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The paper is devoted to explication of one of the advantages of heat and electricity cogeneration, rarely considered in technical literature. Usually attention is paid to the fact that heat losses of the heat distribution network are less severe in the case of cogeneration of heat in comparison with its separate production. But this conclusion is also true in other cases when the internal consumption of heat is significant. In this paper it has been proved in the case of two examples concerning trigeneration technology with an absorption chiller cooperating with a combined heat and power (CHP) plant and CHP plant integrated with amine post-combustion CO2processing unit. In both considered cases it might be said that thanks to cogeneration we have to do with less severe consequences of significant demand of heat for internal purposes.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Ziębik
Paweł Gładysz


The aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between ideology and fantastic literature using the example of Jean-Pierre Andrevon's fantastic novel L’Oeil derrière l’épaule. While fantastic literature as a genre is most often the carrier of right-wing, reactionary and conservative values (Lovecraft, Ray), Andrevon remains the specific case of a writer who openly defines himself as a leftist. The analysis of the “ideology-effect” (the unconscious ideological mask of the text according to Hamon) and of the “value-effect” (ideas that the text consciously promotes according to Jouve), as well as Hamon's points of textual ideological value and carriers of ideological distortions, permits a conclusion that the author did not adopt any ideological stance a priori and that the global value (right-wing and left-wing) emanating from the text is freedom.
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Katarzyna Gadomska

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice


The problem of transmitting vibrations with audible frequencies by steel springs, constituting the vibration isolation system was considered in this paper. The analytical relationships allowing determining the value of the transmissibility for the springs resonance frequencies responsible for the transmissibility of high frequency vibrations have been derived and checked by means of FEM method. Also the occurrence of the increasing stresses in the springs in the areas between the resonances has been shown. The typical system, i.e. the serial system with rubber cushion, has been analyzed, reducing the transmission of high frequency vibrations by the spring. It has been shown that the transmission is reduced not as a result of differences in the wave impedance of the boundary of both media but due to the increased dispersion of energy in the rubber, and the analytical relationships allowing the evaluation of the effectiveness of this method have been derived.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jerzy Michalczyk
Leszek Majkut


The paper presents an analysis of energy and economic effectiveness of the combined heat and power (cogeneration) technologies fired with natural gas that may be deemed prospective for the Polish electric power system. The current state of the cogeneration technologies fired with natural gas in Poland is presented. Five cogeneration technologies fired with natural gas, prospective from the point of view of the Polish electric power system, were selected for the analysis. Namely, the paper discusses: gas-steam combined heat and power (CHP) unit with 3-pressure heat recovery generator (HRSG) and steam interstage reheat, gas-steam CHP unit with 2-pressure HRSG, gas-steam CHP unit with 1-pressure HRSG, gas CHP unit with small scale gas turbine, operating in a simple cycle and gas CHP unit with gas engine. The following quantities characterizing the energy effectiveness of the cogeneration technologies were selected for the analysis: electricity generation efficiency, heat generation efficiency, primary energy savings (PES) and CO2 unit emission. The economic effectiveness of particular technologies was determined based on unit electricity generation costs, discounted for 2019, including the costs of purchasing CO2 emission allowances. The results of calculations and analyses are presented in a table and on a figures.

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Bolesław Zaporowski


This commentary on the Court of Justice’s ruling in the Pawlak case concentrates on questions of the judicial application of EU law, in particular EU Directives. On the basis of the recent jurisprudence of the Court the authors present three issues: 1) the incidental effects of EU law for the procedural provisions of Member States; 2) the inability to rely on an EU directive by a member state’s authority in order to exclude the application of national provisions which are contrary to a directive; 3) the limits of the duty to interpret national law in conformity with EU law from the perspective of the Court of Justice and the referring court. Further, the article presents the judicial practice of the Polish Supreme Court, and in particular the follow-up decision of this Court not only taking into the account the ruling of the ECJ but also showing how the limitation of a conforming interpretation can be overcome in order to give full effect to EU law. In the authors’ view, this case is worth noting as an example of judicial dialogue in the EU.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dawid Miąsik
Monika Szwarc


