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Geomechnical model testing has been widely applied as a kind of research technique in underground engineering problems. However, during the practical application process, due to the influence of many factors, the desired results cannot be obtained. In order to solve this problem, based on the measurement requirements of the model test, combined with FBG(Fiber Bragg Grating) sensor technology and traditional measurement methods, an FBG monitoring system, Micro-multi-point displacement test system, resistance strain test system and surrounding rock pressure monitoring system are developed. Applying the systems to a model test of the tunnel construction process, the displacement in advance laws of tunnel face, radial displacement distribution laws and surrounding rock pressure laws are obtained. Test results show that a multivariate information monitoring system has the advantage of high precision, stability and strong anti-jamming capability. It lays a solid foundation for the real-time data monitoring of the tunnel construction process model test.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Q. Liu
J. Chen
L. Wei
P. Huang
Y. Luo
X. Pu


The steel pipe umbrella is a widely used technology when tunnelling in weak soils in order to create pre-support ahead of the tunnel face. The design of steel pipes is frequently done through simplified analytical approaches which are easy to apply but require proper assessment of the loads acting on the pipe. To provide information on this key design aspect, the results of the comparison between a three-dimensional numerical model developed with the code FLAC 3D and an analytical model based on the approach of a beam on yielding supports is presented and discussed. The comparison refers to a shallow tunnel with an overburden of three times its diameter for two different types of weak rock masses. The obtained results provide suggestions about the load that has to be applied in the analytical model for the design phase.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

D. Peila
C. Marchino
C. Todaro
A. Luciani
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This paper presents the design method and the construction details of a subsonic low-speed wind tunnel, which has been designed to achieve the flow velocity of 35 m/s in the measurement section with expected uniform velocity field at its inlet. To achieve such objectives a very detailed design was performed using a theoretical 1D analysis and computational fluid dynamics simulations. This approach was applied to improve the flow quality along the wind tunnel sections. When the wind tunnel has been launched a direct comparison of the experimentally measured flow field in the test section and numerical simulation results was conducted. Such comparison of the simulation results with the experimental one is presented in this paper. The obtained results confirm that assumed wind tunnel design method was correct, i.e. the pressure drop in the wind tunnel has been predicted very well and drive system is effective and sufficient to accelerate the airflow to required values.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ryszard Szwaba
Krzysztof Hinc
Tomasz Ochrymiuk
Zbigniew Krzemianowski
Piotr Doerffer
Marcin Kurowski

  1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdansk, Poland


The paper presents numerical simulations related to the problem of how to obtain correct results in transonic wind tunnel during tests at high airfoil angles of attack. At this flow conditions, significant pressure losses appear in the test section, what leads to significant errors in measured data. Regarding the possible ways of tunnel reconstruction, we examined three different possibilities of changing the test section configurations: an increase of the test section height, displacement of the airfoil below the tunnel centreline and, finally, introduction of divergent test section walls. It was shown that neither the use of higher test section, nor the change of the airfoil location, gives any significant improvement in reference to the existing tunnel configuration. Only after divergent test section walls were introduced, the distributions of pressure coefficient became well consistent with their expected values.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Witold Selerowicz


Since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, the country has made significant progress in tunnel construction, transforming from a “weak tunnel nation” to a “strong tunnel nation.” As of 2022, China has undertaken more than 60 projects involving large-diameter shield tunnels. To promote the sustainable and high-quality development of large-diameter shield tunnels in China, this article systematically reviews the development history of large-diameter shield tunnels, summarizes the current projects in the country, and addresses various aspects such as construction technology management, design technology, ecological conservation, safety, and intelligence. The article also provides suggestions for the development of large-diameter shield tunnels in China, with the aim of playing a proactive role in promoting their advancement.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wei Qiu
Xin Dong
Linjian Su
Xingwei Xue
Kexin Zhang

  1. Engineering Department, Guangzhou Expressway Co., LTD, China
  2. School of Transportation and Surveying Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, China


