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The article poses the question of how the Polish philosophy of the postwar period responded to the evil of the 20th century totalitarianism, as exemplified by atrocities committed in Kolyma and Auschwitz. The problem is analyzed by focusing on three concepts of evil developed by Polish philosophers after World War II: the realistic view (Mieczysław Krąpiec), the phenomenological‑dialogical interpretation (Józef Tischner) and the view proposed by Leszek Kołakowski. Then, the question of evil in general, and of evil at the present time, is connected to the question of the relationship between evil and conscience.
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Jan Krasicki

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Koszarowa 3/20, 51‑149 Wrocław
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Etyka jest dla Elzenberga przede wszystkim refleksją na temat wartości i celów moralnych oraz dróg, k t óre prowadzą do ich afirmacji. Przeprowadzane przez Elzenberga analizy pojęć moralnych, a także refleksja nad funkcjonowaniem kluczowych pojęć (dobro i zło moralne) są ważnym przyczynkiem do filozoficznej dyskusji o człowieku jako podmiocie moralności. Badania podmiotowości moralnej Elzenberg przeprowadza na przykładzie homo ethicus. Figura ta jest nie tyle ucieleśnieniem człowieka „potencjalnie etycznego”, ile człowieka, który rzeczywiście kieruje się wolą etyczną. Taki człowiek świadomie zmierza do realizacji stawianych sobie zadań moralnych. Elzenberg wyróżnia w obrębie powyższej postawy dwa jej podtypy. Reprezentantami jednego z nich są ci, dla których najważniejszym celem jest wyzbycie się zła moralnego. Z kolei drugi podtyp reprezentują ci, których priorytetem jest optymalizacja dobra moralnego. Pierwszą postawę autor określa mianem soterycznej, drugą mianem meliorystycznej. Problemem, który Elzenberg zarysował, którego jednak nie zdołał w pełni rozwiązać, jest pytanie, czy analizowane postawy dopełniają się i poddają syntezie, czy raczej pozostają w konflikcie.
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Witold P. Glinkowski
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The aim of the article is to reconstruct, analyze and compare two of Lem’s visions which concern the application of the future development of science and technology in order to construct an enhanced society. In other words, two literary concretizations of his idea concerning the technology of ethics. These are betrization— presented in the novel Return from the Stars and the ethicsphere—presented in the novel Observation on the Spot. In the “Introduction,” I discuss the specifics of Lem’s philosophizing, both in terms of its form and content, and I identify its main subject as concerning the problem of the influence of technological development on man, society and sphere of values. Then in the section “Life in an unfriendly world” I discuss the context which provides the background for the presentation of two Lem’s visions of technology of ethics, namely, the Doctrine of the Three Worlds, an integral part of the novel Observation on the Spot, but its meaning also explains Lem’s motivation to take up the idea of betrization. In the section “Life in a society devoid of aggression and risk,” I discuss a hypothetical society subjected to betrization— a procedure that eliminates aggressive tendencies. In the section “Living in a completely safe environment,” I discuss a hypothetical society living in an ethicsphere, that is, an “intelligent” environment programmed to care for the safety of its members; I also present a brief comparison of betrization and the ethicsphere. I conclude the paper by indicating where Lem’s considerations figure within the typology of utopia proposed by Bernard Suits.
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Filip Kobiela

  1. Zakład Filozofii i Socjologii, AWF im. B. Czecha w Krakowie, Al. Jana Pawła II 78, 31–571 Kraków
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The paper discusses selected topics in moral philosophy of Professor Bogusław Wolniewicz. His overall approach is marked by intellectual independence and analytic treatment of moral issues. The theory of values that he has endorsed can be described as a moderate non-religious absolutism based on weak metaphysical principles. Although in general his normative position can be assimilated to the views of an enlightened liberal, it also clashes with that position insofar as he proclaimed the existence of ontological evil and supported legitimacy of death penalty.

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Joanna Górnicka-Kalinowska
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Jak to możliwe, że Bóg pozwolił na istnienie i działanie Auschwitz-Birkenau i Kołymy? Jak może ze spokojem patrzeć na Morze Śródziemne, które staje się grobem dla tysięcy Jego dzieci? Skąd pochodzi zło i czy Bóg jest na nie obojętny?