In cities with large educational institutions, the inflow of educational migrants is important for con-sumption demand, and can trigger multiplier effects. The main aim of this article is to show the mecha-nism of the aggregate demand-income effect created by educational migration in the Polish city of Opole. An estimate of this effect is provided, based on questionnaire research among a sample of 1 075 students from all institutions of higher education located in the city. The estimated effects analysed concern the direct consumption impulse, as well as the indirect job creation and increase in income for providers of accommodation for students, in turn triggering increased consumption demand. While the results must be interpreted with care, an estimated 15 per cent of consumption demand created through expenditure of migrant students (about PLN 175 400 000) and 485 extra job show the significance of such expenditure for the local economy.

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Diana Rokita-Poskart


Noise reduction inside waveguide systems has gained momentum owing to a great interest in it. To attenuate the sound in a broad frequency range, this study aims to compare the effects of two acoustic liners, a perforated plate backed by an air cavity (PP-Air cavity), or by a porous material (PP-PM), on the acoustic behaviour of lined ducts using a numerical model to compute the multimodal scattering matrix. From this matrix, the reflection and the transmission coefficients are computed and therefore the acoustic power attenuation is deduced. Moreover, the effects of geometry of ducts with and without changes in the section are investigated. The numerical results are obtained for five configurations, including cases of narrowing and widening of a duct portion with sudden or progressive discontinuities. Accordingly, numerical coefficients of reflection and transmission as well as the acoustic power attenuation show the relative influence of acoustic liners in each type of configuration.

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Amine Makni
Mohamed Taktak
Mabrouk Chaabane
Mohamed Haddar


The hierarchical structure of InSe<β-CD<FeSO4>> composition with 4-fold grade expansion was synthesized with the intercalation-deintercalation technique. Electrical properties of the structure obtained were examined using impedance and thermostimulated current spectroscopy methods. Influence of temperature, static magnetic field and illumination on electrical properties of the synthesized compound was investigated. Changes in the impurity spectrum of the expanded hierarchical structure were analyzed and extraordinary magneto- and photoimpedance behavior of InSe<β-CD<FeSO4>> at room temperature was explained.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

T. Popławski
I. Bordun
A. Pidluzhna


W artykule przedstawiono analizę wpływu energii wytwarzanej z odnawialnych źródeł na poprawę efektywności energetycznej obiektów użyteczności publicznej oraz gospodarstw domowych. Przedstawiono obecny stan technologii wytwarzania energii elektrycznej z odnawialnych źródeł oraz ich udział w ogólnokrajowym systemie energetycznym. Przeprowadzona analiza dotyczy zarówno mikroinstalacji, jak i dużych systemów wytwarzających energię elektryczną. Rosnąca świadomość społeczeństwa w zakresie korzystnego oddziaływania systemów energetyki odnawialnej na środowisko oraz wsparcie w postaci różnych programów dotujących wykonanie nowych instalacji, sprawiają, że wytwarzanie energii z odnawialnych źródeł staje się coraz bardziej popularne i powszechne. Pomimo jeszcze niewielkiego przekonania, co do opłacalności zastosowania systemów energetyki odnawialnej, to instalacje OZE są pozytywnie postrzegane i uznawane jako nowy trend w budownictwie zarówno jedno-, jak i wielorodzinnym. Rosnący udział energetyki odnawialnej w krajowym systemie energetycznym wpływa na zmniejszone zapotrzebowanie w energię wytworzoną z konwencjonalnych źródeł. W oczywisty sposób przekłada się to na zmniejszone zużycie energii pierwotnej, na przykład paliw kopalnych. W konsekwencji przekłada się to na ograniczenie eksploatacji zasobów tych surowców, a więc przyczynia się do ochrony środowiska przyrodniczego. Działania zmierzające do poprawy efektywności energetycznej i zmniejszenia zużycia energii finalnej są podejmowane przez wiele krajów na świecie oraz Unię Europejską. W 2012 roku Parlament Europejski i Rada Europy opublikowały Dyrektywę 2012/27/UE, która nakłada na kraje członkowskie obowiązek podejmowania działań mających na celu zmniejszenie zużycia energii końcowej o 1,5% w skali roku. W artykule przedstawiono stan wytwarzania w Polsce energii z OZE na przestrzeni ostatnich 13 lat. Wspomniano także o sposobach wykorzystania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych do poprawy efektywności energetycznej obiektów.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sławomir Sowa