The paper presents an analysis of determining the load of a model tunnel lining in a noncohesive soil medium at two different heights of soil backfill above the structure. A series of simulations were performed with the flexible and rigid tunnel lining. The analysis was performed by conducting simulations with the use of an author’s program based on the discrete element method. The model previously calibrated on the basis of laboratory tests was used. The loads acting on the structure, the distribution of stresses in the surrounding soil medium and the displacements of this medium in the vicinity of the structure were determined and compared. The effect of soil weight and technological load applied from the surface was taken into account. The values of the numerically obtained loads of the tunnel lining were compared with those calculated according to the classic Hewett’s method.
It has been proven that in both cases the degree of cooperation between the structure and soil is significantly related to the rigidity of the structure, hence the loads determined may differ significantly from the results obtained according to classical methods. It was shown that discrete modelling allows to reflect differences in the behaviour of the soil medium resulting from different heights of soil backfill. Smaller horizontal pressure was obtained in the side zones of an excavation at a higher backfill. In addition, significantly greater intensity of vertical soil displacements over the lining were observed with a lower backfill height.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł Szklennik

  1. Military University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, ul. Gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2 00-908 Warsaw, Poland


In order to study the ground disturbance and the influence relationship between the two tunnels during the construction of the new shield tunnel undercrossing the existing high-speed railway tunnel, the centrifuge test was used to simulate the construction of the parallel shield tunnel undercrossing the high-speed railway tunnel, and the variation law of the internal force, segment deformation and surface settlement of the existing high-speed railway tunnel undercrossing the shield was studied. It is found that the adverse effects caused by the later tunnel are less than those caused by the first tunnel excavation. For the existing tunnels without settlement joints, the longitudinal settlement of the inverted arch and the vault is U-shaped and anti-U-shaped respectively. The settlement value of the ground surface and the existing tunnel is increased by more than 100%. When the shield passes through the high-speed railway tunnel, the transverse bending strain is larger than the longitudinal, and special attention should be paid at the corner.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ruizhen Fei
1 2
Limin Peng
Chunlei Zhang
Jiqing Zhang
Peng Zhang

  1. Central South University, School of Civil Engineering, Changsha, 410075, China
  2. China Railway Design Corporation, Tianjin, 300142, China
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Effects of temperature variation on the performance of silicon heterojunction solar cells are studied using opto-electrical simulations. It is shown that the low-temperature cell efficiency is determined by the fill factor, while at high temperatures it depends on the open-circuit voltage. Simulations revealed that the low-temperature drop in the fill factor is caused by poor tunnelling, in particular at the ITO/p-a-Si:H heterojunction. The authors link this drop in fill factor to a low maximum-power-point voltage and show how poor tunnelling is reflected in the charge redistribution determining the device voltage. The effect of the contact work function on temperature behaviour of efficiency by varying the electron affinity of ITO layers has been demonstrated. It was also demonstrated that increasing the electron affinity of ITO on the p-side minimises the work function mismatch, leading to significant improvements in efficiency, especially at low temperatures, while optimisation on the n-side results in marginal improvements over the entire temperature range. In addition to the cumulative effects of the temperature-dependent parameters, their individual contributions to the efficiency were also investigated. Moreover, it was presented that the thermal energy (kT) determines the efficiency temperature behaviour, while other parameters play only a minor role. This paper shows how temperature variations affect device performance parameters.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jošt Balent
Marko Topič
Janez Krč

