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Słowa kluczowe stereotypes women in science


Sylwia Bedyńska, PhD, from the Institute of General Psychology at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, explains how negative stereotypes affect gifted women and their education choices.

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Sylwia Bedyńska


The aim of the article is to analyze literary images of women who had an impact on the history of Poland in the historical novel Gambit hetmański (2014), written by Robert Foryś. This type of fiction is a popular variety of the genre, its main theme is the conflict between political factions fighting for power. The leaders of the factions are women. The article focus on the answer to the question: whether Foryś creating scandalous portraits of women who reach for power is a threat or a chance for them to recall and preserve their presence in history.

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Matylda Zatorska


Based upon the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, according to which language influences thought, we may affirm how social stereotypes remain bound by stereotyped usages of language. Hence, speaking is never neutral as it is underpinned by a way of thinking, of communicating, of being. The sexist usage of language encapsulates a function of emphasis at the semantic level and an obscuring function in morphological terms. We thus question what sexism in language means in order to inquire as to how the ways we make use of language may influence our ways of thinking and, consequently, our ways of acting.

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Debora Ricci


The COVID-19 pandemic, and pandemics in general, affect socioeconomically disadvantaged people more severely. This is due not only to their precarious living, health, and working conditions, but also to public actions and omissions. However, their plight remains mostly invisible to the public, governments, and legislators, which raises many questions regarding respect of their fundamental rights. In this contribution, I explore these questions in light of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). On the basis of the corpus of literature in the field and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) case law, I show that the Strasbourg Court has developed some protection for people in a precarious situation, especially under the prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment and the right to private and family life. This case law is likely to be relevant to the protection of socioeconomically underprivileged people during pandemics. However, this protection is limited and imbued with pitfalls. Against this background, I show that there is an urgent need for practitioners and courts to explore an additional tool under the ECHR: the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of socioeconomic status. This tool can be used to tackle issues of misrecognition which particularly affect socioeconomically underprivileged people, who are more severely affected by public actions and omissions in the context of the current pandemic.
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Sarah Ganty
1 2 3 4

  1. J.S.D. candidate, Yale Law School (USA)
  2. FWO Postdoctoral Fellow, Ghent University (Belgium)
  3. Visiting Professor, Central European University (Austria)
  4. Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis–Bruxelles (Belgium)


The situation of transsexual persons in Poland is not precisely known; there are only estimates determining the scale of the phenomenon. The lack of information fosters stereotypes and, not infrequently, injurious appraisal; fear of the unknown is also produced, and is gradually turning into widespread prejudice. A social analysis of the phenomenon of transsexuality is hampered by the predominance of the hetero-normative discourse, including in scholarly spheres. The basic issue addressed by the author is the acceptance of transsexual persons, viewed from the perspective of their own personal experiences. These observations concern both the sphere of personal life as well as functioning in the macro-social space (school, work, etc.). In each of these spheres, a change of gender produces complications with which transsexual persons must grapple as they strive to live in harmony with their psychologically intuited gender.

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Żaneta Krawczyk-Antońska


Celem badania było sprawdzenie, czy i jakie zmiany zaobserwować można w stosunku młodzieży wobec polityków odmiennej płci. W badaniu wzięło udział 929 osób (454 kobiety i 475 mężczyzn), w wieku od 18 do 25 lat, z wykształceniem średnim (uczniowie szkół maturalnych i studenci). Przeprowadzono serię eksperymentów, w których opisywano fikcyjnych kandydatów – kobietę i mężczyznę – na urząd prezydenta. Manipulowano zakresem informacji o politykach (płeć, afiliacja polityczna, pozytywne i negatywne charakterystyki moralności i kompetencji oraz programu po-litycznego). Zaobserwowano: (1) efekt faworyzacji polityka własnej płci w grupie badanych kobiet, (2) zniekształcenia w percepcji kobiety–polityka; kandydatka na prezydenta wzbudzała bardziej pozytywne albo negatywne ustosunkowania niż kandydat na prezydenta w warunkach prezentacji pozytywnych albo negatywnych charakterystyk.

