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The paper presents the results of calculations related to determination of temperature distributions in a steel pipe of a heat exchanger taking into account inner mineral deposits. Calculations have been carried out for silicate-based scale being characterized by a low heat transfer coefficient. Deposits of the lowest values of heat conduction coefficient are particularly impactful on the strength of thermally loaded elements. In the analysis the location of the thermocouple and the imperfection of its installation were taken into account. The paper presents the influence of determination accuracy of the heat flux on the pipe external wall on temperature distribution. The influence of the heat flux disturbance value on the thickness of deposit has also been analyzed.

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Michał Ciałkowski
Magda Joachimiak
Jarosław Bartoszewicz
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Kamieniołom w Lubiechowej od lat przyciąga mineralogów i studentów nauk o Ziemi. Jakie tajemnice czekająt am jeszcze na odkrycie?

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Jan Purski
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One of the elements of the Polish Energy Policy program is the development of renewable energy, including energy from biomass combustion. In Poland, the Green Block was built at the Połaniec Power Station fired with 100% biomass fuel. This solution is conducive not only to obtaining energy but also to improving environmental protection. During the combustion of biomass in a fluidized bed boiler, about 50 thousand tons of fly ash per year being a source of nutrients for plants, for example potassium salts, phosphorus, calcium, boron compounds, etc. was derived. The subject of the research were three types of ashes from biomass combustion containing 80% dendromass and 20% agromass. Agromas was made of straw, dried material or sliced palm nuts. The physical characteristics and chemical composition of three basic fly ash samples are presented. Due to the high fineness and thus dusting during spreading, it was found that there is no possibility of the direct use of fly ash from biomass combustion as an alkalizing agent for acidic soils. The lowest bulk density was demonstrated by samples of fly ash originating from the combustion of biomass containing 20% straw as agromass, while the poorest in potassium and phosphorus were ash samples obtained from the combustion of biomass containing 20% agromass in the form of palm kernel slate. As additional components, mineral acids as well as inorganic compounds, including industrial waste, were used to correct the chemical composition and to mineral fertilizer granulation. The number of introduced components was related to the postulated composition of the produced fertilizer. Examples of mineral fertilizers obtained, both simple and multicomponent fertilizers, are presented.

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Sylwester Eugeniusz Żelazny
Andrzej Jarosiński
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Investigations of n-dodecane used in flotation of copper ore from the Legnica-Glogow Copper Basin (LGOM) were presented in the paper. The aim of the work was estimation of influence of nonpolar reagent's on the results of copper ore flotation. Two series of flotation tests were conducted. The first series - flotation experiments with standard flotation with xanthate collector only (KEtX), were compared with the second series: flotation experiments with n-dodecane addition (C12) in the first stage and then xanthate addition (KEtX). n-dodecane was used in form of aqueous emulsion and frother was aqueous solution of \alfa-terpincol. Flotation results showed that a part of copper minerals float with n-dodecane, and the rest of them is recovered using xanthate collector. The best results were obtained for the first series (with xanthate only). These flotation results were compared with the results of copper sulphide ores flotation with n-heptane addition. It was found that with the doses reagent used, n-heptane has a higher selectivity in comparison with n-dodecane. In the presence of various doses of n-heptane, tested material enriched better in organic carbon carriers than in the copper minerals.

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Alicja Bakalarz
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Wspólne działania krajów nadbałtyckich jest kluczem do ochrony unikatowego ekosystemu Bałtyku.
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Blanka Pajda
Agata Zaborska

  1. Instytut Oceanologii PAN w Sopocie
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When identifying the conditions required for the sustainable and long-term exploitation of geothermal resources it is very important to assess the dynamics of processes linked to the formation, migration and deposition of particles in geothermal systems. Such particles often cause clogging and damage to the boreholes and source reservoirs. Solid particles: products of corrosion processes, secondary precipitation from geothermal water or particles from the rock formations holding the source reservoir, may settle in the surface installations and lead to clogging of the injection wells. The paper proposes a mathematical model for changes in the absorbance index and the water injection pressure required over time. This was determined from the operating conditions for a model system consisting of a doublet of geothermal wells (extraction and injection well) and using the water occurring in Liassic sandstone structures in the Polish Lowland. Calculations were based on real data and conditions found in the Skierniewice GT-2 source reservoir intake. The main product of secondary mineral precipitation is calcium carbonate in the form of aragonite and calcite. It has been demonstrated that clogging of the active zone causes a particularly high surge in injection pressure during the fi rst 24 hours of pumping. In subsequent hours, pressure increases are close to linear and gradually grow to a level of ~2.2 MPa after 120 hours. The absorbance index decreases at a particularly fast rate during the fi rst six hours (Figure 4). Over the period of time analysed, its value decreases from over 42 to approximately 18 m3/h/MPa after 120 hours from initiation of the injection. These estimated results have been confi rmed in practice by real-life investigation of an injection well. The absorbance index recorded during the hydrodynamic tests decreased to approximately 20 m3/h/MPa after 120 hours.
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Barbara Tomaszewska
Leszek Pająk
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Na Ziemi występują różnorodne minerały i skały, które zachwycają swoim pięknem i różnorodnością. Najczęściej spotykamy je w formie stałej lub też jako składniki mineralne rozpuszczone w wodzie.

