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For every highest spiritual matter, there is a corresponding key on the keyboard of the body.

Zofia Nałkowska,

“Count Emil”

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Grażyna Borkowska
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In this article I make a critical analysis of educational policy in Poland during the 25 years of the political transformation. I try to refer to the Polish thoughts and practices of teaching experience in the period of 1989–2014. What is more, I present experiences of anti-socialist opposition during the socialist period. They influenced on impression in the works and commitments of many scientists and a new generation of academics. Furthermore, I indicate how my generation after 1989 went into the road of scientific autonomy and / or independence in the field of government and private education. Benchmark for these analyzes build up the hopes which we tied up with the Polish revolution of non- violence. Moreover, there was a strong disappointment, which revealed over the years due to the departure of distinctive political formation of the Third Republic of the ideals and the phenomenon of Polish „Solidarity” movement, and civil society, which included the move away from the base of participatory democracy. Finally, I look at how education as a science and practice of education fit into democratization of the Polish state and society. The key meaning for me has the perception of education as a common good, as environments and entities, institutions or management practices which participate in the democratic society. To sum up, this society is constantly in the period of recovery from years of experience not only fascist, but Bolshevik totalitarianism, too.
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Bogusław Śliwierski
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The key issue considered by the author is the category of “the present” that appears in the essays by Jan Kott and in the books and fi lms by Grigori Kozintsev. The director’s idea corresponds to Jan Kott’s attitude although startling similarities are accompanied here by signifi cant divergences. Such an analysis enables to identify the basic interpretative tracks that determined Shakespeare’s reading in the totalitarian times.
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Olga Katafiasz
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The subject of the article is the impact that the experience of totalitarianism has on the identity of individuals and – because of the passing on of memory – on the next generations who have not been affected by political violence. As the subject of my analysis, I have chosen a novel by the Ukrainian writer Stepan Prociuk Інфекція (The Infection 2002). The issue of passing on distorted patterns of behaviour and identity to future generations was presented in this work through the metaphor of a disease that causes dysfunction of individuals and society as an entirety, and whose symptoms are visible on many levels of social and political life, as well as in the sphere of culture. The use of the disease metaphor is also characteristic of other Ukrainian authors who wrote in the first years of independence (Yuriy Izdryk, Yuriy Hudz’, Oksana Zabuzhko, Yuriy Andrukhovych).
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Bakuła B., Współczesne debaty narodowe w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, [w:] Historie, społeczeństwa, przestrzenie dialogu. Studia postzależnościowe w perspektywie porównawczej, red. H. Gosk i D. Kołodziejczyk, Kraków Wyd. Centrum Badań Dyskursów Postzależnościowych 2014.

Boruszkowska I., Płynna cielesność. Ciało męskiego podmiotu w prozie Jurija Izdryka, [w:] Wielkie tematy w literaturach słowiańskich, „Slavica Wratislaviensia” 2011, CLIII.

Flis L., Obraz postkomunizmu Europy Wschodniej i Bałkanów w pisarstwie Slavenki Drakulić, [w:] Białe maski/szare twarze. Ciało, pamięć, performatywność w perspektywie postzależnościowej, pod red. E. Graczyk, M. Graban-Pomirskiej, M. Horodeckiej, M. Żółkoś, Centrum Badań Dyskursów Postzależnościowych. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Universitas 2015.

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Horniatko-Szumiłowicz A., Antynomia, apoteoza, adaptacja. O wzajemnych relacjach miasto – wieś w literaturze ukraińskiej, „Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia” 2015, t. 3.

Hundorova T., Heneratsiynyy vyklyk i postkolonializm na skhodi Yevropy. Vstupni zauvazhennya, [v:] Postkolonializm, heneratsiyi, kulʹtura, red. T. Hundorova, A. Matusiak, Kyyiv 2014.

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Hundorova T., Postkolonialʹnyy roman heneratsiyi travmy, [v:] Postkolonializm, heneratsiyi kulʹtura, red. T. Hundorova, A. Matusiak, Kyyiv 2014. Irwaneć O., Choroba Libenkrafta, przeł. N. Bryżko, N. Zapór, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Biuro Literackie 2013.

Jakubowska-Krawczyk K., Lwów wieku XX-XXI. Dorastanie i konflikt pokoleń w dobie przemian społecznych i rewolucji (na podstawie „Domu z witrażem” Żanny Słoniowskiej), „Teka Komisji Polsko-Ukraińskich Związków Kulturowych” 2018, t. XIII.

Jakubowska-Krawczyk K., Obraz miasta Środkowoeuropejskiego w twórczości Jurija Andruchowycza, [w:] Fiatal Szlavisták Budapesti Nemzetközi Konferenciája IV. Eötvös Loránd University Bölcsészettudományi Kar Faculty of Humanities Szláv és Balti Filológiai Intézet Institute of Slavonic and Baltic Philology Budapest, Főszerkeszt A. Urkom, Budapeszt 2016.

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Matusiak A., Pokolenie jako miejsce pamięci w prozie Serhija Żadana, [w:] Posttotalitarny syndrom pokoleniowy w literaturach słowiańskich Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i Południowo-Wschodniej końca XX-początku XXI wieku w świetle studiów postkolonialnych, pod red. A. Matusiak, Poznań – Wrocław: Wyd. Bonami 2016.

