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The article contains an analysis of the word formation of proper names which are used in the texts of advertisements. The analyzed examples are drawn from the texts of advertisements found on television, radio, press, the Internet etc. which were produced at the end of 20th century and the beginning of 21st century. The article analyses two categories of these proper names: word formations which are used in contemporary Polish language (f.e. Robuś, Marysia, Stefcia, Kasia, Jasio, Krzyś, Rozalka, Basia, Bartuś, Sabinka, Julka, Karinka, Tomek, Adaś, Goździkowa) and neologisms f.e. Zapobiegalska, Zarażalski, Kichalska, Krzywonogi, Przyklapiusz, Musztarderowie, TurboDymoMan, SuperEs, Zozolka, Łazienkowo). The analysis conducted in the article proves that both types of proper names, which are word formation derivatives, appear relatively often in the texts of advertisements. This is the case since they are easy to form (advertisements take the majority of them from usage) and can perform many functions, which advertisements willingly use for their own needs. Proper names that are word formation derivatives and just proper names serve mainly as an assessment as they connote the values appreciated both culturally and socially and the values attributed to proper names are carried on the advertised products. Proper names which are derivatives create a desired picture of advertised products more expressively than other proper names, thanks to their clear word formation structure. Moreover, they expose their commercial assets so they fully use and at the same time cocreate the system of values of consumption culture.

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Ewa Rogowska-Cybulska
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The author considers problems of the book by Krystyna Waszakowa on the cognitive and communicative aspects of the study of modern Polish word-‑formation. The researcher focuses her attention on the possibility of using the cognitive semantics model of Ronald Langacker and the cognitive‑discourse model of Elena Kubryakova for the analysis of mechanisms of forming the semantics of word‑formation derivatives. Perspectives of the cognitive-‑communicative approach to the study of modern Polish word‑formation derivation Krystyna Waszakowa discusses in connection with the achievements of Slavic descriptive and structural derivatology.
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Dokulil M., 1962, Tvořeni slov v češtine. I: Teorie odvozováni slov, Praha: Československá akademie věd.
Puzynina J., 1967, Pojęcie regularnej i nieregularnej konstrukcji morfemowej a fakty słowotwórcze, „Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego”, zesz. 25, s. 91–102.
Tezisy 1967: Tezisy Prazhskogo lingvisticheskogo kruzhka, [in:] Prazhskiy lingvisticheskiy kruzhok : sbornik statey, sost., red., avt. predisl. N.A. Kondrashov, Moskva: Progress, pp. 17–41.
Waszakowa K., 2017, Kognitywno‑komunikacyjne aspekty słowotwórstwa. Wybrane zagadnienia opisu derywacji w języku polskim, Warszawa: Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
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Євгенія Карпіловська

  1. Інститут української мови Національної академії наук України, Київ
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The subject of this review is the monograph of Marta Vojteková on the new compounds with initial baseoids of foreign origin in contemporary Polish.
The author describes Polish lexicon occurring in the Polish press in 2001–2005 excerpted from the work by Teresa Smółkowa (ed.), Nowe słownictwo polskie. Materiały z prasy lat 2001–2005. Vojteková presents the set of 276 baseoids occurring as the initial part of compounds gathered as a dictionary, which can serve as a starting point for the preparation new neological sources or for further linguistic research on baseoids.
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Sylwia Sojda

  1. The Institute of Liguistics, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
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This article addresses the issue of the axiological and derivational specificity of the secondary names of defenders and enemies of Ukraine during the period of the Russian intervention of 2022. Its relevance is due to the need for a comprehensive study of new trends in connotative nomination, as well as the importance of outlining the value orientations of Ukrainians in the critical conditions of the war. The author defines 5 groups of secondary names of persons created during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022: 1) names of soldiers of the Armed Forces; 2) the names of the occupiers; 3) names of Ukrainian politicians; 4) names of politicians from the aggressor side; 5) names of foreign politicians who have supported Ukraine. The author emphasizes that modern Ukrainians use both traditional means of emotional and evaluative nomination, as well as original derivational mechanisms, in particular graphoderivation, a non‐standard combination of word‐forming components, witty convergence of words, etc. For the first time, the author substantiates the connotative derivation as an effective method of verbal psycho‐regulation and worldview self‐presentation of Ukrainians during the Russian aggression, since the names of defenders and enemies in the modern Ukrainian communicative space perform a number of communicative‐pragmatic and psychoregulatory functions: they enable the nomination of persons according to new value criteria, provide an outlet for negative emotions, indicate a cultural and moral superiority over the invaders, define the political position against the background of the enemy’s geopolitical and informational aggression.
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Myroslava Bahan

  1. Kyiv National Linguistic University
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The issue of the morphemic analysis of medical terminology is a crucial factor in terms of translation strategies and compilation of a terminological dictionary. The research was conducted in the context of author’s current lexicographical work called as English-Ukrainian-Russian defining dictionary of dental terms. To provide the user of the dictionary with reliable techniques to construct the meaning of terms, morphemes relative frequency in the area of dentistry have been determined.