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Agnieszka Gałuszka
Zdzisław M. Migaszewski
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The rocks quarried in the neighboring Rutki and Ligota Tułowicka deposits (vicinity of Niemodlin) represent a single petrographic variety of basalt, i.e. nephelinite. The presence of nepheline (the mineral belonging to the group of feldspathoids) that forms the light-colored component of the groundmass is the characteristic feature of these rocks. Nepheline is accompanied by fine crystals of pyroxene and, occasionally, magnetite. Distinctly larger pyroxene and olivine phenocrysts are dispersed within the groundmass. Neither minerals of the groundmass nor the phenocrysts of the pyroxenes reveal any signs of chemical weathering. However, such alterations are clearly visible in the phenocrysts of olivine. The basalt raw materials of both deposits are utilized mainly for the production of various assortments of crushed road aggregates and as components of concretes. These applications require the aggregates with the grain sizes >2 mm. There is also a possibility to utilize coarse-grained basalt aggregates for the manufacturing of rock wool. This is due to a favorable property of the rocks from Rutki and Ligota Tułowicka that is their relatively low content of magnetite resulting in the low capability of the molten basalt to crystallize. The chemical weathering of the olivine phenocrysts have proceeded toward the formation of clay minerals, among which those of the smectite group prevail. Their elevated quantities occur in the finest aggregate assortment, i.e. 0–0.85 mm. The fineness of this grain fraction and its elevated quantity of clay minerals are two favorable features to utilize this part of the basalt aggregate by the heavy clay industry as an additive improving the physico-mechanical parameters and providing the required red color of ceramic products..

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Piotr Wyszomirski
Tadeusz Szydłak
Tomasz Zawadzki
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Mining industry is an important sector that produces materials for other industries, also plays an important role in economic and social development, especially in a developing country like Vietnam. However, mineral mining can destroy the environment and deplete resources over time. The biggest challenge for state managers is to balance the conflict between the mining planning, development planning of other economic sectors and environmental issues. One of the solutions is to replace backward, manual extraction tools with the application of the modern computer (Modernize government administration).
In Viet Nam, at present, the provincial management agency of mines faces up with difficult problems such as: backward management method, lowly informative level, not using the current data effectively, even some areas can manage data well but can hardly and lowly share them, the current softwares are mainly document management, most of maps are stored on paper, digital map manage is not really cared. The traditional procedure and technology needs to be innovated by the way of enhancing to synthetically manage mineral resources, this can advance speed and quality of data processing, reduce the burden on employees and raise the level of office automation. The article uses the open code ASP.NET combined with GIS (Geographic Information Systems), based on the mineral economic development planning map in Tuyen Quang province, tools for editing, storing and extracting informaion are built detailedly for activities in mines from the beginning to the end of mining process. As a result, managers and authorities can easily search information for their work.

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Authors and Affiliations

Phi Hung Nguyen
Manh Tung Bui
Caokhai Nguyen
Thi Kim Thanh Nguyen

  1. 18 VIEN, Viet Nam
  2. University of Mining and Geology, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
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Image processing techniques (band rationing, color composite, Principal Component Analyses)

are widely used by many researchers to describe various mines and minerals. The primary aim of

this study is to use remote sensing data to identify iron deposits and gossans located in Kaman,

Kırşehir region in the central part of Anatolia, Turkey. Capability of image processing techniques is

proved to be highly useful to detect iron and gossan zones. Landsat ETM+ was used to create remote

sensing images with the purpose of enhancing iron and gossan detection by applying ArcMap image

processing techniques. The methods used for mapping iron and gossan area are 3/1 band rationing,

