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Architecture seems to be a way of memorizing events, people, customs, thus becoming a storehouse of the past for the future, an element of culture. The architectural tradition has developed a range of forms suitable for a particular function and location. Does modernity pose a threat to their aesthetics? The paper reflects on style in architecture and addresses the sense of its existence in the time of contemporary challenges. It pays special attention to monuments as they describe the history and contemporaneity of architecture. The research may bring an answer to the question of whether contemporary architecture can be monumental, even if it does not express the traditional language of construction.
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Tomasz Kozłowski
Marek Początko

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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Artykuł ma na celu sportretowanie szczególnej grupy nowych mieszkańców wsi: osób, które po 1989 roku kupiły dawny dwór lub pałac ziemiański i traktują go przede wszystkim jako dom prywatny. Bazując na 17 wywiadach z 19 osobami, autorka szuka cech wspólnych łączących rozmówców, analizując ich doświadczenie biograficzne i funkcjonowanie jako właścicieli obiektu zabytkowego. Przedstawia ich motywacje, styl życia, postawy wobec ziemiańskiego dziedzictwa oraz członkostwo w szerszych środowiskach związanych z etosem ich grupy. Teoretyczną podstawę tekstu stanowią badania biograficzne, studia nad stylem życia i etosem.

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Anna Wylegała
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What we intend to do in this short essay is to consider part of the epistolary of Rebora as a literary object, an object that follows the condition of poetry hand in hand (at least in certain moments) and that often goes beyond it precisely at the level of daring formal and semantic. In evaluating the epistolary under the literary aspect, in its creativity so similar to writing in verse, our pourpose is to demonstrate how at the basis of Rebora’s expressiveness (or expressionism) there is a powerful endogenous drive, and that his disorder is psychological rather than cultural, or “stylistic”.
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Stefano Rosatti

  1. Università d'Islanda, Reykjavík
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Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Evo-Devo) is becoming to be popular in psychology, and by certain is even seen as a new biology for psychology (Hofer 2014). In particular, it is about the concept of extended inheritance This concept claims to be (neo-) Lamarckian. According to it inherited is everything that contributes to resemblance across generations and that strongly affects the fitness of the offspring—starting by nuclear genes, by genes expression, maternal care, ecological niche, cultural niche, language, etc. In this paper I analyse the potential of the concept of extended inheritance on the example of transgenerational transmission of attachment style and mentalizing capacity. I present the neuroendocrine mechanism of transmission. Then I show that a) DNA methylation is complementary to neuroendocrine mechanism, but it does not revolutionize the latter as it is claimed; b) the concept of extended inheritance confounds the three questions rightly separated by Neo-Darwinism: origin of variation, fate of variation and inheritance, c) although the motivation of Evo-Devo goes against the alleged genetic determinism of neodarwinism, the concept of transgeneration inheritance is determinist (although it is an epigeneetic determinism).

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Adrianna Grabizna
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Artykuł jest prezentacją programu nauczania przedmiotu „Podstawy projektowania architektonicznego – kompozycje” studentów pierwszego roku kierunku architektura Wydziału Budownictwa i Architektury Politechniki Lubelskiej. Przykładowe prace studenckie zamieszczone w tekście są ilustracją wyników procesu dydaktycznego
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Elżbieta Pytlarz
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Gdynia i Zakopane to dwa słynne miasta na granicach II Rzeczypospolitej, pierwsze nad Bałtykiem, drugie pod Tatrami. Celem niniejszej pracy jest próba porównania pozornie odmiennego ich oblicza pod kątem architektury ośrodków. W obu – aczkolwiek w nieproporcjonalnym zakresie – zaistniał „styl zakopiański”, modernizm i funkcjonalizm.
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Antoni Jacek Koseski
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The debate between Ludwik Fleck (microbiologist and philosopher of science) and Tadeusz Bilikiewicz (historian and philosopher of medicine) took place shortly before the outbreak of World War II and remained virtually unnoticed until 1978. A wider recognition of their exchange was possible only after the English and German translations appeared. Basically, the polemics concerned understanding of the concept of style and influence that the environment exerted on scientific activity and its products. The polemic started with the review of Bilikiewicz’s book Die Embryologie im Zeitalter des Barock und des Rokoko (1932) where the historical account of the development of embryology in the early and late Baroque period was interwoven with bold sociological remarks. The commentators of the debate were quick to notice that the claims made by Fleck at that time were crucial for understanding of his position, especially because they let to interpret his views in a non-relativist way. While the importance of the controversy was univocally acknowledged, its assessment so far has been defective for two reasons. First, for decades the views of Bilikiewicz were known only from the short and rather critical presentation given by Fleck and this put their discussion into an inadequate perspective. Second, for over 40 years it remained a complete puzzle what prompted their exchange of views. This paper closes these gaps. Thus, on the one hand, I reconstruct the central issue of the disputation between Fleck and Bilikiewicz and situate it within the context of Bilikiewicz’s views. On the other hand – and this is more important – I try to explain the origin of their debate by quoting some recently discovered and unpublished archival materials. A review of their correspondence gives me an opportunity to advance some hypotheses about the aims and hopes connected with their project but also possible reasons for its failure.

