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The distinction introduced by Bertrand Russell between knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description is the starting point for analyses related to the concept of acquaintance. I propose to assume that the following three concepts used by Russell are equivalent: knowledge of things, knowledge by acquaintance, and acquaintance. Then I present linguistic analyses concerning the construction of ‘know‑NP’ and ‘znać‑NP’, which lead to (i) division into a direct and indirect acquaintance and (ii) separation of knowledge from acquaintance, recognizing them as two different cognitive relations. Then, through the prism of knowledge, I describe the concept of acquaintance, pointing to the common properties of these concepts (aptness, non‑voluntariness, dispositiona-lity, contextual dependency), and postulate similar normative functions. This paper can be treated as an introduction to the concept of acquaintance and an elucidation of its role in epistemology.
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Rafał Palczewski

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Fosa Staromiejska 1a, 87-100 Toruń
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A danger of falling into the trap of the naturalistic fallacy seems to unambiguously exclude bodiliness from the search for moral norms . But is it really true that there is no role for the body to play when the intellect occupies itself with formulating moral norms? Undoubtedly the body constitutes – in a sense – the basis of morality, since human freedom can exist only as freedom incarnate. It would be equally difficult to deny that the body constitutes boundaries for morality. Bodiliness may significantly restrain cognitive abilities of men; but it may also reduce their capabilities to fulfill their moral obligations. A major controversy arises over the issue whether the body can influence the content of moral norms. Even if one accepts the validity of the thesis of an intransgressible boundary between the world of facts and the world of values, there is no doubt that man never experiences his body in the same way as he does other material objects. An experience of one’s own body matters significantly in ethical reflection.

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Ks. prof. dr hab. Marian Machinek MSF
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The article’s subject is the status of the homosexual minority in the world of sports, which–as one would assume–is a hetero-normative world. The author draws attention to the different situations of lesbians and gays in sports as a result both of the manner in which sports themselves are seen and of how femininity andmasculinity in sports are viewed (certain types of sports activity are perceived as being masculine, and certain as being feminine). The attitudes of the male and female athletes themselves are described, as well as the attitude towards them in the sports environment and their perception in public opinion. The Gay Games, competitions for sexual minorities, are also presented, with their relation to mainstream (heterosexual) sports. Particular attention is paid to the ambiguous status of sexual minorities and various practices used within these milieus and towards them.

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Honorata Jakubowska
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Celem tekstu jest dyskusja z teoriami mówiącymi o tym, że dzisiejsze społeczeństwa nie są zdolne do integracji opartej na powszechnie podzielanych normach. Teza o „zaniku wspólnych sensów” daje obraz społeczeństwa jako agregatu jednostek lub skonfliktowanych grup. Jako kontrprzykład do takich konkluzji autor proponuje pojęcie norm średniego zasięgu. Zgodnie z prezentowanym ujęciem, takie normy mogą łączyć zróżnicowanych aktorów społecznych i być powszechnie uznawane. Wspólna normalność może być negocjowana oddolnie i niekoniecznie jest odgórnie narzucana przez różne formy władzy społecznej. Przykłady takich norm autor znajduje w rzeczywistości życia codziennego. Zalicza do nich normę niemarnowania żywności, regułę gościnności, szacunku dla żałoby, opiekuńczość wobec dzieci oraz dbanie o własne zdrowie.

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Ariel Modrzyk
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W artykule omówiono i poddano analizie dwa źródłowe teksty Henryka Elzenberga dotyczące zagadnienia zależności i niezależności etyki od obrazu świata oraz sporu o zależność etyki od religii. Temat dyskutowany był w Polsce od połowy lat pięćdziesiątych. W tekstach Elzenberga poddany został precyzyjnej analizie semantycznej i realnej. Jej wynik pokazuje, że treść ocen i norm pochodnych, ich realność i uzasadnienie są zależne od obrazu świata, w którym oceny i normy funkcjonują. Zależność od obrazu świata ulega natomiast ograniczeniu w sferze ocen i norm podstawowych. Podobnie jest z zależnością etyki od religii. Religijny obraz świata wielorako wpływa na zakres podmiotowy i przedmiotowy etyki, jej strukturę, na świadomość mocy obowiązującej i siłę motywacyjną, ale nie ma wpływu na logiczne uzasadnienie etyki. Etyka poza religijnym obrazem świata jest możliwa. Elzenberg wypowiada się z pozycji intuicjonisty w teorii poznania moralnego i jest perfekcjonistą w podążaniu za tym, co poznane moralnie i etycznie ugruntowane. Odrzuca jednak nieścisłe twierdzenie o niezależności etyki od obrazu świata i religii w ogóle.
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Ryszard Wiśniewski
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In many countries, rapid secularisation exerts an ever growing control over nearly every aspect of social life, driving Christianity away from public life and substitu-ting it with an increasingly militant ideology. Christianity today faces many questions and challenges, from profound shifts in traditional values and new anthropologies to questions on the meaning of life and the place of the Church in pluralistic society. Do the Christians of today have anything to offer in the modern Areopagus of thought? Though in minority during the first few centuries of their history, Christians not only were able to claim their due place in society, but point to their contribution to its well-being and functioning. After the so-called Edict of Milan they tried to influence legislation and imbue it with the values and spirit of the Gospel. Not always was it possible, though. At times the border between the state and the Church were crossed either way. Nevertheless, in order to safeguard the autonomy of the Church in her re-lationship with the state, the former tried to adhere to the wise principle she received from her Founder to give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.