3/5 : 1/3 : 5/7 color composite, third PC and PC4 : PC3 : PC2 as RG B which obtained result from

Standard Principal Component Analysis and third PC which obtained result from Developed Selected

Principal Component Analyses (Crosta Technique), respectively. Iron-rich or gossan zones were mapped

through classification technique applied to obtained images. Iron and gossan content maps were

designed as final products. These data were confirmed by field observations. It was observed that iron

rich and gossan zones could be detected through remote sensing techniques to a great extent. This

study shows that remote sensing techniques offer significant advantages to detect iron rich and gossan

zones. It is necessary to confirm the iron deposites and gossan zones that have been detected for the

time being through field observations.

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Zeynel Basibuyuk
Engin Ekdur
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There is often a need to improve the taste of mineral water by reducing the sulphate ion content. It was found that for such an effect, nanofiltration (NF) process can be used. In the case, the proposed formula was assumed obtaining a mineral water with reduction of H2S and SO42- content through the following processes: stripping - UF/MF or rapid fi ltration - nanofiltration - mixing with raw water or filtration through calcium bed. The paper shows the results of the tests, with use of mineral waters and nanofiltration. Commercial nanofiltration membranes NF-270 Dow Filmtec and NF-DK GE Infrastructure Water&Process Technologies were applied. NF was carried out for mixed water from both water intakes (1 and 2), recovery of 50%, at transmembrane pressure of 0.8-1.2 MPa in the dead-end fi ltration mode. In addition, the permeate obtained in NF was filtered through a column fi lled with 1.0-3.0 mm limestone rock, in order to improve the composition of mineral water. The tested mineral water is the sulphate-chloride-sodium-calcium-magnesium in nature and contains 991 mg/L of SO42- and 2398 mg/L of TDS, while the permeate after NF showed the chloride - sodium hydrogeochemical type (TDS: 780-1470 mg/L, sulfate 10-202.7 mg/L, calcium 23-39.7 mg/L, magnesium 11-28 mg/L). As a result of water treatment in the NF process, high reduction of SO42- ions was obtained (79-98.7%), while the TDS was reduced in 51-64%. Because the process of NF allows for relatively high reduction of bivalent ions, a significant reduction in calcium ion content (84-88%) and magnesium (84-89%) has been also obtained. Monovalent ions were reduced to a lesser extent, i.e. sodium in 46% and bicarbonates in 39-64.1%. Despite obtaining the positive effect of the sulphate ions content reduction, the NF process significantly changed the mineralogy composition of water. The permeate filtration (DK-NF membrane) on the CaCO3 deposit led to a correction of the hydrogeochemical type of water from chloridesodium to chloride-bicarbonate-sodium. The concentration of calcium ions was increased by 60.5% and was 28.2 mg/L, and bicarbonate ions by 7.78% (increased to 195 mg/L). Based on a morphological assessment of the deposits in the SEM image and their chemical composition, the presence of gypsum crystals was detected on the surface of the NF-270 membrane. The deposits formed on the NF-DK membrane were of a completely different character as aggregations of iron and aluminium oxides/hydroxides were found. Such significant mineralogical differences between the secondary deposits crystallising on the surface of the membranes point to the impact of several factors, including membrane characteristics, concentration polarisation, mass transport mechanisms, etc.

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Michał Bodzek
Mariola Rajca
Barbara Tomaszewska
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The work involved assessment of the Myzus persicae (Sulz.) capability to infect successively potato plants with PVY and PVM after a Sunspray 850 EC mineral oil application. The tests were carried out in the greenhouse, with 4-week-old, healthy potato plants possessing low ressistance to viruses, derived from in vitro (test plants). Any time, for each combination and each virus, 10 successive plants were inoculated in 6 repetitions. Virus sources were potato plants infected with PVY or PVM, kept in isolated rooms. As a result of oil application, feeding of the M. persicae specimens on plants previously treated with this oil was delayed. The highest reduction as regards PVY and PVM transmission by M. persicae was obtained in the treatment where both plants constituting virus sources and test plants were protected, because only two of ten plants were infected with PVY, and only one with PVM. Mineral oil application only on potato test plants (healthy ones) reduced to a small degree M. persicae capability to transmit PVY to six successive plants (to seven in control), whereas it was much higher for PVM – to three (to six in control). In the case when only plants constituting virus sources were oil-protected, aphid’s capability to transmit PVY was limited only to four plants, and PVM – to two. These results seem to confirm much more the hypothesis that mineral oil inactivates virus particles in the stylets of aphids while they attempt to acquire it from plants which have been previously protected with mineral oil.