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Urszula Jakubowska


Our aim was to test existing sex and age stereotypes related to emotional expressivity, gender and age. This was a complex analysis of facial expressions of all basic emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise) to everyday life stimuli observing a large sample (2,969 unique participants creating 39,694 recordings) using an Emotion Artificial Intelligence. Our data partially support emotion-specific stereotype that women express more affiliate emotions and men express more dominant emotions except for sadness. There were found correlations of emotion expression with age, however intensity and frequency of emotion expression did not follow the same pattern. Not eliminating the differences between men and women in the baseline facial appearance resulted in men expressing dominant emotions (anger and disgust) more intensively, and women expressing more affiliative emotions (happiness, fear, and surprise). To sum up, facial appearance can be one of the origins of the existing gender stereotypic socialisation stereotype.
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Mária Gablíková
Júlia Halamová

  1. Institute of Applied Psychology, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava


The topic of intra-European youth mobility has been under investigation for some time. This contribution discusses a particular youth migration, that of the children of immigrants who leave Italy to move to Northern Europe. What are the motivations behind this de facto migration? How much do discrimination processes count in the decision to move abroad and under what conditions and for what reasons do people leave Italy? This paper – based on my extensive qualitative research on young people of foreign origin, born and/or raised in Italy – discusses the opportunities and limits of these young people’s coping strategies in the face of difficulties in inclusion and entry into the labour market. It does this based on the broader research project, by taking into account the mobility ideas, drivers and relationships between mobile youth and their (ethnic or not) social networks.
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Roberta Ricucci

  1. University of Turin, Italy


The reviewed book was written basing on Piotr Szlanta’s habilitation thesis defended in 2015 at the University of Warsaw. It deals mainly with “the Polish question”, by describing the relations between Emperor Wilhelm II and his Polish subjects. The title deals with stereotypes of the Emperor and his Polish subjects, and its evolution during subsequent decades. Piotr Szlanta managed to grasp the ambiguous relation between these two sides. On the one hand, the Emperor sought for acceptance and recognition from the side of “his Poles”, on the other hand, he underlined on almost every occasion the historical role of Germans in civilising east territories and its inhabitants. The last attempt of gaining support of Poles towards his politics and himself was an attempt of creating “The Kingdom of Poland” in autumn 1916. Piotr Szlanta’s book, basing on a broad research in various archives managed to highlight this complicated chapter of Polish-German relations.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jens Boysen


The author highly appreciates the fi rst issue of the third volume of the fundamental “Dictionary of folk stereotypes and symbols” (ed. prof. E. Bartminsky), dedicated to the symbolism of plants. This issue presents rich materials (language, folklore, ethnographic) related to cereals, which in the popular perception have a mythological interpretation, the daily bread is God’s gift, endowed with sacred significance.

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Светлана М. Толстая


The next (and not yet the last) issue of the second volume Plants of the Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols, published in Lublin under the editorship of prof. E. Bartminsky and S. Niebrzegowska‑Bartminska, contains the topics Shrubs and Little bushes. The ethnolinguistic “portraits” of the plants are given at the broad Slavic and European background. Like the previous issues, it is a significant contribution to the study of Polish and Slavic folk culture. It also provides various material for linguistic studies of Polish and Slavic phytonymy thanks to a rich dialect corpus of plant names and related folklore and ethnographic contexts. Moreover, the Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols provides a new method of ethnolinguistic lexicography, which can be successfully applied to the study of other Slavic and non‐Slavic languages and cultural traditions.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Наталья Б. Корина

  1. Очередной выпуск Словаря народных стереотипов и символов


The next issue of the Dictionary of folk stereotypes and symbols, published in Lublin under the editorship of Prof. E. Bartminski, is dedicated to the theme Flowers. Unlike many types of plants, whose cultural semantics "superimpose" on their practical significance in human life, flowers have an almost exclusively symbolic function – they serve as a decoration of the home space and a means of marking persons and objects that perform special ceremonial roles.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Светлана М. Толстая


In the article, basing on quotes from Polish fi lms made after 1990, author reconstructs a linguistic picture of Russia and Russians. In all analysed fi lms, regardless of their artistic value, picture of our eastern neighbours is mostly simplifi ed and stereotypised. We observe “secondary stereotypisation of stereotype”. These actions are taken to strengthen autostereotype of Poland and Pole, they are used in national psychotherapy.
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Bogusław Skowronek


