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Revitalization programme and spatial and strategic management, Revitalization programme is the set of integrated activities in favour of a local community, space and economy, which are territorially concentrated and performed by revitalization stakeholdres. These activities should be based on revitalizing strategic and spatial management strongly oriented to improvement of life and living conditions of a local community. The aim of the article is to explain the essence of revitalization programme as a scenario of spatial and strategic activities of the borough authorities. The authors proves that spatial management and strategic management are the tools that enable them to conduct the revitalization process. In the study there is a passage devoted to theoretical and operational meaning of the subject issue. Also the example collected from The Local Revitalization Programme of Krobia Borough, which was elaborated in 2017, has been presented.

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Sylwia Staszewska
Olga Dajek
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In recent years, the outsourcing of a variety of different activities has been more commonly observed in the coal mining industry. This is connected with employing workers by external companies. These practices are not necessarily perceived as good ones by mines’ employees because they may influence their remuneration directly or indirectly. Firstly, as external employees treat work in mining company as a source of a quick income. Therefore, external companies often calculate their employees compensation not based on working time (i.e. hours) but on the basis of a specific, accomplished task. Such employment is called piecework, whereas the workers employed in this kind of system are called output workers/piece workers. Therefore, to receive higher wages in these companies, employees carry out their tasks faster and more efficiently. This, in turn, can affect the standards of workers employed by the mining company. In addition, outsourced workers are often retired miners, so the costs incurred by employers are significantly lower. In addition, in order to not to lose the retirement benefit, they work for a much lower rate. On the other hand, outsourced work can be done in a hurry (on a piece rate), which is not conducive to compliance with safety regulations, therefore mine employees may feel unsafe. This article aims to present how mine employees assess outsourcing underground works. In order to achieve this aim, a survey was carried out among employees of one of the coal mine companies in Silesia. Participants of the survey were randomly chosen among underground miners employed at one mine company. The survey was anonymous which obviously might have influenced respondents’ honesty in answering. The survey was carried out in several mines of the chosen company. In some of them the survey was carried out online and in the remaining ones it was filled out on paper. Analyzing the survey results allowed for a better understanding of the reasons of the disapproval of outsourcing underground works. This, in turn, may be used for better human resources management including, in particular, planning an incentive based pay system.

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Ewelina Włodarczyk
Aurelia Rybak
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The concept of a Ship Management is vaguely known in the Polish law and legal doctrine although the role of the Ship Manager has become quite complex through the years. It started in the eighties when there was a deep change in the shipping market as many shipping companies became bankrupt and mortgagor banks had to turn to ship managers for help.

Thirty years ago in 1988 BIMCO published the first Ship Management Contract which provided the market with a standard document striking a fair balance between the rights and obligations of the owners and the managers, giving some uniformity in the widely used in-house contracts, particularly in the apportionment of liability between parties.

After the implementation of the ISM Code in 1998 and creating the entity called “Company” as a subject responsible for a safe operation of a vessel the ship manager’s role rose extremely. It caused, among other factors, that BIMCO issued the world wide known form of contract named SHIPMAN 98, which was then superseded by its new version issued in 2009.

The main goal of this article is to bring a reader closer to the issue of a Ship Management and the Ship Manager through a Polish translation of this modern BIMCO form named SHIPMAN 2009.

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Cezary Łuczywek
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Author explains a necessity of supply optimization to construction sites with small storage areas. This paper takes account of conditions existing in Poland. From among all factors discussed by the author, first of all, we should point at construction works on plots located in densely built-up areas, obtained by demolition of existing buildings, as well as a necessity of plots utilization after demolished buildings that technical conditions do not allow for further exploitation.

