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The paper analyzed the natural gas sector in Ukraine for the period 2000 to 2018. This sector was affected by external factors, such as the crisis which began in late 2008/2009, as well as internal factors, including the situation in Ukraine after 2013 (the Annexation of Crimea). A comparative analysis was also conducted of the natural gas sector in European Union countries and Ukraine – compared the specificity of natural gas consumption in 2018. The analysis (I) examined the demand for natural gas in Ukraine between 2000 and 2018; (II) described changes in sources to cover Ukraine’s gas needs with a particular emphasis on its own production; (III) pointed to the fundamental changes that have occurred in the natural gas supply routes to the Ukrainian sector in recent years; (IV) stressed the growing role of own production in balancing Ukraine’s gas needs; (V) described the role of Ukraine as a transit country for Russian gas to be delivered to EU countries (in recent years, the volume of natural gas transmitted via the Ukrainian transmission system has been around 90 bcm annually); and (VI) looked at the structure of natural gas consumption in the Ukrainian gas sector and how it has changed in recent years. Unlike EU countries, the growing role of own production in balancing Ukraine’s natural gas needs was emphasized, which is consistent with the strategy of the Ukrainian government. Also, attention was drawn to the threats that may significantly reduce the role of Ukraine as an important transit country. The paper also puts forward the most important parameters concerning the underground natural gas storage facilities in Ukraine which is one of the largest in Europe.

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Adam Szurlej
Mariusz Łaciak
Oleksandr Boiko
Andrzej Olijnyk
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‘Return to nature’ has become a buzzword in both scientific and public discourse. The growing interest in this phenomenon calls for the development of reliable tools for scientific research, for example the adaptation of various connectivity to nature (CN) scales developed by researchers from other cultural circles and other countries. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of a Polish version of the AIMES scale for multidimensional assessment of CN as conceptualized by Ives et al. (2018). Validation studies were conducted using a survey administered on Prolific, an online platform, with a sample of 516 Poles (56% of them women) aged 18-66. The Polish version of AIMES showed high internal consistency (α = .92). Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that the scale structure consists of a unified second-order factor with five first-order factors: attachment, identity, materialism, experiential, and spiritual. Relevance analysis showed significant positive associations of CN with perception of nature and silence, pro- environmental attitude and behaviour, psychological well-being, gratitude/awe, forgiveness, spirituality, extraversion, conscientiousness, and agreeableness, and a marginal positive association with openness to experience. The results strengthen the psychometric qualities of the AIMES scale, indicating its applicability to the study of CN in Polish contexts.
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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Surzykiewicz
1 2
Sebastian Binyamin Skalski-Bednarz
1 3
Loren L Toussaint
Łukasz Kwadrans
Anna Kwiatkowska
Karol Konaszewski

