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The article presents the results of tests on SHC-40 hydraulic props equipped with two types of valve blocks: standard (with spring steel cylinder) and BZG-2FS (with gas spring). The research was conducted using impact mass of 4,000 kg and with extreme dynamic load of free fall impact mass of 20,000 kg released from different heights h. The dynamic tests involved a camera with the speed of image capture up to 1,200 frames/sec, which made it possible to register the stream of liquid at the dynamic load and to determine the valve opening time. The study conducted on SHC-40 NHR10 props equipped with two types of valve blocks: a standard and the BZG-2FS fast acting relief, showed that the prop with the BZG-2FS block is more suitable and more effective in the case of areas with high risk of mining tremors and rapid stress relief of a seam. Research methodology developed in the Central Mining Institute combines digital recording technique of pressure in a prop and fast registration of the images, and allows to acquire more accurate analysis of dynamic phenomena in the prop during testing.
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Andrzej Pytlik
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Transcatheter valve replacement often saves patients’ lives. The procedure has become relatively safe and very effective, and may soon become common practice.
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Adam Witkowski

  1. National Institute of Cardiology in Warsaw
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Aortic stenosis is the most common acquired valvular heart disease. Aortic stenosis has growing prevalence in people older than 75 years and natural course of disease is characterized by high mortality rate. According to epidemiological data all patients with aortic stenosis will die after 2–5 years from the first signs of disease if not undergo aortic valve replacement. However, even 40% of patients do not have surgery because of comorbidities related to advanced age. This was the main reason why in 80- and 90-ties of XX century there were intensive attempt to developed an alternative, less invasive treatment methodology for people with aortic stenosis and comorbidities and at high surgical risk. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) was introduced by Dr Alain Cribier in February 2nd, 2002 in Rouen, France. Since that day different aortic transcatheter bioprostheses were used in many randomized clinical trials comparing their safety and effectiveness versus surgical aortic valve replacement. Gradually, it became clear that in all older patients in all risk groups TAVI was equally or even more safe and effective than surgery. Complications after TAVI are relatively rare, but some of them are life-threatening. Heart Team plays a key role in patients selection to TAVI.

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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Witkowski
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Introduction: Seasonal variation has been observed for bacterial and viral infections (e.g., COVID-19 [1]), but also for numerous cardiac problems. However, little information is available on the seasonality of infectious endocarditis (IE), a rare disease that is usually linked to a bacterial origin. Data from the Polish population are lacking.
Materials and Methods: Our retrospective study focused on the identification of patients with IE, who were hospitalized at the University Hospital in Krakow between 2005–2022. For this purpose, we searched the medical records system using the ICD-10 code. We decided to divide our patients into four groups (winter, spring, summer, autumn), based on the date of admission to the hospital. Comparison of the distribution of IE incidents by season was performed with the ch2 test.
Results: One hundred and ten patients were included in the study (median age 62.5 years (range 20–94), 72 men (65.45%)). The left native valve IE was diagnosed in 49% of the patients, the prosthetic valve IE in 16%, the right valve IE in 27% and the implantable cardiac electronic devices IE in 12% of the subjects. The outcomes comprised of cardiac surgery (n = 53), embolism (n = 16), death (n = 15) and metastatic infections (n = 5). No differences in the incidence of IE by season were observed.
Conclusions: In the preliminary observation of IE cases of patients admitted to the University Hospital in Krakow, Poland no seasonal pattern of IE was detected. Therefore, IE should be taken into account in the differential diagnosis at any time of the year.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Tofilska
Katarzyna Zięba
Andrzej Surdacki
Marek Rajzer
Agnieszka Olszanecka