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K.M. Kaczorek
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The purpose of this article is to present the preparation of Project Risk Assessment Methodology and its mitigation in complex construction projects. The main text provides a summary of the approach, the method used and the findings. The conclusions have been drawn that the proper tools for quantifying risks have to be based on the criteria specific for mathematical statistic and probability or at least fuzziness. Function, which makes possible to categorize any risks into one of the five categories, is a combination of probability and the impact on one of the items: people and their safety or budget, cost, schedule and planning or quality and performance. An attempt was made to express numerically the relationship between risks impacts and their level of likelihood. Also, a method of associating the influence of projects risks impacts on the extent of the likelihood of project risk occurrence which makes possible to determine the direction and the strength of this relationship was presented.

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J. Konior
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In the structure of cities functional and spatial transformations are constant and are reflected in their contemporary landscape. The enormous scale of present cities creates difficulties in managing their heterogeneous landscape. This city landscape is composition of a number of different landscape units with distinct characteristics and values. Identification and delimitation of those landscape units based on field and study research could therefore be the key for urban landscape management. The current administrative city districts do not include landscape in as material for administration. In one administrational city district even few landscape units can be found. The delimitation of city landscapes as a part of Local Spatial Development Plan may be the basis for setting detailed guidelines for landscape administration. Landscape units therefore could become efficient management tool for urban landscaping.
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Paweł Nowak
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Ship management is a topic that has rarely been approached in the modern Polish maritime legal sciences. There are numerous reasons behind the present state of affairs but it seems that the foremost one is, that the focus in political, legal and economic discourse is still on the legal aspects of ship ownership. This trend continues despite the fact that today over 73% of world shipping tonnage is managed by the specialized ship management entities. An economic analysis has proven that year after year Poland was ceasing to be a large ship owning nation, it used to be, and that this trend is unlikely to be reversed in the short and mid-term perspective. Poland may, however, still continue to play a vital role in the world of shipping by becoming a ship management centre. This article aims to introduce the Readers to the selected aspects of ship management operations.

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Radosław Stefaniak
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One of the most important business areas of the company is the management of working capital. Energy companies that produce electricity and heat are the main consumers of steam coal, so their decision concerning stock levels is a major determinant of supply schedules. These decisions depend on legal and technical requirements as well as economic aspects. The seasonality of coal consumption jointly with pre-purchase costs and storage costs has a straight impact on delivery scheduling in a parabolic way. There is a divergence in expectations regarding delivery schedules among the coal market participants (energy, mining, transport companies). The purpose of this article is to present the concept of pricing of steam coal and transport service on the Polish market, assuming the use of price incentives, resulting in delivery scheduling during the year. The article presents selected theoretical content in the field of coal logistics and working capital management in the company, the expectations of the steam coal market participant regarding delivery schedules have been identified. The proposed concept of pricing steam coal and transport service should be discussed further in scientific and expert work.

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Patryk Dunal
Filip Bolesta
Wojciech Dydyk
Małgorzata Kozik
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Tomasz Falkowski
Ewa Falkowska
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The high and rapidly increasing demand for maritime space for various purposes, such as: shipping and fishing, production of energy from renewable sources, oil and gas exploitation, environmental conservation, tourism and aquaculture, as well as the multiple pressures on coastal resources, require integrated planning and management approach. In the law of the European Union, maritime governance has been developed in the Integrated Maritime Policy. The aim of this article is to show maritime spatial planning as a tool that enables public authorities to apply an integrated and trans-boundary approach.

The main aim of the maritime spatial planning is to promote sustainable development and growth in the maritime sector, applying an ecosystem-based approach, and to achieve the coexistence of relevant activities and uses. In order to achieve that purpose, Member States should ensure that the planning process results in a comprehensive planning taking into consideration inter alia long-term changes due to climate change.

