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The Moral Theology


The study of the principles of the pursuance of a certain scientific discipline is related over all to the question of its identity, its specificity and that is why also of its separateness from other disciplines. This methodological reflection is very essential for maintaining the unity of the scientific discipline but also for its correct and easier pursuance. When the moral theology is concerned it is particularly essential today because contemporary discussions about postcouncil restoration of this discipline have resulted in the new research for the status of this discipline.

The concern about the identity of the moral theology should be connected with the concern about the future development of this discipline. It depends on the one hand on a better, fuller and more and more integral recognition and utilization of the specific Christian sources. On the other hand it depends also on a bolder utilization of the sources in general as well as also these non-theological which are connected over all with a development of the human sciences. It must not be forgotten that the moral theology as a separate discipline of the scientific reflection on the Gospel, guarding its status as a normative science, can 'cannot be reduced to a body of knowledge worked out purely in the context of the so-called behavioural sciences. The latter are concerned with the phenomenon of morality as a historical and social fact; moral theology, however, while needing to make use of the behavioural and natural sciences, does not rely on the results of formal empirical observation or phenomenological understanding alone' (Veritatis Splendor 111). The aspiration for the development of this scientific discipline can not take no account of the fundamental truth that it still remains the theological discipline, it means it is the science springs from the faith and it is fundamentally connected with the salutary mission of the Church.

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Ks. Paweł Góralczyk SAC
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Tekst jest wprowadzeniem do sekcji tematycznej poświęconej alternatywnym wizjom dobrego życia. Ma on na celu wskazanie miejsca i roli tego pojęcia w procesach, które charakteryzują współczesne społeczeństwa. Szczególnie podkreślono w artykule podatność pojęcia „dobre życie” na zawłaszczenie i stosowanie go w sposób manipulacyjny przez rynek i państwo, oraz na kulturowe znaczenia poszukiwania alternatyw dla tych zawężających społeczną wyobraźnię użyć. Ponadto, tekst zawiera przegląd wybranych teoretycznych ram stosowania pojęcia „dobre życie” w literaturze naukowej, który pozwala na lepsze powiązanie przedstawionych w sekcji tematycznej tekstów z kontekstem zwiększonego zainteresowania wartościami i moralnością w socjologii i antropologii.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Horolets

  1. Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The relation between law and justice is the main subject of this paper. The distinction of ius (just, right law) and lex (statutory law) is fundamental for the Western Civilization. The paper presents the genesis of this distinction and its further development, related terminology as well as legal‑philosophical doctrines, particularly, natural law theory and legal positivism. The so‑called Radbruch’s formula is discussed (law unjust to the highest degree is not law), and further on, the so‑called renaissance of natural law and proposals to secure a harmony between law and justice are examined by reference to the views formulated by L.L. Fuller, H.L.A. Hart and J. Rawls.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Woleński