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Wiesław Oszajca
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In the first part, ‘Visions’, a pattern of interpreting Western philosophical thought, as an attempt to deal with the problem of axiological catastrophe, is outlined. In the second part, ‘Vastness’, the author tries to show how far human speculative thinking (metaphysical thinking) can be extended, regardless of whether the ‘vastness’ that human metaphysics aims at is realized one way or another. The third part, ‘God’, deals with the relationship between the concept of God and the concept of metaphysical vastness. The fourth part is called ‘Cradle’ and its intention is to show that in comparison with real or only possible metaphysical vastness, the world in which we live is a kind of beginning of an infinite life, and therefore serves as a cradle. In the last part, entitled ‘Fullness’, some ideas are proffered to show how the eternal life of such entities as human persons may appear against the background of metaphysical vastness.

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Stanisław Judycki
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Elzenbergowska teza o obiektywnej tożsamości dobra i piękna nie jest przekonywająca. Problem można zanalizować na gruncie Wittgensteinowskiej ontologii sytuacji, co daje lepsze widoki na jego rozwiązanie. Zbiory stanów rzeczy dobrych (D) i pięknych (P) ani się nie pokrywają, ani nie przecinają, ani D nie zawiera się w P. Nie da się wskazać dla D i P cechy rodzajowej i różnicy gatunkowej. P i D dają się jedynie definiować cząstkowo – przez przykłady i zbliżanie się do ich zbiorów wyczerpujących. W języku naturalnym wyróżnia się wiele odmian dobra i piękna, rozmaicie powiązanych, na przykład „piękno moralne”, „moralną brzydotę”, ale też „brzydotę amoralną”, a nawet „szpetne dobro”. Jednakże zbiory P i D (oraz B i Z – stanów rzeczy szpetnych i złych) są rozłączne. Otóż w konkretnej sytuacji pięknej może tkwić abstrakcyjny stan rzeczy odnoszący się do dobra, a w konkretnej sytuacji dobrej – abstrakcyjny stan rzeczy odnoszący się do piękna. Te abstrakcyjne „rdzenie” sytuacji mogą piękno intersubiektywnie „zabarwiać” dobrem, a dobro pięknem.
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Paweł Okołowski
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Bogusław Wolniewicz presented his axiological system in four volumes of Filozofia i wartości (“Philosophy and Values”: 1993, 1998, 2003, 2016). For Wolniewicz, just as for his mentor Henryk Elzenberg, axiology is openly assertive and encompasses a painful confrontation of opposite moral beliefs. Wolniewicz’s vision of the reality is gloom, bitter, dramatic and deeply pessimistic. In history he detects unwelcome contributions of demonic powers (Manichaeism), he also believes that human moral character is genetically given and immutable (determinism), that some people are deprived of conscience (dualism), and that the tendency toward evil cannot be reformed (non-meliorism), human reason is not sufficient for a morally good action (voluntarism), while the so-called free will is no more than a manifestation of instincts (irrationalism). Everyone follows their pleasure (hedonism), but not everyone seeks pleasure in the same actions. In particular, some people take pleasure in cruel and destructive behaviour (demonism), while some others mind their own business (utilitarianism), and rare are those who devote themselves to higher values (perfectionism). Religion is a human invention and it emerges as a natural phenomenon in reaction to the fact of mortality. The institution of the Church should nevertheless be honored even by nonbelievers because it supports conservative values. In contemporary Western civilization a crisis can be observed between the conservative part of society (‘right-handed orientation’) and the liberal one (‘left-handed orientation’). Hateful emotions appear on both sides and are dangerous to Western unity. Conservative orientation is attached to the idea of fate, i.e. irrational power that occasionally turns human life into tragedy (fatalism). Wolniewicz’s vision is close to the theology of St. Augustine (original sin, predestination, radical dualism of good and evil) but without a consolation in hope for immortality.