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Ks. Marek Raczkiewicz
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Semi-structured individual in-depth interviews were conducted to explore and compare which social norms with regard to the debt-incurring process are important to Poles with various experiences of indebtedness. Thematic analysis within a constructionist framework identified the social norms important in the borrowing process for Poles and revealed, as expected, a number of differences between people with various indebtedness experiences. Model borrowers have a significantly different approach to debt than unreliable debtors and non-borrowers. Model borrowers seem to be oblivious to the negative sides of loans as well as indicate fewer reasons for justifying not repaying obligations than others. For unreliable debtors, loans are a quick way to solve financial problems. They borrow money out of necessity rather than to finance any larger, long-term investments and have their own private rules for borrowing. Non-borrowers, although aware of borrowers’ higher standard of living, emphasize that debt is associated with permanent stress and psychological burden. Model borrowers, unlike the others, declare that in their immediate vicinity are only those who use and pay their loans in a timely manner.

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Anna Maria Hełka
Małgorzata Wójcik
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The article presents research data on the amount of salts in the irrigated soils of the Mughan-Salyan massif, their composition, water-salt regime, and their forecast. It was found that the soils on the territory of the massif were saline to varying degrees. In general, the area of non-saline soils in the massif is 125,650 ha, mildly – 272,070 ha, moderately – 210,560 ha, highly – 125,850 ha, very highly – 109,450 ha and saline soils – 27,520 ha. The absorbed bases in the soils of the massif were studied, and it was determined that they change depending on the amount of salts as follows: in mildly saline soils, Ca – 57.82–68.31%, Mg – 25.26–36.28%, Na – 5.49–6.43%; in moderately saline soils – 56.77–65.76%, 27.03–35.58%, 7.12–7.94%, respectively; in highly saline areas – 54.05–64.75%, 24.94–43.67% and 9.19– 14.42%. As you can see, the soils are mildly and moderately saline.
The soils in the surveyed areas are saline to varying degrees (i.e., the average value of salts in the 0–100 cm layer of the soil varies between 0.25 and 1.00%). The biological product used in these soils contains a wide range of macro and microelements, humic acids, fulvic acids, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes that do not contain BioEcoGum mineral fertilisers. This biological product was used for the first time and one of the main goals was to study the improvement of water-physical properties of soils after its use. Therefore, the water-salt regime of the soils of the study area was studied on three experimental sites selected for the area, the number of irrigations for different plants, and their norms were determined taking into account the depth of groundwater in the soils and shown in tabular form. They are widely used in farms and these regions, taking into account the proposed irrigation norms and their quantity.
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Mustafa Mustafayev
Zulfiya Tukenova
Mereke Alimzhanova
Kazhybek Ashimuly
Farid Mustafayev

  1. Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, M. Rahim St, 5, AZ10073, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
  2. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Department of UNESCO in Sustainable Development, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  3. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics, Department of Physics and Technology, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  4. Scientific Production Center of Microbiology and Virology, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
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John Rawls develops and precisely defines the concept of civil disobedience which had emerged from the American tradition of democracy and was already discussed in the 19th century by H.D. Thoreau. It is a part of a theory of ‘justice as fairness’ and it rigidly supports the conditions of resistance to the state employed in the effort to sustain moral order in the practice of democracy. This effort cannot be interpreted as a revolutionary rebellion against the state and law, for it aspires to implement a kind of reform which aims at a restoration of justice whenever it is deeply neglected or violated. In the nub of this theory lies the claim of the importance of the civil conscience as formed by the principles of constitution which reflect the principles of justice without presupposing an extended theory of good. The normative paradigm of ethics, according to which Rawls presents his theory of justice, should be complemented by virtue ethics, argues the author, and points to that the absence of civil virtues manifested deplorably in the present weakness of liberal democracy in the face of the growing pressure from populism.
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Thoreau H.D. (1983), Obywatelskie nieposłuszeństwo, w: tenże, Życie bez zasad. Eseje, przeł. H. Cieplińska, Warszawa: Czytelnik.
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Alfred Marek Wierzbicki

