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Using Scopus and Web of Science databases we identified the Polish scientists with the highest number of publications, citations, and h-index in the field of pharmacy, pharmacology, and physiology. 148 such researchers were identified and then assigned to the research units in which they are employed. 31 such units were identified and analyzed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Pilc
1 2
Włodzimierz Buczko

  1. Instytut Farmakologii im. J. Maja PAN
  2. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Collegium Medicum
  3. Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa, Suwałki


The paper considers a particular case of onomastic motivation, providing examples of the use of the adjective tani ‘cheap’ in the creation of pharmacy names in Poland (e.g. Tanie Leki ‘cheap medicines’, Tania Apteka ‘cheap pharmacy’). This Polish word is frequently used in marketing, both as an element of company names and marketing slogans. In many instances tani constitutes part of a complex pharmacy name, e.g.: Całotygodniowa Apteka Familijna — Tylko Tanie Leki, Super Tania Apteka im. Zawiszy Czarnego, Centrum Tanich Leków — Apteka św. Barbary. On the basis of judgments from Polish administrative courts, the article discusses the question of the distinction or lack of one between advertisements and proper names. The significant fact is that the Pharmaceutical Law has prohibited the advertising of the operations of pharmacies since 2012 and, as a result, the use of names with the component tani was found to be in violation of the provision. In response to this, the owners of stores have argued that the proper name refers to the object alone, having no literal meaning. The controversial phrases were used to create legal names which are placed on signboards and in announcements. The paper focuses on a more general problem: chrematonyms and appellative lexis can hardly be distinguished due to their persuasive and marketing value.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mirosława Sagan-Bielawa


Correct diagnosis and appropriate selection of pharmacotherapy will not upgrade patient’s health if the drug is not available in the pharmacy. Pharmaceutical supply chain breakdown may occur due to epidemiological or political reasons. Then, the finished drug form factories located in Poland will not secure the drug supply. Thus, cooperation of the scientific community with the pharmaceutical and chemical industries is necessary to boost the domestic manufacturing of active pharmaceutical substances and substrates. Due to number of substances needed, the scale of national demand and the investments, the problem needs to be solved at European level. The Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe is an important guidance in this regard. The aim of our paper is to review the current state, indicate solutions and initiate a discussion on the development of the synthesis of active pharmaceutical substances in Poland. We focused on small-molecular compounds, the national perspective and the relationship between the synthesis of active substances and protection of the natural environment. Point actions for investments in infrastructure as well as research and development are not enough. Thus, we propose to create a system supporting synthesis of active pharmaceutical substances in Poland.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grzegorz Grynkiewicz
Renata Jachowicz
Krzysztof Kopeć
Anna Krause
Wojciech Kuźmierkiewicz
Janina Lulek
Beata Maciejewska
Rafał Moszczyński-Petkowski
Janusz Rachoń
Piotr J. Rudzki

  1. Komisja ds. Współpracy z Otoczeniem Gospodarczym przy Komitecie Terapii i Nauk o Leku Polskiej Akademii Nauk


The article discusses the efforts of Polish women to be admitted to pharmaceutical studies and to obtain the right to practice as a pharmacist. Based on the published memoirs of one of the first three students of the Pharmaceutical Department of the Jagiellonian University Jadwiga Klemensiewiczowa nee Sikorski ( Przebojem ku wiedzy) and the world's first owner of a female pharmacy Antonina Leśniewska ( Po neprotorennoj doroge) the struggle of pharmacy pioneers in the fight for equality and professional emancipation was presented. There was also mention of a precedent on a global scale, i.e. obtaining a master's degree in pharmacy by the sisters Konstancja and Florentyna Studziński who were the first women in Europe to do so before the gates of the Galician university were opened to women. Stanisława Dowgiałłówna and Janina Kosmowska were also among the first Polish pharmacists, who practiced this profession.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dorota Pietrzkiewicz

  1. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

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