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Marta Zambrzycka

  1. Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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My article is a synthetic recognition of macro-Polish governments’ evolution over 25 years of political transformation. It is presented from the perspective of education for democracy, in a democracy and not about democracy. I explain, how it is possible, that the Poles after they got rid of monistic doctrine of the totalitarian state, are subjected to hidden process of democratization of education and the school system. I analyze public education ,mechanisms and structures for its management in a way that counteracts democratic change. The school is subjected to a mechanism of political gamemakers. It becomes an institution which is painfully ineffective and without its face. This institution devastates traditions and allows intellectual regression. There are threats to educational reforms which lie not only in the sociopolitical mechanisms, but also and perhaps primarily within the education system, which has not created procedures to eliminate Pharisees of innovation from it. Polish educational system after 25 years of transformation is not only partially reprivatized but highly bureaucratic and fully involved in political parties.
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Bogusław Śliwierski
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The aim of this article is an attempt to analyse the world-famous documentary film entitled The Parade (Polish title Defilada). The film has a unique narrative structure, as it belongs to the performing arts, and makes use of hyperbole which represents one of rhetorical tropes. Thus, the narration of the film is characterised by a specific rhetorical order which follows the rules of composing a text about art, culture and other phenomena. The result is often art itself. At the level of creative intention, Andrzej Fidyks’s films constitute spectacles which have to be appealing enough to attract the attention of a contemporary viewer. Thus, spectacularity of this film is not only a feature directly related to audiovisual art. It constitutes an aesthetic value as well, and the spectacle appears as a parade in honour of the country’s leader. Research methods include two types of text analysis, i.e. the rhetorical analysis, and the analysis based on film studies. The neo-rhetorical (i.e., argumentative) approach to the cinematographic text is visible in studying The Parade as a documentary which was created under conditions of full control over the director, together with lack of access to information. Perversity is a deliberate argumentative strategy, as Fidyk uses it in order to explain to the viewers the reality of the visited country.
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Bogumiła Fiołek-Lubczyńska

  1. University of Lodz, Poland
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The article deals with a phenomenon unique for Belarusian literature of the Soviet period: the dissident, non‐conformist work of Znich (Oleg Bembel). In the context of the history of Belarusian literature, the poet is known as the author of religious‐patriotic and spiritual‐meditative poems, many of which were created outside the walls of the monastery, where the poet has lived since 1996. The author of the article explores a little‐known page in the writer’s work: the early, dissident poetry of Oleg Bembel of the first half of the 1980s, which was distributed in manuscripts, samizdat, was published in the émigré press (newspaper and the “Belarus” publishing house). In terms of genre, these were mostly short epigrams and poems dedicated to the classics of Belarusian literature (Francis Bahushevich, Janka Kupala, Maxim Bahdanovich). Thematically the article is concerned with poems about the tragic situation of the Belarusian language, culture, science in the USSR, Russification and the decline of spirituality in an atheistic country. Attention is drawn to the artistic form of the poems, emphasized is their attachment to the intellectual and philosophical trends within modern Belarusian poetry.
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Siergiej Kowalow

  1. Lublin, Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej
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The article discusses the axiological discourse in the novel Green Tent by Lyudmila Ulitskaya. Consolidation of society, its internal cohesion, the development of culture and art as well as politics and law depend to a great extent on the adopted axiological framework. This is fundamental to the reading and interpretation of the writer’s work. The world of dictatorship with artificially invented ideals emerges as an opposition to freedom of thought and action. Using the phenomenon of dissidence, Ulitskaya shows an opposition and unwillingness to obey dictatorship and to be a puppet in the hands of the state system. The writer focuses her attention not so much on the historical epoch as on the human personality and its attitude to what is happening. The problem of dissent, unwillingness to be a part of the mass, resistance to the state system persistently and convincingly reverberates throughout the novel. Reluctant to succumb to the deadness of official morality, the main characters attempt to create their own axiological alternative free from the state’s influence.
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Zoja Kuca

  1. Łódź, Uniwersytet Łódzki
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The author refers to Roland Barthes’s early concept of mythology in analyzing the films of Jerzy Kawalerowicz, one of the most outstanding Polish directors of the twentieth century. He interprets three of Kawalerowicz’s films, Pociąg [Night Train], Matka Joanna od Aniołów [Mother Joan of the Angels] and Faraon [Pharoah], which are read in the mythological register and in the political context. First the statements of the director in regard to each film are presented, then the judgments of film critics are provided, and finally the author gives his own interpretation. Night Train is shown as a film addressing the wrongs of the Stalinist era, and the problem of a totalitarian state. Mother Joanne of the Angels questions the sense of ideology in a totalitarian world, and is partially the director’s search for political identity, while Pharoah is a look at the post-October reformers and the reasons for their failure. Pharoah also provides a new vision of the state.

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Mateusz Nieć
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In the article, the author analyzes the phenomenon of adapting Bogdan Suchodolski's pedagogy to changing political circumstances several times: from his fascination with mainstream politics in the 1930s, through intensive practice of Marxist and socialist pedagogy after World War II, to universal humanism and tragic humanism in the 1970s and 80s. Following R. Englert, the author calls this adaptability of pedagogy to political changes “pedagogical cairology”.
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Zbigniew Kwieciński

  1. członek rzeczywisty PAN

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