  1. Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Eichstätt, Germany
  2. Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  3. University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  4. Luther College, Department of Psychology, Decorah, IA, USA
  5. University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute of Pedagogy, Katowice, Poland
  6. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology, Warsaw, Poland
  7. University of Białystok, Faculty of Education, Białystok, Poland
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The author submits a brief account of his claim concerning the ethical component of the speaking beings’ nature. He voiced these views at a number of places, beginning with his works in the mid‑nineties. As against Kant’s idea of God being the source of moralisches Gefühl, or of his „categorical imperative”, the logically necessary (and thus sufficient) root of speaking beings’ ethical nature must be seen in their language faculty as such (while nothing deprives God of what used to be called „His gift” of that faculty). A linguistic‑analytic reasoning that leads to the above conclusion is presented.
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1. Anzenbacher A. (2008), Wprowadzenie do etyki, przeł. J. Zychowicz, Kraków: WAM.
2. Bogusławski A. (1996a), Logiczne, nielogiczne, pozalogiczne, „Przegląd Humanistyczny” 5, s. 109–142.
3. Bogusławski A. (1996b), Świętość jakości życia?, „Przegląd Humanistyczny” 2, s. 1–39.
4. Bogusławski A. (1997), Do świata przez język, „Przegląd Humanistyczny” 2, s. 103–129.
5. Bogusławski A. (1998a), O negacji w konstrukcjach z czasownikiem „chcieć”, w: E. Jędrzejko (red.), Nowe czasy, nowe języki, nowe (i stare) problemy, Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, s. 105–127.
6. Bogusławski A. (1998b), Science as linguistic activity, linguistics as scientific activity, Warszawa: Katedra Lingwistyki Formalnej UW.
7. Bogusławski A. (1999), On ‘good’ and ‘bad’, w: J.L. Mey, A. Bogusławski (red.), „E pluribus una”. The One in the Many. For Anna Wierzbicka, Odense: RASK and Odense University Press, s. 103–133 [przedruk w: Bogusławski 1998b; z dodatkowymi komentarzami także w: Bogusławski 2011a].
8. Bogusławski A. (2001), Reflections on Wierzbicka’s explications, „Lingua Posnaniensis” XLIII, s. 47–88.
9. Bogusławski A. (2003a), Dlaczego „śmieszny człowiek” był śmieszny?, w: I. Bobrowski (red.), Anabasis, Kraków: Lexis, s. 41–52.
10. Bogusławski A. (2003b), Przypomnienie, „Przegląd Humanistyczny” 3, s. 91–93.
11. Bogusławski A. (2007), A Study in the Linguistics‑Philosophy Interface, Warszawa: BEL Studio.
12. Bogusławski A. (2011a), Reflections on Wierzbicka’s Explications & Related Essays, Warszawa: BEL Studio.
13. Bogusławski A. (2011b), Roztrząsania nadlingwistyczne, Warszawa: BEL Studio.
14. Bogusławski A. (2020), Lingwistyczna teoria mowy. Preliminaria, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
15. Bogusławski A., Drzazgowska E. (2016), Język w refleksji teoretycznej. Przekroje historyczne, t. I–II, Warszawa: Katedra Lingwistyki Formalnej UW.
16. Jadacki J.J. (1996), O nietykalności życia ludzkiego, „Przegląd Humanistyczny” 3, s. 155–160..
17. Jadacki J.J. (1997), Język i świat, „Przegląd Humanistyczny” 2, s. 99–101.
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19. Janikowski W. (2008), Naturalizm etyczny we współczesnej filozofii analitycznej, Warszawa: Semper.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Bogusławski

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Neofilologii, Katedra Lingwistyki Formalnej, ul. Dobra 55, 00-312 Warszawa
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For many ethicists, natural law no longer seems to be relevant as a model for the motivation of norms. At the same time, moral theology after Vatican II strives for renewal which, on the one hand, distances itself from radical autonomous thinking and, on the other hand, overcomes certain narrownesses of the past. It happens in the context of a cultural upheaval between modernity and postmodernity, in which universalistic ethical concepts are regarded critically anyway. Nevertheless, the increasing ethical challenges of the present, especially those in the bioethical field, call for universally valid solutions in the globalized world. In this context, natural law thinking can and should be used again. However, it would have to be suitably presented. An ethical understanding beyond cultural and temporal boundaries is possible, but requires an agreement on the binding character of human nature.
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Andrzej Dominik Kuciński

  1. Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre, Rom
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Energy security is one of the most frequently analysed phenomena in the energy markets. Great variety of scientifc efforts should have indicated clear definition of the phenomenon. However, those studies highlighted more than 80 different definitions of what energy security really is. Due to the fact, that energy security is analyzed by different scientific disciplines, studies have provided a comperehensive reflection on the phenomenon.