Research suggests that placebo can reduce the misinformation effect. We aimed to examine for the first time whether placebo administered in the guise of caffeine can reduce the misinformation effect. One hundred and twenty -three healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to four groups in a 2 Placebo (Present, Not Present) × 2 Narrative (Misleading, Correct) study design. Participants from placebo groups drank 100 ml of placebo solution. They were told that it was water mixed with caffeine which could positively influence their memory. After three minutes, they watched a short movie clip as an original event and read a narrative with misleading details or correct details as a postevent information; they then completed a 22 -item, two -alternative forced -choice questionnaire. The results reveal that the misinformation effect occurred. Although participants in the placebo with misinformation group scored better than participants who did not drink placebo and read the narrative containing misleading details, the difference was not statistically significant. Thus, it is concluded that placebo might not be enough to reduce the misinformation effect when it is administered in the guise of caffeine.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jakub Nastaj
Malwina Szpitalak
Przemysław Bąbel


Several human studies have reported that capsaicin has anti-pruritic effects. Moreover, sever- al concentrations of topical capsaicin have been used to alleviate itch. The aim of this study was to investigate the anti-pruritic effect of capsaicin against histamine-induced pruritus compared with that of topical steroid or vehicle in 15 healthy beagles. Fifteen dogs were divided into three groups (n = 5 each), and treated topically with one of the following on the left side of the neck: capsaicin, positive control (steroid), or negative control (vehicle). Each treatment was performed twice daily for 8 days. All dogs were injected with histamine intradermally before treatment and on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th days of the treatment to evoke itch. Pruritus, wheal, and erythema intensity were assessed at each evaluation; cutaneous temperature was also recorded. On the final day, skin biopsy was conducted for histopathological evaluation for all dogs. The severity of pruritus was lesser in the capsaicin-treated group compared with the negative control group on day 8 (p<0.05). In the capsaicin and steroid groups, wheal size, erythema index, and cutaneous temperature also decreased compared with pretreatment. Histopathological evaluation showed that the capsaicin-treated group had a higher number of inflammatory cells in the dermis com- pared to the vehicle control group; however, the steroid-treated group showed less severe inflam- matory reactions than the vehicle control group. These results suggest that capsaicin cannot reduce inflammation but may play a helpful role in reducing pruritus in dogs.

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S. Bae
J. Yu
H. Jeong
T. Oh


Empathy and psychopathy seem to be two distant extremes, which only differ, with nothing similar. Therefore, the question that seems to be surprising is whether such a theoretical perspective is justified. Empathy exerts significant influence on social relationships and is associated with moral development, whereas psychopathy seems to be an opposite phenomenon, as it is associated with the lack of deep interpersonal bonds and the violation of legal norms. As studies from various disciplines and scientific areas indicate, such concepts as behavioral effectiveness, morality or altruism might help explain the complex nature of the interrelationship between psychopathy and empathy. The authors tried to explore and describe the complexity of the two presented concepts in the light of the conducted research, and the resulting theoretical and empirical implications.

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Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska
Maria Kaźmierczak


The subject of the research presented in this paper were financial results of mining industry enterprises (PKD 5 – P olish C lassification of A ctivity – “Mining of coal and lignite”) in 2007–2019. The research was conducted using relative and absolute financial measures, forming an extensive and coherent set of features characterizing their financial condition. The purpose was to measure and evaluate the efficiency of examined enterprises operation, considered as an attribute of development as well as factors describing and determining it. This evaluation was made against the background of ongoing restructuring processes taking into account their potential effects.