  1. Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania, Katedra Nauk Społecznych, ul. Sucharskiego 2, 35‑225 Rzeszów
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Artykuł podejmuje polemikę z zarzutem naturalistycznego redukcjonizmu, którym rzekomo obciążona jest antropologia filozoficzna Arnolda Gehlena. W pierwszej części artykułu przeanalizuję zasadność zarzutu o redukcjonizm w kontekście rozważań Gehlena nad naturą człowieka, z kolei przedmiotem drugiej części będzie pojęcie natury jako obiektywnego świata, natomiast część trzecia i czwarta podejmą wątki dotyczące zagadnienia moralności (3) oraz kultury i ludzkiej świadomości (4) pod kątem zarzutu o rzekomy naturalizm jego projektu antropologicznego. Argumentuję, że antropologia Gehlena ma wprawdzie na celu zintegrowanie wyników badań nauk biologicznych i społecznych, jednakże wyprowadza z nich implikacje filozoficzne o takim poziomie ogólności, że wykraczają one poza kompetencje nauk szczegółowych. Ich ustalenia uzyskują w jego koncepcji uniwersalne znaczenie w ramach systemu filozoficznych kategorii opisujących człowieka jako całościowy projekt natury. Gehlen odrzuca wszelkie próby tworzenia ogólnej teorii człowieka na podstawie badań komparatystycznych wyprowadzających własności ludzkiej kondycji ze świata zwierzęcego. Gehlenowska antropobiologia rezygnuje z pojęcia natury człowieka w sensie biologicznym, tzn. jako zestawu ewolucyjnie zdeterminowanych cech morfologicznych, fizjologicznych i behawioralnych, porzuca również obiektywistyczne pojęcie „natury zewnętrznej” jako obszaru ontycznego niezawisłego od zapośredniczeń kulturowych. Język, świadomość, kultura stanowią efekt procesów kompensujących biologiczne deficyty, a jednocześnie reprezentują obszar kompetencji i wartości, które są autonomiczne i autoteliczne, a zatem całkowicie niezależne od biologicznych uwarunkowań.
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Rafał Michalski
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The topic „The Bible and Christian Morality" was thoroughly studied by the Papal Biblical Commission. The article's author presents the originality of this concept. He proves why we ought to speak of „revealed morality" and not about Gospel ethics, the writings of St. Paul or OT and NT ethics. Morality - as opposed to ethics - does not rely on freely accepted initial assumptions, but is man's response to the gifts received from God: creation, covenant and fullness of revelation in Christ. It brings to light the criteria resulting from the Bible itself, which contemporary Christians should apply when dealing with problems that contemporary sciences, techniques and culture present, but about which the inspired books do not directly speak of. He stresses that the Bible itself, revealing what is unique and which does not undergo discussion, at the same time calls the faithful of God to dialogue with the world in which we live, particularly with believers of other religions.

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Ks. Henryk Witczyk
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W konsekwencji pandemii COVID-19 pojawiły się nowe potrzeby i ujawniły dawne deficyty, a solidarność okazała się potrzebna w obszarach do tej pory niewymagających wsparcia, co zmobilizowało wiele osób do wspólnotowych postaw i aktywności. W artykule przedstawiono, jak postrzeganie i doświadczanie solidarności zmieniało się w czasie pandemii w podziale na sześć obszarów wyłonionych z materiału empirycznego: relacje i kontakt; wsparcie w sieciach społecznych i ze względu na bliskość; charytatywność; postawy obywatelskie; duchowość i ekologia. Wyniki pochodzą z jakościowego badania podłużnego, prowadzonego od marca 2020 do czerwca 2021 roku, w którym brało udział 25 osób. Kluczowe wnioski dotyczą zmiany postrzegania i doświadczania solidarności wraz z upływem czasu i wyczerpywaniem zasobów. W artykule postawiono pytania o budowanie trwałych postaw i praktyk solidarnościowych.
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Jowita Radzińska

  1. SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny
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The subject of this article is an analysis of the earliest of Karl Marx’s articles, Comments on the Latest Prussian Censorship Instruction. The essence of his views presented in that article was to protest against the restriction of the right to free expression of opinions by journalists. Marx pointed out that the new Prussian Censorship Instruction only seemed to liberalize censorship, but in fact in many aspects tightened the rules, for example, reinforced those that pertained to religious criticism. He thought that the Prussian Censorship Instruction was not an enactment of law, because by limiting freedom, lawmakers acted against the essence of the press, law and state. Marx thought that a press law was needed to guarantee freedom of the press and that censorship should be abolished entirely.

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Marta Baranowska
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John Rawls’s theory is blamed by political realism for adopting the position of political moralism, i.e. for subordinating politics to morality and understanding political phi-losophy as applied ethics. This article addresses these charges. It addresses a number of issues: How does Rawls understand politics? Does he understand it at all? Does the theory of liberalism realistically describe democracies? What is its normative character? In what sense is it a ‘realist utopia’? By posing these questions this paper analyzes the self‑limiting, restrained character of political liberalism, which is a result of the realistic recognition of the fact of pluralism of reasonable doctrines in modern liberal societies. It is pointed out, however, that liberalism is not conceived as a self‑limiting political liberalism of Rawls, but as a ‘comprehensive doctrine’ that constitutes a unified ideological foundation for modern ‘liberal democracy’. The self‑limitation of liberalism cannot be sustained in this way, however, as is evidenced by the fact that Rawls’s theory attempting to separate the political sphere from the ‘background culture’ has clearly failed.
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Zdzisław Krasnodębski
1 2