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Łukasz Kowalik
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This article is an attempt to look at how individual freedom is realized in the world of consumption. Consumer freedom understood as a social relationship – and not for example as a gift received from God and the ability to make independent choices between good and evil according to one’s free will – is not a given once and for all. In the case of consumer freedom, some people have this type of freedom, while others are deprived of it, which often results in moral evil. Freedom in a world where ‘a menu replaces the Decalogue’ is first and foremost a freedom to consume, a freedom of those who have the appropriate material means to make use of them. Therefore, it is not a gift given once and for all, but it requires from us – free consumers – constant activity in acquiring funds that allow us to meet the needs of ownership. It only pretends to be accompanied by freedom of choice but in fact is not. Freedom in the world of consumption is implemented mainly in the sphere of everyday life practice and it does not constitute the implementation of any lofty philosophical ideas. It is an impoverished form without proper theoretical foundation. The problem is whether in the world of consumption there is any freedom at all. Unfortunately, most often we only have an illusion of freedom, because choosing to participate in it (more or less consciously), we agree to its prevailing rights. One of the most important rights in the domain of consumption implying is freedom of consumption, or ironically speaking, the free-dom to choose between Coca Cola and Pepsi. But even in its narrow application consumer freedom does not seem to realize any moral good. It is true that various attempts are being made to codify the ethical activity of consumers, traders, producers, etc., but this has nothing to do with the real moral dimension of actions, concerning instead instrumental and performative aspects of those actions by sustaining unreflective choice automatisms.

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Lesław Hostyński
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Looking at something is considered a fundamental act of awareness. What constitutes its embodied manifestation – the gaze – can be realized as a specific axiological variant of the value of evil. The article is devoted to this particular, closed-in-the‑gaze manifestation of the value of evil in the literary work. The point of reference is identified in two famous epic works: Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann (1947) and The Kindly Ones by Jonathan Littell (2006). The evil gaze identifies the main characters of either novel, Adrian Leverkühn and Maximilian Aue. Whether the artistic structuring of the evil gaze is presented in the novels with the same means, or perhaps with the use of different tools of literary transmission of axiological content, is the issue lying at the center of considerations. In fact, it is not the only issue, as it is part of a broader reflection on the so-called restraining of values in a literary work in general. (Translated from Polish by Katarzyna Rogalska‑Chodecka)
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Beata Garlej

  1. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, Instytut Literaturoznawstwa, ul. Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa
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Ważną częścią etycznej spuścizny H. Elzenberga jest jego krytyka „praktycznego realizmu” T. Kotarbińskiego, a w szczególności zawartej w nim tezy przyznającej większą moralną wagę minimalizacji cierpienia (i innych form zła) niż maksymalizacji szczęścia (i innych form dobra). Elzenberg podważa pogląd Kotarbińskiego, wskazując na jego zgubne następstwa dla sztuki i wyższej kultury, a także dla naszego poczucia sensu życia. W moim artykule najpierw przedstawiam główne argumenty w sporze między Elzenbergiem i Kotarbińskim; następnie omawiam różne interpretacje zasady prymatu walki ze złem (znane również jako wersje negatywnego utylitaryzmu); w ostatniej części zastanawiam się nad możliwością obrony tezy o priorytecie minimalizacji zła w zakresie etyki medycznej.
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Włodzimierz Galewicz
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Steel and cast-iron products, due to their low price and beneficial properties, are the most widely used among metals; their consumption has become an indicator of the economic development of countries. The characteristics of iron raw materials, in relation to current metallurgical requirements, are presented in the present this article. The globalization of the trade and development of steelmaking technologies have caused significant changes in the quality of raw materials in the last half-century forcing improvements in processing technologies. In many countries, standard concentrates (at least 60% Fe) are almost twice as rich as those processed in the mid-20th century. Methods of quality assessment have been improved and quality standards tightened.

The quality requirements for the most important raw materials ‒ iron ores and concentrates, steel scrap, major alloy metals, coking coal, and coke, as well as gas and other energy media ‒ are reviewed in the present paper. Particular attention is paid to the quality testing methodology. The quality of many raw materials is evaluated multi-parametrically: both chemical and physical characteristics are important. Lower-quality parameters in raw materials equate to significantly lower prices obtained by suppliers in the market.

The markets for these raw materials are diversified and governed by separate sets of newly introduced rules. Price benchmarks (e.g. for standard Australian metallurgical coal) or indices (for iron concentrates) apply. Some raw materials are quoted within the framework of the commodity market system (certain alloying components and steel scrap). The abandonment of the long-established system of multi-annual contracts has led to wide fluctuations in prices, which have reached a scale similar to that of other metals.

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Mariusz Krzak
Andrzej Paulo

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