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This article reflects some trends and challenges in Germany in connection to immigration. The need of educational and scientific discussion and reflection of migration-specific themes are dictated by the contemporary reality requirements of almost all European countries. Change in society, associated primarily with the processes of immigration, affects the processes and systems of goal-countries, especially the education system.
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Marina Metz
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The paper presents the trends of air temperature of the Antarctic. In its elaboration 21 stations were taken into consideration carrying out temperature measurements in the years 1958–2000, and 34 stations in the years 1981–2000. After checking the homogeneity of the series by the Alexandersson’s (1986) test we found that at 16 stations the homogeneity has been broken. On the basis of the corrected measurement series we have determined the trends in air temperature. In the period 1958–2000 statistically significant (on 0.95 significance level) temperature increases occurred on the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula (for example Faraday 0.67°C/10 years) and at the Belgrano and McMurdo stations. The greatest temperature rise was noted on the Antarctic Peninsula during the autumn-winter period. On the South Pole a negative trend in air temperature (–0.21°C) occurred, especially in the summer season. During recent years (1981-2000) significant changes took place in the air temperature tendencies in the Antarctic. In many regions of the Antarctic cooling began and on the cost of East Antarctica the temperature decreased by –0.82°C/10 years (Casey). In the interior of the continent also lower and lower temperatures occurred (Amundsen-Scott –0.42°C/10 years, Dome C –0.71°C/10 years). The coast of the Weddell Sea is getting colder (Halley –1.13°C/10 years, Larsen Ice –0.89°C/10 years). An increase in temperature was observed in the interior of West Antarctica (Byrd 0.37°C/10 years). The warming rate of the climate became weaker on the Antarctic Peninsula (Faraday 0.56°C/10 years). The largest temperature changes occurred in the autumn-winter season when in the Antarctic Peninsula region the temperature increased, while in the interior and at the coast of East Antarctica temperatures fell considerably.

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Marek Kejna
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This study reveals significant and emergent research topics in the field ‘engineering, mechanical’ through bibliometric analysis of articles indexed in Web of Science (WoS) from 1997 to 2016. Publications under consideration (219,191 articles) were examined using quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate general information about publications; evolution of research topics by keyword analysis; performance of countries, research centers and journals; and international collaborations. There was a threefold increase in number of articles throughout the period. The publications were related to 35 WoS categories; and mechanics and thermodynamics were dominating ones. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer was the leading journal in the field. The USA and China were outstanding countries of the field. Collaboration between these countries corresponded to 6.57% of all collaborative publications. Industrialized and developing countries dominated research activities in the field. Indian Institute of Technology was the leading research center due to number of publications. The results showed that heat transfer, finite element method, friction, wear, simulation, and fatigue are important topics of the field. There is an upward trend in research related to nanofluids, microchannel, phase change materials, and carbon nanotubes.

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Fatih Güven
Bilgehan Demirkale
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Long term changes (46 years) in the a bundance of pygoscelid penguins breeding populations and nests distribution in the Lions Rump (King George Island) colony were investigated in three time intervals, according to previously published two censuses and one original study conducted in 2010. At that time a detailed colony map based on the GIS system was made. Results of this study showed different trends for each investigated species. In the last three decades Adélie penguin breeding populations showed strong declining tendencies (69.61%). In contrast, the population of gentoo penguins represents the reverse trend, increasing 171.85% over the same period. Observed changes in both penguin population sizes are reflected in the different spatial and geographic distribution of their nests. The population changes observed at the Lions Rump colony are consistent with the relevant pygoscelid penguin tendencies in the western Antarctic Peninsula region. Breeding penguin population dynamics at Lions Rump area with a minimal disturbance by human activity may well illustrate a natural response of those birds to environmental changes in the Antarctic.
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Małgorzata Korczak-Abshire
Michał Węgrzyn
Piotr J. Angiel
Maja Lisowska
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Observing the situation in the power industry it is easy to see that there are very deep changes in it. They rely primarily on moving away from conventional energy to renewable energy. This is particularly the case for energy in the European Union. Europe strives to be a forerunner in renewable technologies and a leader in the fight against global warming. The mining industry is being abolished and coal-fired power stations are being displaced by renewable energy sources. This situation is not only a result of EU directives but also of grassroots social initiatives inspired by environmental groups. The new lignite openings are being blocked, due to the lack of public acceptance, and the construction of conventional power plants. They do not help economic arguments for the development of energy based on coal, lignite, fuel that is significantly cheaper than the other, or to provide potential investors with the creation of new jobs. Also, coal investments are suspended in other regions of the world. CoalSwarm coal research shows that 2016 saw a dramatic fall in the amount of coal investment in the world. Even in China and India, where most of the coal industry has developed in recent years, about 100 investments have been suspended. The situation in the US is unclear. Although Barack Obama signed the Paris Agreement, current United States President Donal Trump has spoken out about this agreement and in numerous speeches and is eager to return to the dominant role of coal in the American economy. Poland still maintains the carbon structure of the power industry, but the Minister of Energy has announced that the new block at the Ostrołęka power plant will be the last coal-fired power plant to be built in Poland. This statement allows us to believe that there may be a return to Poland’s energy policy in the nearest future, and the long-awaited document, Poland’s energy policy until 2050, will determine the direction of change for the coming years.