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Yuliia Deviatko
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In contrast to foreign combining forms, native combining forms are usually treated as elements on the margin of German word formation. At the same time the question is under discussion, how the notion of combining form has to be defined. Based on a semantically oriented notion, as presented in reference books, and using a large sample of items, it is argued that elements like SCHWIEGER(vater), STIEF- (kind), (Vogel)KUNDE, (Hallen)WART are just the often mentioned examples of a category with a broad range of elements and with communicative relevance. Native combining forms are not only remains of former language periods, but are permanently produced by language users in order to meet their communicative needs.
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Josef Schu

  1. Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken
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The article presents the achievements of professor Aleksandra Cieślikowa in the field of word-formation of proper names. The most important issues concerning the creation of anthroponyms in the Old Polish era selected from monographs and scientific articles are detailed. These issues include the problems of motivation in onomastic word-formation, the onimization process and the way of describing non-derivatized words by word formation and the participation of paradigmatic derivation in the emergence of Old Polish personal names. The views of Aleksandra Cieślikowa regarding Old Polish anthroponymy contributed to the development of onomastic word-formation, an integral part of the grammar of proper names and gave methodological foundations for the description of Old Polish personal names from a synchronic perspective.

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Maria Biolik
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In the recent years the employees of the Research Center for Areal Linguistics at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts have been working on a new approach for the description of the word formation system in the Macedonian language. The approach consists of researching groups of lexemes derived from the same root attested in the Proto‑Slavic language. According to Markovikj and Topolińska (2019), one of the most important processes that present the systematic transfer of information from the semantic continuum to the lexicon of the language is the semantic derivation. This process allows the observation of the associative sequences, which retain the basic, initial semantic components, transmitted from the man and from the real physical world to the human mental world. In this paper, the author analyzes the formal and the semantic derivation of the Proto‑Slavic root * gor‑ in the Macedonian language, which has developed several variations since the Proto‑Slavic period. The analysis of the initial semantics of the word forms derived from the root * gor‑ and its variations, showed that they all share a common semantic concept ‘covered by fire’, which refers to the inseparable relationship between man and nature.
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Davor Jankuloski

  1. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Research Center for Areal Linguistics „Božidar Vidoeski”, Skopje, North Macedonia
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A reading of the etymologies suggested by Wiesław Boryś, both in lexica and in numerous articles, makes us realize in a particularly acute manner the incompatibility of our linguistic competence in the evaluation of the motivation relations of Old Polish derivatives. The problem that was put forward was illustrated on the basis of Old Polish noun derivatives with the prefix wą‑ ( wądół, wąwał, wątok), the nominal equivalent of the verbal vъn‑/* vъ‑ (the PIE *on before a consonant yielded ϙ). In the Old Polish material there are also numerous lexemes structured on the basis of the Proto‑Slavic * ‑ϙtr‑/ ‑ętr‑, preceded by the syllable‑onset wn‑, which indicated an internal location ( wnątrz, wnętrze, wnętrek, wnętrzny etc.). The Old Polish lexemes with wą‑ and wn‑+‑ ϙtr‑/ ‑ętr‑ that were described compel us to put forward a legitimate thesis that our ancestors perceived them in a different manner than the modern users of the Polish language, that they were aware of word‑formative divisibility. They perceived them as nouns which originated on the basis of prepositional expressions, therefore they should be classed under the following heading: Derivatives formed on the basis of expressions with the preposition w‑ / wn‑ / ‑.
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Krystyna Kleszczowa

  1. The Institute of Polish Studies, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
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The volume Slavic Languages Today: Categories, Structures and Processes is a festschrift dedicated to Professor Małgorzata Korytkowska. Thematically it also partly stems from her works but encompasses a slightly wider scope of linguistic issues, including semantics, syntax, word formation, contrastive studies, lexicology and lexicography, language resources and translation studies. Separate chapters describe these issues in respect to modern Slavic languages and sometimes in comparison within the group. The volume contains twenty two interesting contributions and authored by renowned Slavists from Poland and abroad.
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Maryla Papierz

  1. Institute of Slavonic Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland (em.)
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The article is devoted to personal nouns with suffi x -ant in Polish and Belarusian. The lexical and semantic analysis of the studied group of words showed that in both languages they belong to the literary variety of language, however, numerous nouns represent rare vocabulary, sometimes characterized stylistically. The overwhelming majority of names defi nes the names of active contractors of activities, less often – passive contractors, and least frequently – names of owners. In addition, the nomina masculina with suffi x -ant belong to the attributive names, defi ning people on the basis of their character traits, tendencies, and often vices. The s tudied lexis include archaic or colloquial derivatives. Among the specialist words, there were examples representing such fi elds as law and judiciary, economics and trade, religion and art, education and science.

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Agnieszka Goral

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