  1. Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Instytut Nauk o Polityce i Administracji, ul. Kopernika 26, 31‑501 Kraków
  2. Universität Bremen, FB 8 Sozialwissenschaften, Bibliothekstraße 1, 28359 Bremen, Niemcy
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W artykule zestawiam ze sobą i zarazem oceniam dwa zupełnie odmienne sposoby ujmowania rzeczywistości moralnej. Immanuel Kant stworzył nie tylko bardzo wymagającą, ale zarazem zawiłą, sztuczną i nieempiryczną etykę. W dodatku jest ona mocno obciążona metafizycznie, a nawet teologicznie. Natomiast Peter Strawson w artykule z 1962 roku dokonał naturalistycznego i realistycznego opisu rzeczywistości moralnej.

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Wacław Janikowski

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Maciej Wołkow

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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Neuroscience deals with the issue of moral judgment. That term already has a long history in philosophical reflection. Both fields, the neurosciences and the philosophy, use different methodologies when applying it. The approach of neuroscientists tends to be reductionist. This article seeks to overcome this reductionism. The main question is: How the term “moral judgment” is understood in neurosciences? Is its understanding very different from that which is present in moral philosophy? To answer, in the first part of the article, the author investigates the meaning of the term “moral judgment” in four scientifical models: in the moral intuitionism of experimental psychology, in Social Intuitionist Model by Jonathana Haidt, in Dual-Process Theory by Joshua Green, and finaly, in Somatic Marker Hypothesis by Antonio Damasio. These reflections introduce the second part of which the subject is an examination of Christian moral philosophy and its confrontation with the findings of neuroscientists.
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Szczepan Kaleciak

  1. Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
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Ruth Klüger, a writer of Jewish origin born in Austria in 1931, initiates discourse on ethical issues in the modern humanities by suggesting that women displayed greater morality in the context of the drama of the Shoah. This discourse requires emphasis, but also critical analysis. Referring to the philosophical and psychological as well as to the historical context, that is specifically to the events of World War II, I attempt to reflect on the women’s ethics of care and answer the question whether the indicated differences undermine the existence of a human morality shared by both sexes, that is whether morality depends on sex. The purpose of the interdisciplinary interpretations in the present analysis is to recognize the challenges and problems related to the condition of human dignity raised by Klüger in her argumentation.

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Aleksandra Bak-Zawalski
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Sophie de Grouchy in her Letters on sympathy analyses the notion of sympathy, as a starting point using a critique of Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments. She also points out that sympathising with other people’s joys brings us pleasure, other people’s good experiences make us happy (especially if we are the ones who contribute to their well-being) and we want to see other people happy and not suffering. As she assumes, we naturally seek other people’s well-being and not their harm. De Grouchy underlines the role of imagination and reason, discerning coincidental good deeds and those that are an effect of intended actions. The paper aims to reconstruct a way in which de Grouchy seeks the grounds for morality in sympathy that is based on feeling and observation of physical pain and pleasure. This presentation of her theory that Polish readers are not closely accustomed with is a good starting point to inquire whether the argumentation presented by the author of the Letters on sympathy is coherent within her theory and whether it has proper justification.

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Anna Markwart
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Environmental ethics draws on the belief that nature is an object of moral worth; i.e. that we have certain moral duties with respect to the natural environment. This article is intended as a defense of this belief. According to the proposal I set forth here, targeting nature as an object of moral worth is grounded on a specific esthetic experience. This conception is based, on the one hand, on Ralph Waldo Emerson’s ideas; on the other hand – it makes use of Roman Ingarden’s concept of esthetic experience.

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Magdalena Kiełkowicz-Werner
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Strategic Informatics is a monograph of the field of computer science in the field of; Its strategic development waves, the challenges of technological progress in the context of the strategic role of computer science, the main strategy-oriented applications in business, healthcare, agriculture, education and private home, strategic challenges of computer science in the humanities, digital state and city, sustainable development and information ethics, morality, and rights.
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Kazimierz Kowalski

  1. Professor Emeritus, California State University, Dominguez Hills

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