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Tadeusz Olkuski
Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj
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Based on FAO data, the paper presents trends in nitrogen (N) input and output in Poland. As N input ( N inp), nitrogen from mineral fertilisers, manure application, biological fixation, and deposition was included. The N outputs ( N out) include the N contained in crop harvest (main products and by-products). The trend analyses were carried out for the period before (1961–1989) and after (1990–2018) the changes in the political and economic systems. Additionally, trends in the nitrogen use efficiency ( NUE) and nitrogen surpluses ( N S) are presented for these periods. In both compared periods, the mean values of N budget indicators in Poland were (kg N∙ha –1 UAA): N inp 120 and 125, N out 61 and 84, N S 60 and 41 and NUE 53 and 67%, respectively. The estimated Y max, which represents the N out value reached at saturating N fertilisation, reached the values of 127 and 263 kg N∙ha –1 UAA in these periods. The difference in these values suggests a significant impact of agronomy improvement on N out in the recent period. The trends of nitrogen within 16 regions in period 2002–2019, based on national data, resulted in a significant variation in N indicators. The values found were in the following ranges (kg N∙ha –1 UAA): N inp 78–167; N out 62–99; N S 15–83 and Y max 139–317. The NUE ranged from 50–81%. The obtained results indicate that in Poland and its regions there is still a need to improve of the nitrogen efficiency.
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Antoni Faber
Zuzanna Jarosz
Anna Jędrejek
Jerzy Kopiński

  1. Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute, ul. Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Pulawy, Poland
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W obliczu rewolucji technologii informatycznych badacze nauk społecznych mają przed sobą nie lada wyzwanie. Oto bowiem wraz ze zwiększającą się popularnością Internetu pojawiły się ogromne ilości danych zawierających opinie, poglądy i zainteresowania jego użytkowników. Chociaż analiza tych danych stawia przed badaczami poważne problemy metodologiczne, za ich użyciem przemawia fascynujący materiał powstający bez ingerencji badaczy. Dużą część tego materiału stanowią dane z najpopularniejszej na świecie wyszukiwarki Google. Co minutę jej użytkownicy ze wszystkich miejsc na świecie zadają ponad 3 miliony zapytań, które są następnie klasyfikowane i udostępniane za pomocą aktualizowanych na bieżąco narzędzi. W artykule tym omówione są próby adaptacji tych danych do potrzeb nauk społecznych, a także dotychczasowe badania na ten temat. Omówione są także praktyczne aspekty pracy z narzędziami Google’a: Google Trends oraz Google Keyword Planner. Artykuł jest przeznaczony przede wszystkim dla badaczy nauk społecznych zainteresowanych internetowymi źródłami Big Data oraz wykorzystaniem tych danych w pracy naukowej.