The main objective of this paper is of the theoretical nature and focuses on showing energy security externalities. Author delivers an integrative review focusing on existing literature referring to the analyzed phenomena. Energy security is though studied only from the perspective of economics therefore interdisciplinary studies are out of the study scope. The reason for such scientific procedure stem from a belief that each discipline approach is different in terms of concepts, research methods and though results that are obtained. Therefore without undermining high value of interdisciplinary approaches to energy security, author decided to concentrate solely on economic perspective, which in energy security studies seems to be underestimated. Such approach in author’s belief helps achieve theoretical clarity of the below given analysis.

Presented paper is of the theoretical nature and focuses on showing energy security externalities. Critical literature review shows the literature mainstream in which energy security externalities are

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Honorata Nyga-Łukaszewska
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The most important criteria for evaluation of building engineering is the state of indoor climate and energy consumption. Increase of the rate of energy saving resulted not only in the use of better barriers, but also building elements, such as windows, having low air leakage values. Simultaneously, in the design of new buildings and the retrofit of existing buildings, traditional structures of natural ventilation are used. In these cases, the ventilation is an important tool for a dcsiderable realization of all environmental and energy requirements. The paper presents selected results of a long-term research work. These results were obtained by questionnaires, measurements and simulations of ventilation processes in typical detached houses, blocks of flats and office buildings. The main objective of the presented paper is to demonstrate investigations and summarize a large number of results which describe the airtightness and natural ventilation on indoor environment.
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Marian B. Nantka
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Mateusz Banaszkiewicz, from the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, talks about the effects of thinking and acting automatically, and how to fight destructive habits.

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Mateusz Banaszkiewicz
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For Plato, language was the way to cognize the universe. The philosophy of language, which was primarily initiated by Plato in the Cratylus, still has not received answers to the questions settled by this great Greek thinker. In fact, it just offered various solutions formed in different conceptions and approaches in the ancient, scholastic, modern and postmodern periods. The questions raised by Plato in his dialogue have been continued in various nativistic theories of language, especially in works of Noam Chomsky. Language—as it is seen by Plato, i.e., as uniting our inner world with the outer world, is a significant feature of humankind, is still underinvestigated.

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Pavlo Sodomora
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The article presents the author’s considerations on the significance of the investment package diversifying natural gas supplies as part of the Northern Gate in ensuring Poland’s energy security. Data found in literature concerning the possibilities of importing the raw material by sea (terminals, gas pipelines) includes investments at various stages of concept development and construction. However, these documents lack cohesive information about a full investment package being implemented. The author has thus attempted at creating variants concerning the diversification capacities of the Republic of Poland in reference to several key offshore and onshore projects. A problem has therefore been formulated: To what extend will the Northern Gate investment package increase Poland’s energy security as a result of increased supply of natural gas from the sea? To answer this questions, researchers were forced to verify their working hypothesis which assumed that Northern Gate investments including a comprehensive package of projects had the potential of significantly improving the level of energy security in Poland by extending the possibility of importing natural gas. To solve the problem and verify the hypothesis, the researchers applied systemic analysis, deduction and variant analysis, which were used to estimate the possible import capacities of the raw material by sea. As a result of the works, the researchers created four variants including various investment projects assuming the import of 7.75 m3 to 30,95 B m3 of natural gas a year by sea. The variant which was adopted as the most probable indicates the possibility of importing 17.75 through 22.75 B m3 of gas a year, which is 111% of the average annual demand in Poland.