The paper focuses on artifact denominations – compound idiomatic phrases that encode the information on a person’s anthropometric characteristics (those of body, virtues, behavior, etc.) in artifact‑naming items (based on the Ukrainian, Polish and English languages). The study elaborates on the system of significative and denotative descriptors – two‑component entities that represent a metaphoric mapping of the source (significative descriptors) and target (denotative descriptors) domains. The significative descriptors are reduced to the classes of the artifact signifiers; among those are the classes of clothes, household articles, food, weapon, facilities, transport and symbols. The denotative descriptors represent the classes of the artifact signified; among those are the classes of a person’s social, value‑based and semiotic characteristics. The ultimate goal of the study is to characterize regular relations between the two classes of descriptors in the contrasted languages. The analysis provided in the paper proceeds from the assumption that any artifact‑naming process takes place on the basis of extended stereotyping – a cognitive mechanism that provides for the encoding of additional, complementary senses in artifact‑naming items. The study concludes that artifact‑naming processes in the Ukrainian, Polish and English languages respond to the communities’ demands for representing a person’s internal, spiritual world within the concept of external material objects (artifacts). The analysis reveals the tendency of artifact designations towards a social, axiological and semiotic conceptualization of a person’s artifact world.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Олег Деменчук

  1. Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет
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The aim of the study is a historical‑etymological and sociolinguistic analysis of the above designations. Тhe traditional Ukrainian demonym цигани is considered to be an ancient borrowing from Greek. Historical names in other Slavic languages have the same origin, while the less widely used Germanic names are presumably borrowed from Slavic or other (Hungarian or Italian) languages. Names like the English term Rom(any) have been known since the 19th century. The distribution of such names in Europe concerns primarily the political sphere and is explained by the social unacceptability of names such as the English term Gypsies given their negative connotations. The peculiarity of the nomination lies in the historical diversity of the names of this ethnic group in different languages, their semantic ambiguity, and characteristic secondary meanings. The historical experience of Ukrainian designations is evidenced by derivatives and figurative meanings of various, including those of a negative nature. Set expressions and paroemias (catch phrases, aphorisms etc) refer to the characteristic realities of Gypsy life and its specific features. The perception of the traditional Ukrainian name by some speakers is ambiguous, something that should be considered rather a social problem. It is caused, in particular, by ethnic stereotypes that are reflected in the language. The names циган and ром(а) are not lexical duplicates, though their meanings are quite similar. Роми and ромський are increasingly used in the media, although, it has not yet become a normative phenomenon. The use of synonyms when referring to words with a relative meaning cannot be a problem. Similarly, belonging to exonyms cannot be problematic, because the term does not contain anything negative. Therefore, there are insufficient grounds to speak of the necessity of using any designation other than the historically established one. However, the authorities and society itself have the right to choose freely.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Володимир Пономаренко

  1. Київ, Інститут мовознавства ім. О.О. Потебні НАН України
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The Kharkiv text of Ukrainian literature is examined for the first time from the point of view of a cross‑cultural analysis of the iconic work by H. Kvitka‑Osnovʹyanenko The Foundation of Kharkiv. The expediency for introducing this concept into academic circulation is argued for because of the traditional covering of Kharkiv and Sloboda Ukraine in literature, culture, and history. Substantiated are the conditions and specifics of the integral text about the city and the formation of identity under the influence of frontier psychology. Emphasized are the differences between the creation of national stereotypes and the birth of an independent worldview, and postcolonial experience.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Артур Малиновський

  1. Одеський національний університет ім. І.І. Мечникова


W artykule nakreślono możliwe reperkusje większej obecności przedstawicieli islamu w Europie na początku XXI stulecia. Odsetek ten wzrósł z 2% w 1950 r. do 6% w 2020. W recepcji nowej fali napływu muzułmanów na Stary Kontynent przedstawiono przewidywane konsekwencje. Rozważono zaistnienie dwu scenariuszy. Jednym z nich jest narastające wciąż przekonanie o zagrożeniu ze strony rozwijającej się w Europie populacji wyznawców islamu. Innym możliwym rozwiązaniem jest ich sukcesywna integracja. Dla obu wersji przedstawiono wyraźne przesłanki opierające się na znanych faktach, decyzjach społeczno-politycznych, ratyfikowanych umowach oraz deklaracjach decydentów. Podjęto dyskusję z pojawiającymi się stereotypami znamionującymi niechętne nastawienie do wzrastającej obecności islamu na Starym Kontynencie. Ukazano też wdrażane praktyki na rzecz integracji społeczności muzułmańskiej.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ks. Stanisław Jan Rabiej