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Anna Turner
Marcin W. Zieliński
Kazimierz M. Słomczyński
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In detecting cluster targets in ports or near-shore waters, the echo amplitude is seriously disturbed by interface reverberation, which leads to the distortion of the traditional target intensity characteristics, and the appearance of multiple targets in the same or adjacent beam leads to fuzzy feature recognition. Studying and extracting spatial distribution scale and motion features that reflect the information on cluster targets physics can improve the representation accuracy of cluster target characteristics. Based on the highlight model of target acoustic scattering, the target azimuth tendency is accurately estimated by the splitting beam method to fit the spatial geometric scale formed by multiple highlights. The instantaneous frequencies of highlights are extracted from the time-frequency domain, the Doppler shift of the highlights is calculated, and the motion state of the highlights is estimated. Based on the above processing method, target highlights’ orientation, spatial scale and motion characteristics are fused, and the multiple moving highlights of typical formation distribution in the same beam are accurately identified. The features are applied to processing acoustic scattering data of multiple moving unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) on a lake. The results show that multiple small moving underwater targets can be effectively recognized according to the highlight scattering characteristics.
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Yang Yang
Jun Fan
Bin Wang

  1. Key Laboratory of Marine Intelligent Equipment and System of the Ministry of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
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The article presents current state of the structure of hard coal enrichment plants in Poland, taking the capacity, the range of grain enrichment and the type of equipment used into account. This data were presented in a tabular format for each Polish Coal Company operating on the Polish market. The article was also present simplified: flow sheet of the steam and coking coal enrichment system. Based on the presented data, the planned needs and trends were described in terms of increasing production efficiency, minimizing water consumption and safety of work. A list of research and development works which must be undertaken were also presented as well as factors determining the technological development of the processing plants.

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Ireneusz Baic
Wiesław Blaschke
Bronisław Gaj
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This article is devoted to the worldwide development of renewable energy in connection to the development of the socio-economic system and employment transformations. It is emphasized that the use of renewable energy sources is growing extremely fast globally, and it is generating positive socio-economic effects such as creating jobs worldwide. It is noted that in contrast to the situation in the field of traditional energy, the number of vacancies in the field of renewable energy continues to grow; photovoltaic, bioenergy, hydropower and wind forms of renewable energy are powerful employers in the world economy. It is noted that the increase in the number of people employed in the field of renewable energy is a consequence of the decentralized nature of the sector, as a result of which, renewable energy technologies produce more vacancies per unit of investment compared to traditional electricity generation technologies. It has been emphasized that the further development of renewable energy depends on the volume of investment in the creation of production facilities, which contributes to the further creation of jobs. Furthermore, it has been determined that the problem of renewable energy staffing is also extremely relevant for Ukraine. It is noted that the current system of training for this energy sector does not meet the long-term requirements; the increase of energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy transform the qualification requirements for employees, which requires the transformation of approaches to the training and development of employees.
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“Alternative” employment 2020. Is the personnel market keeping up with the changes in the energy sector? («Alternativnaya» zanyatost. Uspevayet li rynok kadrov za izmeneniyami v sektore energetiki?) [Online] [Accessed: 2021-07-16] (in Russian).
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Kalinina et al. 2020 – Kalinina, S., Lyndiuk, O. and Buchyk, V. 2020. Development of renewable energy in Ukraine in the context of ensuring public employment. Polityka Energetyczna – Energy Policy Journal 23(4), DOI: 10.33223/epj/130319.
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Authors and Affiliations

Svitlana Kalinina
Olena Lyndiuk
Vasyl Savchenko
Valeriya Podunay
Svitlana Lanska
Eduard Savchenko