  1. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
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This paper provides an analysis of the evacuation process in a road tunnel in the event of a fire, using the example of the tunnel under the Luboń Mały mountain currently being constructed on Expressway S7’s Lubień – Rabka-Zdrój section. As fires are the largest and most dangerous events occurring in road tunnels, it is important to predict the evacuation process as early as at the design stage. The study described here used numerical modelling to simulate evacuation, which made it possible to determine the required safe evacuation time of all tunnel users in a fire. On the basis of the parameters of the tunnel under Luboń Mały, numerical studies were performed for four different fire scenarios, three of which assumed various fire locations with the currently designed two traffic lanes. The fourth variant accounted for the planned extension of the roadway to include three traffic lanes. Eventually, four numerical models were developed involving various fire ignition locations and numbers of potential tunnel users. The values of initial-boundary conditions used in the simulation, such as movement speed during evacuation, shoulder breadth and pre-movement time, were specified on the basis of experimental data for an evacuation performed in smoke conditions in the Emilia tunnel in Laliki. The results lead to the conclusion that if the time of reaching critical conditions in the tunnel is not shorter than 5 minutes 40 seconds for the current design state and 5 minutes 47 seconds for three lanes, the distribution of evacuation exits in the tunnel under Luboń Mały will ensure safe evacuation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Natalia Schmidt-Polończyk
Zbigniew Burtan
Piotr Liszka

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland


Earth Pressure Balanced shields are currently the most utilized tunnelling machines throughout around the world. The possibility of using conditioning agents that change the mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of a soil, changing it into a plastic paste and thus permitting soil pressure applications at the tunnel face, is the key point to explain the increasing utilization of this technology. Despite its great importance, not much laboratory researches can be registered on soil conditioning, particularly for cohesionless soils. The conditioning criterion is usually defined on the basis of a trial-and-error procedure developed directly at the job sites. A test that is able to simulate the extraction of soil from the bulk chamber with the screw conveyor inclined upwards, as in real machines, can offer a quantitative indication of the conditioned soil behavior for EPB use. The characteristics of the device and the results obtained on many different types of soil are discussed in order to point out the great importance and quality of results that can be achieved using the proposed test device.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Luca Borio
Daniele Peila


The impact of TBM EPB tunnelling was assessed with respect to the observed values of settlements as the results of extensive monitoring system of the subsoil and ground surface. The aim of the analysis using empirical methods was to determine the real scale of impact and to determine the formula for the asymmetric subsidence trough observed during the passage of two TBMs in quaternary cohesive soils. Based on field measurements, authors propose the polynomial formulation for the depth and shape of the asymmetric subsidence trough prediction over twin tube TBM tunnel.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Rafał Kuszyk
Anna Siemińska-Lewandowska

  1. Ph.D., Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Prof., DSc., PhD., Eng., Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland


The historical past of a building has a key influence on the variability of geotechnical conditions. These conditions change with a modification of the structural system, a change in function or only architectural elements (fashionable in a given period). In the article, various geotechnical and geophysical surveys are described, which led to a discovery of potential causes of a structural failure at historical Castle of Dukes of Pomerania in Szczecin. The investigation resulted in a discovery of an underground tunnel system constructed under the Castle, which existence was only suspected. The tunnels were constructed primarily during II World War, but also before that period. The article summarizes facts discovered due to investigation as well as historical and geological background related to the execution of the reinforced concrete and masonry tunnels. The lesson learned resulting from this discovery is that great care should be taken when historical areas are considered, even if the structure seems to be massive and robust.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Godlewski
Radosław Mieszkowski
Maciej Maślakowski

  1. Building Research Institute, 21 Ksawerów St., 02-656 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University, Geology Department, 93 Zwirki i Wigury St., 02-089 Warsaw, Poland
  3. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland


One of major design problems associated with shallow tunnelling in urbanized areas is the prediction of ground displacements caused by the construction process. Advanced tunnelling techniques such as shield tunnelling using Earth Pressure Balance Tunnel Boring Machines (EPB-TBMs) allow for significant reductions of settlements observed at the ground surface in comparison to tunnelling methods used in the past. The predictions of these displacements are often based on semi-empirical methods and prior experience. In addition to relative simplicity of such methods, their robustness and decades of validation in many tunnelling projects make them attractive for practical use. The tunnelling-induced settlement trough at the ground surface can be described by inversed Gaussian distribution function. It requires only the assumption of two parameters, namely: expected volume loss (VL) and the distance to the point of inflection (iy ), which is dependent on the empirical trough width parameter (K) and the tunnelling depth (z0). The values of those parameters have a strongly empirical nature; they should be established based on comparable experience obtained from full scale tunnelling projects with similar technique and at similar ground conditions. The paper presents the problem of variability of those parameters and discusses the need for its assessment. As volume loss is strongly related to the tunnelling technique, the study focuses on EPB-TBM tunnelling as the most commonly implemented one in recent years. Variability of parameters observed for different ground conditions in different countries is summarized. Finally, preliminary assessment of variability of settlements observed in Warsaw region is presented.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Witold Bogusz
Tomasz Godlewski
Anna Siemińska-Lewandowska

