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The academic community was and still is a community of scholars taking various positions. Problematic was and still is the changing of ways we set these positions in both, in relation to a long lasting academic tradition and in a much shorter period of academic activity of particular scholars. Some of these ways did show in a greater extent its own usability and some in lesser. In these remarks I make the attempt to point out those who did work out well and in some way still do and which ones should be history by now. However it is not all. Relatively recently ways of positioning of scholars occurred that are in some perspectives innovative and widely applied (also in Poland). Nevertheless they do have in the academic millieu its followers and radical opponents. The bibliometric positioning of scholars is one of those ways.
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Abelard P. (1952), Historia moich niedoli, Warszawa: PIW.
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Brzeziński J. (2015), Jeżeli oceniać (jednostki naukowe i badawcze), to JAK oceniać? Przeciwko IF, a za peer review, Nowotwory Journal of Oncology, t. 65, nr 6, s. 476–480.
Crombie A.C. (1960), Nauka średniowieczna i początki nauki nowożytnej, t. II, Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy PAX.
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Zbigniew Drozdowicz

  1. Instytut Kulturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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The main focus of the paper is on the asymptotic behaviour of linear discrete-time positive systems. Emphasis is on highlighting the relationship between asymptotic stability and the structure of the system, and to expose the relationship between null-controllability and asymptotic stability. Results are presented for both time-invariant and time-variant systems.

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G. James
V. Rumchev
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The stability of positive linear continuous-time and discrete-time systems is analyzed by the use of the decomposition of the state matrices into symmetrical and antisymmetrical parts. It is shown that: 1) The state Metzler matrix of positive continuous-time linear system is Hurwitz if and only if its symmetrical part is Hurwitz; 2) The state matrix of positive linear discrete-time system is Schur if and only if its symmetrical part is Hurwitz. These results are extended to inverse matrices of the state matrices of the positive linear systems.

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T. Kaczorek
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The global (absolute) stability of nonlinear systems with negative feedbacks and positive descriptor linear parts is addressed. Transfer matrices of positive descriptor linear systems are analyzed. The characteristics u = f(e) of the nonlinear parts satisfy the condition
ke  ≤ f(e) ≤ ke for some positive k, k. It is shown that the nonlinear feedback systems are globally asymptotically stable if the Nyquist plots of the positive descriptor linear parts are located in the right-hand side of the circles (–¹/k₁,  –¹/k₂).

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T. Kaczorek
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The positive asymptotically stable continuous-time linear systems are approximated by corresponding asymptotically stable discrete-time linear systems. Two methods of the approximation are presented and the comparison of the methods is addressed. The considerations are illustrated by three numerical examples and an example of positive electrical circuit.

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Tadeusz Kaczorek
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2D position error in the Global Positioning System (GPS) depends on the Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP) and User Equivalent Range Error UERE. The non-dimensional HDOP coefficient, determining the influence of satellite distribution on the positioning accuracy, can be calculated exactly for a given moment in time. However, the UERE value is a magnitude variable in time, especially due to errors in radio propagation (ionosphere and troposphere effects) and it cannot be precisely predicted. The variability of the UERE causes the actual measurements (despite an exact theoretical mathematical correlation between the HDOP value and the position error) to indicate that position errors differ for the same HDOP value.
The aim of this article is to determine the relation between the GPS position error and the HDOP value. It is possible only statistically, based on an analysis of an exceptionally large measurement sample. To this end, measurement results of a 10-day GPS measurement campaign (900,000 fixes) have been used. For HDOP values (in the range of 0.6–1.8), position errors were recorded and analysed to determine the statistical distribution of GPS position errors corresponding to various HDOP values.
The experimental study and statistical analyses showed that the most common HDOP values in the GPS system are magnitudes of: 0.7 (�� = 0•353) and 0.8 (�� = 0•432). Only 2.77% of fixes indicated an HDOP value larger than 1. Moreover, 95% of measurements featured a geometric coefficient of 0.973 – this is why it can be assumed that in optimal conditions (without local terrain obstacles), the GPS system is capable of providing values of HDOP ≤ 1, with a probability greater than 95% (2��). Obtaining a low HDOP value, which results in a low GPS position error value, calls for providing a high mean number of satellites (12 or more) and low variability in their number.
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Mariusz Specht

  1. Department of Transport and Logistics, Gdynia Maritime University, Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
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Accurate prediction of blasting vibration should be achieved in mine blasting production practice. It is also a critical problem in the field of blasting vibration control technology research. In this research paper, on the basis of the previous research results and taking account into the reflection principle of elastic wave at the free interface, the authours proposes the blasting seismic wave propagation model. In addition, the blasting positive elevation effect are theoretically explained in detail, and the vibration velocity prediction formula of the positive elevation effect is derived. Finally, the positive elevation effect mechanism and the step (positive) formula are calibrated based on the on-site monitoring data of blasting vibration of Qipanjing Jinou coal mine. In beirf, a theoretical basis is laid by this paper for similar blasting projects.
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X.J. Zhang
H.M. An