  1. Students’ Scientific Group at the First Department of Cardiology, Interventional Electrocardiology and Hypertension, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Second Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  3. First Department of Cardiology, Interventional Electrocardiology and Hypertension, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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A common problem encountered in hydraulic valves is a progressing deterioration of tightness of their water flow cutting-off seats. The seats are provided usually with a copper-alloy insert joined mechanically with cast-iron valve housing. The problem of unreliability of such joints can be solved by providing surface of the seat with a coating, deposited with the use of HVOF method and resistant to abrasive and cavitation wear. The tests were carried out for a sealing-draining seat insert made of CuZn39Pb2Al brass used to date and a specimen taken from the cast-iron valve housing which was the substrate for a plasma-sprayed coating of powder containing 86.1% Cr, 7.2% Ni, and 6.7% C. The coating, 345 ± 15 μm thick, was characterized with good quality of bonding with cast-iron substrate and high compactness of the material. The cavitation wear test on materials used in the study were carried out with the use of Vibra-Cell ultrasonic liquid processor (Sonics) equipped with a piezoelectric probe operating at the frequency of 20 kHz. Based on profilograms taken along a line crossing centers of cavitation craters, measurements of the height parameter Rt, and microscopic observations of surfaces it has been found that the coating plasma-sprayed onto substrate of nodular cast iron demonstrated higher resistance to cavitation compared to copper-alloy inserts used so far in cast-iron hydraulic valves. Cavitation craters on the material used typically for valve seats to date were more distinctly outlined and deeper compared to craters observed on the coating. Larger were also sizes of local tear-outs which resulted in larger difference between the peaks line and the valleys line.

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A.W. Orłowicz
M. Tupaj
M. Mróz
B. Kupiec
M. Jacek
M. Radoń
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The pump performance and occurrence of cavitation directly depends on different operating conditions. To cover a wide range of operation conditions for detecting cavitation in this work, investigations on the effect of various suction valve openings on cavitation in the pump were carried out. In order to analyse various levels of cavitation in different operation conditions, the effect of the decrease in the inlet suction pressure of the centrifugal pump by controlling the inlet suction valve opening was investigated using this experimental setup. Hence, the acoustic and pressure signals under different inlet valve openings and different flow rates, namely, 103, 200, 302 l/min were collected for this purpose. A detailed analysis of the results obtained from the acoustic signal was carried out to predict cavitation in the pump under different operating conditions. Also, the acoustic signal was investigated in time domain through the use of the same statistical features. The FFT technique was used to analyse the acoustic signal in the frequency domain. In addition, in this work an attempt was made to find a relationship between the cavitation and noise characteristics using the acoustic technique for identifying cavitation within a pump.

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Ahmed Ramadhan Al-Obaidi
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The presence of noises in the vehicle cabin is an annoyance phenomenon which is significantly affected by the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. There are very limited studies reported on the specific type of noise characterisation and validation for both model and vehicle system levels. The present study developed a model of HVAC system that reflects the operation as in real vehicle, and the investigation of the HVAC components were carried out individually to determine which component contributes to the humming-type noise and vibration. The study was conducted under two conditions; idle speed of engine (850 rpm) and operating condition (850–1400 rpm). A ixed blower speed and fullface setting were applied throughout the experimental process. Three different sensors were used for the experiment, which are: accelerometer, tachometer, and microphone. From the results, the compressor and AC pipe components have contributed the most in generating the noise and vibration for both the model and vehicle systems. The findings also highlight that the humming-type noise and vibration were produced in the same operating frequency of 300–400 Hz and 100–300 Hz for idle and operating conditions, respectively, and this result was validated for both model and vehicle system levels.
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Mohd Hafiz Abdul Satar
Ahmad Zhafran Ahmad Mazlan
Muhd Hidayat Hamdan
Mohd Syazwan Md Isa
Muhd Abdul Rahman Paiman
Mohd Zukhairi Abd Ghapar