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Sławomir Wróbel
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This paper presents the results of study on heavy metals in soil and in herbaceous plants in selected pine forests in Słowiński National Park. The heavy metals, such as Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe were studied. Concentrations of zinc in tested soil are strongly and very strongly related to manganese and copper content (r = 0.57 do r = 0.98, p < 0.05). Moreover, the soil moistening has vital impact on copper content in the plants of the ground cover. It was also found that moss in comparison to other forest plants captures higher volume of zinc and copper. The content of the above mentioned metals in the plants of dry coniferous forests (Bs), fresh coniferous forests (Bśw) and humid coniferous forests (Bw) of the ground cover constitute the following decreasing series: Mn(438.1) > Fe(98.6) > Zn(35.2) > Cu(3.5).

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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Parzych
Zbigniew Sobisz
Jan Trojanowski
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The mineralogy and chemistry of Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleocene claystone sediments from Mardin and Batman, southeastern Turkey, were analyzed. The main mineral paragenesis in the Upper Cretaceous member formed chlorite-smectite (C-S) and illite, while the Lower Paleocene member occurred of chlorite-vermiculite (C-V) and vermiculite minerals. The clays were silica-poor but indicated high values of Al, Fe, Mg, Cr, Ni, V, and Zr. Lower contents of the alkali elements (Na, Ca, Mg, K) of the clayey sediments suggests a relatively denser weathering of the source area. The mineralogical compositions, major element ratios, trace, and rare earth element (REE ) contents of the sediments show that the Upper Cretaceous member consists of materials with a mainly felsic source lithology, while relatively contributions from basic sources are found in the Lower Paleocene unit. A comparison of the major and trace element contents of the phyllosilicate/clay minerals with the members revealed that the patterns of the clays were different from each other, although the enrichments/ decreases varied depending on the origin (basement rocks or detrital) of the derived rocks, minerals, and elements. REE content of clays increased from detrital to phyllosilicate/clay minerals of chemical/diagenetic/neoformation origin during the Lower Paleocene. During the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods, local or regional geodynamic and diagenetic events largely governed the rock sedimentation processes and provenance variations amongst Germav Formation members.
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Sema Tetiker

  1. Batman University, Turkey
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In this paper are presented results of study fusion characteristics of the biomass ashes from the hydrolyzed lignin and the ashes from the coke breeze. The hydrolyzed lignin ashes were compared with the coke breeze ashes i.e. with a fossil fuel. These ashes were prepared in muffle furnace at the temperature of 550°C (hydrolyzed lignin) and 850°C (coke breeze). Biomass (the hydrolyzed lignin) represents the new fuels for sintering process and an attractive way to decrease CO2 emissions from the energy production. The characterization methods were the following: standard fuel characterization analyses, chemical and mineralogical composition of the ashes and phase analyses of the ashes of biomass and the coke breeze. These ashes were prepared by the same method. Characterisation of the ashes samples was conducted by means of X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Quantitative analysis of the crystalline and amorphous phases in each of the ash samples were carried out using the Rietveld method. The dominant phase of the ash from the coke breeze was mullite (Al6Si2O13). SiO2 is the dominant phase of the ash from the hydrolyzed lignin.

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M. Fröhlichová
R. Findorák
J. Legemza
M. Džupková
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The economic importance, global market, primary resources and secondary sources of niobium are discussed in this paper. Niobium concentrate is the first commercial product of the enrichment process; however, the overwhelming majority of the niobium concentrate supply is processed into ferroniobium, which dominates international trade. In this form, niobium raw materials are used in the steel industry as an alloying agent (alloy additive). The production of \oxides and other compounds of niobium, such as carbides, alloys and metallic niobium are currently of much less commercial significance. The addition of a very small amount of niobium, of the order of 0.01%, changes the properties of steel fundamentally, increasing its strength, resistance to atmospheric factors or high temperatures, etc. The addition of niobium in other products also changes their properties, e.g. permanent magnets become superconductors. As a result, niobium is currently widely used around the world as a component of sustainable technologies, which has a large positive impact on the environment by reducing the energy and material consumption of the manufacturing processes. The increase in the spectrum of niobium applications in advanced technologies, considered to be the technologies of the future, means that the widely recognized critical importance of niobium continues to grow. It can be assumed that the war between Ukraine and Russia will cause significant disturbances in the global metals market, including that for niobium.
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Andrzej Gałaś
Mariusz Krzak
Jarosław Szlugaj

