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The goal of the article is the diagnosis and presentation of the problems of the selection of construction technologies for buildings being built in the centres of urban agglomerations. The survey and literature studies that were performed show that the process of selecting these technologies is difficult due to a series of very different difficulties associated with constructing a structure in a city centre and which are sometimes hard to foresee. At the same time there is a lack of decision-making support tools dedicated to the selection of construction technologies that would take into account the problems that occur during the construction of buildings in city centres. The study shows the need to discuss the subject of developing a mathematical model and a decision-making support tool based on said model to that end.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

E. Radziszewska-Zielina
E. Kania
G. Śladowski


CSR on Mazovia – Institutional Dimension. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined as the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society. For the effective implementation of this concept are very important institutions, understood as a permanent (legal, organizational and customary) determinants of repetitive human behaviour and peopleto- people interaction. Institutions can therefore be both organisations that promotes this concept and CSR projects or strategies. The aim of the article is to review the thesis that the Mazovia is the driving force of the development of CSR in Poland, carried out on the basis of desk and web research. By evaluating the degree of institutionalisation of CSR in Mazovia, based on an analysis of the activities of the various sectors in this field, it was found that most activities for the implementation of this concept is undertaken in Mazovia, and many of them have coverage nationwide.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewa Jastrzębska


The dynamics of the processes taking place in an environment, which is rendered in the

altered perception of the character of this environment, induces a need to find answers to

the following questions: (1) How do managers perceive an environment in the dimensions of

stability/ changeability and friendliness/unfriendliness? (2) Is there a correlation between

the stability/changeability and friendliness/unfriendliness of an environment, i.e. if an environment

is more stable, is it perceived as more friendly, and if an environment is more

changeable is it perceived as unfriendly? (3) Does environmental stability/changeability as

well as friendliness/unfriendliness exert any influence on organizational effectiveness? In

an attempt to answer the above quoted questions, the article’s objective has been defined

as a discussion on the interdependencies perceived by managers between an environment’s

dimensions of stability/changeability and friendliness/unfriendliness (analysed in terms of

institutional categories) and the organizational effectiveness of Polish enterprises.

The managers evaluated the legal environment as the least stable. In their opinion, that

milieu was also more intimidating than friendly. Concurrently, a technological environment

was perceived by the respondents as the most stable and favourable. The results of the

effected research allow forming a conclusion concerning the existing correlation between

the friendliness and stability of particular categories of an environment, at the same time

pointing out to the occurrence of correlations between stability/changeability and friendliness/

unfriendliness of some categories of an environment and the organizational effectiveness

of the examined enterprises.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł Chudziński
Szymon Cyfert


W artykule omówiono metodę Konferencji Grupy Rodzinnej, która została wprowadzona na grunt polski przed dziesięciu laty przez J. Przepierskiego. Metoda przedstawiona jest w kontekście historycznym, jej założeń teoretycznych, szczególnych walorów praktycznych, uzasadniających zastosowanie w pracy z rodziną w sytuacji kryzysowej, oraz utrudnień, które stanowią przeszkodę w jej stosowaniu.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Barbara Kromolicka


The purpose of this study is to analyse the use of agricultural land on the territory of united communities and their individual districts of Zhytomyr region as the smallest units of the administrative territorial division of Ukraine. The relevance of this study, due to current changes in national land relations, dictates the need to have information about agricultural lands, their owners, tenants and the lands status for planning agricultural production, the land-leases development, sale of land. The analysis of land use was carried out according to the following indicators: location of land plots of all owners within the community district and the whole community; their area; monetary evaluation; status of documents for each land plot, in particular the availability of lease, land cultivation presence. The initial data of the researches is the data of the state land cadastre database, and data of the real property rights register, both in general access and in need of special access. As a result of the research there were defined areas and location of lands of some landowners, who leased their lands and areas of lands not leased, also there were defined areas of lands, used illegally, without any documents on land use, defined areas of lands, used or owned by agricultural producers (farms, physical persons, legal entities). A cartographic core was created for the purpose of convenient planning of agricultural land use and land management within selected districts on the territory of the community.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Oksana Drebot
Olena Zubova
Halyna Khant
Vitalii Hurelia
Nadiya Sknypa

  1. Polissia National University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine
  2. Luhansk National Agrarian University, Slavyansk, Ukraine


The goal of this article is to discuss dynamics hindering women's career in managerial roles of Polish comprehensive universities. Although female academics outnumber their male peers, they remain underrepresented in the management at universities. In the last 30 years, only 2 women held a position of rector. In this article, we analyse the reasons for this phenomenon on the basis of qualitative research performed with the use of individual in-depth interviews, preceded by the analysis of career advancement of individual women. The research has been carried out on a group of 15 women, which currently occupy position of vice-rector or have had position of rector in the past. The results of the analysis show that occupying a position of vice-rector is a key factor determining the chance to obtain a position of rector. This stage of the career helps to consolidate the chosen professional role in the organisation (3 main roles were recognised: expert, researcher and activist). Depending on the type, these roles give greater or lesser opportunities for self-identification in the position of a leader, for adapting to collegial culture of university and as a consequence becoming a rector.

