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Andrzej Walicki’s book: O Rosji inaczej („On Russia in a different way”, 2019) is a crucial item for the Polish reader, because it treats significant issues in Polish and Russian history, as exemplified by ideology based on philosophy and other pivotal issues of contemporary times. Walicki was a prominent expert on Russian thought and on important phenomena of Russian culture. He was well prepared to raise important questions and offer competent new answers. In his book, Walicki focused primarily on modernism which had influenced the development of socialist thought and on the philosophy of the opposition at the so‑called golden age. The main intention of this paper is to make certain additions to the assessment of these phenomena by the Russian Orthodox thought, and especially by those who sustain the position of the conservative Orthodox Church, regardless of the historical moment of its formulation. Modernism stands in opposition to Orthodox dogmatics, anthropology, ecclesiology and patristics. It has its roots in Byzantine Renaissance that migrated to Italy after the fall of Constantinople. Modernism constitutes an important paradigm of post‑medieval culture. It is active in Western culture and influences Russian culture as well. Obviously, Russian culture is attached to the Orthodox Church in a special way, as the Church constitutes a specific genotype of that culture. Modernist influences that are rooted in this specific soil bring forth completely different upshots in Russia from those that emerge in the West. Essential examples of this phenomenon are absolutism, imperialism or Marxist socialism in their Western and Russian versions. These phenomena concern primarily political matters but they clearly show that the ideals of modernism in Russia assume a religious character. However, they were not inherently religious, and should rather be placed in the sphere of myths.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Kowalska‑Stus

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Rosji i Europy Wschodniej, ul. W. Reymonta 4, 30‑059 Kraków

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