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Kraków, Poland
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Minerały ziem rzadkich są wykorzystywane w wielu urządzeniach elektronicznych opartych na najnowszych technologiach. Możliwość przewidywania miejsc ich koncentracji w złożach może być skuteczniejsza dzięki badaniom eksperymentalnym.
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Bogusław Bagiński

  1. Wydział Geologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Product quality tests require accurate and precise analytical techniques. Fertilizers belong to a group

of products whose chemical composition is of great importance due to health, environmental and economic

reasons. The following paper presents the results of the research into the content of selected substances in several mineral fertilizers manufactured in Poland. Ion chromatography (IC) was employed to determine selected

inorganic anions and cations, whereas energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (EDXRF) was used

to determine the content of selected elements.

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R. Michalski
A. Łyko
S. Szopa
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The fixation of CO2 in the form of inorganic carbonates, also known as mineral carbonation, is an interesting option for the removal of carbon dioxide from various gas streams. The captured CO2 is reacted with metal-oxide bearing materials, usually naturally occurring minerals. The alkaline industrial waste, such as fly ash can also be considered as a source of calcium or magnesium. In the present study the solubility of fly ash from conventional pulverised hard coal fired boilers, with and without desulphurisation products, and fly ash from lignite fluidised bed combustion, generated by Polish power stations was analysed. The principal objective was to assess the potential of fly ash used as a reactant in the process of mineral carbonation. Experiments were done in a 1 dm3 reactor equipped with a heating jacket and a stirrer. The rate of dissolution in water and in acid solutions was measured at various temperatures (20 - 80ºC), waste-to-solvent ratios (1:100 - 1:4) and stirrer speeds (300 - 1100 min-1). Results clearly show that fluidised lignite fly ash has the highest potential for carbonation due to its high content of free CaO and fast kinetics of dissolution, and can be employed in mineral carbonation of CO2.

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Manfred Jaschik
Jolanta Jaschik
Krzysztof Warmuziński
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This article presents the results of scientific investigations on the thermal regeneration process of a sorbent of mineral origin sorbent using a retort burner. Diesel oil, a petroleum liquid, most often pervades the environment during different catastrophes. The investigated sorbent of mineral origin was used in the standard way that the Fire Service removes such petroleum liquids from the environment during disasters. For research purposes, a regeneration chamber with a retort burner was constructed. The first phase of the investigation was aimed at defining the physico-chemical features of the sorbent after subsequent cycles of the regeneration process. The second phase involved an analysis of the energy and ecological effects of the regeneration process. The results showed that the first three cycles of the regeneration process occurred under low emission conditions. The proposed regeneration method achieved a positive energetic effect with a functional heat stream with an average value of 12.4 kW (average efficiency of the regeneration chamber was 68 %). The method is very efficient, with regeneration rates between 7.2 kg/h and 8.4 kg/h. It requires only a short amount of time for the start-up and extinction of the regeneration chamber, and it is also flexible to changes in the process conditions.

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Robert Sekret
Jan Koldej
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In the Polish sector of the Magura Nappe have long been known and exploited carbonate mineral waters, saturated

with carbon dioxide, known as the “shchava (szczawa)”. These waters occur mainly in the Krynica Subunit

of the Magura Nappe, between the Dunajec and Poprad rivers, close to the Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB). The

origin of these waters is still not clear, this applies to both “volcanic” and “metamorphic” hypotheses. Bearing

in mind the case found in the Szczawa tectonic window and our geological and geochemical studies we suggest

that the origin of the carbon dioxide may be linked with the thermal/pressure alteration of organic matter of the

Oligocene deposits from the Grybów Unit. These deposits, exposed in several tectonic windows of the Magura

Nappe, are characterized by the presence of highly matured organic matter – the origin of the hydrocarbon accumulations.

This is supported by the present-day state of organic geochemistry studies of the Carpathian oil and

gas bed rocks. In our opinion origin of the carbon-dioxide was related to the southern, deep buried periphery of

the Carpathian Oil and Gas Province. The present day distribution of the carbonated mineral water springs has

been related to the post-orogenic uplift and erosion of the Outer (flysch) Carpathians.

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Nestor Oszczypko
Patrycja Wójcik-Tabol
Marta Oszczypko-Clows

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