The article presents the course of the process of adapting P olish hard coal mining to market economy conditions after 1989. The process can be conventionally divided into several periods. The scope and intensity of changes in the mining industry followed the subsequent government programs for mining industry restructuring.

The lignite mining has not implemented any specific restructuring programs. The remedy processes were mainly related to organizational and ownership changes.

In relation to operation efficiency and value creation three turning points in the development path of enterprises were highlighted – 2011, 2015 and 2017, while the period of strong deterioration of results occurred in 2011–2015. I t was proved that restructuring processes did not affect the operating return on sales. However, there was a strong relation between changes in economic conditions on the coal market (prices) and the accumulation rate.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Eugeniusz Jacek Sobczyk
Jarosław Kaczmarek
Kamil Fijorek
Michał Kopacz


W artykule omówiono ewolucję rozumowania Mariana Smoluchowskiego w kontekście prowadzonych przez niego badań nad przyczynowością i rozumieniem istoty przypadku. Początkowo Smoluchowski skupiał się na epistemicznym badaniu przyczynowości, szukając dowodów potwierdzających teorię kinetyczno-molekularną. Dowodząc przyczyny ruchów Browna, wykorzystał koncepcję kauzalnej przyczynowości. Zasadniczą zmianą w postrzeganiu przez niego przyczynowości było zrozumienie roli przypadku występującego na linii przyczyna ‒ skutek. Wprowadzając do rozważań relacje matematyczne, skupił się na aspekcie zaistnienia skutku. Zdaniem Smoluchowskiego przypadek nadający się do obliczenia prawdopodobieństwa różni się od przypadku w szerszym znaczeniu istotną prawidłowością częstego powtarzania się zjawiska. Zasługą polskiego uczonego było rozróżnienie filozoficznego i fizykalnego pojmowania przyczynowości, przypadku i rachunku prawdopodobieństwa. Przesunięcie rozważań nad naturą przypadku na płaszczyznę ontologiczną przeniosło jego badanie w obszar działania nauki, doprowadzając tym samym do praktycznego zastosowania rachunku prawdopodobieństwa w fizyce.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jan Grzanka


This paper discusses the estimation of flow velocity from a multi-sensor scenario. Different estimation methods were used, which allow the effective measurement of the actual Doppler shift in a noisy environment, such as water with air bubbles, and on this basis the estimation of the flow velocity in the pipe was calculated. Information fusion is proposed for the estimates collected. The proposed approach focuses on the density of the fluid. The proposed method is capable of determining the flow velocity with high accuracy and small variations. Simulation results for plastic and steel (both galvanized and non-galvanized) pipes show the possibility of accurate fluid flow measurements without the need for sensors inside the pipe.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Pawel Biernacki
Stanislaw Gmyrek
Wladyslaw Magiera

  1. Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems, Department of Acoustics, Multimedia and Signal Processing, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland


Badania nad zmianami koncentracji materiału zawieszonego w okresie występowania wysokich stanów wody przeprowadzono w dolnym odcinku rzeki Obry, w okolicach Międzyrzecza. Analiza związku pomiędzy średnią koncentracjąmateriału zawieszonego a przepływem umożliwiła wstępne określenie sposobu dostawy materiału do koryta rzecznego. Ważną rolę mogły tu pełnić odsłonięcia osadów glacjalnych i fluwioglacjalnych znajdujących się w wysokich brzegach wklęsłych koryta Obry. Ponadto na dwóch z pięciu badanych przekrojów pomiarowych zaobserwowano efekt histerezy o przebiegu normalnym, co świadczyłoby o autochtonicznym pochodzeniu transportowanego osadu. Ponadto zaobserwowano proces depozycji osadów na fragmencie równiny zalewowej w okresie występowania wysokich stanów wody. Podjęto w ten sposób próbę przedstawienia mechanizmu tworzenia się litofacji środowiska pozakorytowego. Pozwoliło to na przybliżenie warunków, w jakich osady powodziowe dna doliny Obry były kształtowane w przeszłości.
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Zygmunt Młynarczyk
Marcin Słowik