  1. The Vibration Lab, School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia
  2. Testing & Development, Vehicle Development & Engineering, Proton Holdings Berhad, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
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Heating, ventilation and air conditional (HVAC) system provides a cold ventilation for the comfort of the driver and passengers in a vehicle. However, the vibration induced by the HVAC contributes to a reasonable level of noise emission, and hissing is one of the critical noises. So far, the characterization of hissing noise from the vehicle is least to be reported compared to other type of noises. Hence, this paper investigates the occurrence of hissing noise from several HVAC components. A lab-scale HVAC system was developed to imitate the real-time operations of the vehicle HVAC system. Two engine conditions, namely as ambient and operating conditions, were tested at speed of 850 rpm and 850–1400 rpm, with the blower speed maintained constantly at one level. The result shows that the hissing noise from the labscale HVAC was produced at frequency range of 4000–6000 Hz. The finding also highlights that the main component contributors of noise emission are an evaporator and a thermal expansion valve. The validation with a real vehicle system showed a good consensus whereby the hissing noise was produced at the similar operating frequency ranges. Also, the hissing noise was found to be louder when in an operating condition which could be taken into consideration by the vehicle manufacturers to improve the HVAC design.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mohd Hafiz Abdul Satar
Ahmad Zhafran Ahmad Mazlan
Muhd Hidayat Hamdan
Mohd Syazwan Md Isa
Muhd Abdul Rahman Paiman
Mohd Zukhairi Abd Ghapar

  1. The Vibration Lab, School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia
  2. Testing & Development, Vehicle Development & Engineering, Proton Holdings Berhad, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
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More than 4.6 mln ha in the Russian Federation are irrigated. Their culvert hydraulic structures are part of network structures and are the most widespread. After the crisis of the 1990s, proper maintenance of many reclamation systems was impossible due to a lack of funds. This led to the loss of about half of the water taken from irrigation sources in irrigation canals. The planned increase in the technical level of irrigation systems requires the automation of the operation of both the entire system as a whole and separately located culverts. This will avoid significant losses of water supply for irrigation and prevent water shortages with the insufficient discipline of water users. Means of hydraulic automation of water supply are being installed on small irrigation canals in Russia. A water flow regulating valve is proposed, with no mechanical movinparts, and gates are not involved in the control process. The operation of the structure is based on the injection effect, in which excess water entering the downstream with a decrease in water consumption begins to circulate between the outlet section of the transit pipe and the diffuser at the end section of the valve. Using the methods of measuring hydrodynamics and the theory of jet devices, theoretical dependences were obtained, which make it possible to determine the main hydraulic characteristics of the structure. The design form of the flow part of the regulator has been developed and a physical model has been made. In a mirror hydraulic flume, the operation modes of the water outlet were studied with and without regulation. The actual values of hydraulic parameters were obtained, which confirmed the validity of the use of theoretical dependencies. The discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental results is within the experimental error. It has been proven that it is possible to circulate excess water between the downstream and intermediate pools of the regulator.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dmitrii M. Benin
Vera L. Snezhko

  1. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Timiryazevskaya St, 49, Moscow, 127550, Russia
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The study discusses the issues of low durability of dies used in the first operation of producing a valve type forging from high nickel steel assigned for the application in motor truck engines. The analyzed process of manufacturing the exhaust valve forgings is realized in the coextrusion technology, followed by forging in closed dies. This process is difficult to master, mainly due to elevated adhesion of the charge material (high nickel steel – NCF3015) to the tool substrate as well as very high abrasive wear of the tool, most probably caused by the dissolution of hard carbide precipitates during the charge heating. A big temperature scatter of the charge during the heating and its short presence in the inductor prevents microstructure homogenization of the bearing roller and dissolution of hard precipitates. In effect, this causes an increase of the forging force and the pressures in the contact, which, in extreme cases, is the cause of the blocking of the forging already at the beginning of the process. In order to analyze this issue, complex investigations were conducted, which included: numerical modelling, dilatometric tests and hardness measurements. The microstructure examinations after the heating process pointed to lack of structure repeatability; the dilatometric tests determined the phase transformations, and the FEM results enabled an analysis of the process for different charge hardness values. On the basis of the conducted analyzes, it was found that the batch material heating process was not repeatable, because the collected samples showed a different amount of dissolved carbides in the microstructure, which translated into different hardnesses (from over 300 HV to 192 HV). Also, the results of numerical modeling showed that lower charge temperature translates into greater forces (by about 100 kN) and normal stresses (1000 MPa for the nominal process and 1500 MPa for a harder charge) and equivalent stresses in the tools (respectively: 1300 MPa and over 1800 MPa), as well as abrasive wear (3000 MPa mm; 4500 MPa mm). The obtained results determined the directions of further studies aiming at improvement of the production process and thus increase of tool durability.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.R. Hawryluk
M. Lachowicz
M. Janik
Z. Gronostajski
M. Stachowicz

