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The purpose of this article is to show the contribution of fi lm in shaping of social imagination of Katyń crime in Poles’ minds. Author places described fi lms in the background of today’s knowledge.
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Tadeusz Lubelski
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Like all other regional daily newspapers founded by the ruling Polish United Workers' Party, the Kielce Słowo Ludu functioned as a source of authorized information and a tool for the mobilization of the 'masses'. An important date in the mobilization calendar was the recurring anniversary of the 22 July 1944 Manifesto, established as the state holiday of the People’s Republic of Poland. The coverage of the occasion soon turned into a set of repetitive formulas, as the ritual of national and regional celebrations, anniversary speeches by central and local figures, reports on the completion of important construction projects, the awarding of medals and decorations for outstanding work performance was rolled out year in year out. The importance of the date was marked further by the release of occasional publications whose language, however, could not rise above the repetitive, dreary clichés of the regular press. Their titles said it all, as for example 'The Origins of the People's Republic', 'Difficult Beginnings and Great Achievements; so did the secondary headlines, as in the condensed 'yesterday and today', or the giveaway 'Working- Class Characters through the Prism of Their Own Experiences: Happy Lives'. The message communicated by all of those representations could not have been simpler.
Their recipients were to be reassured that in their postwar world everything was getting better, the hard‑working people got credit for their effort and the country was on the right track.
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Anita Młynarczyk- Tomczyk

  1. Zakład Historii XX i XXI wieku Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach ul. Uniwersytecka 17 PL 25-406 Kielce
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This article contains an analysis of the issues of cultural transfer during the First World War in the areas occupied by the Central Powers and the territories affected by the war. The German propaganda institutions that emerged after August 1914 functioned, somewhat contrary to initial intentions, as a network for transnational exchanges and were used by publishers, translators, writers, and other actors in the cultural sphere of the time. On the basis of archival research, the author advances several ideas on, respectively, culturalmobility in the years 1914–1918, cultural propaganda in the period of the First World War as the prehistory (and not the antithesis) of later cultural policy, and the role of cultural propaganda/cultural policy in research into literary transfers.

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Paweł Zajas
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The action of Vladimir Khotinenko’s 1612 (2007) takes place in Time of Troubles (1605-1613). Polish hetman’s love affair with Tsarevna is shown in the context of the fi ght for power. Various genre patterns, among others the melodrama code. The historical myths serving the contemporary national propaganda. 1612 allows us to see how Russians use the pop culture to create the myths combining the history with the contemporary political needs.
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Grażyna Stachówna
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The author refers to Roland Barthes’s early concept of mythology in analyzing the films of Jerzy Kawalerowicz, one of the most outstanding Polish directors of the twentieth century. He interprets three of Kawalerowicz’s films, Pociąg [Night Train], Matka Joanna od Aniołów [Mother Joan of the Angels] and Faraon [Pharoah], which are read in the mythological register and in the political context. First the statements of the director in regard to each film are presented, then the judgments of film critics are provided, and finally the author gives his own interpretation. Night Train is shown as a film addressing the wrongs of the Stalinist era, and the problem of a totalitarian state. Mother Joanne of the Angels questions the sense of ideology in a totalitarian world, and is partially the director’s search for political identity, while Pharoah is a look at the post-October reformers and the reasons for their failure. Pharoah also provides a new vision of the state.

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Mateusz Nieć
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The paper discusses Jerzy Passendorfer’s Day of Exculpation as movie about Polish-Soviet brotherhood of arms. By learning the history of its production and comparing various versions of its screenplay, shooting script and the fi lm itself one can see contexts and ways of creating an image of Polish-Soviet relations.
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Piotr Zwierzchowski
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The Polish-language press in occupied Poland was fully controlled by the German authorities of the so-called General Government. Nowhere was its function as a propaganda tool more crass than in its coverage of events like the death of General Władysław Sikorski, commander-in-chief of the Polish Army and Prime Minister of the Polish government-in-exile in an air crash off Gibraltar. All news reports and commentaries pushed the idea that it was an assassination organized by the British and the Soviets. The article argues that as in other cases the Germans with their allegations and manipulation made the most of the story of Sikorski's death to utterly discredit the allies in the eyes of the Poles.
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„7 dni” „Biuletyn Informacyjny”
„Dziennik Radomski”
„Gazeta Lwowska”
„Goniec Krakowski”
„Ilustrowany Kurjer Polski”
„Kurier Kielecki”
„Nowy Kurier Warszawski”


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Wojciech Grott

  1. Muzeum II Wojny Światowej w Gdańsku, pl. Władysława Bartoszewskiego 1, PL 80-862 Gdańsk
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This article tries to bring more clarity to the issue of media control by the Polish communist party, and in particu-lar identify the institutions, political bodies and politicians who exercised various degrees of control over the press, radio and television in the first half of the 1970. An analysis of various kinds of records and data indi-cates that the day-to-day business of setting the party line for the media was in the hands of propaganda de-partments at the level of the Central Committee. In 1972 they were merged into a single Department of Propa-‑ganda, Press and Publications, headed by Jerzy Łukaszewicz, member of the CC Secretariat, and overseen by Jan Szydlak, member of the Poliburo.
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Jacek Wojsław

  1. Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Gdański, ul. Bażyńskiego 4, PL 80-952 Gdańsk
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Asst. Prof. Piotr Osęka from the PAS Institute of Political Studies explains what groups are being depicted as enemies in the eyes of the Poles and what purposes such propaganda serves.