  1. Building Research Institute, Filtrowa 1, 00-611 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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This paper presents a 3D finite element analysis of the effect caused by a blast inside a reinforced concrete tunnel. The simulated explosion was caused by the crash of a heavy vehicle transporting inflammable material (LPG). The finite element technique was used to analyze the structural problems on the tunnel reinforced concrete structure considering the fire action and the subsequent explosion (blast) effect, incorporating appropriate material models.
Through FEM software the tunnel behavior was described with regard to structural safety. Indeed, tunnels must be designed to withstand damage factors, so it is desirable that if such an explosion did occur, the tunnel should be able to return to service in safety as soon as possible with minor repairs. Therefore, following the presented analysis, the most important factors influencing the dynamic response and the damage of the structure could be identified. The simulation involved aspects of thermal analysis and structural problems and the tensions in the structure generated by the effect of temperature caused by the fire and by the blast overpressure were analyzed. Following this approach, the most important factors influencing the dynamic response and damage of structure can be identified and appropriate preventive measures can be designated.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Giovanni Leonardi
Rocco Palamara
Federica Suraci

  1. Department of Civil, Energy, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Reggio Calabria, Via Graziella, Reggio Calabria, Italy


Ground settlement during and after tunnelling using TBM results in varying dynamic and static load action on the geo-stratum. It is an undesirable effect of tunnel construction causing damage to the surface and subsurface infrastructure, safety risk, and increased construction cost and quality issues. Ground settlement can be influenced by several factors, like method of tunnelling, tunnel geometry, location of tunnelling machine, machine operational parameters, depth & its changes, and mileage of recording point from starting point. In this study, a description and evaluation of the performance of the arti?cial neural network (ANN)was undertaken and a comparison with multiple linear regression (MLR) was carried out on ground settlement prediction. The performance of these models was evaluated using the coefficient of determination R2, root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). For ANN model, the R2, RMSE and MAPE were calculated as 0.9295, 4.2563 and 3.3372, respectively, while for MLR, the R2, RMSE and MAPE, were calculated as 0.5053, 11.2708, 6.3963 respectively. For ground settlement prediction, bothANNandMLRmethodswere able to predict significantly accurate results. It was further noted that the ANN performance was higher than that of the MLR.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Baoping Zou
Musa Chibawe
Bo Hu
Yansheng Deng

  1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China


The main problem of tunnelling with use of TBM in highly dense urban areas is to assign the range of subsiding trough and the impact of tunnelling works on existing buildings and underground or road infrastructure. The paper presents the results of settlements calculations over twin tube metro tunnel using analytical, empirical methods. The tunnel external diameter is 6,5 m ; the overburden vary from 5 m to 8 m ; the distance between tunnel axis is 14 m. Because of quaternary soils and high water table level the TBM type EBP was chosen as the method of tunnel construction. At the length of 502 m of tunnel the monitoring system was carried out in 22 cross sections. The results of settlements monitoring were compared with the values of analytical calculations.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Siemińska-Lewandowska
R. Kuszyk


This study presents a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) by integrating analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy cognition to evaluate the construction risks of tunnel portals. Wuguanyi Tunnel is taken as the research objective to validate the performance of the proposed method. The result shows that the proposed decision making method can effectively identify risk factors and determine the risk level during the construction of tunnel portals. Finally, the corresponding control measures during the construction of the Wuguanyi Tunnel portal are proposed according to the risk assessment results.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Xianghui Deng
Rui Wang
Tian Xu