  1. School of Civil and Resource Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
  2. Kunming University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Public Security and Emergency Management, 650093, Kunming, China
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In this work, a novel perspective is proposed to develop schematics solutions for electro-hydraulic positioning actuators. The basis of the design approach has been established, which includes: a set of possible desired properties of actuators; a series of defined typical positioning methods; variants of schematic structures; a quantitative assessment method for specific properties based on influencing factors; the quantitative relationship between the structure and properties of actuators, as well as the method for overall evaluation of the actuator's performance based on the total score. The results obtained can serve as the basis for an effective design approach, which allows for reducing the number of iteration cycles while developing new electro-hydraulic positioning actuator schematic solutions.
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Qiang Li
Oleksandr Uzunov

  1. Department of Fluid Mechanics and Mechatronics, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
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The present study aimed to test how common workaholism is and which groups are most targeted in the workplace among Jordanian employees. Additionally, the roles of positive and negative perfectionism in workaholism were investigated. The sample consisted of 686 employees. All of them completed the study instruments. The results showed that the mean of workaholism was around the mean of the cut -off. Additionally, multivariate tests showed that the results of post hoc differences for positive perfectionism were in favor of males, subordinates, those with a bachelor’s degree, those with less than 5 years of experience, and those aged less than 30 years. Furthermore, the differences for negative perfectionism were in favor of those with a bachelor’s degree and subordinates. For workaholism, the differences were in favor of subordinates, public sector employees, married persons, and those with a diploma degree. Finally, the results of hierarchical regression analysis found that positive and negative perfectionism and some demographic variables predicted 12.9% of the variability in workaholism, and the typical hierarchical regression model included positive and negative perfectionism without other demographic variables.

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Basim Aldahadha
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A method of determination of drive functions of slewing of a mobile crane's upper structure is presented in the paper. The purpose of their determination is to reduce load oscillations at the end of the motion. Drive functions for selected angles and durations of slewing have been calculated using a simple model of the crane and dynamic optimisation. Drive functions for intermediate angles have been determined by means of interpolation. Res ul ts of numerical simulations executed for the model of the crane are presented, taking into consideration flexibilities and damping in the cranes subsystems. Results obtained for drive functions determined using optimisation and interpolation algorithms are compared. An attempt to determine sensitivity of load positioning to selected operating parameters is also presented. Introduction of the notion of a positioning quality coefficient is proposed.
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Andrzej Maczyński
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This paper reviews the key studies concerning GNSS positioning and applications conducted at leading Polish research institutions from 2019 until 2022. The review also constitutes a contribution to the national report of Poland for the International Union of Geodesy and Geodynamics (IUGG) presented at the 28th General Assembly of IUGG held in 2023 in Berlin, Germany. In particular, we discuss the advances in theory and applications of relative and absolute positioning, troposphere and ionosphere sounding, smartphone and low-cost GNSS data processing, and other specific studies such as those on satellite antenna calibration and clock stability. In light of these recent advances by the Polish scientific community, continuous progress in GNSS theory and processing algorithms is thought to be maintained in the future, and GNSS applications are expected to continue to proliferate.
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Jacek Paziewski
Tomasz Hadas
Witold Rohm
Paweł Wielgosz

  1. University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland
  2. Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland
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The term positive psychology has recently entered the field of Second Language Acquisition. The article explains the meaning of the term, presents the definitions of positive psychology, its objectives and history. The key part of the article demonstrates the importance of positive psychology in the second language acquisition presenting many connections between the two fields. The author recommends that positive education is introduced in every school and every foreign language classroom.

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Katarzyna Budzińska
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Tadeusz Kaczorek
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A new method for computation of positive realizations of given transfer matrices of fractional linear continuous-time linear systems is proposed. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of positive realizations of transfer matrices are given. A procedure for computation of the positive realizations is proposed and illustrated by examples.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Kaczorek
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It is shown that 2(n + 1) is the upper bound for the reachability index of the n-order positive 2D general models.

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T. Kaczorek
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A new notion of a realization of transfer matrix of (P;Q; V)-cone-system for discrete-time linear systems is proposed. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the realizations are established. A procedure is proposed for computation of a realization of a given proper transfer matrix T(z) of (P;Q; V)-cone-system. It is shown that there exists a realization of T(z) of (P;Q; V)-cone-system if and only if there exists a positive realization of T(z) = V T(z)Q!1, where V;Q and P are non-singular matrices generating the cones V;Q and P respectively.

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Authors and Affiliations

T. Kaczorek
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The concept of strong stability is extended for positive and compartmental linear systems. It is shown that: 1) the asymptotically stable positive and compartmental systems are strongly stable if the eigenvalues of the system matrix are distinct, 2) electrical circuits consisting of resistances, capacitances (inductances) and source voltages are strongly stable.

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T. Kaczorek
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New tests (criterions) for checking the reachability and the observability of positive linear-discrete-time systems are proposed. The tests do not need checking of rank conditions of the reachability and observability matrices of the systems. Simple sufficient conditions for the unreachability and unobservability of the systems are also established.

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T. Kaczorek
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A new class of positive fractional 2D hybrid linear systems is introduced. The solution of the hybrid system is derived. The classical Cayley-Hamilton theorem is extended for fractional 2D hybrid systems. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the positivity are established.

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T. Kaczorek
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A new concept (notion) of the practical stability of positive fractional discrete-time linear systems is introduced. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the practical stability of the positive fractional systems are established. It is shown that the positive fractional systems are practically unstable if corresponding standard positive fractional systems are asymptotically unstable.

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T. Kaczorek

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