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Piotr Osęka
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Words and images of the Republic: Italian political propaganda (1946–1948) – The article intends to highlight how the transition from monarchy to republic represents a significant boundary in Italian history not only from the institutional point of view but also from that of national political propaganda, in which words and images – the expression of a harsh ideological confrontation – contributed to the building of a national collective memory of which there are still evident and rooted traces in current political confrontation.

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Fabio Caffarena
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The book outlines the artistic events accompanying the large sports events in 1928: the 9th Olympic Games in Amsterdam and the 1st Summer Spartakiad in Moskow and 2nd Summer Spartakiad planned in Prague, which, however, was cancelled. The organization, character, and cultural influence of these events are outlined, while selected works of art connected to these events are analysed in meticulous detail. The author points out the general differences between the Olympic Games and the Spartakiads both in the approach to sports events, and the accompanying artistic events. The Olympic Games stressed the individualistic approach to art and creative work, and encouraged international competition. The Spartakiads were aiming at collective approach to both art and sports, which were seen not as competition between nations, but a collective effort of the Proletariat.

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Helena Postawka-Lech
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This paper discusses the linguistic features of political propaganda in the Polish newspaper “Trybuna Radziecka”, which was published in Moscow in 1927–1938 and edited by Polish left-intelligentsia, living in USRR as political émigrés in the interwar period. “Trybuna Radziecka” as the other Polish newspapers published in Soviet Russia was a part of the Soviet press. It entirely depended on Soviet authorities. Its language reflected the Soviet Russian language and was an example of political jargon typical for all communist newspapers of the interwar period.

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Tamara Graczykowska
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The aim of this paper is a scientific reflection on the issue of Donbas identity, Donbas mythology and historical memory, and to examine how these categories works in contemporary Ukrainian literature. The analysed literary works, on the one hand, show the economic and mental breakdown of the region (Serhiy Zhadan), and on the other hand, they allow us to hope that thanks to the process of self-reflection, it is possible to construct an identity of the inhabitants of Donbas correlated with the Ukrainian national identity (Oleksiy Chupa). Contemporary Ukrainian literature also indicates efforts to create their own Donbas mythology, independent of Russian patterns, which may become part of the Ukrainian nation-building mythology (Lubov Yakymchuk).
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Albert Nowacki

  1. Lublin, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
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Równolegle z podbojem Polski doszło do załamania istniejącego systemu informacyjnego na ziemiach II Rzeczypospolitej. Niemiecki okupant zezwolił na istnienie polskojęzycznych gazet niemal wyłącznie w centrum i na południu kraju — obszarze nazwanym z końcem października Generalnym Gubernatorstwem dla okupowanych ziem polskich. W okresie przejścio-wym, tj. we wrześniu i październiku 1939 r., ukazywała się prasa w języku polskim niewpisująca się w pełni w tryb machiny niemieckiej propagandy. Jedną z takich gazet był „Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny”, którego kontynuację zarządzili Niemcy. Na łamach pisma informowano o bieżących wydarzeniach związanych ze sprawą polską.
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Wojciech Grott

  1. Muzeum II Wojny Światowej w Gdańsku
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From its inception in 1958, the tourist and educational magazine “Poznaj Swój Kraj” [Discover Your Country] was never free from propaganda. Materials of this kind were usually included to mark congresses of the ruling Polish United Workers’ Party or national and state holidays. The official propaganda of success reached its climax in the 1970s. After 1981 eulogies of the socialism system receded and the focus of attention turned to tensions between industrial development and conservation.
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Michał Rogoż
Agnieszka Strzałka

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków
  2. Instytut Filologii Angielskiej, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Karmelicka 41, PL 30-128 Kraków
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This article discusses the anti-Czech plebiscite propa-ganda in the press of Cieszyn Silesia (Těšínské Slezsko), focusing on the successive issues of the Republika, a local Polish-language weekly, published between January and May 1920. The analysis shows that Republika's radical language and multiple articles aimed at discrediting Czechoslovakia and the Czech nation turned it into a potent instruments of pro-Polish agitation on the eve of the plebiscite (which was eventually cancelled).
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Tomasz Landmann

  1. Wydział Logistyki i Transportu Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu ul. Sołtysowicka 19B PL 51-168 Wrocław
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This paper traces the interconnection of Soviet ideology and development of the ponyatiye term (понятие, Rus., back translation – concept) in the humanitarian sciences of the USSR, particularly in Soviet linguistics of the 20th century. Analyzing scientific literature of the Soviet epoch, as well as works written by the Marxist-Leninist founding fathers, the author demonstrates that interpretation of the term was limited by the theory of dialectic materialism and the ideological needs of an authoritative socio-political system. This system was interested in denying the capacity of language to participate in the construction of concepts and deprive the mind of critical attention. It was objectionable also to declare the subjectivity and variability of the categorization process because it was not allowed to question the monopoly of dominant ideological beliefs and the efficiency of Soviet propaganda. At the same time, in American and European cognitive linguistics scholars were forming a new theory of categorization and gradually reinterpreting the notion of concept which, as well as ponyatiye, is used to denote the results of categorization. Its subjective variability, interference with sensory images and capacity to be constructed was accepted. There are reasons to assert that the term понятие did not undergo the same transformation as the term concept in the English linguistic tradition because of the ideological restrictions. It was the term kontsept (концепт, Rus., back translation – concept) that absorbed features which were rejected by the term ponyatiye because of dialectic materialism. This new term came into Soviet and post-Soviet linguistics at exactly the time of the collapse of the USSR and the decline of Marxist ideology. In the author’s opinion, this coincidence in chronology is indirect proof of the conclusion that ideological factors affected the term ponyatiye in Soviet and Russian linguistics.
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Hanna Chernenko

  1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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