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This article describes silver specimens of the size of tenths to a few millimetres, found in small pegmatites and quartz veinlets of the porphyritic granitoid area in 22 sites in the eastern part of the Variscan granitoid Karkonosze pluton, from 20 of which native silver occurrences were previously not known. The sites are scattered on the whole surface of the granitoid. The native silver occurred in wire, rod, platy, dendritic, anhedral granular and euhedral cubic and octahedral habits; in some specimens twins and fenster faces were also found. Associated with native silver small amounts of acanthite crystallized commonly, sometimes apparently formed by sulphur diffusion into silver. Inclusions of native gold, electrum, galena, chalcopyrite and pyrite occurred in the native silver. The parent fluids of the specimens were epithermal, because the homogenization temperature (Th) of inclusions in quartz, calcite and cleavelandite that were the host minerals of the native silver was generally 91–165ºC and for individual samples the Th range was 4–11ºC. The total salinity of the fluid was 2.4–7.2 wt. % with Na and Ca (hydro)carbonates as the main dissolved components and admixtures of K, Mg, Fe, Al, S, Cl and F. The parent granitoid contains Ag in trace amounts (0.034–0.056 ppm) and was probably the source of this element for the crystals of native silver. Migration of Ag was made easier by the presence of fluoride ions in fluids.
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Andrzej Kozłowski
Witold Matyszczak

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland
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We study the migrants' assimilation, which we conceptualize as forming human capital productive on the labor market of a developed host country, and we link the observed frequent lack of assimilation with the relative deprivation that the migrants start to feel when they move in social space towards the natives. We presume that the native population is heterogeneous and consists of high-skill and low-skill workers. The presence of assimilated migrants might shape the comparison group of the natives, influencing the relative deprivation of the low-skill workers and, in consequence, the choice to form human capital and become highly skilled. To analyse this interrelation between assimilation choices of migrants and skill formation of natives, we construct a coevolutionary model of the open-to-migration economy. Showing that the economy might end up in a non-assimilation equilibrium, we discuss welfare consequences of an assimilation policy funded from tax levied on the native population. We identify conditions under which such costly policy can bring the migrants to assimilation and at the same time increase the welfare of the natives, even though the incomes of the former take a beating.
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Jakub Bielawski
Marcin Jakubek

  1. Cracow University of Economics, Cracow, Poland
  2. Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
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When discussing the perception of international events in the Polish pre-war press, it should be noted that these were frequently the subject matter in times of loss of independence such as partitioning of Poland and subsequent world wars. Some of the events happening in the history of the United States were of interest to local and national press. It applied even to one of the most violent and racist of American organizations — the infamous Ku Klux Klan. The purpose of this article is to acquaint readers with the image of the most powerful Klan of 1920’s in the Polish press. It is intriguing that the subject of Klan remains relatively unknown to Polish scientific literature. As of April 2020 there have been published only four monographies about the Invisible Empire written by Polish authors. This is puzzling because, as stated above, the subject matter of the Klan already existed in the Polish press at the time of its greatest power. Moreover, Polish-language readers during the partitions of Poland could familiarize themselves with current social and ethnic issues in the United States*. One example would be a series of articles in Galician press on the William Cody’s Wild West Show which toured Polish lands in 1906**.
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Krzysztof Kasiński

  1. Instytut Literaturoznawstwa i Językoznawstwa, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, ul. Uniwersytecka 17, PL 25-406 Kielce
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In contrast to foreign combining forms, native combining forms are usually treated as elements on the margin of German word formation. At the same time the question is under discussion, how the notion of combining form has to be defined. Based on a semantically oriented notion, as presented in reference books, and using a large sample of items, it is argued that elements like SCHWIEGER(vater), STIEF- (kind), (Vogel)KUNDE, (Hallen)WART are just the often mentioned examples of a category with a broad range of elements and with communicative relevance. Native combining forms are not only remains of former language periods, but are permanently produced by language users in order to meet their communicative needs.
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Josef Schu

