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The Distinctness of the Workers Settlement as a Housing Estate of the City – Ruda Śląska Case Study. The paper shows the issue of the workers settlements autonomy as a housing estate. The study was conducted in Ruda Śląska town, because this town is a typical example of the multicenter town developed in the era of workers settlements industrialization. A significant number of patronage settlements allowed to try to determine their distinctiveness in respect of their neighborhood or related to town district. Researched issue was presented by three aspects: indicating the urban and architectural contrasts, studying of the internal urban pattern of settlements and by indicating the specific nature of backyards in the workers settlements complexes. Detailed studies were related to urban interiors and their infrastructure and organization in the context of social relations. Contemporary the workers settlements are an important heritage of the industrial period in Ruda Śląska town and in others Upper Silesian towns, and they are often characterized by interesting urban-architectural values. Unfortunately, the most of the researched settlements have never been modernized, and therefore they are systematic degrade, both in housing substance and public spaces.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Weronika Dragan

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