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Filozofii, Al. Racławickie 14, 20‑950 Lublin
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Ethicists have thus far not paid much attention to uncertainty, very often concentrating on highly idealized hypothetical situations where both empirical (e.g. the state of the world, the spectrum of possible decisions and their consequences, the causal connections between events) and normative (the content of norms, value scales) matters were clearly defined and well-known to the decision-maker. In this article, which stems from a project on different types of decisions under uncertainty related to the rapid progress in biomedical research, I analyze some situations of normative uncertainty, cases when an agent must make a decision, but does not know which choice is correct, for example, because he/she has contrary intuitions about the permissibility of available decisions. The view termed comparativism claims that in such cases the appropriate decision depends not only on the credences that one assigns to different norms, but also on how much possible decisions are worth taking in the light of these norms. I analyze a few cases of normative uncertainty, and a specific counter-argument against the current versions of comparativism, showing that under normative uncertainty this view imposes risk neutrality, although it permits us to have different risk attitudes under empirical uncertainty. I also argue that a precautionary approach to situations of normative uncertainty is overly simplistic.

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Tomasz Żuradzki
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Large sets of articles are evaluated by predefined measures such as the article numbers and h-indexes. All of these indicators are scalars and refer rather to one discipline or the comprehensive science. Thus, according to disciplinary categories in scientific databases, the distribution has become too rigid for current science needs, dynamically growing towards inter- and trans-disciplinarity. We propose a new method of calculating the impact on knowledge of articles and their citations, creating citation networks, and using one of the optimistic fuzzy aggregation norms to estimate the contribution to the knowledge considering the citation inheritance of citing papers to cited papers (paper children to the paper-parents). Due to this method, we produced the contribution vectors for various disciplines/subdisciplines based on articles and their citations of publications belonging to the considered disciplines. We can prepare the scientific profiles of papers and disciplines based on the contribution vectors. Moreover, we can evaluate how much citations matter in the development of science. Applying this method, we can estimate the contribution to the considered research field caused by papers and their citations from different areas of science. The proposed method might be applicable in the assessment of developing concepts.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Mreła
Veslava Osińska
Oleksandr Sokolov

  1. Institute of Informatics, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Kopernika 1, 85-074 Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. Institute of Information and Communication Research, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, W. Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Torun, Poland
  3. Department of Informatics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in TorunDepartment of Informatics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
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All universities are responsible for assessing the quality of education. One of the required factors is the results of the students’ research. The procedure involves, most often, the preparation of the questionnaire by the staff, which is voluntarily answered by students; then, the university staff uses the statistical methods to analyze data and prepare reports. The proposed EQE method by the application of the fuzzy relations and the optimistic fuzzy aggregation norm may show a closer connection between the students’ answers and the achieved results. Moreover, the objects obtained by the application of the EQE method can be visualized by using the t-SNE technique, cosine between vectors and distances of points in five-dimensional space.
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Grzegorz Śmigielski
Aleksandra Mreła
Oleksandr Sokolov
Mykoła Nedashkovskyy

  1. Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Institute of Informatics, ul. Kopernika 1, 85-074 Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, ul. Grudziądzka 5, 87-100 Toruń, Poland
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The article presents the problem of micro-apartments. The issue is presented in a cross-sectional view, covering both the historical overview and current trends. The problem has been discussed against the background of demographic factors that justify the trend of minimizing living space. In addition to spatial issues, the paper presents the social and psychological issues related to small-scale inhabitation, as well as legal frames concerning minimal size of the flats.

