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This article explores various text coding strategies in the work of Polish Futurists. Drawing on the concept of Jerome J. McGann’s bibliographic code, this analysis of the fonts, layout and typographic devices used in their texts reveals a development culminating in literary breakthrough at the beginning of the interwar period. It shows, moreover, that the Futurist revolutionists depended heavily on the material and manufacturing base which they wanted to overthrow and replace. That dependence manifests itself in the incongruous adoption of various traditional fonts, typographic and graphic designs, which remains the most striking characteristic of a Futuristic text.
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Aleksander Wójtowicz

  1. UMCS
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This is an analysis of the applications and characteristics of the typography used in two volumes of poems, Trzysta cytryn do trzeciej potęgi tygrysa [Three Hundred Lemons to the Third Power of the Tiger] by Marcin Podlaski and żywe linie nowe usta [Live lines of new mouths] by Marcin Mokry. The aim is gain an understanding of the relationship between the text and its form. The typographical effects are examined one by one and in con-nection with their function in the author’s poetic project. Both collections are analyzed from the perspective of Jacques Rancière’s partage du sensible, i.e. a conceptual inclusion of everybody, including the mentally ill, by means of a literary form which engages both the intellect and the senses.
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Michał Rymaszewski

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
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Artykuł stanowi pionierską próbę przedstawienia sylwetki czasopisma „Ilustracja Polska” — pierwszego nowoczesnego polskiego tygodnika ilustrowanego, poświęconego chwili bieżącej (jednocześnie pierwszego tego typu magazynu w Galicji). Nieopracowane dotąd pismo wydawane było przez Ludwika Szczepańskiego w Krakowie w latach 1901–1904. W tekście omówiono genezę, typografię i szatę graficzną tygodnika, zawartość treści oraz wydawnictwa dodatkowe (kalendarze, ilustrowany album o Wawelu). Zwrócono także uwagę na nieznane do tej pory zagadnienie pierwszej polskiej wystawy fotograficznej, zorganizowanej staraniem redakcji „Ilustracji Polskiej” w Krakowie w roku 1902.
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Magdalena Wulczyńska
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This paper is a contribution to research on the reflection on art in literary criticism and cultural journalism of the interwar period. It discusses the interest in graphic arts of the Silesian born right-wing reviewer and literary critic, Alfred Jesionowski (1902–1945?), which resulted in his popularizing discussions on the works of such artistic personalities of the interwar period as Paweł Steller (wood engraver and watercolourist), Stanisław Brzęczkowski (wood engraver) and Jan Kuglin (typographer).
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Authors and Affiliations

Olga Płaszczewska

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński

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