The article examines the environmental performance of a diesel generator that runs on a biofuel mixture. Biofuels are considered to be more environmentally friendly than traditional petroleum products and have become popular alternatives in the field of electricity production. To reduce dependence on petroleum fuels and decrease harmful exhaust-gas emissions from diesel generators, it is suggested to use biodiesel fuel and its mixture with diesel fuel. Various environmental indicators were measured and analyzed in this study, including the emissions of harmful substances, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates. By using biofuels, pollutant emissions are expected to be reduced because biofuels are made from renewable sources such as vegetable oils or biomass. The results of the study show that the use of a biofuel mixture in a diesel generator leads to a significant reduction in the emission of harmful substances compared to the use of traditional petroleum products. A reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides was found, which contributes to a reduction of the impact on climate change and air pollution. In addition, a decrease in particle emissions was noted, which contributes to the improvement of air quality and people’s health. The goal was achieved by researching the impact of a mixture of diesel and biodiesel fuel on the technical, economic and environmental indicators of an autonomous diesel generator. The regulation of the composition of the fuel mixture ensured the preservation of the power of the generator in all its modes of operation, while reducing the cost of purchasing fuel by 10% and reducing the smokiness of exhaust gas by up to 57%, depending on the mode of operation of the diesel engine.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Alexander Galushchak
Serhii Burlaka
Ihor Kupchuk
Valerii Bondarenko
Yaroslav Gontaruk

  1. Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
  2. Engineering and Technology Faculty, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  3. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  4. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
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The paper presents the results of simulations and experiments in the field of control of the low damping and time delay oscillating system. This system includes a quadcopter hovering at a very low altitude, and the altitude is controlled. The time delay is introduced mainly by the remote control device. In order to handle the quadcopter at low altitudes, a proportional-integral controller with a negative proportional coefficient is used. Such an approach can provide good results in the case of an oscillating, low damped system. This method of steering, which uses a typical radio control transmitter, can be used on any commercially available leisure drone. Feedback is provided by a camera and algorithms of computer vision. The presented results were obtained experimentally using free flight – without a harness. Different types of controllers are used to control horizontal shift and altitude.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Konrad Urbański

  1. Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, Poznan University of Technology, Piotrowo 3A str., 60-965 Poznan, Poland


The progressive development of miniature systems increases the demand for miniature parts. Reducing the size of manufactured components on one hand is a serious challenge for traditional technologies, but on the other hand, mainly by removing the energy barrier opens the possibility of using other unconventional techniques. A good example is the ultrasonic excitation of the punch during the micro-upsetting process. The anti-barreling phenomenon and dependent on the amplitude of vibrations, intensive deformation of the surface layers in contact with the tools at both ends of the sample was noted. Based on the measured strains and stresses, an increase in temperature in the extreme layers to approx. 200°C was suggested. By adopting a simplified dynamic model of the test stand, the possibility of detaching the surface of the punch from the surface of the sample was demonstrated.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

W. Presz


Viral diseases have caused devastating effect on poultry industry leading to significant losses in economy of world. In the presented study, the ability of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and avian influenza virus (AIV) to grow in two cell lines was evaluated. Both chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) and DF-1 cells were used and cytopathic effects (CPE) produced by these viruses were observed. The titer of virus in terms of TCID50 was determined after 24h up to four days for each virus. The same type of CPE was observed for all viruses used in the study in both DF-1 and CEF cells. IBDV showed CPE causing rounding of cells while NDV caused formation of multicellular large nuclei, cell fusion and rounding of cells. Giant cells with inclusions and aggregation of cells with intact monolayer was observed for AIV. In growth kinetic study, higher titer of IBDV and NDV was observed in CEF cells than DF-1 cells while for AIV, DF-1 cells showed higher titer than CEF cells. These results would be useful for furthers comparative studies on growth of different cell lines of various viruses to find a suitability for vaccine production.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

S. Anam
S.U. Rahman
Shazma Ali
M. Saeed
S.M. Goyal

  1. Institute of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
  2. National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
  3. College of Veterinary Population Medicine, 1333 Gortner Avenue, University of Minnesota, USA