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Monika Adamczak-Retecka
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Artykuł prezentuje analizę problematyki zarządzania wielopoziomowego na przykładzie polityki energetycznej Unii Europejskiej. Proces integracji w Europie Zachodniej stanowi złożone zjawisko polityczne, społeczne i gospodarcze. Odpowiednie zarządzanie złożoną strukturą UE jest zarówno próbą skuteczności procesu integracji, jak również ważnym wyzwaniem, od którego zależy przyszłość projektu integracyjnego. Polityka energetyczna stanowi interesujące studium przypadku, na bazie którego można doskonale zaobserwować zarówno możliwości, jakie oferuje model multi-level governance dla jej skutecznego prowadzenia, jak również podstawowe trudności w jego praktycznym wdrażaniu. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie, iż koncepcja wielopoziomowego zarządzania mogłaby być bardziej efektywnie realizowana w polityce energetycznej UE, ale są ku temu różnorodne ograniczenia.
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Krzysztof Tomaszewski
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The article deals with the subject of an important component of energy management, which is the performance of energy efficiency audits in companies. Using the case study analysis, the role of the energy audit was analyzed in the context of improvement of energy efficiency in selected production companies. The essence of legal requirements following from the implementation of the amended Energy Efficiency Act was presented. Specifically, problems and challenges, which refer to the method of implementation of the audit obligation in economic practice, were discussed. Furthermore, the issue of quality and usefulness (in the decision-making process) of prepared reports was raised. It was found that there were indications to claim that the obligatory energy audit of companies is not an instrument for the improvement of energy efficiency, which is always used optimally. The fault in this situation is partly attributable to the state, audit bodies and the company management. In this case, not only is the ineffective communication an issue here, but also the insufficient level of knowledge regarding energy management, as well as haste. The amendment of the Energy Efficiency Act (within just one year) imposed the necessity to conduct an energy audit on a specific group of companies. In principle, because all the entities, to which the obligation referred, had to take actions almost at the same time, numerous issues appeared. Some managers learned about the obligation to conduct the audit from companies who themselves had come out with a proposal to carry it out. This proves the lack of the proper information flow between the government administration authorities and the companies. Again, it turned out that practitioners did not keep pace with the implementation of actions, which were a consequence of numerous (and not always well thought-out) changes in the law. Haste in the fulfillment of the statutory obligation affected a high price spread of the bids sent during tenders, related to the performance of an energy audit. Bureaucratic regulations regarding tenders became another obstacle in the correct performance of the tasks. The entrepreneurs themselves, without clear guidelines on what to expect after the performed energy audit and what a report should look like, on many occasions, selected the “cheapest” bid – not always thinking too much about the qualitative consequences of such a decision. Some certifying bodies – taking advantage of an opportunity and the satisfactory combination of circumstances – offered unprofessional audit services of questionable quality. In the presented conditions, it is difficult to expect real, systemic and desirable results (economically, ecologically and socially) with regards to the energy efficiency both in the micro-, meso- and macr-economic scale. It is worth considering changes in the Energy Efficiency Act and spread the obligation to perform audits over different years according to clearly defined (in cooperation with business) criteria. If relevant actions are not taken, the situation of a temporary Eldorado on the market of energy audits will repeat in 4 years. Again, the consequence may be the poor quality and questionable usefulness of reports from energy audits of companies both at the business level and the ecological-political level. It is necessary to counteract all forms of unfair competition to interdisciplinary and specialist bodies which take actions to improve the energy efficiency of organisations. The creation of appropriate business conditions will have a positive impact on the improvement of energy efficiency. In this context, it is necessary to take actions, which enable the optimization of both the process of the implementation of obligatory legal regulations and voluntary (industry) norms and standards.

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Marzena Hajduk-Stelmachowicz
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The purpose of this paper is to explore the issue of the criteria of project success and the complexity of the subject in the context of environmental and nature conservation projects financed by European Union. The article presents various definitions of project success The article deals with definition and evaluation process of the project success as well as specific conditions of EU project management. Thematic evolution and trends in defining project success are presented through systematic review of literature on project management. The first part of the article focus on reviewing different approaches to the subject of criteria of project success, which is the crucial part of the proces. It is impossible to determine critical success factors (CSF) without deciding on the criteria of the project success. Project success definition is an important and complex project management issue. The success of the projects was considered for the last 50 years in a various ways and by different project management scholars. There is a consensus about the importance of this aspect for the project management practice. However, the project management in the context of EU-funded projects is still subject of further research, as this issue was not yet properly analyzed. The article presents the specific of the environmental and nature conservation EU-funded project judgement proces. The procedures and the scope of the formal and substantive assesment which is the part of selection procedure were described. The paper presents also how formal and substantive assesment criteria correspond with success criteria definitions created so far by the researchers. Moreover, the article analyses how existing asssesment criteria, precisely defined in EU programmes documentation and procedures, can be treated as EU project success criteria. The article presents also the most important challenges and issues in determining the set of success criteria based on assesment criteria set for regional operational programmes and Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment for 2014–2020 programming period.