The article describes the behaviour of the flysch rock massif (Carpathian flysch) during the drilling of three tunnels in the preliminary lining. These tunnels were excavated in: “Naprawa”, “Laliki”, and “Świnna Poręba”. The distance between these tunnels in a straight line was 50 km to 90 km. The results of the displacement of the contours of these tunnels and their convergence were analysed in detail. These values were compared with the indices used to assess the behaviour of the rock mass in the tunnel environment (Zasławski index and Hoek index) and the adopted limit values of displacements and deformations. On this basis, a critical analysis of the selection of initial supports in the completed tunnels was made, showing errors at the design stage.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Antoni Tajduś
Krzysztof Tajduś

  1. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30 av., 30-059 Cracow, Poland
  2. Strata Mechanics Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science, 27 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Krakow, Poland


The running speed of high-speed trains in the tunnel is as high as 350 km, which is very sensitive to the construction disturbance of the new shield tunnel. Therefore, it is of positive significance to study the influence of shield tunneling on existing high-speed railway lines and tunnel structures and control standards. Combined with centrifuge test and three-dimensional numerical simulation, the dynamic response of shield tunnel undercrossing existing high-speed railway tunnel is studied, and the influence of settlement joint and steel pipe pile reinforcement on existing tunnel is analyzed. Studies have shown that the existence of existing tunnels will reduce the surface settlement caused by tunnel excavation, but this shielding effect will be reduced if the influence of construction joints is considered. Therefore, if the construction joint is not considered in the numerical calculation, the ground deformation will be underestimated and the mechanical performance of the existing tunnel structure will be overestimated. In addition, steel pipe piles can effectively control the settlement of existing tunnels.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ruizhen Fei
1 2
Limin Peng
Chunlei Zhang
Jiqing Zhang
Peng Zhang

  1. Central South University, School of Civil Engineering, Changsha, 410075, China
  2. China Railway Design Corporation, Tianjin, 300142, China
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The following paper presents wind tunnel investigation of aerodynamic characteristics of hovering propellers. This propulsion system may be applied on a lightweight Quad Plane VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). A Quad Plane is a configuration consisting of a quadcopter design combined with a conventional twin-boom airplane. This kind of design should therefore incorporate the advantages of both types of vehicles in terms of agility and long endurance. However, those benefits may come with a cost of worse performance and higher energy consumption. The characteristics of a fixed-wing aircraft and propellers in axial inflow are well documented, less attention is put to non-axial flow cases. VTOL propellers of a hybrid UAV are subject to a multitude of conditions – various inflow speeds and angles, changing RPMs, interference between propellers and between nearby aerodynamic structures. The tested system presented in this article consists of four electric motors with two coaxial pairs of propellers mounted on one of the fuselage beams. Such a configuration is often chosen by designers of small and medium hybrid UAVs. There is a need for studies of clean, efficient ways of transporting, and this article can aid future designers of a new type of electric UAVs.
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  1.  A.M. Kamal and A. Ramirez-Serrano, “A. Design methodology for hybrid (VTOL + Fixed Wing) unmanned aerial vehicles,” Aeronaut. Aerosp Open Access J., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 165–176, 2018, doi: 10.15406/aaoaj.2018.02.00047.
  2.  A.S. Saeed, A.B. Younes, C. Cai, and G. Cai, “A survey of hybrid unmanned aerial vehicles,” Prog. Aerosp. Sci., vol. 98, pp. 91–105, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2018.03.007.
  3.  A. Bacchini and E. Cestino, “Electric vtol configurations comparison,” Aerospace, vol. 6, no. 3, 2019, doi: 10.3390/aerospace6030026.
  4.  T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, A. Tarnowski, M. Figat, J. Mieloszyk, and B. Hernik, “Lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle for emergency medical service – Synthesis of the layout,” Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part G: J. Aerosp. Eng., vol. 235, pp. 5–21, 2020, doi: 10.1177/0954410020910584.
  5.  S.D. Prior, Optimizing Small Multi-Rotor Unmanned Aircraft. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
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  7.  Z. Goraj, A. Frydrychewicz, R. Świtkiewicz, B. Hernik, J. Gadomski, T. Goetzendorf-Grabowski, M. Figat, S. Suchodolski, and W. Chajec, “High altitude long endurance unmanned aerial vehicle of a new generation – A design challenge for a low cost, reliable and high performance aircraft,” Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci., vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 173–194, 2004.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Katarzyna Pobikrowska
Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski

  1. Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Nowowiejska 24, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland


Stall flutter is a serious threat to the operational integrity in turbomachinery, particularly in the final stage rotors of steam turbines and in compressors. Although computer science has developed rapidly and much of the research can be carried out using numerical tools, the simulation of some phenomena, such as stall flutter, is still very challenging and needs to be supported by experimental data. This paper presents an innovative experimental linear blade cascade design with five prismatic blades with pitch degrees of freedom, designed to be operated in a low subsonic wind tunnel. The geometry of the blade cascade was chosen on the basis of the experimental and numerical tests to allow stall flutter initiation. New suspension, measurement and electromagnetic excitation systems were developed and experimentally tested to allow accurate measurement of aerodynamic damping during controlled flutter tests. The novelty of the experimental blade cascade is the possibility of single pulse excitation of the blades. The cascade can be brought to the edge of stability by adjusting the angle of attack and flow velocity, and then the pulse can be used to induce stall flutter. Measurement of both mechanical and flow characteristics, also demonstrated in this paper, will provide data for in-depth analysis of stall flutter initiation and propagation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Pavel Šnábl
Chandra Shekhar Prasad
Pavel Procházka
Ludek Pešek
Václav Uruba
Vladislav Skála


This paper presents a review of models of the current transport in different kind of heterojunctions (HJs) and their characteristics. In order to effectively deduce the dominant electron transport for the HJs based on ZnO or Zn1−xMgxO layers grown on Si substrate by MBE a comparison is performed – which type of the HJ exhibits better electrical properties. The current–voltage characteristics for the studied HJs were measured within 280–300 K. The transport properties of the HJs are explained in terms of Anderson model with reference to aforementioned current transport models. It is found, that the mechanisms of current transport for all of the studied HJs are similar. At a low forward voltage bias the tunneling current dominates while at medium voltage bias (0.5–1 V) multitunneling capture-emission prevails with the electron trap located at 0.1–0.25 eV below the bottom of a ZnO (Zn1−xMgxO) conduction band. Beyond this voltage bias space charge limited current governs the current transport.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

E. Płaczek-Popko
K.M. Paradowska
M.A. Pietrzyk
A. Kozanecki


In order to study the influence of multiple karst cave factors on surface settlement during tunnel boring machine (referred to TBM hereinafter) tunnelling, a three-dimensional numerical model is built by taking a subway project as an example and combining it with MIDAS GTS NX finite element software. Secondly, the influence of the radius, height, angle, vertical net distance and horizontal distance of the karst cave on maximum surface settlement is studied and sorted under the two working conditions of treatment and lack of treatment using the gray correlation analysis method. Additionally, a multi-factor numerical model of the untreated karst cave is established. Finally, based on the preceding research, a multi-factor prediction model for maximum surface settlement is proposed and tested. The results reveal that when the karst cave is not treated, the radius and height of the karst cave have a significant effect on maximum surface settlement. Following cave treatment however, the influence of the cave parameters on maximum settlement of the surface is greatly reduced. The calculating model created in this study offers excellent prediction accuracy and good adaptability.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bichang Dong
Tao Yang
Binbin Ju
Zhongying Qu
Chao Yi

  1. School of Transportation and Logistics Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan Hubei 430063, China
  2. Wuhan Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. Wuhan Hubei 430063, China
  3. China Railway Seven Bureau Group Fourth Engineering Co., Ltd. Wuhan 430200, China

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