  1. Theoretical and Applied Economics Department, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Ukraine
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The observation of trends in the demand for minerals is of fundamental importance in the long- -term assessment of prospects for economic development in Poland.
From among 148 minerals analyzed, 42 minerals are indicated as key minerals for the country’s economy, of which 22 were recognized as deficit minerals. These minerals have been the subject of this paper.
For each of these minerals the forecasts of demand by the years 2030, 2040 and 2050 have been made taking the current trends in domestic economy and premises for the development of industries that are main users of these minerals into account. The most promising prospects for growth of domestic demand – with at least a two-fold increase by 2050 – have been determined for manganese dioxide, metallic: magnesium, nickel, silicon, as well as talc and steatite, while an increase by at least 50% have been anticipated for metallic aluminum, tin, metallic manganese, and elemental phosphorus. For natural gas and crude oil growing tendencies have also been predicted, but only by 2030. On the other hand, the most probable decline in domestic demand by 2050 may be foreseen for iron ores and concentrates, bauxite, metallic tungsten, magnesite and magnesia, as well as for crude oil and natural gas, especially after 2040.
It seems inevitable that the deficit in the foreign trade of minerals will continue to deepen in the coming years. By 2030 this will mainly result from the growing importation of crude oil and natural gas, but beyond – by 2050 – further deepening in the trade deficit will be related to the growing importation of many metals as well as of some industrial minerals. After 2040, the negative trade balance can be mitigated by a possible decrease in foreign deliveries of hydrocarbons and iron ores and concentrates.
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Galos et al. 2020 – Galos, K., Burkowicz, A., Czerw, H., Figarska-Warchoł, B., Gałaś, A., Guzik, K., Kamyk, J., Kot- -Niewiadomska, A., Lewicka, E. and Szlugaj, J. 2020. Assessment of current and future demand of the domestic economy for mineral raw materials in the perspective of 2025, 2030. 2040 and 2050 (Ocena obecnego oraz przyszłego zapotrzebowania gospodarki krajowej na surowce w perspektywie 2025, 2030, 2040 i 2050 roku). Commissioned by the PIG-PIB (unpublished typescript in Polish).

Galos, K. and Lewicka, E. 2016. Assessment of importance of non-energy mineral raw materials for the domestic economy in the years 2005–2014 (Ocena znaczenia surowców mineralnych nieenergetycznych dla gospodarki krajowej w latach 2005–2014). Zeszyty Naukowe IGSMiE PAN 92, pp. 7–36 (in Polish).

Galos et al. 2021 – Galos, K., Lewicka, E., Burkowicz, A., Guzik, K., Kot-Niewiadomska, A., Kamyk, J. and Szlugaj, J. 2021. Approach to identification and classification of the key, strategic and critical minerals important for the mineral security of Poland. Resources Policy 70, pp. 101900–101913.

Galos, K. and Smakowski, T. 2014. Preliminary proposal of methodology of identification of key minerals for the Polish economy (Wstępna propozycja metodyki identyfikacji surowców kluczowych dla polskiej gospodarki). Zeszyty Naukowe IGSMiE PAN 88, pp. 59–79 (in Polish).

Galos, K. and Szamałek, K. 2011. Assessment of the non-energy minerals security of Poland (Ocena bezpieczeństwa surowcowego Polski w zakresie surowców nieenergetycznych). Zeszyty Naukowe IGSMiE PAN 81, pp. 37–58 (in Polish).

Kulczycka et al. 2016 – Kulczycka, J., Pietrzyk-Sokulska, E., Koneczna, R., Galos, K. and Lewicka, E. 2016. Key minerals for the Polish economy (Surowce kluczowe dla polskiej gospodarki) Kraków: MERRI PAS, 164 pp. (in Polish).

Lewicka, E. and Burkowicz, A. 2018. Assessing current state of coverage the mineral raw materials demand of the domestic economy (Ocena obecnego stanu pokrycia potrzeb surowcowych gospodarki krajowej). Przegląd Geologiczny 66(3), pp. 144–152 (in Polish).

Lewicka et al. 2021 – Lewicka, E., Guzik, K. and Galos, K. 2021. On the possibilities of critical raw materials production from the EU’s primary sources. Resources 10(5), pp. 50–71.

Ministry of Climate and Environment 2021. Mineral Policy of Poland. Project from 6 April 2021 (Polityka surowcowa państwa. Projekt z 6 kwietnia 2021 r.), Warszawa (in Polish).

Nieć et al. 2014 – Nieć, M., Galos, K. and Szamałek, K. 2014. Main challenges of mineral resources policy of Poland. Resources Policy 42, pp. 93–103.

Radwanek-Bąk, B. 2016. Designation of key raw materials for the Polish economy (Określenie surowców kluczowych dla polskiej gospodarki). Zeszyty Naukowe IGSMiE PAN 96, pp. 241–254 (in Polish).

Radwanek-Bąk et al. 2018 – Radwanek-Bąk, B., Galos, K. and Nieć, M. 2018. Key, strategic and critical minerals for the Polish economy (Surowce kluczowe, strategiczne i krytyczne dla polskiej gospodarki). Przegląd Geologiczny 66(3), pp. 153–159 (in Polish).