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Ewelina Pędziwiatr
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Production rates for various activities and overall construction project duration are significantly influenced by crew formation. Crews are composed of available renewable resources. Construction companies tend to reduce the number of permanent employees, which reduces fixed costs, but at the same time limits production capacity. Therefore, construction project planning must be carried out by means of scheduling methods which allow for resource constrains. Authors create a mathematical model for optimized scheduling of linear construction projects with consideration of resources and work continuity constraints. Proposed approach enables user to select optimal crew formation under limited resource supply. This minimizes project duration and improves renewable resource utilization in construction linear projects. This paper presents mixed integer linear programming to model this problem and uses a case study to illustrate it.

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S. Biruk
P. Jaśkowski
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Terminology is significant for professional communication and ipso facto for translation quality assurance (QA). To deliver a translation of high quality, it is crucial to have all new terms that occur in professional discourse collected, stored and managed properly by means of terminology databases (TDBs). In this paper I will try to define ‘quality’ in relation to TDBs and to determine the methodology and criteria that need to be considered by evaluating a TDB in the context of its reliability.

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Alicja Sztuk
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Zarządzanie przestrzenią to forma publicznego zarządzania szczególnym dobrem wspólnym. Obejmuje ono krąg działań i decyzji istotnych dla naszego środowiska życia.
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Tadeusz Markowski

  1. Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Studiów Miejskich, Uniwersytet Łódzki
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Based on China’s resource endowment and coal mine disaster statistics, it has been found that there are many deficiencies in the management of disasters and risks in mining areas in China. Therefore, to scientifically and effectively manage mining areas, based on the theory of internal control, this paper systematically analyzes the risks of mining areas in the context of various factors and relevant suggestions. From the occurrence of mine risk to the occurrence of damage, the importance of risk management is highlighted. In accordance with the five selection principles of evaluation indicators (goal principle, comprehensiveness principle, scientificity principle, timeliness principle and focus principle) as well as the five elements of internal control (control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication and supervision), a mining area risk managementframework of human-machine-environment-management – disturbance is constructed, and twentyseven secondary risk indicators are divided. The criteria for determining the risk level and the risk response process have been established, and a more systematic and accurate mine risk management system under the theory of internal control has been formed. Finally, based on four key technologies, a dual prevention and control mechanism is formed around the system risk and job risk management system. This provides new methods and ideas for the prevention and control of coal mine safety risks and the containment of disasters and accidents.
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Hailong Mu
Shangjiu Meng
Miao Wang
Shengjun Zhang

  1. Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration, China; Heilongjiang Province Hydraulic Research Institute, China
  2. Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, School of Mining Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, China
  3. Heilongjiang Province Hydraulic Research Institute, China
  4. Infrastructure Branch of the Third Construction Engineering Company LTD of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau, China
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The article presents a comparative analysis of various classifi cations of both sciences’ and management sciences’ paradigms in terms of their pragmatism and adequacy regarding organization research. Furthermore, the aim of the article is also to justify the thesis about the high usefulness of research model proposed by Keneth D. Strang. Strang’s model, based on the concept of researcher’s socio-cultural philosophy, allows on the one hand to overcome the theoretical incommensurability and on the other hand makes it possible for representatives of various paradigms to cooperate with each other. The article contains also refl ections on the paradigm as a key factor affecting both the development of management sciences and the practice of management. The choice of a specifi c paradigm, i.e. research ideology, has a decisive impact on the results of research, as well as the generalization of practice. The paradigm defi nes the research strategy, selection of research methods and inference rules. Furthermore, it infl uences the education process, and thus has an impact on shaping the worldview of scientists, entrepreneurs as well as managers.