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 5 Ignacego Łukasiewicza Str., 50-371 Wrocław , Poland
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Hydroacoustic projectors are useful for generating low frequency sounds in water. Existing works on hydroacoustic projectors require two significant enhancements, especially for designers. First, we need to understand the influence of important projector design parameters on its performance. Such insights can be very useful in developing a compact and efficient projector. Second, there is a need for an integrated model of the projector based on easily available and user-friendly numerical tools which do not require development of complex customised mathematical analogs of projector components. The present work addresses both such needs. Towards these goals, an experimentally validated, easy-to-build projector model was developed and used to conduct design sensitivity studies. We show that reductions in pipe compliance and air content in oil, and an increase in orifice discharge coefficient can yield remarkable improvements in projector’s SPL. We also show that reductions in pipe length and cylinder diameter cause moderate improvements in performance in mass and stiffness controlled regions, respectively. In contrast, the projector performance is insensitive to changes in pistonic mass, cylinder length, and diaphragm stiffness. Finally, we report that while pipe compliance and air content in oil can sharply alter system resonance, the effects of changes in pipe length and pistonic mass on it are moderate in nature.
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Vattaparambil Sreedharan Sreejith
Nachiketa Tiwari

  1. Dhwani Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208016, India
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In order to identify the influence of different Mn, Cd, V and Zr content on the properties of Al-Cu casting alloys in hydraulic valves, orthogonal test methods were used to prepare alloy test bars with different elements and contents. Tensile tests were performed on the test bars so obtained. The microstructure of alloys with different compositions is studied. The results show that adding approximately 0.4% of Mn can not only form a strengthening phase but also reduce the excessive segregation of the matrix along the grain boundary. A Cd content of 0.2% can promote the formation of micro Cd spheres in the softer aluminum matrix. Hard spots increase the wear resistance of the material; however, an excess of Cd will cause element segregation and deteriorate the mechanical properties of the valve body. Zr and V refine the grains in the alloy; however, an excess of these elements will lead to a large area of segregation. If proper heat treatment is lacking, the mechanical properties of the valve body deteriorate.