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Andrzej Rafał Miętkiewicz
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The natural gas supply is used from Russia Federation as a political instrument in the geopolitical and territorial conflict with Ukraine. The effectiveness of Russian strategy towards Ukraine is due to the fact that power in Kiev is also exercised by the pro-Russian politicians and supported on the part of Ukrainian oligarchs. The two countries are interdependent in terms of energy by means of the existing gas infrastructure and long-term contracts, because Ukraine guarantees the Russian Federation the transit of natural gas to Europe through its system of transmission gas pipelines, and Russia pays for the transit and used to supply the agreed amount of gas to Ukraine. For the first time – in 2016 – Ukraine didn’t import natural gas directly from the Russia Federation. This article attempts to obtain an answer to the research question, whether Ukraine actually strives to diversify its natural gas supply. What part of this policy is the Ukrainian political instrument in terms of Russia, and what part is the real political objective? Especially in the context of the gas contract between both States, ending in 2019. What role will be played the underground gas storage in the geopolitical struggle? Despite Nord Stream II the Russian Federation still needs the Ukrainian pipelines to fulfill contractual obligations in gas supplies to Europe. What are the strategic goals of the energy policy of Ukraine and Russia? The geopolitical as well as geo-economic theories will be applied. Moreover, a factor analysis as well as a decision-making analysis will be used. The political analysis method and the forecasting technique are applied to obtain, not only theoretical, but also practical input.

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Mariusz Ruszel
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The paper presents the results of field studies carried out in I O chosen forest islands in a suburban area of the town of Jaworzno in the years 1995-2002. Different objects have been studied, among others: natural remnants of oak-hornbeam forest and planted pine-larch woodlots cultivated on the habitat of xerothermic grasslands. In comparison with the total nora of the town, the participation of non-synantropie species and synecological groups associated with natural habitats is much bigger. There are 24 protected species to be found, 40% of protected nora of the town. Despite their diversity, they are precious refugees of many woodland and grassland as well as meadow species occurring within the areas and in their vicinity.
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Damian Chmura
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Dolichos ( Lablab purpureus L.) is a drought tolerant legume used as food/feed and improvement of soil fertility. The production of dolichos in Kenya, Nakuru County is however limited by insect pests like bean aphids, pod borers and whiteflies. Field studies were conducted to determine the effect of cropping systems (dolichos monocrop and maize-dolichos intercrop) and field margin vegetation on bean aphids and their natural enemies. The experiment was conducted in Njoro (high field margin vegetation) and Rongai (low field margin vegetation) during May- December 2019 and MarchNovember 2020 cropping seasons. Bean aphid percent incidence, severity of damage and abundance was assessed at seedling, early vegetative, late vegetative and flowering dolichos growth stages. The populations of natural enemies in the plots and field margin vegetation were monitored using pan traps and sweep nets. Species diversity and composition of the field margin vegetation was determined using a quadrat. Results showed that location and cropping system had significant effects on bean aphid infestations. A high bean aphid incidence (38.13%) was observed in Njoro compared to Rongai (31.10%). Dolichos monocrop had significantly higher bean aphid infestation (51.63%) than the maize-dolichos intercrop system (24.62%). A highly diverse Shannon-weaver index was observed in Rongai (1.90) compared to Njoro (1.67). Dolichos monocrop had a more diverse Shannon-weaver index (1.8) than the maize-dolichos intercrop system (1.7). Rongai had the most abundant annual and perennial field margin vegetation species. The field margin species richness and diversity were higher in Rongai (81%) than in Njoro (54%). The findings of this study have demonstrated that a maize-dolichos intercrop in Rongai can reduce bean aphid damage in dolichos.
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Authors and Affiliations

Christine N. Mwani
Jane Nyaanga
Erick K. Cheruiyot
Joshua O. Ogendo
Philip K. Bett
Richard Mulwa
Philip C. Stevenson
Sarah E.J. Arnold
3 4
Steven R. Belmain

  1. Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University, Kenya
  2. Biological Sciences, Egerton University, Kenya
  3. Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond, UK
  4. Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, Arusha, Tanzania


