings of emotional security and well-being. We then explore how more positive experiences around sexuality and gender identity are key to a sense of emotional security – i.e. of feeling accepted as ‘normal’, being visible as an LGBT person but ‘blending in’ rather than standing out because of it. Finally we look at the ways in which the institutional framework in Scotland, in particular the presence of LGBT-affirmative legislation, is seen by participants to have a normalising effect within society, leading to a broader sense of inclusion and equality – found, again, to directly impact upon participants’ own feelings of security and emotional well-being. The article engages with literatures on migration and sexuality and provides an original contribution to both: through its focus upon sexuality, which remains unexplored in debates on ‘normality’ and migration in the UK; and by bringing a migration perspective to the debates in sexuality studies around the normal-ising effect of the law across Europe. By bringing these two perspectives together, we reveal the inter-rela-tionship between sexuality and other key spheres of our participants’ lives in order to better understand their experiences of migration and settlement.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Francesca Stella
Moya Flynn
Anna Gawlewicz

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