  1. Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken
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The family Gobiidae is the largest teleost family, consisting of more than 2,000 species in more than 200 genera. They have adapted to a wide range of habitats, inhabiting mostly marine and brackish waters. Recently invasive Ponto-Caspian gobies have caused significant changes to the structure of fish assemblage throughout the European waters. The aim of the study was to verify the possibility of identifying three species of the genus Gobiidae based on the analysis of the mitochondrial region of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene. 339 samples originated from seven countries and 17 different sites were investigated. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the extracted DNA was conducted by measuring light absorbance and electrophoretic separation. Approximately 650-bp (base pairs) fragments were amplified from the 5' region of the mitochondrial COI with the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) reaction. Sequences of 652 bp were obtained and compared with reference sequences in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Based on the sequence analysis, we determined that in the analysed geographical regions, the goby preliminary identified morphologically as the round goby was represented by three species: round goby ( Neogobius melanostomus), tubenose goby ( Proterorhinus marmoratus), and monkey goby ( Neogobius fluviatilis). The latter two are newly reported for their new habitats. Genetic characterisation of such populations offers the opportunity to assess their genetic stability, which provides agencies managing the aquatic environment in EU countries with a tool for revising the legislation, including regulations relevant for updating the status of native and invasive species in European waters.
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Jolanta Kiełpińska
Przemysław Czerniejewski
Natalia Adamkowska
Eliza Uzunova

  1. West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries, al. Piastów 17, 70-310 Szczecin, Poland
  2. Independent researcher, Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemiczne “Police” S.A., Police, Poland
  3. Sofia University, Faculty of Biology, Department of General and Applied Hydrobiology, Sofia, Bulgaria
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The paper focuses on the peculiarities of interaction between the Kryvorivnya dialect (Kr) of Southwest Ukrainian, on the one hand, and Standard Ukrainian (SU), on the other. Such interaction is analysed through the language mentality of a native speaker in terms of Martin Buber’s philosophy of dialogue. The author explores different approaches toward deep‑rooted mechanisms of the encounter of a speaker’s I with both non‑standard (dialect) and standard varieties of Ukrainian. The analysis is based on the material of literary works written in Kr or SU by Paraska Plytka‑Horytsvit as well as six interviews with native speakers who live in that area. All speakers interviewed for this paper speak both Kr and SU, thus being able to switch codes in various environments. The author argues that native speakers’ basic perception unfolds primarily along the I‑Thou relation, if viewed from the perspective of Kr, while it unfolds along the I‑It relation if perceived from the point of view of SU. These two types of perception are likely to temporarily fluctuate from the I‑Thou to I‑It relation and vice versa, which can be explained by the complexity of any linguistic mentality and human nature, in general.
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Authors and Affiliations

Оксана Лебедівна

  1. Київ, Національний університет «Києво-Могилянська академія»
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This paper investigates the phenomenon of language transfer at the initial state of third language acquisition by adult Polish learners of English (L2) and German (L3). First, the controversy between two conflicting theories of language acquisition, behaviorism and nativism, is discussed with regard to cross-linguistic interactions. Second, some influential models of third language acquisition are presented. The participants’ written production data from 122 essays was analyzed and interpreted in terms of language transfer. Evidence for both L1 and L2 transfer could be found. The results show, however, that the influence of L2 is more robust and primarily affects the lexicon. Finally, the present paper emphasizes the fact that language transfer should not be perceived as a source of errors, but rather as an inevitable result of the third language acquisition process.

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Kamil Długosz
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Out of concern for language ‘purity’ ‘Polonizing’ dictionaries/dictionaries of Polish equivalents were published in Poland, whose authors (language purists) aimed to replace words/expressions of foreign origin with native-language equivalents (or with assimilated loanwords). Besides Latinisms or Gallicisms under criticism were also German loanwords. The main focus of the paper is on the pre-sentation of the dictionary by E.S. Kortowicz (1891), in which the author seeks to eliminate Germanisms from the Polish language.

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Katarzyna Sztandarska

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