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Anna Pokorska


The Author discusses the present state of Polish geography against the background of the traditional position, and the rapid development taking place after the Second World War. The introduction of new methods and new directions, as well as new organization are considered to have been reflected in the rising international position of Polish geography. Further topics here include the relationship between physical and human geography, the growing de facto separation of these two branches, and the development of several independent sciences rooted in geography but now existing apart from it (like geomorphology, climatology, hydrology, etc. on the physical geography side, with the element of the environment as a subject of study). On the other hand, social economic geography examines the effects of human activity in the environment, thereby synthesizing spatial management and bridging the gap between the earth sciences, the economy and the social sciences. The degradation of environmental resources, explosion of the human population and climate change have all forced geography (and other sciences) to head in the global direction, as well as towards interdisciplinary cooperation, likewise on the level of the world as a whole. If we are to meet the challenges this all entails, we will need to think about creating interdisciplinary problem teams, as well as activating existing organisational structures in science (notably the geographical sciences), with full benefit taken from research centres that run studies on differing spatial scales, in conjunction with international global programmes like the Future Earth. The geography of the future should not be a closed science, but should draw on the knowledge of scholars of various specialisations, seeking environmental solutions that require intervention on both the global and regional scales. Polish geography should participate in this activity, inter alia as part of Future Earth, as a new venture. It can also be regarded as our task to ensure that society is aware of all the above issues.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Leszek Starkel


The purpose of drumlin formation is to facilitate glacier flow. Drumlins form in a deforming layer between ice and ground, they produce a pimpled ground surface which causes less drag in the flowing system, after the fashion of the Prandtl effect which reduces boundary layer detachment (as in the flying golf ball). This pimpled surface has selforganising properties and this causes the development of a low drag situation. The drumlin field is the critical phenomenon; the formation of individual drumlins is a small part of the overall effect.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ian J. Smalley
Ping Lu
Ian F. Jefferson


The article presents the results of research on the level of work safety culture, which is an important element influencing the organisational culture in mining enterprises. The article aims to measure the safety culture among managers in Polish hard coal mines. The assumed goal was achieved in the area of literature and empirical research. Research shows that the precise identification of hazards defined the thematic areas shaping safe working conditions in underground mines. The main part of the work was to survey 135 employees in 3 hard coal companies in Poland. The questionnaires were developed in cooperation with mining experts, and the 5-point Likert scale was used to evaluate individual questions. This methodological approach identified the subjective feelings and experiences of employees for building appropriate attitudes and behaviours that shape the organisational culture. The use of a culture grid enabled the creation of seven thematic groups of safety areas related to the so-called referents of organisational culture. The result of the empirical research is to propose an approach for the transformation of safety culture in the selected area for mining companies. The approach uses the organisational culture grid to shape the attitudes and behaviours of employees, which identifies and designates weak areas, defining them as unsatisfactory and unacceptable, and being the key conclusion of the research.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mariusz Kapusta
Patrycja Bąk
Marta Sukiennik

  1. AGH University of Krakow, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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Biblioteka Rady Miasta Gdańska początkowo zarządzana była przez Collegium Scholarchale – organ władz miejskich odpowiedzialny za nadzór nad gdańskimi szkołami. Od lat pięćdziesiątych XVII wieku jeden z członków Kolegium obejmował prestiżowe stanowisko protobibliotekarza, czyli opiekuna gdańskiej książnicy. Przez następne półtora wieku najznamienitsi członkowie miejskiego patrycjatu podejmowali się tego obowiązku, w większym lub mniejszym stopniu dbając o powierzoną im instytucję. Niektórzy ograniczali swoją pracę jedynie do nadzorowania zakupu książek, inni z kolei angażowali się w poprawianie warunków działalności Biblioteki – poprzez zdobywanie dodatkowych funduszy, planowanie i nadzorowanie remontów, czy też opracowywanie katalogu zbiorów. W artykule zostały przedstawione sylwetki kolejnych dziewiętnastu protobibliotekarzy oraz – przede wszystkim – umiejscowienie stanowiska kuratora Biblioteki w ich cursus honorum. Wskazano również, jakim wykształceniem i doświadczeniem należało się legitymować, aby zostać mianowanym na to stanowisko.
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Index librorum qui ex donatione, munificentia et liberalitate philomusorum Bibliothecae Magnifici et Amplissimi Senatus Gedanensis inserti sunt, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, sygn. Cat. Bibl. 1.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maria Michalska

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk

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