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Artur Koterski
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Niniejsza wypowiedź jest próbą charakterystyki osobowości twórczej Henryka Elzenberga. Zwłaszcza pragniemy ukazać swoistość, oryginalność i odmienność zainteresowań i refleksji myśliciela oraz jego szczególny sposób filozofowania, które nie mieściły się w konwencjach teoretycznych ani w stylach myślenia swej epoki. Jako ilustrację powyższego przeświadczenia przywołujemy tu zaledwie cztery charakterystyczne przykłady, a mianowicie refleksje filozofa na temat: relacji kultura – nauka, samobójstwa, fenomenu śmieci, oraz zastanawiamy się nad tą cechą jego pisarstwa, jaką jest, z takim powodzeniem przez niego uprawiana, aforystyczna forma wypowiedzi.
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Włodzimierz Tyburski
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W artykule podejmuję problem międzypokoleniowej transmisji stylu życia klasy średniej we współczesnej Polsce. Styl życia uznaję za kulturową charakterystykę położenia społecznego, umożliwiającą reprodukcję i stabilizację klasy średniej. Poprzez użycie trzech procedur metodologicznych, tj. 1) reanalizy danych pochodzących sprzed dwóch dekad, 2) rewizyty badawczej po latach do rodziców z klasy średniej oraz 3) wywiadów z ich dziedzicami, dokonuję porównań w czasie i pomiędzy pokoleniami. Dokonuję interpretacji wybranych obszarów stylu życia przedstawicieli klasy średniej w terminach refleksyjności – habitusu. Wyróżnione typy mechanizmów transmisji stylu życia (celowy, niezamierzony, naśladowczy, nawykowy) identyfikuję w takich aspektach, jak style wychowawcze i wartości, aspiracje edukacyjne i zawodowe, stosunek do własności i style zamieszkiwania oraz style zarządzania pieniędzmi. Wykazuję istnienie międzypokoleniowej transmisji oraz ciągłość rodzinnie przekazywanych zasad realizacji stylów życia. Stwierdzony w danych badawczych wysiłek podejmowany przez rodziców klasy średniej w celu formatowania przekazu stylożyciowego może mieć istotne konsekwencje dla trwałości tego wycinka struktury społecznej.
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Magdalena Bielińska

  1. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
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The stigma of Ornithogalum sigmoideum is of dry and papillate type. The papillae are covered by a cuticle-pellicle layer, as revealed by staining. The activity of nonspecific esterase, acid phosphatase and peroxidase increases in the pellicle during the receptivity period. The style of O. sigmoideum is of the hollow type. Ultrastructural study of the cells lining the canal indicated that they are secretory cells and contain abundant endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes, mitochondria, plastids and ribosomes. After anthesis these organelles show degeneration at the end of the secretory phase. In canal cells, cytochemical tests showed the presence of acidic polyanions, insoluble and acidic polysaccharides, proteins and lipids. Before anthesis the canal cells are rich in polysaccharides, proteins and lipids. At maturity the cuticle is ruptured and secretory materials from the canal cells are released into the canal. In the unpollinated style of O. sigmoideum the exudates accumulated in the center of the canal; in pollinated pistils the same secretion materials were dispersed through the canal, which became wider.

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Isil Ismailoglu
Meral Ünal
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The phenomenon of the so-called Polish monumental theatre has for nearly a century resisted attempts at conceptualization. Created by artists living in a transitional period and formed in a peculiar “trans-era” mental space, this theatre was wrought from a hybrid substance that combined a Romantic and post-Romantic content with an avant-garde form. Being “simultaneously national and supra-national”, it appeared as a unique conceptual and artistic construct; a construct that was touted as the innovative Polish input into the reform of European theatre. Owing to the heterogeneity of its subject-matter, it was at times included into, and at other times excluded from the body of endeavours of an avant-garde nature; the correct categorization was until now made difficult by the conceptual template constructed around the dogma concerning the incompatibility of the two areas: the avant-garde and the so-called national duties. Seen in the perspective of modern-day research on the variegated nature of Modernism and on its inner tensions, however, this phenomenon may emerge as an interesting illustration of the synthesizing efforts of Modernism.
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Joanna Stacewicz-Podlipska

  1. Instytut Sztuki PAN
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In France, as well as in other countries of the French language, the relationship between the Bible and literature mirrors the dilemma facing the European culture, a culture founded on the Greek and Roman civilization, when it was becoming Christianized. The Christians in the French speaking Europe confront the problem of 'double-fidelity': either to the Bible as the Truth, or to the Greek and Roman culture representing Art. Two trends can be observed. Some would try to prove the artistic superiority of the Bible over pagan literature. Others would attempt to show that even in that kind of non-Christian literature it is possible to observe the presence of supernatural truth. The dilemma abates and loses its importance starting with the XVIII century when literature as such emancipates and becomes an autonomous reality of esthetic character.