The aim of this study is to determine natural and anthropogenic threats and their effects concerning the lakes situated within the coastal zone of the southern Baltic. The shore zone is a place of contact of the sea waters and the inland waters. This results in the formation of special water relationships and special circulation water. Macroscale conditions overlap local hydrological conditions and morphometric features of basins and hydrological features of catchments specific to particular lakes. All the natural conditions have been affected by human activity for over eight centuries. As a result. numerous natural and anthropogenic threats occur and cause not only periodic changes in the structure of lakes but such that even endanger their existence.
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During potato desiccation the above-ground parts can be destroyed by mechanical, mechanical-chemical, or chemical methods. In the current study, the mechanical-chemical method was used and instead of chemical compounds natural nonanoic acid (pelargonic acid) was used. Nonanoic acid is a natural active ingredient that can be extracted from vegetable oil (rapeseed oil). It is a short chain fatty acid and a natural product, that fits well with the principles of the Green Revolution, which has introduced restrictions worldwide on the use of chemical plant protection products and promotes natural ones. For comparison carfentrazone-ethyl and glufosinate-ammonium were used. Studies were carried out in Poland during 2012–2014 with the potato variety Ikar, which is known to be among the varieties difficult to desicccate in Poland. The results show that potato leaves were efficiently destroyed by both nonanoic acid and chemicals (carfentrazone-ethyl and glufosinate-ammonium). The level of destruction varied from 94.5% to 99%. The level of stalk drying caused by nonanoic acid was high and it was similar to that of chemical desiccants. None of the studied desiccants significantly affected yield, vascular necrosis or quantity of starch in tubers.

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Przemysław Kardasz
Wojciech Miziniak
Marcin Bombrys
Agata Kowalczyk
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Many of already existing roads cross wetland river valleys. Also the roads nowadays planned are cutting through valuable wetlands. It is necessary to evaluate the range of their impact on the natural environment. This paper focuses only on the analysis of the road crossing impact on the groundwater level. Two options of crossing the wetlands were analyzed, building the road on embankments and in the bridge. It was assumed that the valley is filled with organic material under laid by permeable sands. Calculation results showed that building a road in the valley affects groundwater level only to the slight extend. Water conditions in the valley may be affected only during the construction of the road. Calculation results were confirmed by field observations.

It should be stressed that the object of this paper is the evaluation of water conditions. Environment might be influenced by other factors.

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Waldemar Mioduszewski
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The paper discusses selected topics in moral philosophy of Professor Bogusław Wolniewicz. His overall approach is marked by intellectual independence and analytic treatment of moral issues. The theory of values that he has endorsed can be described as a moderate non-religious absolutism based on weak metaphysical principles. Although in general his normative position can be assimilated to the views of an enlightened liberal, it also clashes with that position insofar as he proclaimed the existence of ontological evil and supported legitimacy of death penalty.

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Joanna Górnicka-Kalinowska
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The aim of this paper is defined in the two title questions related to Roman Ingarden’s research: (1) What constitutes the specificity and uniqueness of human cognitive system? (2) Is Roman Ingarden’s answer defensible in the light of today’s naturalistic tendencies? In response to the first question, the multidimensional structure of human being is indicated, thanks to which man has access to the sphere of values. In the axiological and ontological aspect the power of man to create new realities is emphasized. In the epistemological and ontological aspect three dimensions of this structure are shown, which are correlated, complex and relatively isolated systems of body, soul and consciousness. Next, in response to the second question, Ingarden’s nonreductive approach is discussed against the background of information processes and the issue of self-knowledge. However, his strong ontological assumptions are shown as well. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that Ingarden’s main research strategy remains consistently grounded in ontology (and in this sense it is anti‑naturalistic), but in some aspects it is compatible with today’s naturalist approaches favored in neurocognitive studies.
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Urszula Żegleń

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Instytut Badań Informacji i Komunikacji, ul. Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń
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The relation between law and justice is the main subject of this paper. The distinction of ius (just, right law) and lex (statutory law) is fundamental for the Western Civilization. The paper presents the genesis of this distinction and its further development, related terminology as well as legal‑philosophical doctrines, particularly, natural law theory and legal positivism. The so‑called Radbruch’s formula is discussed (law unjust to the highest degree is not law), and further on, the so‑called renaissance of natural law and proposals to secure a harmony between law and justice are examined by reference to the views formulated by L.L. Fuller, H.L.A. Hart and J. Rawls.
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Jan Woleński

