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This article is about the dyadic narration (second-person narration) used in Viktor Pelevin’s short story The Ontology of Childhood. Since this type of narration is not widely known among Polish researchers, narratologists, and literary scholars, the article begins with a presentation of the state of research in Poland. The basic features of this kind of narration and the differences between it and the typical types of speech in first-person and third-person narration are discussed. The short story The Ontology of Childhood by Viktor Pelevin is constructed using a second-person narration, which is the realisation of the author’s strategy being about building a relationship with the reader. Through the second-person narration, the reader is invited (drawn in) to the world presented in the work and is urged to identify with the narrator-main character. Eliminating the boundary between the protagonist and the reader allows the work to generalise experiences and emotions, which – at first individual – by the end of the work gain a universal dimension.
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Magdalena Ochniak

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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It is proved that one of V. Nabokov’s most famous novels Invitation to a Beheading is a fictional narrative with a complicated interaction of various types of story‑telling instances. There are persons of a non‑diegetic narrator, who incorporates the features of an all‑knowing and a limited teller, explicated with a different degree of definiteness; a diegetic narrator – the main hero, – who is thinking his state over, is talking to himself, is writing a letter to his wife; a non‑personalized narrator, similar to the abstract narrator in a set of traits; and a hardly definable narrator, who is telling the text story addressing the main hero in the second person and who can be identified as a non‑diegetic or a diegetic narrator talking to himself. The article defines the correlation of these indefinitely outlined story‑telling instances (convergence, binding, juxtaposition), ones identified with difficulty. Conducted is a lingual differentiation of the mentioned story‑tellers’ expression, mainly, via deictic elements (mostly, pronouns); addresses; the “historical past” and “historical present” tenses; predicates that mark the participants’ diegesis or non‑diegesis as well as various intonational and stylistic means (the expression of evaluation, diminutive or augmentative noun forms and others). It is considered perspective to attempt to classify the lingual means of expressing the types of story‑telling instances in different belles‑lettres genres, to analyze the semantic and pragmatic reasons for forming the “story” and the “discourse” of a narrative. In general, the problem of the linguistic “dimension” of narratives is a perspective direction of investigation where there can be revealed semantic and pragmatic categories of production and perception of any type of narration, firstly, belles‑lettres – fictional by dint of its deep nature.
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Batsevych F., Sazonova Ya., Aktualˊni problemy suchasnoyi linhvonaratolohiyi, «Visnyk Lʹvivsʹkoho universytetu. Seriya filolohichna» 2020, vyp. 72.

Connolly J., Zagadka rasskazchika v «Priglashenii na kaznˊ» V. Nabokova, [v:] Russkaya literatura XX veka. Issledovaniya amerikanskikh uchenykh, Sankt‑Peterburg 1993.

Genette G., Figury III: Povestvovatelnyj diskurs, [v:] G. Genette, Figury, Moskva 1998, t. 2.

Kotelnikova T.M., Tema tvorchestva v romane V. Nabokova «Priglashenie na kaznˊ», [v:]

Nabokov V., Priglashenie na kazn, [v:] V. Nabokov, Sobranie sochinenij v chetyreh tomah, t. 4, Moskva 1990.

Schmid W., Narratologiya, Moskva 2008.

Tammi P., Problems of Nabokov’s Poetics. A Narratological Analysis, Helsinki 1985.

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Floriy Batsevych

  1. The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
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Podwaliny [Foundations], the poem written by Leopold Staff right after the war and carrying traces of a profound trauma, takes advantage of the motifs drawn from the biblical parable of good and bad construction practices (Gospel According to St Matthew, 7:24–27). In her interpretation of the poem, the author analyses the way(s) in which the biblical paradigm has been transformed, and the consequences of this procedure. Use is made of the opinions of the scholars who have reconstructed the primary function of parabolic stories, having identified in them the original forms of thinking which preceded the evolvement of abstract concepts encoding qualities.

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Teresa Dobrzyńska
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The following essay examines how literary narration can transmit the historical memories and aesthetic emotions related to the tragic exile experience of the Ubykh people. When Russia subjugated the northwest Caucasus (present-day Sochi, Russia) in the 1860s, the Ubykh were expelled by Russian troops and had to flee to Turkey. The survivors were scattered around Turkey and assimilated into Turkish culture. The Last of the Departed (1974), a historical novel by Bagrat Shinkuba, an Abkhazian writer, narrating about one of the most tragic events in the history of exiles – the death of the Ubykh people and their language – shows that historical fiction may be an instrument contributing to the memorialization of ethnic identity. It also exposes the ideological accents and focusing of the displayed events.
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Oksana Weretiuk

  1. University of Rzeszów, Poland
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The purpose of this article is to establish a frame for arranging and classifying observations relating to the indigenous knowledge and oral traditions of the San people of southern Africa, mainly in Namibia. Oral literature of the San people serve, therefore, as a valuable source for re-constructing and reinforcing a positive collective identity of their history and cultural diversity. Several forms of expression such as folklore, poems, plants' names and personal narratives will be provided.

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Patrycja Kozieł
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Tanguy Viel’s novels are peculiar variations on well-known novelistic genres: they creatively re-work familiar plot configurations, narrative strategies and thematic concerns. It would appear that this subversive re-activation of the genre can be related to this contemporary literary aesthetics which foregrounds blurring of generic boundaries and mixing of traditional forms. In this context the ambiguous generic status of Viel’s fiction deserves close scrutiny, which is precisely the aim of the present paper: it analyses his last novel Paris-Brest (2009) within the framework of selected contemporary theories of genre.
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Anna Maziarczyk
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The study focuses on the relationship between the ethics of reading and the narrator’s unreliability in the novel by Kazuo Ishiguro The Remains of the Day. Drawing on James Phelan’s research, the authoress states that unreliability that can be attributed to the narrator of Ishiguro’s novel can be classified as either an error of being in the wrong or withholding some information consciously. Consequently, six types of unreliability can be distinguished: misreporting, misinterpreting, misevaluating, underreporting, underinterpreting, underevaluating. Employing these categories, the authoress analyses a literary text and lists different types of unreliability which are characteristic of Stevens, the main character and the narrator in Ishiguro’s novel.