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Agata Twardoch
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Observing current trends in moral theology, especially in the field of bioethics, has long raised both the methodological and meritorious problem of obscuring or even removing the boundaries between good and evil. Divergence and contradiction have become a strange scientific standard in theological-moral discourse in the derivation of Hegel’s synthesis on fundamental moral questions. Depositum fidei morale, which is based on the Decalogue, Lex aeterna, and lex naturalis, seems to be giving way to post-Christian Wittgenstein language-games, in which the clear line between good and evil (including truth and falsehood), determined by the transcendent Authority of God, has been relativized. The reflection of the relationship between the norm and conscience, as well as the relationship between good and evil, in the light of the Thomistic philosophical-theological patrimony, seeks to point to the need of accepting an adequate logical re-examination of the ethical analysis of a human act. Without this, it is impossible to continue not only in Traditio, but also in finding a universal reference point for distinguishing between good and evil in the complicated world of contemporary bioethics, which responds to revolutionary biotechnologies in the field of biomedicine.
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René Balák

  1. Piešťany, Slovakia
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Artykuł przedstawia odpowiedź na pytanie, czy współczesne zróżnicowanie postaw wobec edukacji odzwierciedla podziały zaborowe. Odwołując się do teorii długiego trwania instytucji Douglasa Northa, teorii zmian w systemach edukacyjnych Margaret Archer oraz teorii postaw Alberto Simpsera, przedstawione są argumenty łączące dzisiejsze postawy wobec edukacji ze sposobem wprowadzania instytucji nowoczesnego państwa w XIX wieku. W artykule przeanalizowano obecne postawy wobec edukacji na obszarze dawnej Galicji, porównano je z wynikami z Prus i zaboru rosyjskiego. Na podstawie badań oraz dostępnej literatury można stwierdzić wpływ wzoru wdrażania elementów państwowości na modele mentalne mieszkańców społeczności lokalnej. Przeanalizowano sposób budowania instytucji, oparty na poszanowaniu społeczności lokalnej, angażujący nauczycieli w działalność społeczną, który przekłada się na satysfakcję z działania instytucji, a także katalizuje zaufanie między mieszkańcami danego regionu. Analiza opiera się na badaniach ilościowych i jakościowych przeprowadzonych w trzech miastach znajdujących się na terenach dawnych zaborów oraz na reprezentatywnym badaniu rodziców uczniów.

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Magdalena Smak
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Główne pytanie badawcze prezentowanego artykułu brzmi: czy polska polityka ewaluacji jednostek naukowych wpływa na podnoszenie poziomu nauki w polskich instytucjach naukowych? Przyjęto założenie, iż warunkiem jakości nauki jako działalności ukierunkowanej na generowanie nowej wiedzy jest etos naukowy oparty na czterech imperatywach Roberta K. Mertona: uniwersalizmie, wspólnotowości, bezinteresowności i zorganizowanym sceptycyzmie. Polityka, która za cel stawia sobie podnoszenie jakości nauki, powinna promować i wzmacniać postępowanie zgodne z normami etosu naukowego. Przeprowadzona analiza porównawcza pomiędzy normami Mertona a normami postępowania, które wymusza polityka ewaluacji, ujawniła, iż zasady ewaluacji jednostek naukowych nie sprzyjają kształtowaniu się norm etosu naukowego, a często są z nimi sprzeczne. Paradoksalnie, procedury ewaluacji stworzone do promowania jakości polskiej nauki prowadzą do obniżania jakości działalności naukowej. Jeśli celem polskiej nauki ma być generowanie nowej wiedzy, a nie tylko zapewnienie awansu społecznego, należy przeformułować zasady polityki ewaluacji jednostek naukowych tak, aby zwiększyć ich zgodność z normami etosu naukowego.
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Authors and Affiliations

Konrad Kulikowski

  1. Politechnika Łódzka
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The main goal of this article is to characterise and compare some aspects of Hilary Putnam’s referential theory of meaning and Robert B. Brandom’s inferential theory of meaning. I will do it to indicate some similarities and differences in these theories. It will provide an opportunity for a deeper understanding of these theories and for a more adequate evaluation of how they describe and explain the process of meaning acquisition of linguistic expressions.

In his theory of meaning Putnam emphasises the importance of reference understood as a relationship which connects linguistic expressions and extra-linguistic (empirical) reality. Brandom acknowledges inference as a main category useful in characterising the meaning of expressions used in premises and a conclusion of inference. But his theory of meaning is criticised for minimalising the role of an empirical component (demonstratives etc.). He tries to defend his standpoint in the anaphoric theory of reference.

Putnam like Brandom claimed that we – as cognitive subjects – are not in a situation in which we learn about the extra-linguistic reality in a direct way. It is the reality itself as well as our cognitive apparatus that play a role in a cognitive process.