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Authors and Affiliations

Rong Li
Lunjun Chen
Qi. Zeng
Ming Su
Zhiping Xie
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Clinical records of dogs with spontaneous degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD) with clinical signs related to congestive heart failure (CHF) recruited during routine clinical practice between 2001 and 2018 at the Cardiology Unit of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (University of Milan) were included in this retrospective cohort study. Baseline echocardiographic data were evaluated. Median survival time (MST) was calculated. Data on therapeutic treatment, ISACHC (International Small Animal Cardiac Health Council) or ACVIM (American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine) classes were reviewed based on the inclusion period and type of endpoint (i.e. cardiac death or death for other causes). A univocal classification was needed, and the patients classified in ISACHC classes II, IIIa and IIIb, visited before 2009, were reallocated to ACVIM class C. The main goal of this data review was to retrospectively evaluate 259 clinical records of subjects belonging to ACVIM C class examined between 2001 to 2018 and 202 dogs examined between 2010 to 2018. In this way, in the second group, the bias of the reclassification was avoided. The MST (median survival time) of these subjects was 531 d (2001-2018) and 335.5 d (2010-2018), respectively. Univariate survival regression analysis for subjects included from 2010 to 2018 showed as significantly related to cardiac death (CD): left atrium to aorta ratio (LA/Ao) (HR 2.754, p=0.000), E wave (HR 2.961, p=0.000), E/A ratio (HR 1.372, p=0.000), end-diastolic (HR 1.007, p=0.000) (EDVI) and end-systolic (HR 1.012, p=0.026) (ESVI) volume indexes, allometric diastolic (HR 4.018, p=0.000) (LVIDdN) and systolic (HR 2.674, p=0.049) (LVIDsN) left ventricular internal diameters, age (HR 1.006, p=0.009) and pulmonary hypertension severity (HR=1.309, p=0.012) (PH). Multivariate analysis, adjusted for age, showed that the only variable that determined a statistically significant difference in MST was PH severity (HR 1.334, p=0.033). The type of therapeutic treatment within this class was not significant for the MST of the subjects.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Bagardi
C. Locatelli
A. Zanaboni
A. Galizzi
D. Malchiodi
P.G. Brambilla

  1. University of Milan, University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Via dell’Università n. 6, 26900 Lodi (LO), Italy
  2. University of Milan, Informatic Department, Via Giovanni Celoria n. 18, 20133 Milan (MI), Italy
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Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) is a cardiac condition commonly found in older dogs. The disease process can lead to heart failure (HF). In HF, an increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and abnormal mitochondrial activity, as well as apoptosis, have been reported. Humanin (HN) is a polypeptide that has a cardioprotective effect against apoptosis and oxidative stress. The purposes of this study were (1) to investigate the potential role of plasma HN as a cardiac biomarker to predict disease progression of MMVD, and (2) to compare plasma HN concentrations with plasma NT-pro BNP concentrations. Thirty-one dogs were included in the study. The dogs were separated into four groups: Group 1 was healthy dogs (n = 8), Group 2 was MMVD class B (n = 8), Group 3 was MMVD class C (n = 8), and Group 4 was MMVD class D (n = 7). All dogs were given a physical examination, thoracic radiography, echocardiography, and samples of their blood were collected for hematology and blood chemistry analysis. Levels of plasma HN and plasma NT-proBNP were also investigated. The results showed that plasma HN levels were lower in the dogs with MMVD and that lower plasma HN levels were associated with greater severity of MMVD-induced HF. It was possible to observe changes in plasma HN levels at a less severe disease stage than plasma NT-proBNP in dogs with MMVD. These findings sug- gest that a decreased plasma HN level can be used as a biomarker to identify dogs with MMVD -induced HF.

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K. Mangkhang
V. Punyapornwithaya
P. Tankaew
W. Pongkan
N. Chattipakorn
C. Boonyapakorn
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Commutation reactance is an important component in the voltage-source converter- based high-voltage direct current (VSC–HVDC) transmission system. Due to its connection to the converter, when there is a fault occurring on the valve-side bushing of a converter transformer, the nonlinearity operation of the converter complicates the characteristics of current flowing through commutation reactance, which may lead to maloperation of its overcurrent protection. It is of great significance to study the performance of commutation reactance overcurrent protection under this fault condition and propose corresponding improvement measures to ensure the safe and stable operation of AC and DC systems. In the VSC–HVDC system with the pseudo-bipolar structure of a three-phase two-level voltage source converter, the valve has six working periods in a power frequency cycle, and each period is divided into five working states. According to the difference between the fault phase and non-fault phase of the conductive bridge arms at the time of fault occurrence, these five working states are merged into two categories. On this basis, various faults of the valve-side bushing of a converter transformer are analyzed, and the conclusion is drawn that the asymmetric fault of valve-side bushing can lead to the maloperation of the commutation reactance overcurrent protection. Based on the characteristics that the current flowing through the commutation reactance after the asymmetric fault of the valve-side bushing contains decaying aperiodic components in addition to the fundamental frequency wave, a scheme to prevent the maloperation of commutation reactance overcurrent protection is proposed, which uses the unequal of two half cycle integral values with different starting points to realize the blocking of commutation reactance overcurrent protection, and it makes up the deficiency of existing protection in this aspect. Finally, this paper builds a VSC–HVDC system simulation model in the PSCAD/EMTDC platform to verify the effectiveness of the scheme.
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Yanxia Zhang
Guanghao Dong
Le Wei
Jinting Ma
Shanshan Du