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Anna Głąb
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This article was written on the occasion of the completion of the 3-volume edition of “The Diaries” of the eminent Polish sociologist Stanislaw Ossowski (1897–1963). These diaries were written during a long and turbulent period, from the Russian Revolution of 1905 until the author's death in 1963. The author of this article, who prepared Ossowski's diaries for publication and annotated them extensively, discusses their character, describes the fate of their manuscripts and reveals her editorial workshop. “The Diaries” are a valuable collection of Ossowski's notes of daily life, wars and politics, his scientific travels, comments on his readings and more general reflections on society. They provide material for Ossowski's scientific biography and are an important source for the study of the history of sociology and intellectual life in Poland. The value of Ossowski’s diaries lies in the fact that he wrote them for himself. This makes them free of the bias common in autobiographies and diaries written with a view to future publication.
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Róża Sułek

  1. Biblioteka Instytutu Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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Micro-(h)istorical narratives by Claude Duneton and Jean Echenoz – The purpose of this article is a comparative study of two recent French novels, Le Monument. Roman vrai by Claude Duneton (2004) and 1914 by Jean Echenoz (2012), which, in spite of formal and ideological differences, approach the theme of the Great War in a way similar to micro-historical frameworks. Like historians representing this field of historiography, both writers depict the four years of the First World War by focusing on a small community and a geographical space limited to a small location on the home-front. Referring to the distinction between roman de l’historien (the historian’s novel) and roman du témoin (the witness’s novel) proposed by Emmanuel Bouju, the author of the article analyses the strategies used by the novelists to create an indirect witness’s point-of-view, juxtaposed with the perspective of the contemporary recipient of the events that happened a hundred years ago.
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Piotr Sadkowski
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The subject of the article is the specific nature of historical narration in digital media (YouTube). Both the media where the Polish state is the channel owner and ones belonging to individual political parties and fractions are being studied. The relationship between the narration and national identity is analyzed. The question under discussion is to what extent national identity is a phenomenon ingrained in the ethnic and historical peculiarities of a given society. The authors contrasts the primordialist concept with Ernest Gellner’s modernist concept. In the second part the authors refer to the discussion about the significance of historical narration for the formation of identity: if historical narration is just an accidental component of identity formation processes or rather a fundamental one.
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Dawid Gralik
Adrian Trzoss
Wiktor Werner

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
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In recent years, some authors have departed from the classical presentation of World War 2. This article analyses selected alternative and revisionist narratives present in the works of Tymoteusz Pawłowski, Rafał Ziemkiewicz and Piotr Zychowicz in terms of historical and ahistorical thinking, presents the authors' attitude towards the achievements of historiography, and presents the way in which they create their narratives, the content of those narratives, and evaluates them in terms of their correctness from the point of view of compliance with historical facts.
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Dawid Gralik

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Historii
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The aim of this article is to show how Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer depicts the creative process in his autothematic poems. The readings draw on the interpretative strategies of the theory of affect (primarily the work Ernst van Alphen, Teresa Brennan and Brian Massumi) and somatic criticism (e.g. Anna Łebkowska’s somatopoetics, Marta Smo-lińska’s ‘augmented haptics’). In the great majority of Przerwa-Tetmajer’s poems dealing with the process of poetic creation, we are told that it is triggered by an explosion of the affects or an overpowering divine inspiration, bordering on madness. The article ana-lyzes in turn the affective nature of the creative process and the affective perception of a work of art; the image of the artist as craftsman; and, finally, the image of the phantas-matic woman, a product of the act of creation.
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Lidia Kamińska

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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This article is an attempt at a narrowly-focused application of a critical approach labelled ‘a history of the history of creativity’, formulated by Magdalena Popiel in her study The World of the Artist: Modernist Aesthetics of Creativity (2017). The article highlights the domain of autopoietic narratives – stories told by artists about their own creative performance, which involves projecting one’s own somatic identity and positioning one-self in a given socio-cultural context (community) – and examines the discursive dimen-sions of the creative process in the metanarrations of Tadeusz Peiper and Józef Czecho-wicz, two major poets of the Polish interwar avant-garde. The resulting model of the creative process is then set into the context of contemporary philosophical, anthropo-logical and psychological theories of creativity.
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Mateusz Antoniuk

  1. Mateusz Antoniuk – Wydział Polonistyki UJ
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This article deals with recent Polish herstory narrations, i.e. works of fiction that, while relying on distinctly literary techniques and devices, foreground the feminine experience of history, and moreover, may be associated with the so-called Herstory Turn in Polish humanities and cultural studies. This category of fictions includes also novels in which the herstory narration belongs to a female subject created by a male author, notably Jacek Dehnel’s Abbess Macryna (Matka Makryna), Ignacy Karpowicz’s Little Sonya (Sońka) and Jarosław Kamiński’s Just Lola (Tylko Lola). These three novels are analyzed with the aim of showing how their narrative strategy foregrounds the women narrators/main characters (acting as history’s true subjects), identifying the marks of authorial imitation of the feminine discourse, and, finally, asking the question about man’s status in an ostensibly feminine text. It seems that one way of answering it would be to point to the male author’s validating the feminine experience of history and ensuring that it can be heard.

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Joanna Szewczyk

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