  1. Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania, Katedra Nauk Społecznych, ul. Sucharskiego 2, 35‑225 Rzeszów
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The aim of the paper is to highlight St. Anselm’s way of thinking about nature and order in the world created by God. God for Anselm is the highest nature, one which exists most fully; He possesses the fullness of being, because His essence is identical to His existence. He is the cause of all existing things and does not have a cause Himself, for He exists per se. The order of nature may be observed in two ways: when departing from the diversity of existing beings and when considering these beings before their creation, existing in the divine intellect as ideas and models, after which God called into existence particular objects.

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Monika Malmon
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The in vitro anti-Babesia canis activities of nine essential oils were investigated. Among the tested essential oils Achillea millefolium, Eugenia caryophyllus and Citrus grandis were the most active (IC50 values of 51.0, 60.3 and 61.3 μg/mL, respectively). The oils from Abies sibirica, Rosmarinus officinalis, Eucalyptus globulus, Cinnamonum zeylanicum, Mentha piperita and Pinus sylvestris were less active (IC50 values of 134.3, 237.3, 239.3, 367.9, 837.5 and 907.3 μg/mL, respectively). The results support the concept that some essential oil constituents may be useful in the clinical management of babesiosis.

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L. Guz
J. Ziętek
K. Puk
Ł. Adaszek
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A huge amount of carbon black (40-60 phr) was commonly used as a reinforcing material in manufacturing of tires to improve the technical properties of pure rubber. Carbon black causes severe health hazard like skin cancer, respiratory problem due to its fly loss property. This study focusses on reducing the usage of carbon black by replacing it with minimal quantity of nanoclay to compensate the technical properties of rubber. Natural Rubber nanocomposite are fabricated using solution and mechanical mixing method in presence and absence of compatibilizer. Cure characteristics, wear test and mechanical properties were examined. NR nanocomposite with dual filler in presence of compatibilizer showed enhancement in torque values, mechanical and wear resistant property. Wear resistance, tensile strength and modulus of dual filler nanocomposite was increased by 66.7%, 91% and 85% when compared to pure NR. Hence NR nanocomposite with dual filler in presence of compatibilizer was found as a proving and possible nanocomposite for tire application.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Harikrishna Kumar
Shankar Subramaniam
Rajasekar Rathanasamy
Samir Kumar Pal
Sathish Kumar Palaniappan

  1. School of Building and Mechanical Sciences, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai – 638060, Tamil Nadu State, India
  2. Department of Mining Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur – 721302, West Bengal State, India
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Natural fibres have recently gained attention as an alternative sustainable material for civil engineering applications due to natural fibres’ exceptional performance, including high strength, and their environmental-friendliness and cost-effectiveness. However, there are disadvantages to using natural fibres in extreme environments. Therefore, this paper reviewed the effect of moisture content and temperature on the tensile strength of potential natural fibres for engineering purposes. Furthermore, this paper also critically reviewed the influence of alkaline treatment on natural fibres’ tensile strength. This is significant because alkaline treatment enhances surface friction and the fraction of the revealed cellulose on the fibres’ surface, resulting in better mechanical interlocking. In conclusion, natural fibres demonstrate their potential for geotechnical applications due to the materials’ strong tensile properties after being subjected to treatment processes.
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Nur Faezah Yahya
T.N.H.T Ismail
Fatimah Mohamed Yusop
Norul Ahsanah Aulia Mohamad Mahani
Alia Farhana Malik
L.A. Sofri
Joanna Gondro

  1. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Faculty of Engineering Technology, 84600 Panchor, Johor, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Centre of Excellence Geopolymer & Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), 01000 Perlis, Malaysia
  3. Częstochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Department of Physics, 19 Armii Krajowej Av., 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland

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