  1. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University, No. 92 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, China
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This paper investigated the problems and impacts of transient flow in pipeline systems due to pump power failure. The impact of different protection devices was presented to assure surge protection for the pipeline system. A model via Bent-ley HAMMER V8.0 Edition was employed to analyse and simulate hydraulic transients in the pipeline system, and protec-tion alternatives were studied.

Surge protection included using only an air vessel, using an air vessel and two surge tanks, and employing five air ves-sels and vacuum breaker. The obtained results for pressures, heads, and cavitation along the pipeline system were graph-ically presented for various operating conditions. Using five air vessels with vacuum breaker valve as surge protection proved to be more effective and economical against pump power failure.

Changing the flow density did not have a significant impact on the pressures.

For protection with an air vessel; it was concluded that the value 40% of the original diameter for inlet pipe diameter of air vessel, and the value of 2/3 of original pipe diameter were critical values for the transient pressures. Cast iron pipes proved to be the best pipe material for all studied volumes of the air vessel.

For protection with an air vessel and two surge tanks; as the inlet pipe diameters increased the maximum pressures in-creased and the minimum pressures decreased.

Regression analyses were performed obtaining equations to predict the pressures according to the inlet pipe diameter, the area of surge tank, and the pipe diameter.

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Alaa N. El-Hazek
Menna F. Ahmed
Neveen Abdel-Mageed Badawy
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The paper presents a concept of a new turbine engine with the use of rotating isochoric combustion chambers. In contrast to previously analyzed authors’ engine concepts, here rotating combustion chambers were used as a valve timing system. As a result, several practical challenges could be overcome. An effective ceramic sealing system could be applied to the rotating combustion chambers. It can assure full tightness regardless of thermal conditions and related deformations. The segment sealing elements working with ceramic counter-surface can work as self-alignment because of the centrifugal force acting on them. The isochoric combustion process, gas expansion, and moment generation were analyzed using the CFD tool (computational fluid dynamics). The investigated engine concept is characterized by big energy efficiency and simple construction. Finally, further improvements in engine performance are discussed.
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Piotr Tarnawski
Wiesław Ostapski

  1. Institute of Machine Design Fundamentals, Warsaw University of Technology, Narbutta 84, 02-524 Warsaw, Poland
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Proper heart’s nomenclature is very important in daily clinical practice and research studies, and when it is consistent, it can facilitate better communication between different medical specialists. The general rule of the anatomy is to describe organs and their structures in attitudinally correct position. However, the use of the old-fashioned Valentine position (where the heart is described as if it were standing on its apex) is still in use to describe important cardiac structures. Upon closer analysis, all main chambers of the heart and their associated subcomponents have mislabeled structures that should be renamed. In this article we aimed to emphasize the limitations of Valentinian nomenclature, present proper anatomical names of the most important heart’s structures and advocate to change certain mislabeled anatomical structures. Attitudinally correct designations presented in this study will benefit all medical specialties, and they will reinforce the importance of consistent orientational naming. Correct naming of heart’s structures will also help improve communication between different medical specialists.

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Elżbieta Szczepanek
Katarzyna A. Jasińska
Daromir Godula
Ewa Kucharska
Jerzy Walocha
Małgorzata Mazur

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