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The word ‘narrative’ is used unusually often in the social sciences. The basic aim of this article is to draw the attention of social researchers, particularly sociologists, to problems with narrative theory. Narratology constitutes an important source of inspiration for sociologists. There are many perspectives and analytical approaches to the theory of the narrative. In this article, it is viewed from the perspective of sociological thought inspired by phenomenology and hermeneutics. Narration should certainly not be perceived as synonymous with other notions, as it has its own history and meaning. The author points, however, to the possibility of a link, on sociological grounds, between narrative and life history (biography) as two different but mutually interacting ideas.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Kulas


The object of our deliberations is structuralism in literary studies, whose beginnings in Poland can be traced back to the thirties of the 20th century. It was developing at two centres at the time: at the Stefan Batory University in Vilnius, around Professor Manfred Kridl, and at the University of Warsaw. Structuralism was reborn in Poland in the sixties and it impacted all of literary studies; its main centres were: the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Focusing on the analysis of literary systems, it combined them with theory of text and interpretation of individual works, emphasizing their broadly understood linguistic, discursive and rhetorical properties. In the culmination stage of its advancement, it tackled the fundamental problems of our discipline, including those that were only starting to emerge, such as reception of literary works as intended by its structural properties, or intertextuality. Structuralism had (and still has) a strong impact on the entirety of literary studies in Poland. It also became a sphere of reference for researchers of the younger generation, who prefer newer methodological tendencies.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michał Głowiński
Grzegorz Wołowiec


The study focuses on the relationship between the ethics of reading and the narrator’s unreliability in the novel by Kazuo Ishiguro The Remains of the Day. Drawing on James Phelan’s research, the authoress states that unreliability that can be attributed to the narrator of Ishiguro’s novel can be classified as either an error of being in the wrong or withholding some information consciously. Consequently, six types of unreliability can be distinguished: misreporting, misinterpreting, misevaluating, underreporting, underinterpreting, underevaluating. Employing these categories, the authoress analyses a literary text and lists different types of unreliability which are characteristic of Stevens, the main character and the narrator in Ishiguro’s novel.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Głąb
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The possibility and the ways of articulating subjectivity is the main theme of both the philosophical books and essays of Dobrosław Kot as well as his fiction, written under the pseudonym Wit Szostak. His approach is grounded in ‘the relational subject’, a notion which has been developed in numerous philosophical treaties and in literature. This article examines the ways and means of the constituting the textual subject in Kot's philosophical books, Subjectivity and Loss (2009), Dramatic Thinking (2016), and Odyssseus' Raft: An essay about migrants (2020) and tries to position his thought with regard to similar studies of the relational subject in contemporary humanities. The discussion ranges from second-person narration and the semantics of personal pronouns in the structure of literary works (i.e. points of contact between philosophy and literary discourse) to the functioning of implied and thematized information in literary narratives. Crucially, the tensions between these two forms of communication offer the textual subject an opportunity to articulate his position. Finally, all the analyses point to the conclusion that loss is indeed at the heart Dobrosław Kot’s work.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ilona Siwak

  1. mgr, Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

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