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Bronisław Bombała
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The meaning and scope of the concept of security in extenso, as well as its special type, i.e. maritime safety and security, has been the subject of many considerations and discussions for decades, and perhaps for centuries. Security is most often understood as one of the basic functions of the State implying counteracting all threats. In axiological terms, as a risk-free state, maritime safety is a value, and in functional terms, as a desirable state, it is expressed in the protective function of law. The law must be structured in such a way as to constantly realize this function. Achieving maritime safety can therefore be seen as the capacity of law and institutions, for example, to protect a ship against loss, protect health and life of people employed on a ship, and protect the environment from pollution.

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Dorota Pyć
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The article concerns issues related to need of the introduction of protection prognostic areas, prospective resources pursuant to the new regulations of integrated development and space management in Poland. The article discuss the issues of actual and crucial documents and it also contains some critic and detailed analysis of the documents such as: the Responsible Development Strategy (SOR), Integrated National Development Strategy (ZSRK), Poland Integrated Development Strategy (SZRP). Author also analyzes whether the level of the implementation with the provisions motioned above is compliant with work in the committees reviewing issues in accordance with the work of the inter-ministerial teams for the updating and monitoring the strategy of development, set up at the Coordination Committee for Development Policy. The article indicates, among others, the increase of the legislative risk for the geological-mining or energy industry, the commodity sector. The risk may affect the crucial matters for the industry (functional areas, ICPs, the basis of their recognition in planning documents – taken into consideration as an element in the integrated management system of development). After all the analysis of the current provision, the article contains the summary with the main conclusions.

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Jan Stefanowicz
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The article includes analysis of the constructing of the concept of the child and childhood within neoliberal culture set against the background of mechanisms for exercising power and constructing subjectivity. In particular, in conducting these areas such phenomena as: population policy, investing in childhood, management of childhood are involved. Additionally, the theoretical perspective lying at the basis of the analysis refers to the concept of “governmentality” in light of Michel Foucault and his ideas.

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Astrid Męczkowska-Christiansen
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Tekst podejmuje problem roli i znaczenia koncepcji granic między pracą i życiem (Border i Boundary Theory) w relacji do koncepcji równowagi między pracą a życiem (Work-Life Balance). Pierwsza część artykułu to krytyczny przegląd badań oraz podejść do problematyki WLB w kontekście zachodnim i na rodzimym gruncie. Autorki wskazują na wielość koncepcji służących badaniu i wyjaśnianiu równowagi praca–życie oraz na ich główne ograniczenia. W drugiej części tekstu przedstawiono teoretyczny zarys koncepcji obszarów granicznych z perspektywy teorii granic praca–życie, wskazując na główne cechy granic, ich umiejscowienie oraz style i taktyki zarządzania nimi. Opisano także model służący do badania dynamiki domen praca–życie z uwzględnieniem perspektywy indywidualnej oraz organizacyjnej.

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Dorota Mroczkowska
Małgorzata Kubacka
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Underground spaces having features such as stability, resistance, and being undetected can play a key role in reducing vulnerability by relocating infrastructures and manpower. In recent years, the competitive business environment and limited resources have mostly focused on the importance of project management in order to achieve its objectives. In this research, in order to find the best balance among cost, time, and quality related to construction projects using reinforced concrete in underground structures, a multi-objective mathematical model is proposed. Several executive approaches have been considered for project activities and these approaches are analyzed via several factors. It is assumed that cost, time, and quality of activities in every defined approach can vary between compact and normal values, and the goal is to find the best execution for activities, achieving minimum cost and the maximum quality for the project. To solve the proposed multi-objective model, the genetic algorithm NSGA-II is used.

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S.A. Hosseini
A. Akbarpour
H. Ahmadi
B. Aminnejad

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