Smakowski et al. 2015 – Smakowski, T., Galos, K. and Lewicka, E. eds. 2015. Balance of the mineral economy of Poland and the world 2013 (Bilans gospodarki surowcami mineralnymi Polski i świata 2013). Warszawa: PIG-PIB, 1169 pp. (in Polish).

Statistics Poland (GUS). Statistics of the production and foreign trade (as well as selected data on consumption) of mineral raw materials in Poland in the years 2000–2018.

Szuflicki et al. 2021 – Szuflicki, M., Malon, A. and Tymiński, M. eds. 2021. Balance of mineral raw materials deposits in Poland as of 31 XII 2020 (Bilans zasobów złóż kopalin w Polsce wg stanu na 31 XII 2020 r.). Warszawa: PIG-PIB, 508 pp. (in Polish).
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Galos
Ewa Danuta Lewicka
Jarosław Kamyk
Jarosław Szlugaj
Hubert Czerw
Anna Burkowicz
Alicja Kot-Niewiadomska
Katarzyna Guzik

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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While assessing the effects of climate change at global or regional scales, local factors responsible for climate change are generalized, which results in the averaging of effects. However, climate change assessment is required at a micro-scale to determine the severity of climate change. To ascertain the impact of spatial scales on climate change assessments, trends and shifts in annual and seasonal (monsoon and non-monsoon), rainfall and temperature (minimum, average and maximum) were determined at three different spatial resolutions in India (Ajmer city, Ajmer District and Rajasthan State). The Mann–Kendall (MK), MK test with pre-whitening of series (MK–PW), and Modified Mann–Kendall (MMK) test, along with other statistical techniques were used for the trend analysis. The Pettitt–Mann–Whitney (PMW) test was applied to detect the temporal shift in climatic parameters. The Sen’s slope and % change in rainfall and temperature were also estimated over the study period (35 years). The annual and seasonal average temperature indicates significant warming trends, when assessed at a fine spatial resolution (Ajmer city) compared to a coarser spatial resolution (Ajmer District and Rajasthan State resolutions). Increasing trend was observed in minimum, mean and maximum temperature at all spatial scales; however, trends were more pronounced at a finer spatial resolution (Ajmer city). The PMW test indicates only the significant shift in non-monsoon season rainfall, which shows an increase in rainfall after 1995 in Ajmer city. The Kurtosis and coefficient of variation also revealed significant climate change, when assessed at a finer spatial resolution (Ajmer city) compared to a coarser resolution. This shows the contribution of land use/land cover change and several other local anthropogenic activities on climate change. The results of this study can be useful for the identification of optimum climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies based on the severity of climate change at different spatial scales.

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Santosh Pingale
Jan Adamowski
Mahesh Jat
Deepak Khare
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The drought ranked first in terms the natural hazard characteristics and impacts followed by tropical cyclones, regional floods, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Drought monitoring is an important aspect of drought risk management and the assessment of drought is usually done through using various drought indices. The western region in Algeria is the most affected by the drought since the middle of the 70s.The current research focuses on the analysis and comparison of four meteorological drought indices (standardized precipitation index – SPI, percent of normal index – PN, decile index – DI, and rainfall anomaly index – RAI) in the Tafna basin for different time scales (annual, seasonal, and monthly) during 1979–2011. The results showed that the SPI and DI have similar frequencies for dry and wet categories. The RAI and PN were able to detect more drought categories. Meanwhile, all indices have strong positive correlations between each other, especially with Spearman correlation tests (0.99; 1.0), the meteorological drought indices almost showed consistent and similar results in the study area. It was determined in 1982 as the driest year and 2008 as the wettest year in the period of the study. The analysis of the trend was based on the test of Mann– Kendall (MK), a positive trend of the indices were detected on a monthly scale, this increasing of indices trend represent the increasing of the wet categories which explains the increasing trend of the rainfall in the last 2000s. These results overview of the understanding of drought trends in the region is crucial for making strategies and assist in decision making for water resources management and reducing vulnerability to drought.
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Hanane Bougara
1 2
Kamila Baba Hamed
Christian Borgemeister
Bernhard Tischbein
Navneet Kumar

