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Perovskite solar cells represent the biggest breakthrough in photovoltaics in decades, bringing a chance for affordable and widely available green energy. They are suitable in areas where silicon cells have fallen short.
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Olaf Szewczyk

  1. Saule Technologies in Warsaw
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The discovery story of photovoltaic cells is entirely typical. Chance played a role in it, and before it went to the average user, it first served the army. In addition, as with the discovery of electricity, there are many scientists and more than 100 years of technological development behind how modern photovoltaic cells and solar panels work. The first photovoltaic panels were able to power, at most, a radio. Today their power allows for the production of energy for the entire household. Technology is continuously developing, and the hence achieved efficiency keeps growing. Modern silicon solar cells of large photovoltaic farms power thousands of buildings, and this installation can be seen more and more often. This article describes the development of the use of solar energy since ancient times and the comprehensive history of the invention of the photovoltaic cell, starting with the discovery of the photoelectric effect by Edmond Becquerel in 1839 to the achievement of nearly 50% efficiency under laboratory conditions. The advances in photovoltaic cell efficiency and the price of energy production per watt over the years are also shown. Examples of the first applications of photovoltaics are given, and profiles of figures who contributed to the development of solar technology are introduced. The considerable influence of Polish scientists on the development of the photovoltaic cell is also highlighted. Without them, this method of obtaining energy would perhaps not be at high levelh level today.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Starowicz
Paulina Rusanowska
Marcin Zieliński

  1. Environmental Engineering, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
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The main objective of this article is to assess the legitimacy of using different tracking systems applied to the photovoltaic panels, for the city of Wroclaw (Poland), using 2 numerical tools: the CM SAF (Climate Monitoring Satellite Application Facility) and PVGIS (Photovoltaic Geographical Information System). In order to identify the solar irradiation, the CM-SAF database (based on the measurements of MFG – Meteosat First Generation – and MSG – Meteosat Second Generation – satellites) was utilised, while the PVGIS (Photovoltaic Geographical Information System) – to calculate the energy yield from PV panels. Particular attention was given to the optimisation of the annual tilt angle and the determination of the energy benefits from the implementation of the various sun tracking systems. Conducted studies showed that up to 30% more electricity yearly can be yielded after the replacement of PV cells with optimally fixed both azimuth and tilt angles by the 2-axis tracking system (179 kWh/m2 instead of 138 kWh/m2). Moreover, by the adequate decreasing of tilt angles in the summer time or obtaining the most favourable local solar exposure conditions, the supply curve of PV units may be significantly flattened, which may be beneficial when energy storage systems have low capacities.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Cholewiński
Jean-Marc Fąfara

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Department of Cryogenics and Aviation Engineering, Poland
  2. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Department of Energy Conversion Engineering, Poland
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In pursuit of increased efficiency and longer operating times of photovoltaic systems, one may encounter numerous difficulties in the form of defects that occur in both individual solar cells and whole modules. The causes of the occurrence range from structural defects to damage during assembly or, finally, wear and tear of the material due to operation. This article provides an overview of modern imaging methods used to detect various types of defects found in photovoltaic cells and panels. The first part reviews typical defects. The second part of the paper reviews imaging methods with examples of the authors’ own test results. The article concludes with recommendations and tables that provide a kind of comprehensive guide to the methods described, depending on the type of defects detected, the range of applicability, etc. The authors also shared their speculations on current trends and the possible path for further development and research in the field of solar cell defect analysis using imaging.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maurycy Maziuk
Laura Jasińska
Jarosław Domaradzki
Paweł Chodasewicz

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Electronic, Photonics and Microsystems, Department ofElectronic and Photonic Metrology, Division of Thin Film Technologies, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław,Poland
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Three low molecular weight compounds bearing carbazole units (1,6-di{3-[2-(4-methylphenyl)vinyl]carbazol-9-yl}hexane and 9,9'-di{6-[3-(2-(4-methylphenyl)vinyl)-9-carbazol-9-yl]hexyl}-[3,3']bicarbazole) and phenoxazine structure (10-butyl-3,7-diphenylphenoxazine) were tested as hole-transporting materials in perovskite solar cells. Two of them were successfully applied as hole transporting layers in electroluminescent light emitted diodes. The examined compounds were high-thermally stable with decomposition temperature found at the range of 280–419 °C. Additionally, DSC measurement revealed that they can be converted into amorphous materials. The compounds possess adequate ionization potentials, to perovskite energy levels, being in the range of 5.15–5.36  eV. The significant increase in power conversion efficiency from 1.60% in the case of a device without hole-transporting layer, to 5.31% for device with 1,6-di{3-[2-(4-methylphenyl)vinyl]carbazol-9- yl}hexane was observed.

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Authors and Affiliations

K. Gawlińska-Nęcek
Zbigniew Starowicz
D. Tavgeniene
G. Krucaite
S. Grigalevicius
Ewa Schab-Balcerzak
M. Lipiński
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The paper presents the results of research on commercial photovoltaic cells made of crystalline silicon. In particular, the focus was on the description of the elaborated by the authors measuring system with measurements methodology used for assessment of the influence of temperature on spectral characteristics of the tested cells, describing the dependence of the current sensitivity (spectral response, responsivity) and the external quantum efficiency on the wavelength of optical radiation. The investigations carried out in the proposed test system made it possible to evaluate the properties of the cells in the conditions similar to the operating conditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Dąbrowski
Łukasz Buchert
Janusz Zarębski

  1. Gdynia Maritime University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electronics, ul. Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
  2. Gdynia Maritime University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electronics, ul. Morska 81-87,81-225 Gdynia, Poland
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The presented distributed photovoltaic system is made of divided into individual modules photovoltaic panel, consisting of several photovoltaic cells properly connected and coupling them with low-power DC / DC converters. The essence of the research is to increase the reliability of the system and the resultant efficiency of the entire system, so that it is possible to convert solar radiation energy into electricity with the greatest efficiency. The article focuses on the presentation of the implementation and tests of the overriding control algorithm, the task of which is to provide full functionality for a distributed photovoltaic system. The control is designed to minimize the negative effects of shadows on the operation of the photovoltaic system and conduct self-diagnostics. The conclusion for the carried out work is the formulation of hardware and interface requirements for the further development of the project.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Świderski
Amadeusz Gąsiorek

  1. Faculty of Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Poland

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