  1. Uniwersytet Opolski
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The next three issues of the second volume “Plants” of the “Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols”, published in Lublin under the editorship of prof. E. Bartminsky, are devoted to the topics"Herbs","Fruit and coniferous trees",-"Deciduous trees". Like the previous issues, they are a valuable contribution to the study of Polish and Slavic folk culture, as well as to the development of such a complex discipline as ethnobotany. They also provide rich material for linguistic studies of Polish and Slavic phytonymy, since they contain a rich dialect corpus of plant names and related ethnographic and folklore contexts. But the important thing is that the Lublin dictionary gives researchers a new method of ethnolinguistic lexicography, which can be successfully applied to the study of other Slavic and non‑Slavic languages and cultural traditions.
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Acta Linguistica 2010 = „Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvisticheskikh issledovaniy RAN”, vol. 6, part 1: Etnobotanika: rasteniya v yazyke i kul'ture, eds. V.B. Kolosova, A.B. Ippolitova.
Acta Linguistica 2017 = „Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvisticheskikh issledovaniy RAN”, vol. 13, part 2: Etnobotanika: rasteniya v yazyke i kul'ture, eds. N.N. Кazanskiy, V.B. Kolosova.
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SSSL = Słownik stereotypów i symboli ludowych, koncepcja całości i redakcja: J. Bartmiński, t. 1. Kosmos, cz. 1: Niebo. Światła niebieskie. Ogień. Kamienie, 1996; cz. 2: Ziemia. Woda. Podziemie, 1999; cz. 3: Meteorologia, 2012; cz. 4: Świat. Światło. Metale, 2012; t. 2: Rośliny, cz. 1: Zboża, 2017; cz. 2: Warzywa. Przyprawy. Rośliny przemysłowe, 2018; cz. 3: Kwiaty, 2019; cz. 4: Zioła; 2020; cz. 5: Drzewa owocowe i iglaste, 2020; cz. 6: Drzewa liściaste, 2021, Lublin.
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Светлана М. Толстая

  1. Институт славяноведения РАН, Москва


Problem nierównowagi płci w polskiej nauce to wyraźny i szeroko udokumentowany fakt naukowy. Szczególnie niepokojąca sytuacja dotyczy małej liczby kobiet na stanowiskach kierowniczych w tzw. obszarze STEM (nauki ścisłe, technologia, inżynieria i matematyka), niemniej nierównowaga płci w zależności od dyscyplin i poziomu kariery naukowej dotyka również mężczyzn. Źródłem tej sytuacji, prowadzącej do moralnie nieakceptowalnego wykluczenia pewnych grup demograficznych i niewykorzystania pełnej puli intelektualnej społeczeństwa, są zarówno aspekty kulturowo-społeczne i związane z nimi uprzedzenia i dyskryminacja oraz instytucjonalne, w tym m.in. niskie i nierówne zarobki oraz szerokie wykorzystywanie anachronicznych modeli oceny doskonałości naukowej wykluczającej nietradycyjne ścieżki kariery i sposoby prowadzenia badań naukowych. W celu poszerzenia dialogu publicznego na temat nierównowagi płci w nauce w Polsce, w dniu 10.02.2023 Akademia Młodych Uczonych PAN wraz z Narodowym Centrum Nauki, Biurem Promocji Nauki PolSCA PAN w Brukseli oraz Centrum Badań nad Partycypacją Kobiet w Przestrzeni Publicznej UAM i w partnerstwie z fundacją L’Oreal, zorganizowała konferencję pt. „Doskonałość naukowa nie ma płci”. Wydarzenie to, w którym udział wzięli przedstawiciele i władze wielu organizacji środowiska naukowego w Polsce, zainaugurowało długofalowy program pod hasłem „Doskonałość naukowa nie ma płci” miało na celu zwrócenie uwagi na istniejące dysproporcje między płciami w nauce oraz potrzebę wypracowania metod, które pozwolą te dysproporcje zmniejszać.
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Marta Gmurek
1 2
Anna Kłos
1 3
Jacek Ł. Kolanowski
1 4

  1. Akademia Młodych Uczonych PAN
  2. Politechnika Łódzka
  3. Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna
  4. Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN

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