  1. University of Abou Bekr Belkaid, Faculty of Technology, Tlemcen BP 230 - 13000, Chetouane Tlemcen, Algeria
  2. Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (PAUWES), Tlemcen, Algeria
  3. University of Bonn, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn, Germany
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The aim of this study is to analyse the spatio-temporal evolution of hydro-rainfall variables in the Agnéby watershed in a disturbed climatic context. Rainfall data from the stations of Arrah, Bongouanou, M’Batto, Akoupé, Céchi, Agboville, Adzopé, Sikensi, Abidjan Airport and Dabou as well as hydrometric data from the stations of Agboville, Offoliguié, M’Bessé and Guessiguié were used. The methodological approach is based on the application of independence and trend tests and spatio-temporal analysis of daily rainfall maxima, duration of consecutive rainfall events, number of rainfall events above a threshold and daily flow maxima. The hypothesis of independence justified the relevance of the choice of variables. The trend test showed the dynamic upward evolution of extreme rainfall and the decrease in the duration of consecutive rainy episodes, in the number of rainy episodes and in the flows feeding the main watercourse. Moreover, spatial analysis of daily maximum rainfall amounts above 120 mm, consecutive maximum rainfall amounts above 160 mm and Gumbel rainfall amounts above 190 mm indicated heavy rainfall in the southern part of the watershed. However, a decrease in rainfall is recorded in the areas covered by the stations of Arrah, Bongouanou, M’Batto, Ce chi and Akoupé. An increase in the flood flow calculated from the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) between 76.60 m3∙s–1 and 225.70 m3∙s–1 is presented in the main river. The spatio-temporal variation in annual rainfall heights showed a high rainfall in the southern part of the watershed with a decrease in rainfall over the decades (1976–1985 and 1996–2005) followed by an increase over the decades (1986–1995 and 2006–2015). Despite the general decrease in rainfall, extreme rainfall has become frequent, causing flooding in the watershed.
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AHOUSSI K.E., KOFFI Y.B., KOUASSI A.M., SORO G., SORO N., BIEMI J. 2013. Etude de la variabilité hydroclimatique et de ses conséquences sur les ressources en eau du Sud forestier et agricole de la Côte d’Ivoire : Cas de la région d’Abidjan-Agboville [Study of hydroclimatic variability and its consequences on water resources in the forested and agricultural south of Côte d'Ivoire:The case of the Abidjan-Agboville region]. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience. Vol. 1. No. 6 p. 30–50.
BENHATTAB K., BOUVIER C., MEDDI M. 2014. Analyse fréquentielle régionale des précipitations journalières maximales annuelles dans le bassin hydrographique – Chéliff, Algérie [Regional frequency analysis of maximal daily annual rainfalls in Cheliff catchment, Algeria Regional frequency analysis of maximal daily annual rainfalls in Cheliff catchment, Algeria]. Revue des Sciences de l’Eau. Vol. 27. No. 3 p. 189–203.
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Authors and Affiliations

N’Da Jean Claude Konin
Yao Alexis N’go
Gneneyougo Emile Soro
Bi Tié Albert Goula

  1. Université Nangui Abrogoua, Unité de Formation et de Recherche en Sciences et Gestion de l’Environnement, Laboratoire Géosciences et Environnement, 02 BP 801 Abidjan, Ivory Coast
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This paper has an ambitious aim: to predict the future of the Church. How can anyone undertake such an enterprise since the one thing we know for certain about history is omnia aliter, that is, everything will be different than we once imagined. However, such a project is not as unfeasible as it seems. In the footsteps of literary critics, economists, historians, political scientists, philosophers, and theologians, we sketch some of the most likely shifts in the light of already-observable trends using the finest hermeneutics available. First, we interpret the most significant global trend today: secularization (sections 1). Second, we present and evaluate current models for the future of the Church, paying particular attention to the Magisterium of Pope Francis (sections 2). Finally, we predict likely developments in the area of spirituality (sections 3). In setting out to write academically about futuristic topics, we are aware that one looks to the future not so much to predict it accurately, as to shape it.
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Ferenc Patsch SJ

  1. Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome
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The variability of the mean annual air temperature and precipitation totals in three periods: 1848–2010, 1951–2010 and 1981–2010 was investigated in the large Warta River basin, being the area with lowest rainfall in Poland. For the purposes of research, nine meteorological stations with the longest measurement series were selected. Air temperature increase in this river basin was similar than in neighbouring countries. In the last 30 years this trend kept increasing. The precipitation in the whole studied period was slightly increasing in the northern part of the Warta River basin, but decreasing in the southern part. The mean annual precipitation totals in the catchment area did not change visible. In the period 1981–2010, the precipitation totals show a small increase in the winter and spring and a decrease in summer. A negative influence of this climate change was not visible in the Warta River discharge. The main objectives of this study were the collection long-term records of air temperature and precipitation in the Warta River basin, and the statistical analysis of climate variability.