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Robert Kublikowski
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The growing interest in green energy observed in recent years has become the basis for pilot studies on its electricity production role in Poland. The diagnostic survey method allowed us to learn about young people’s opinions on renewable energy sources in the context of four identified research areas (the need for RES, planning its installation, costs, environmental impact). The authors proposed a method based on fuzzy logic (fuzzy relations and optimistic fuzzy aggregation norms) to develop and interpret the survey results to understand the selected community’s knowledge about the importance of RES (or not) in the national energy system. The survey shows that although there is no significant difference between respondents in all research areas, rural women are more interested in using green technologies. They have a high self-awareness of their beneficial effects on the environment. Rural respondents, compared to those from the cities, are willing (despite the high cost of equipment) to invest their capital to purchase green energy carriers, which is dictated by their lower knowledge about the forms of external support. Depending on the residence place, respondents selected various government aid programs for renewable energy. People from the city decided mainly on those that would improve the air’s comfort and quality in their place of residence. On the other hand, the rural areas’ inhabitants focused their attention on the aid possibilities, which would reduce the energy costs of the farms they run in the future. All the respondents agree that investments in clean energy (coming from natural sources) will translate into broadly understood environmental protection, bringing mutual benefits for everyone.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Barbara Cichowska
Aleksandra Mreła
Oleksandr Sokolov

  1. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. Institute of Informatics, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland
  3. Department of Informatics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
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Air quality in Warsaw is mainly affected by two classes of internal polluting sources: transportation and municipal sector emissions, apart from external pollution inflow. Warsaw authorities prepared strategies of mitigating emissions coming from both these sectors. In this study we analyze effects of the implementation of these strategies by modeling air pollution in Warsaw using several mitigation scenarios. The applied model, operating on a homogeneous discretization grid, forecasts the annual average concentrations of individual pollutants and the related population health risk. The results reveal that the measures planned by the authorities will cause almost 50% reduction of the residents’ exposure to NOx pollution and almost 23% reduction of the exposure to CO pollution due to the transport emissions, while the residents’ exposure reductions due to the municipal sector are 10% for PM10, 15% for PM2.5, and 26% for BaP. The relatively smaller reductions due to municipal sector are connected with high transboundary inflow of pollutants (38% for PM10, 45% for PM2.5, 36% for BaP, and 45% for CO). The implementation of the discussed strategies will reduce the annual mean concentrations of NOx and PM2.5 below the limits of the Ambient Air Quality Directive. Despite the lower exposure reduction, the abatement of municipal sector emissions results in a very significant reduction in health risks, in particular, in the attributable mortality and the DALY index. This is due to the dominant share of municipal pollution (PM2.5 in particular) in the related health effects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Holnicki
Andrzej Kałuszko
Zbigniew Nahorski

  1. Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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John Rawls’s theory is blamed by political realism for adopting the position of political moralism, i.e. for subordinating politics to morality and understanding political phi-losophy as applied ethics. This article addresses these charges. It addresses a number of issues: How does Rawls understand politics? Does he understand it at all? Does the theory of liberalism realistically describe democracies? What is its normative character? In what sense is it a ‘realist utopia’? By posing these questions this paper analyzes the self‑limiting, restrained character of political liberalism, which is a result of the realistic recognition of the fact of pluralism of reasonable doctrines in modern liberal societies. It is pointed out, however, that liberalism is not conceived as a self‑limiting political liberalism of Rawls, but as a ‘comprehensive doctrine’ that constitutes a unified ideological foundation for modern ‘liberal democracy’. The self‑limitation of liberalism cannot be sustained in this way, however, as is evidenced by the fact that Rawls’s theory attempting to separate the political sphere from the ‘background culture’ has clearly failed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zdzisław Krasnodębski
1 2

  1. Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Instytut Nauk o Polityce i Administracji, ul. Kopernika 26, 31‑501 Kraków
  2. Universität Bremen, FB 8 Sozialwissenschaften, Bibliothekstraße 1, 28359 Bremen, Niemcy
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In modern conditions of urban development, there is a need to improve the technology for determining the investment attractiveness of urban lands by developing a method and models for assessing its impact, which will be based on the construction of a two-level system of indicators, which will determine the integral investment criterion and develop guidelines for improving the investment attractiveness of urban lands. As a result of the research, the value of the integral indicator of urban land investment attractiveness was determined, which allowed to apply it in the system of normative monetary valuation of urban land and to develop methodological recommendations for improving the efficiency of its investment attractiveness assessment. A method for assessing the investment attractiveness of urban land, as the main element of technology, based on the determination of indicators for assessing the integral criterion for the development of guidelines for improving the urban land investment attractiveness is developed. By the value of the integral criterion, the integral indicators of the potential investment attractiveness of urban lands are determined, considering the changes in the normative monetary value of the lands of settlements and the level of investment attractiveness of the regional centers of Ukraine is determined.

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Authors and Affiliations

Kostiantyn Mamonov
Serhii Nesterenko
Yuliia Radzinskaya
Alena Palamar

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