Unsurprisingly, in the Middle Ages, the Bible constitutes the crucial source of inspiration for French literature. Authors compose paraphrases and long poems based on Biblical motifs. There appear mystery plays, with their performance often spread over a number of days. In the XVI century, both Catholics and Protestants produce a number of translations of the Holy Scriptures. There appear poetic pa- raphrases of psalms, and also extensive epic poems adopting various Biblical threads. In the XVII century, the genre of poetic meditation appears in addition to the genres already mentioned. On the other hand, the kind of drama based on Biblical themes is in retreat; it finds refuge in the academic theater, when it becomes superseded by works of the classicist character. In the beginning of the XVIII cen- tury, some scholars try to demonstrate the religious character of the works of Antiquity.

Together with the rationalism of Enlightenment, there appears a new attitude towards the Bible. In Voltaire, the Bible is an object of attacks and of ridicule. In Rousseau, it is a paradigm for the kind of discourse that is supposed to take its place. In Romanticism, we can observe the influence of the Bible over both Christian and non-Christian writers. In the works of the latter, the poet becomes a mystagogue interpreting the old myths. The Bible influences poetry; it serves as a stylistic and esthetic model, as a source of themes and motifs, and also as a point of reference for poems in the philosophy of history with the pantheistic or else progressist and utopic message, and for non-Christian apocrypha. In Symbolism, the Bible becomes completely despoiled of its religious value. It is being used in entirely atheistic and subjectivist ways. By the end of the XIX century, and in the first half of the XX century, we observe in France some kind of Catholic renaissance. The Bible is present in the prophetic works of Le'on Bloy. It becomes the object of the exegetical work of Claudel, of the poetry of Jouve and P. Emmanuel. In non-Christian writers in loses its function of the book of faith and becomes a book of myths.

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Jerzy Kaczorowski
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A meadow, a flowery meadow, a clearing, a lawn – smoothly trimmed, flat and recessed, a grassy pathway – these are elements of gardens that have been known for centuries, used in different styles and different types of gardens, including in public spaces. Pratum commune, commons or grassy mounds are the landmarks of the landscape of many a city, both currently and throughout history. Decorative grasses, such as pampas, Miscanthus or Pennisestum started to be used in garden compositions in XIX-century England. Initially more so due to their peculiarity than beauty. However, it was naturalism that gave rise to the wider use of grasses in gardens and parks in various places of the world and gained many propagators, including W. Robinson, J. Jensen K. Foerster and P. Oudolf.Grasses are currently often designed by landscape architects in urbanised spaces. They are employed both in geometric and freeform compositions. Their texture and delicate colour create a background for more expressive plants. They often constitute the key element of naturalist layouts, and the use of domestic species aids in preserving biodiversity and recreating the domestic landscape. Many of these current projects have been discussed in magazines and subject literature and have received awards in competitions. This review article is devoted to this subject.

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Agata Zachariasz
Halina Lipińska
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Obłazowa Cave was first excavated in 1985, and is best known for the discoveries of remains of settlement from the time of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. The traces of most recent settlement in the cave, found in the uppermost part of the stratigraphy can be attributed to Magdalenian settlement. Results of latest excavation brought more precise date this occupation face. In years 2016 and 2017 in layer III of the cave a series of artifacts, and a small sandstone female figurine were found.

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Paweł Valde-Nowak
Anna Kraszewska
Magda Cieśla
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One of the key issues in contemporary urban studies is to consider the city from the perspective of culture and consumption, which are treated as new drivers of urban development and economic prosperity, the essence of urban ways of life, and arenas for the implementation of urban policies. In a consumer society, cities become important nodes where collective and individual consumption takes place on a massive scale. The urban system organizes capabilities and provides the resources for consumption, thus facilitating various kinds of lifestyles. As a result, the urban space operates as an arena of competition, where different consumer orientations and social categories strive physically and symbolically to occupy ground, produce meanings, and create belonging in the spaces and places that constitute the city. In applying Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of a “social field,” the aim of the article is to show how the space of social positions corresponds to the space of cultural practices. Drawing on the study of cultural and leisure activities in Wrocław, four general categories of urban residents are revealed and characterized by their distinct positions in different dimensions of the social space. The analysis also points to social capital (social networks) as an efficient new principle of cultural differentiation. The paper closes with the author’s concluding remarks and guidelines for further research.

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Michał Cebula
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The article studies such cultural phenomenon as madness in its romantic (Edgar Poe) and expressionistic (Ivan Shmelyov) interpretation. Refl ecting upon the philosophical concept introduced by Michel Foucault the author analyzes how visual-plastic and verbal experience of interpreting madness in terms of literature is realized. Verbal and literary peculiarities of creating an aesthetic image of madness within the romantic canon in Poe’s story is compared to the specific features of verbal and visual images created in the style of expressionism by Shmelyov. Techniques of literary image visualization, revealing the specific nature of interaction between different forms of literature, art, cinema peculiar to the first third of the twentieth century, are studied in the process of transition from the aesthetics of story to the aesthetics of presentation.

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Anna Stiepanowa

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