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Piotr Ilnicki
Ryszard Farat
Krzysztof Górecki
Piotr Lewandowski
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With continuous and rapid change in both technology and businesses due to climate change and governments regulations, Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is receiving increasing attentions during last two decades. GSCM refers to the abilities of businesses to enhance operations and sustain environment at the same time and efficiently. In this paper, a comprehensive review of GSCM development and applications is conducted. This review aims to explore the recent developments of GSCM and necessity of adoption GSCM applications in businesses to insure sustainable development. First, a descriptive analysis of 796 paper adopted from Scopus database was conducted to review research on GSCM. Next, a bibliometric analysis of 235 paper was conducted to determine the recent trends and areas of GSCM and related keywords by using VOSviewer software. Then, a content analysis was carried out of 53 review papers by adopting WordStat software to analyze the impact of GSCM on related subjects and trends of GSCM. Finally, a summary analysis of GSCM advantages and challenges was conducted based on fundamental GSCM’s objectives. Results reveal that researches on GSCM are in upward curve with limitations in implementing GSCM applications due to high cost, and lack of sufficient experiences. Results also reveal positive moderate correlation of GSCM with environment, performance, sustainability and management practices indicating the limited implementation of GSCM applications. To further explore these limitations, this study summarized the recent challenges and future potential directions of GSCM in both businesses and environments.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ali Mohsin Salim Ba Awain
Abdullah M. Al-Ansi
Mohammed Jaboob
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Reduced activity in all life areas due to the coronavirus pandemic is a good moment to reflect on the unfavorable trends in the redevelopment and expansion of Polish cities, especially Krakow. The article draws attention to the fact that the tourist and business attractiveness of Krakow is the cause of excessive densification of the urban fabric with new investments. The subordination of the historic downtown to the tourist function, in turn, violates some of the timeless values of Krakow and limits the participation of residents in the use of the historic downtown. In conclusion, attention was drawn to the need for correction of the current spatial activities in favor of sustainable principles of shaping the urban environment.
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Ustawa o samorządzie terytorialnym z dnia 8 marca 1990 roku.
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Barbara Bartkowicz

  1. Katowice School of Technology
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Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has put healthcare systems worldwide under huge strain, resulting in a significant loss of their capacity and availability. Patients have become more reluctant to contact their doctors or call an ambulance in case of myocardial infarction (MI) symptoms onset. It has been accompanied by a significant decrease in the number of coronary angiography and PCI procedures performed.
Objectives: The aim of the study is to evaluate the role of online health information in the patient- dependent phase of MI management during the COVID-19 lockdown in Europe.
Methods: We analyzed Google Trends data on the popularity of phrases related to MI symptoms, respiratory tract infection, urological complaints, and terms unrelated to health, for the period of the first COVID-19 lockdown, along with the data from the corresponding weeks from 2017–2019 in seven European countries.
Results: The search volume for particular symptoms of myocardial infarction increased in all studied countries, compared to the analogous period from 2017–2019, with a significant increase in for chest pain, shortness of breath, fear, and palpitations in most countries. These changes have not been accompanied by increased interest in terms related to respiratory tract infection symptoms and urological complaints.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that during lockdown, patients with MI symptoms may have tried to manage their complaints on their own, using information from the Internet. This demonstrates the growing role of the Internet in the patient’s decision-making process in the emergency situation, indicating a grow-ing need for reliable and freely available online information provided by healthcare professionals.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dominik Felkle
Michał Ł. Korman
Andrzej Surdacki

  1. Students’ Scientific Group at Second Department of Cardiology, Institute of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Second Department of Cardiology, Institute of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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The article presents the problem of micro-apartments. The issue is presented in a cross-sectional view, covering both the historical overview and current trends. The problem has been discussed against the background of demographic factors that justify the trend of minimizing living space. In addition to spatial issues, the paper presents the social and psychological issues related to small-scale inhabitation, as well as legal frames concerning minimal size of the flats.