The paper presents an evaluation with the Type A and B methods for standard uncertainties of coefficients of a polynomial function of order k determined by n points obtained by measurement of input and output quantities. A method for deriving a posteriori distributions of function coefficients based on the transformation of estimator distributions without assuming any a priori distributions is presented. It was emphasized that since the correct values of the standard uncertainty of type A depend on the √ n-k-3 and not on the p √ n-k-1, therefore, with a small number of measurement points, the use of the classical approach leads to a significant underestimation of uncertainty. The relationships for direct evaluation with the type B method of uncertainties caused by uncorrected systematic additive (offset error) and multiplicative (gain error) effects in the measurements of both input and output quantities are derived. These standard uncertainties are determined on the basis of the manufacturers’ declared values of the maximum permissible errors of the measuring instruments used. A Monte Carlo experiment was carried out to verify the uncertainties of the coefficients and quadratic function, the results of which fully confirmed the results obtained analytically.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mykhaylo Dorozhovets
1 2

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Metrology andDiagnostic Systems, Wincentego Pola, 2A, 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland
  2. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology, Department ofInformation Measuring Technology, Bandera str., 12, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine


The possibilities to improve values of the satellite orbit elements by employing the pseudo-ranges and differences of carrier phase frequencies measured at many reference GPS stations are analysed. An improvement of orbit ephemeris is achieved by solving an equation system of corrections of the pseudo-ranges and phase differences with the least-squares method. Also, equations of space coordinates of satellite orbit points expressed by ephemeris at fixed moments are used. The relation between the accuracy of the pseudo-ranges and phase differences and the accuracy of the satellite ephemeris is analysed. Formulae for estimation of the influence of the ephemeris on the measured pseudo-ranges and phase differences and for prediction of the accuracy of the pseudo-ranges and phase differences were obtained. An influence of the covariance between single orbit parameters on the accuracy of the pseudo-ranges and phase differences is detected.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jonas Skeivalas
Eimuntas Paršeliūnas
Raimundas Putrimas
Dominykas Šlikas


Efficacy of azoxystrobin, dichlofluanid, imazalil, kresoxim-methyl, propiconazole and triforine (standard) in the control ofDiplocarpon rosae was evaluated in the years 1997-1999. The compounds were applied as a plant spray. First treatment of plants was performed when first disease symptoms occurred on leaves and spraying was repeated 9 times at weekly intervals. In the autumn of 1999 plants not previously treated with fungicides and showing visible disease symptoms were spraye and after one, 7 and 14 days diseased leaves were sampled. Spores from leaves were transferred onto Petri dishes with potato-dextrose agar. Number of germinating spores was counted after 24 h incubation (4 Petri dishes for each compounds). After 9-weeks protection of rose shrubs with the tested compounds the spread of mycelium on new leaves was strongly inhibited. Only bupirimate at concentration 0,05% gave very poor control of D. rosae. All other tested compounds were better or as good as triforine. Reduction of concentrations used resulted in lower effectiveness. After I, 7 or 14 days from the last spraying of plants with dichlofluanid, kresoxim-methyl and triforine germination of fungus spores was below 9% except kresoxim-methyl at concentration O.Ol% after 14 days (12.5%).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Adam T. Wojdyła
Jadwiga Łyś


In the years 2000 and 2001 the effectiveness of control of take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) in winter wheat with seed dressing fungicides at different levels of root infection was studied. Seeds were treated with siltiofam, fluquinconazole or a standard fungicide Baytan Universal 094 FS. At low level of root infection recorded at GS 75 siltiofam and fluquinconazole significantly reduced root infection as compared to untreated control by 73.5-89.9% and 65.5-89%, respectively. At a medium level of infection the respective values were 56.2 and 54.9%. No significant differences between the efficacy of the two new fungicides were stated. Standard seed treatment product showed only limited activity in the early spring. Reduction of winter wheat root infection by 1% caused the increase of grain yield by around 1%.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Barbara Krzyzińska
Dorota Doleżych
Agnieszka Mączyńska
Hanna Sikora

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