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Agata Twardoch
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Fruit tree orchards were present in some public parks from the very beginning of their existence in the 19th century. Apart from the utilitarian role, in the 20th and 21st centuries, they also gained different ones: ornamental — on account of high aesthetic qualities of fruit trees in the flowering and fruit-bearing seasons, environmental and ecological — related to supporting biodiversity, cultural — in the context of memory of old forms of using rural and allotment gardens, social — as a space for leisure, and even therapeutic — as an element of hortitherapy. The growing popularity of orchards indicates a change in the trends in contemporary public parks development.

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Kinga Kimic
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The paper proposes a list of five „stylized facts”, regarded as the main trends with respect to the development of the global economy in the 20th c. The author’s main purpose is to answer the question whether, in the light of the contemporary growth theory and demographic forecasts, these trends are likely to continue unchanged also in the 21st c. Taking into account this theory and those forecasts, the paper offers forecasts of the average GDP per capita for both the countries of the Technology Frontier Area (TFA) and the catching-up countries. By these forecasts, the strong divergence trend of the last two centuries will be replaced by a strong convergence trend during the 21st c. Moreover, the global rate of growth of the per capita GDP will continue to be high in the first half of the current century, but strongly declining in the second half.

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Stanisław Gomułka
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Due to the widespread presence and harmfulness of heavy metals in the environment, scholars around the world have evaluated the exposure characteristics and health risks of heavy metals. To understand the status, hotspots, and development treads of heavy metal health risk assessment research, we used bibliometric analysis tools to conduct scientometric analysis of the literature related to the health risk assessment of heavy metals in the Web of Science database from 2000 to 2022. The analysis results indicate that research related to heavy metal health risk assessment is rapidly developing in both developed and developing countries. China’s significant international influence in this field is worth noting, as there are many publications and highly cited documents related to China. France and other developed countries also play an important role in this field due to their high centrality and strong bursts. The results of co-citation cluster analysis and keyword co-occurrence analysis indicate that in the past two decades, the primary research domains and hotspots of heavy metal health risk assessment have been the study of heavy metals in soil, dust, drinking water, vegetables, fish, and sediment. There is a specific focus on bioaccumulation, bioavailability, source apportionment, and spatial distribution of heavy metals. The main types of heavy metals studied are lead, cadmium, mercury, and zinc. The results of the bursts keywords analysis suggest that future research trends may focus more on the health risks of heavy metals in different functional areas of cities.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yingsen Zhang
Xinwei Lu
Sijia Deng
Tong Zhu
Bo Yu

  1. School of Geography and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University, China
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Significant increasing trends in the air temperature were found both in the surface station of Svalbard Lufthavn and in the low-tropospheric temperature field over the Atlantic Arctic. The variability in temperature, as well as the multiannual trend, is at least three times bigger in the winter months than in summer. An attempt was made to explain the high day-to-day variability in the winter air temperature by the daily variability in the regional pressure field and circulation conditions. Six regional-scale circulation patterns were found by applying the principal component analysis to the mean daily sea level pressure (SLP) reanalysis data and their impact on the low-tropospheric air temperature variability was determined. A bipolar pattern, with a positive center over Greenland and a negative center over the White Sea, dominates in the region and strongly influences the air temperature field at 850 hPa geopotential height (correlation coefficients up to –0.65). The second pattern that impacts the temperature field in the Atlantic Arctic is the one with a center of action over Svalbard (mostly a low-pressure center in winter), strongly influencing the air temperature over the Barents Sea. The remaining circulation types, explaining only 5–8% of the total variance of the SLP field each, do not modify significantly the air temperature at 850 hPa geopotential level over the Atlantic Arctic, and none of the circulation types seems to influence the multiannual temperature trends.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Bednorz
Arkadiusz M. Tomczyk
Bartosz Czernecki
Miłosz Piękny

  1. Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Institute of Physical Geography and Environmental Planning, Adam Mickiewicz University, B. Krygowskiego 10, 61–680 Poznań, Poland

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